Designed designers: 9 win-win ideas for the decoration of the balcony


Marina Karakina and Tatiana Petrov shared the techniques that they apply in their projects and recommend everyone.

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Designed designers: 9 win-win ideas for the decoration of the balcony

1 Make French glazing between a balcony and room

Designer Marina Karakina says that in her practice there are often those who want to attach a balcony area or loggia to the apartment. But it is illegal - the designer warns. However, in the case of loggias there is a compromise - to make French glazing.

"For those who want to attach the balcony, I always offer to make French glazing," says Marina. - It will separate it and the main area, but at the same time the design of the design - wide double opening doors - will create a sense of a single space. It should be borne in mind that to demolish the windows block is constructive perhaps not in all homes. "

2 Thought storage - for example, put cabinets on the sides

Marina Karakina also mentions that among its customers there were many those who would prefer to keep different things on the balcony. The designer advises - to turn the loggia to the warehouse does not need.

"The main thing is to initially consider storage, and not just to fill the space with cubic meters of boxes. Two deep cabinas most often get perfectly on the borders, and the bike, for example, is attached to the wall, "says Marina.

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Designed designers: 9 win-win ideas for the decoration of the balcony 11521_4

Designed designers: 9 win-win ideas for the decoration of the balcony 11521_5

Designed designers: 9 win-win ideas for the decoration of the balcony 11521_6

3 Little balcony - not to warm, and separate with facade materials

Marina Karakina warns that the insulation of the balcony "eats" a large area. With small spaces, it can become uncomfortable - there will not be possible to position even the recreation area.

"On average, insulation will take away from 15-20 cm depth of room, and if, for example, you have a balcony depth of only 90 cm, after insulation it will be 70 cm. This is the depth that is not suitable for the recreation area, cabinet, hookah or bar Racks. In this case, I always advise not to warm the room, but simply to locate spacious deep cabinets in it, make a finishing finish with facade materials, "says Marina.

4 Build a rest area

Marina Karakina is not a supporter to make a cabinet on the balcony. And recommends to issue a rest area. If necessary - with storage.

Designer Marina Karakina:

Designer Marina Karakina:

In my opinion, the most optimal option for the balcony is a recreation area: a couple of chairs, a table, a rack, a cozy soft rug and, of course, live plants. I am not a supporter to do a cabinet on the balcony, no matter how beautiful it looked in Pinterest and on design visualizations. Often customers are still more convenient to use a small working area in the living room or bedroom.

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Designed designers: 9 win-win ideas for the decoration of the balcony 11521_9

Designed designers: 9 win-win ideas for the decoration of the balcony 11521_10

Designed designers: 9 win-win ideas for the decoration of the balcony 11521_11

5 Leave at least part of the balcony is not glazed

Designer Tatyana Petrov speaks about glazing the balcony and advises at least a small part to leave open (if the climate allows).

"Unfortunately, we have a general trend all glass and turn into repository," the designer starts. - This is explained, meters expensive, there is not enough space, the balconies try to use the maximum. But since we are in the Crimea, we have a good climate, the preservation of open balconies as recreation areas - excellent idea, if there is such an opportunity. "

Tatiana shared how she recommends executing open balconies.

6 Select a practical floor covering (not necessarily tile)

"Tile is not always the best option," says Tatiana. - In my project, I used a plastic coating from IKEA, it is easy in installation and care. In addition, you can use street mats or artificial grass. "

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7 Thinking up lighting: Street lamp or garland

"It is important not to miss this moment, since it is almost always not always in the" basic configuration, "- clarifies Tatyana Petrov. - In our project, we have provided a street lamp. In addition, you can use street garlands, they will add comfort. "

8 Practical furniture - you can foldable (it is easy to clean it)

On the balcony, which will not be a warehouse of things, but a seating area, without furniture is impossible. The choice depends on the area and budget. Tatiana gave its recommendations.

Designer Tatiana Petrov:

Designer Tatiana Petrov:

It is important to provide convenient and practical furniture commensurately balcony. On our balcony there is a table with two chairs - you can have a great time at the morning coffee or evening glass of wine. This furniture is foldable, it can be easily hidden during the cold period.

9 Choose Decor - Plants

Tatiana Petrov calls plants with the best decor for the balcony. "For their placement there are plenty of solutions: shelves, racks, suspensions and baskets. In our version, we started with suspended kashpo with a fencing fencing, it turned out a very cozy place, "the designer says.

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