The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories


A young couple dreamed of living in a modern, but not losing the relevance of the interior. To solve this problem, the designer joined the style of contemporary in the space with the elements of the classics and supplemented the design with the homicate shades of the honey and the lazuries.

The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_1

The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_2
The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_3
The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_4
The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_5
The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_6
The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_7
The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_8
The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_9
The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_10
The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_11
The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_12
The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_13
The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_14
The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_15
The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_16
The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_17

The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_18

The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_19

The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_20

The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_21

The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_22

The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_23

The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_24

The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_25

The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_26

The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_27

The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_28

The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_29

The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_30

The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_31

The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_32

The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_33

A Taste of Honey

The chair with a high back of a rich shade of Lazuri is an active color dominant in the living room. Curtains picked up similar, but brighter shade. The difference of tones creates a feeling of spatial depth. Complete composition vases and stained glass accessories

A Taste of Honey

The finish of the apron with a stonework for marble fetches the floor cladding. The working area for convenience provides LED backlight. Next to the booster between the kitchen and the balcony placed the inlet convector

A brick ten-story building in which "Trejca" was built in 1953. Three of the four windows of the apartment go to a quiet cozy courtyard, but, thanks to the location on the ninth floor, a sufficient amount of daylight penetrates. According to the wishes of customers, intelligent and energetic young people, on the square of a little less than 80 m² it was necessary to place a bedroom, an office study, a kitchen, a living room, a dressing room and a separate bathroom.

A Taste of Honey

Designs made to order according to the sketches of the author's author, allowed us to rationally use each centimeter of space and beat non-standard architectural elements "Stalinki". So, the space of niches formed by hanging carriages, filled with bookshelves, sofa and TV

Redevelopment of the apartment

A Taste of Honey

In wet zones, in addition to the top LED lighting, there were two suspended lamps on both sacrifices from the sink and the built-in LED lighting of the mirror

Carrying in the apartment are only beams, and interroom partitions could potentially be dismantled. Thanks to this, the project of the project managed to freely dispose of the available space and plan all the necessary functional zones. The living room ceased to be isolated, the site of the corridor and the kitchen separated only by the sliding glass partition was joined, which is necessary due to the presence of a gas stove. Thus, it was possible to get rid of dark and close passes and visually increase the space. Wet zones were also blocked: the toilet was transferred to the territory of the corridor, and a spacious bathroom with a shopping block and a dressing room was planned on the place of the bathroom, toilet and storage room. The latter slightly reduced the area of ​​the working office, placed in the indoor remote from the entrance to the apartment. The partition between the bedroom and the hallway was shone so that in both zones, niches for built-in wardrobes were formed. The space under the beams also used to organize storage.

A Taste of Honey

The accent wall is distinguished Wallpaper from the Fornasetti collection with a picture in the spirit of the 1950s. Golden and silver images of the sun look especially expressive against the background of the Night Sky. Shaffard shade band, outline ceiling around the perimeter, will configure a positive mood even in cloudy weather


A Taste of Honey

Wet zones are solved in the same color scheme as the bedroom: a monochrome basis, diluted with honey shades. Ceramic tile looks like bee honeycombs

The state of the apartment at the time of the start of the work was quite deplorable, the last time was made here 40 years ago. The flooring drop in different rooms reached 8 cm, and not to load overlaps, its surface was leveled with a dry tie. In the kitchen and wet areas laid a porcelain stoneware with imitation of expressive grungements of marble, in the rest of the premises - an engineering board. New partitions elevated from the puzzle blocks, partly - from GLC. In the office made additional sound insulation. The big plus dwellings are high ceilings - they decided to save the maximum: when aligned, they decreased only by 5 cm. Older wheeled wooden windows in all rooms were replaced with plastic with double-glazed windows. The place of old cast iron radiators occupied modern bimetallic models. The territory of the balcony was glazed and tiled with a ceramics.

A Taste of Honey

The picturesque canvas are selected in accordance with the color range of the interior. The space between the shop windows is located a classic portal with modern biocamine.

Apartment design

The interior is solved in the style of contemporary with softening classical notes. For example, the fillenteed doors, high white plinth, stucco ceiling eaves and sockets, tackling with pickups, as well as expressed symmetry axes in the living room - all this attributes of classics. Modern details (smooth facades of the kitchen front and shop windows, strict shapes of the sofa, the chair on thin legs, etc.) enter with them in an interesting dialogue. The dynamics in the overall picture are added azure and saffron accents. The source of inspiration for the designer was honeycomb.

A Taste of Honey

The inner surface of open library racks is painted on several tones lighter than the coupling upholstery. Complements the palette - Mix of white and nuts

Almost all cabinet furniture is made specifically for the interior. According to the designer, she is as stitched to order a suit - sits perfectly in a figure, emphasizing the advantages and hiding disadvantages.

A Taste of Honey

For reading there are two bedside lamps and braces above the headboard with directional LED lighting.

Every time I come to the finished interior of my authorship, I do not leave a strange feeling, as if I already lived in these rooms, I know them to the most detales, and so far even better owners. This project was implemented in accurately compliant with sketches preceding process. Everything was thought out to the smallest details on paper and the monitor, and then embodied in life without the slightest deviations from the design project. This made it possible to minimize the risks and costs for expensive repairs, as well as to withstand the deadlines that amounted to 10 months - from dismantling partitions and the destruction of garbage to final decoration.

Elvira Stankevich

Designer, project author

The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

The combination of yellow and blue: the interior, combined the colors of the honey and lazories 11445_43

Designer: Elvira Stankevich

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