Top 8 things you need to do immediately after moving


These tips will help you facilitate the process of arrangement in a new place and will allow you to feel at home from the first days.

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Top 8 things you need to do in the first day after moving

Interior Design: 37.2 Architecture

1. Get all the important

Make sure that the machine load starts from those boxes whose contents may be needed in the first place. When unloading them will be laundered, and therefore, in slim box towers in the new apartment they will be on top. As a rule, these are cleaning products, some kitchen utensils, handwriting accessories and bathing.

Top 8 things you need to do in the first day after moving

Interior Design: Natalia Kupriyanova

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2. Spend general cleaning in the apartment

Ideally, to get out in a new place better before the boxes with things arrive. But if suddenly there was no such possibility, it's better to get better at the very beginning, before the placement of furniture, and after - to bring the final order. Cleanliness - the main pledge of comfort!

Top 8 things you need to do in the first day after moving

Photo: Leicht.

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3. Establish furniture and decor

To begin with, lay the furniture on the rooms, and first of all arrange the bedroom - it is best to do it immediately after moving, because you sooner or later want to rest. And immediately put pots with flowers, photos (if they are not in the lower box) - it will immediately create comfort, despite the mess.

Top 8 things you need to do in the first day after moving

Interior Design: Lavka Design

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4. Get rid of boxes

Try to unpack all the necessary things as quickly as possible, and the remaining boxes can be removed in cabinets or storage room. The fact is that non-expacted things create emotional discomfort, the feeling of the time of what is happening - so you can hardly feel at home. When you unpacked something, put it in place, disassemble the box and throw off the paper. Do not start to engage in another box until everything is cleaned.

Top 8 things you need to do in the first day after moving

Photo: Atria Magna

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5. Organize a temporary storage system

Actively use in the new apartment temporary things, for example, racks for clothes. The raws are perfectly helping to organize space. Such a hanger will need in the corridor and possibly in the bedroom. They are good to store the necessary things during the move and in the first days after.

Top 8 things you need to do in the first day after moving

Interior Design: Nina Frolova

6. Rate the condition of the apartment

Responsible task - checking the performance of communications in a new place. In an unlawful space, anything is possible: broken crane, lack of light bulbs, creaking door. It is better to immediately bypass your possessions and it is critical to evaluate life to quickly solve the problems yourself or with the help of a specialist.

Top 8 things you need to do in the first day after moving

Interior Design: Studio "Snashchka"

7. Arrange priorities

The next day, after the move, it is not worth a convulsive to think how much you need to do. Better concentrate on creating a list of the most important things. This is what will provide you with a comfortable life in a new apartment: connecting washing and dishwashers, plates and household appliances in the kitchen.

Top 8 things you need to do in the first day after moving

Interior Design: Alena Demoshnova

8. Buy products

And take a walk. Exactly! It is very important to make a couple of simple familiar things and distract from cleaning and unpacking. A small break will allow you to break and quickly get used in a new place - both psychologically and physically.

Top 8 things you need to do in the first day after moving

Photo: by ON

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