How to stick wallpaper: useful instruction


With the help of these tips, you can implement the whole process quickly, correctly and without much difficulty.

How to stick wallpaper: useful instruction 11476_1

How to stick wallpaper

Glue Ready Strong (Kleo) for lining joints and sticking wallpapers in particularly complex places (UE 80 g - 145 rubles). Photo: Kleo.

How to choose glue for wallpaper

After selecting Wallpaper, the main task is to choose glue with the necessary degree of adhesion and the optimal price. The simplest guidelines can be the type of wallpaper. Manufacturers necessarily indicate the packaging for which wallpapers: paper, vinyl, phlizelin, fabric, from natural materials, under painting, etc. - the glue composition is intended. There are also universal adhesives. When working with them, it is important to breed a dry mixture in the amount of water specified for a particular type of wallpaper, which will affect the properties of the adhesive solution.

Glue for wallpaper

Ready to use Quelyd Optima (Bostik) glue for glasses and fliesline wallpaper (UE. 5 l - 750 rubles). Photo: Quelyd

How to stick wallpaper

Glue "Moment Classic" (Henkel) for all types of paper wallpapers (UP. 100 g - 85 rub.). Photo: Henkel

You can choose suitable glue, following and elementary logic. For example, light paper wallpapers do not require high adhesion high adhesion. The compositions for them are usually made on the basis of modified starch, sometimes with anti-grib additives. For exclusive paper wallpapers, it is better to use expensive mixtures, the price of which directly indicates the content in methylcellulose. They are compatible with any materials, deeply penetrate the mineral bases, have a high adhesive ability and even frost resistance.

Do not lose sight of some nuances of work technology. So, with the sticker of some types of wallpaper: flieslinic or on a flieslinic basis - glue is not applied to the canvas, but directly on the walls. Their canvas do not need to impregnize the foundation.

If the edges of the wallpaper were blocked poorly, it is necessary to use the special glue for the joints with a long thin nose, due to which the composition is easy to enter and evenly distribute under the edges of the wallpaper blade.

How to glue wallpaper

How to stick wallpaper: useful instruction 11476_5
How to stick wallpaper: useful instruction 11476_6
How to stick wallpaper: useful instruction 11476_7
How to stick wallpaper: useful instruction 11476_8
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How to stick wallpaper: useful instruction 11476_12

Photo: Tatyana Gagarina / Burda Media. (one)

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How to stick wallpaper: useful instruction 11476_18


  1. Work leads at temperatures above 10 ° C and humidity not more than 65%, with closed windows and doors to avoid drafts. The pre-prepared surface of the walls should be smooth, dry and clean. Wallpapers begin to glue from the window, from the side where daylight falls from, then the joints of the canvas will be less noticeable. First, with the help of a plumb, the first canvase fixation line is carried out.
  2. The roll is cut on the cloth of the desired length taking into account the rapport and insert into the type of glue.
  3. Hold the time to impregnate the foundation specified by the manufacturer on the package, and begin to stick, smoothing the cloth by a wallpaper spatula.
  4. The edge of the wallpaper cannon is set on the ceiling, after which it is neatly cut off with a knife.
  5. Wallpapers combine the joint into the joint and ride the seam area with a special roller of soft plastic.
  6. Smaliple fixation of the canvas periodically check the plumb. Surplus Wallpaper near door boxes, niches are also cut into a mounting knife.
  7. When applying external corners, wallpaper is raised for it about the width of the palm. The following canvas of thin wallpaper can be glued with a cleaner, thick - jack, by double cutting. After drying the wallpaper through the external angle line, you can glue a protective profile corner of plastic.

  • How to glue wallpaper on paint of different types: detailed instructions

Tools accelerating process

Special tools for mounting wallpapers are convenient, durable, ergonomic. They reduce the load on the back and hands of the wizard, help reduce the time of work.

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How to stick wallpaper: useful instruction 11476_21
How to stick wallpaper: useful instruction 11476_22
How to stick wallpaper: useful instruction 11476_23
How to stick wallpaper: useful instruction 11476_24

How to stick wallpaper: useful instruction 11476_25

Photo: Anza. Wallpaper cutting knife consisting of a plastic handle and acute retractable blade with a limiter (693 rubles) and a rolling wallpaper for removing air bubbles and sprinkling folds, width - 280 mm (344 rubles)

How to stick wallpaper: useful instruction 11476_26

Lead plumbing with string (665 rubles.)

How to stick wallpaper: useful instruction 11476_27

A set of machine and roller for applying a wallpaper glue, width - 18 cm, pile length - 22 mm (724 rubles)

How to stick wallpaper: useful instruction 11476_28

Rubber roller for rolling of seams (479 rub.)

How to stick wallpaper: useful instruction 11476_29

Scissors for cutting wallpapers suitable for right-handers and left-handers (1241 rubles.)

How to stick wallpaper

METYLAN Clay Vinyl Premium (Henkel) with a indicator for vinyl and structural wallpapers (pink color helps to control the application of glue, when drying, the composition becomes transparent) (UE 300 g - 280 rubles). Photo: Henkel

  • How to put the wallpaper correctly, which were dugged on the joints and in the middle

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