How to buy an apartment without realtor


The services of the realtor are useful when buying an apartment, but it is not suiced. We tell how to make a deal correctly without his help.

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Photo: Kaspars grinvalds /

When buying housing you can act independently, or resort to the help of a notary or a lawyer, or to hire an intermediary - a real estate agency or a private broker. To begin with, we will define what he does and so much you need.

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What a realtor is engaged

Usually the size of the commission of the real estate agency is 3-5% of the amount of the transaction, in some cases the board increases to 7-10%. We list the responsibilities of the realtor in order to determine its place in the real estate transaction.

Realtor performs the following job responsibilities:

  1. carries out work on buying, selling or renting real estate on behalf of and on the instructions of customers;
  2. receives and processes information about selling or renting property and requirements of potential buyers or tenants;
  3. examines demand and offer in the real estate market;
  4. registers incoming proposals for the sale or transfer to the rental of real estate, conducts their familiar examination;
  5. In some cases, exclusive contracts are concluded between the owners and the Agency;
  6. Searches for potential buyers and tenants, establishes business contacts with them;
  7. Organizes the familiarization of buyers or tenants with the selling or handed-based real estate;
  8. draws up applications of buyers, selecting or offers sales options or passing;
  9. coordinates the contractual conditions, draws up operations with real estate;
  10. assists customers in collecting documents and design transactions;
  11. informs customers about the appropriate suggestions, advises on issues relating to the characteristics of the considered real estate objects and the degree of compliance with their specific requirements;
  12. Organizes the signing of contracts for sale or transfer to the rental of real estate objects;
  13. promotes the timely design of the necessary customers to conclude a transaction of documents, ensures their safety;
  14. Presents the interests of customers when entering into a transaction, ensures the safety of documents, assists in cooperation with other specialists of the agency and other institutions involved in the design of transactions.

In fact, the realtor (or his assistant) produces a primary assessment of the real estate object and makes it a presentation when selling or a kind of search characteristic when buying housing. The real estate market specialist should find the most advantageous offer for the client. The realtor helps in preparing documents, advises and accompanies the client until the end of the transaction, coordinates the actions of all participants in the transaction.

The disciplinary and financial responsibility of the realtor for improper performance (or non-fulfillment) of its duties and causing material damage is envisaged.

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How to buy an apartment yourself

1. Find suitable options.

If you want to buy an apartment, then, most likely, you already imagine what it should be. Knowing your own financial capabilities and living needs, you can easily contact those ads that are placed in open sources. On the Internet there is a sufficient number of sites that place ads for the sale of real estate. Although, if we are talking about buying an elite (or specific) real estate, the appeal to the realtors will be more productive, since such bases lead only the agencies themselves, not get access to them.

In fact, the realtor analyzes the market proposals, focusing on your preferences that you state him. However, you can work as a filter and you yourself, because as if the realtor oriented in the real estate market, what their own client bases he behaved, he does not fully know what exactly you are looking for. It is possible that you will choose not the perfect option, but appropriately for you and your family.

By the way, you can use and closed rieltic bases, paying access to them, for example, for a month.

When selling housing, you can also prepare and place your offer in the same open sources. Here the question is rather in the processing of calls - whether you can accept and process calls from potential buyers, paying for each of them the required time.

2. Call and see

After you selected all the ads you like, you need to call the owners of apartments, clarify information and arrange a meeting to view real estate objects.

Be prepared that in the ad is wrong, incomplete or not corresponding to reality information. For example, you may say that the apartment is not on the last floor of the house, since there is still a attic or a technical floor.

Plan of apartment

Photo: pressmaster /

Prepare a notebook with a list of questions. Briefly record the answers of your vezavi, it will help subsequently compare the available offers. For example, you can specify the price for which the apartment is sold, and ask whether bargaining is possible; Ask questions about the options for the housing parameters of those not specified in the ad; Clear the situation about the right-laying documents and housing history.

To view the apartment, it is also desirable to go with a notebook, and even better to use the phone video camera (in this case it is necessary to ask the permission of the owners of the apartment for shooting). Feel free to ask questions - those who want to sell the housing of the hosts will respond with you, and if they do not want to tell, perhaps simply have a problem with the object of sale.

Note that when viewing almost every apartment you will be sweeping with the answer. Realtors are usually trying to create an excitement, show that it is on this apartment there is a huge demand. However, it should not be hurried, although the search process of the apartment can take a long time.

Even if you really liked the apartment, do not forget that another very important stage will have to check its legal purity.

3. Musture yourself from scammers

If you buy an apartment in a new building, then checking the legal purity of the transaction will not take much time. It will also be in those cases when it comes not about the resale chain.

First, check if the apartment sells the owner or you communicate with his trustee. Ask the Seller's passport and the right-ending documents on the apartment.

If the apartment sells an intermediary, with the owner you need to talk on the phone, and even better - on Skype to see a person.

Examine a power of attorney, it is issued for a while (that is, the term of the action is limited) and assumes that a trustee can implement a strictly defined list of actions. If neither a word about the sale of real estate principal, do not agree to the transaction.

Secondly, learn the right-point documents on the apartment (for example, an agreement with the developer on the transfer of an apartment to the property, the certificate of ownership obtained during the privatization of housing, as well as contracts for sale, donation, lifelong content with dependency, certificate of state registration of law) ;

Thirdly, it is possible (and necessary) to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (EGRN) on the transition of rights to the property in the territorial division of Rosreestra. From this extract it will be clear how many owners changed the apartment, and who owns it now. In addition, if there are encumbrances on the apartment (arrest is imposed, for example), it will also be indicated in the statement.;

Finally, it is necessary to ask the owner to show you a fresh discharge from the house book (it is ordered in a multifunctional center, or you can view information online if the seller is registered on the public services portal). So you will receive information about who is constantly or temporarily registered in the apartment, there is no "one" (such as serving a sentence in places of imprisonment of a long-range relative) or problematic (for example, minor children) of residents.

Multi-storey building

Note that sometimes fraudsters are trying to sell the same square meters to several customers, showing the qualitatively made copies to hide with money until the transaction is concluded. Photo: Vitaliy Hrabar /

Always pay attention to the date of issuing all documents: they must be obtained five to seven days ago maximum.

At the stage of checking the apartment it is better to use the help of professionals. Most often, realtors and specialized lawyers have contacts in law enforcement agencies who are involved in confirming the purity of the alleged transaction.

How to get an extract from EGRN

Extract from EGRN - a document certifying only the fact of state registration of law. This document confirms that at the date specified in it as the date of issue, for the person defined in it registered the right on it on the basis of documents named in it on the described property object, as in EGRN, the registration record was made under the appropriate day number.

When buying or selling an apartment, it may be necessary or an extract about the property of real estate (the main characteristics and registered on it), or an extract to transition rights to the property.

To obtain an extract, it is necessary to contact personally or through a trustee to the territorial division of the Rosreestra or the Cadastral Chamber, and you can make an appointment at the reception, using the online service on the department's website. In the application, you must specify an object (or objects) of real estate, information about which interests you.

In addition, it is possible to obtain an extract in multifunctional centers (MFCs) "MODIES", as well as by mail by sending the appropriate request or by ordering outdoor service (for an additional fee). For information, you will need only a passport and receipt of payment for services. The cost of discharge for individuals is on paper 300 rubles, in electronic form - 150 rubles.

4. Trade

With regard to the skill of realtors, bring down the price for the client opinions do not agree. On the one hand, the realtor is little interested in bargaining, which is understandable - his remuneration depends on the amount of the transaction. On the other hand, the customer's satisfied price will recommend his realtor to friends and acquaintances, will write good feedback on cooperation on the Internet. This means that such a realtor will ensure itself with new customers and potential earnings.

In any case, the realtor is nading, but not the bad itself. When buying an apartment on the secondary market, you can bargain about the condition of housing ("" I didn't want to make repairs immediately after moving, but here you have to "), and about the remoteness from the subway, and about the floor, etc.

When buying housing in a new building, experienced sellers propose to pay attention to the following points.

  1. Ask about the possibility of a discount, very often this simple question is enough to ensure that the seller (or his representative) goes to some concessions. When buying housing in a new building a chance to get a discount higher at the end of the quarter (or year), when the sellers need to perform a plan.
  2. Compare the price of the apartments of the same layout on different floors (if you purchase housing in a new building). Very often, tens of thousand rubles are not additional meters, but a view from the window or remoteness from the elevator. Rate what is more important for you - the ability to see the Square from the window or an urgent purchase, such as household appliances for a new apartment.
  3. Ask a discount for a mortgage or prepayment, because in this case the seller will receive his money right away, he does not have to wait. The faster the developer receives money from the buyer (and the more the amount will be), the more profitable. This can be used in negotiations with the seller.
  4. If you buy an apartment in installments, check, what is its maximum time. It is necessary to know, because if you have the opportunity to pay the cost of the apartment, you can quickly ask for a discount.
  5. Finally, as a reason for the auction, you can use additional purchases (machine-place), but you do not need to talk about it immediately.

When you give money

Do not hurry with the transfer of a deposit. In theory, this amount should serve as evidence of the conclusion of a transaction in the future. In practice, there is often cases when the buyer is hurry, they ask for confirmation of their intentions to convey a certain "Grance "amount. Even a receipt may give both documents on the apartment to be transmitted to start the procedure for designing a deal. That's not the originals, but copies. And not one potential buyer, but a few.

Apartment purchase

Pay attention to how the payment sequence is set out: wait for not only the Certificate of Agreement, but also the time of the liberation of the former owners of living space; All paid payments must be documented. Photo: rido /

The final settlement is best done through a bank cell. At the same time, it is necessary to make an inventory of attachment into a cell, without incorrecting the amount. Otherwise, when terminating the contract you will not get your money back. The seller will only be able to get his money after submitted to the bank a registered purchase agreement.

5. Contact a lawyer or notary

To completely refuse to help in buying housing is not worth it. If you do not want to contact the services of the realtor, there are still specialized lawyers and notaries.

No doubt that a notarized certificate of the contract is one of the safest ways to conclude a transaction. Due to the fact that each notary necessarily draws up insurance of professional responsibility and is responsible (including property), your sales contract will be under reliable security. Even in cases where the trial does not avoid, the notary will be on your side and will be summoned to the court as a third party. The forms used by the Notary are subject to accounting in the notary chamber of the region, and this means that it is extremely difficult to fake them (and, accordingly, it is quite easy to check authentication).

Even if you independently comprise the text of the contract, the notary (or his assistant) will definitely check it, but most often you will be offered to use the text that has made professionals.

According to the law, the notaries advise those who appeal to them for a certificate of legally significant actions, this means that you will explain to you the legal entity of the actions you are doing and warned from possible errors.

Information about the perfect transaction will be listed in the register of notarial actions. One of the copies of the document certifying the transaction remains in the case of the notary, along with copies of the right-pointing and other documents. In case of loss or damage in the original documents, the notary on your request will be given a duplicate.

Multi-storey building

The decision on whether the assistant needs a realtor or a lawyer - to conclude a deal, the buyer takes himself; The Bank has the right to persistently demand from the buyer to attract the realtor only when buying housing in a new building using borrowed funds (mortgage loan). Photo: Anton Gvozdikov /

The cons of reference to the notary is that you will have to collect all the documents yourself, because neither the notary itself nor his assistant performs these functions. Yes, the capacity of the parties to the notary can evaluate only visually, so when concluding the transaction, it will not be worthwhile from the seller of certificates from psycho-neurological and drug treatment dispensers, as well as to provide video processing the process of signing the contract.

Another option for those who do not want to contact realtors are the search for a lawyer who specializes in the field of real estate. Such specialists can be found in legal advice.

Legal support of the transaction will be as follows:

  • verification of shutdown and other documents on the apartment (the consent of the spouse, the legality of redevelopment;
  • No rent arrears;
  • Obtaining the necessary extracts from a single state register of real estate confirming the absence of claims to an apartment, for example, from possible heirs, as well as the number of previous sales of this housing (although it can make a completely any interested person, contacting the identity document and a statement in Rosreestr, provided payment of the appropriate duty);
  • Assistance in obtaining the consent of the guardianship authorities, if the seller of real estate has minors children;
  • Drawing up a contract taking into account possible submarine stones (a penalty for non-compliance with the terms of liberation of the apartment, penalties for refusing to sell housing in the middle of the design of the transaction).

It is absolutely necessary to take advantage of the advice of a lawyer if you acquire real estate under the rent contract with the life-lifelong stay of the former owner.

Finally, it may be necessary to help an independent evaluator expert who can clarify the cost of the apartment you plan to purchase. Especially relevant this will be if you are planning to use a mortgage loan to buy housing or if the price declared by the seller is significantly lower than the average market. True, in this case, experts of the bank's credit department are likely to insist on addressing "to" apply to the appraisers, in whose objectivity there is no doubt.

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