Tiens for furnaces and fireplaces: Features and advantages


Tiery furnaces - part of Russian history. But now the furnace or the fireplace field can be issued with tiles. We tell me that they represent how much such a cladding costs and what advantages it possesses.

Tiens for furnaces and fireplaces: Features and advantages 11438_1

What is the tiles

Tiens are called special embossed and smooth tiles designed for facing facades and interior items. Like an older, now they are widely used to decorate furnaces and fireplaces.

Tiens: ceramic fairy tale

Tiered cladding will completely transform the appearance of a regular fireplace with factory furnace. Photo: Russian Majolika

On the back surface of traditional tiles, a box protrusion (RUMPU) is formed, through the holes in which the soles are fastening with a wire to brick laying. Today, the tiles are often made without RMS and are mounted using silicate glue, however, according to their "external data", modern tile furnaces are not inferior to the best ancient products.

Tiens: ceramic fairy tale

You can order ceramic cladding for a bathing chamber and decorate its details with plot patterns. Photo: "Ceramics Decor"

Today, as the centuries ago, the furnaces are made by hand. As a rule, first of all create a model ("kapu") - it can be plasticine, plaster, wooden, stone. Then make a gypsum print model - a form for the future tie. Gypsum gygroscopic and has the ability to take water from clay, from which the tie is made, as a result of which the latter decreases in size and is easily removed from the form, completely retaining the relief. However, it is important not to distort the workpiece so that the shrinkage is not too big, otherwise the relief on the shape will begin to "press" on the relief in the clay, destroying it. If you pull out the tile even later, then she simply cracks. Piece tiles that are included only a few, the artist can make directly from clay. After the preliminary drying it follows the ducklings, then the tiles decorated with enamels and glaze and burn again. With a complex decoration technique, several repeated roasting may be required.

Julia Comissarova

Artistic director of the workshop "Russian Maitolika"

Question price

The cost of the author's facing kit can not be low (prices start from 200 thousand rubles), but it is necessary to understand that you are not acquired by utilitarian cladding, but an artistic work. And, by the way, you can participate in its creation yourself, offering the plot of the composition or express the idea relating to the style of the furnace.

Tiens: ceramic fairy tale

Traditionally, the German ceramics is valued, which can be ordered in Russian representative offices of leading firms or on the Internet. Photo: Gutbrod keramik

The advantages of the testers

Pragmatists will surely become interested in the features of ceramic facing.

  1. In fact, an unlimited service life (with gentle handling). Products from the burned clay are extremely durable. No wonder this is one of the main material sources produced in the process of archaeological excavations in various parts of the world. Glazed ceramics "lives" century even in adverse conditions, does not rot and does not suffer from corrosion.
  2. Hygienicity. With a smooth surface, it is easy to remove dust, soot, fat and other contaminants. If necessary, you can use any detergents and organic solvents. As a result, the furnace always looks neatly, and on its surfaces does not form a bad smelling nagar.
  3. Heat accumulating ability. The furnace lined with traditional tiles can keep the heat day and even more. In particular, this refers to traditional thick tiles with a tap, the cavity of which is filled with clay with the addition of dress (special small gravel) or brick crumbs. However, any ceramic cladding, even from ordinary tiles, increases the inertia of the furnace.

Tiens: ceramic fairy tale

Even street furnaces are lined with ceramics, which proves the durability and tile itself, and the mounting glue. Photo: Russian Majolika

Tiens: ceramic fairy tale

Often, modern tiles copy the vintage products, in a variety of preserved in royal wards and monasteries. Photo: "Ceramics Decor"

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