Is it possible to arrange a barbecue on the balcony and not disturb the law? 5 important rules


You can not use open fire and gas grill, but the electric is not prohibited. The main thing is to follow safety rules.

Is it possible to arrange a barbecue on the balcony and not disturb the law? 5 important rules 11523_1

Is it possible to arrange a barbecue on the balcony and not disturb the law? 5 important rules

1 You can not use Open Fire

Prepare kebabs on an open fire, without leaving home, it will not work. This limitation is associated with the rules of safety and described in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.09.2020 No. 1479 "On Approval of the Rules of Fire Regime in the Russian Federation", which entered into force on January 1, 2021. According to the decree, the use of open fire in balconies and balconies of apartments, hostels and hotel rooms is prohibited.

In addition to legal restrictions, ordinary mangals should not be used from practical considerations: the walls of the walls can fall on the walls, the upholstery of the walls may be mounted or blaked, smoke will fall into the apartment. And because of the smoke, the facade of the house can be stained, and the management company will rightly require payment for the work of industrial climbers.

Is it possible to arrange a barbecue on the balcony and not disturb the law? 5 important rules 11523_3

  • 8 new prohibitions for residents of apartment buildings, which will take effect in 2021

2 gas grill is also banned

The use of gas grill with a portable miniature cylinder is not directly stipulated in the legislation. But, if you open sections with the fire safety technique of grill manufacturers, you will see that all their gas-equipped models are forbidden to use in a closed space (such is a glazed loggia).

Also, they cannot be installed in close space, without a heat-resistant stand, closely flammable items or such surfaces. Therefore, the open balcony is also not suitable, leave this device for giving.

Is it possible to arrange a barbecue on the balcony and not disturb the law? 5 important rules 11523_5

3 But it is possible - electricrile

The rules do not prohibit the use on the balcony of equipment connected to the network. Therefore, you can purchase an electricrile. For the apartment is best suited a compact portable outdoor or desktop version.

If you are planning to fry steaks, you will need a power of at least 2-2.5 kW. For toast, sausages and vegetables, the grill with a capacity of 1.7 kW is suitable. It is also important that the selected model has the ability to adjust the temperature and integrated overheating protection.

Is it possible to arrange a barbecue on the balcony and not disturb the law? 5 important rules 11523_6

  • How to choose an electric grill for home: 4 important criteria and useful tips

4 Alternative to Electric - Aerium

Aerium also works from the network and does not use open fire or gas, so theoretically suitable for the balcony. Externally, it resembles a transparent saucepan with a hermetic lid. The air inside the device is heated and the prepared product is heated evenly.

Choose powerful models for cooking meat, from 1500 watts. Also pay attention to the maximum heating temperature, you will need from 200 to 250 ° C. The optimal volume of the flask in which the products must be laid - from 12 to 17 liters.

Is it possible to arrange a barbecue on the balcony and not disturb the law? 5 important rules 11523_8
Is it possible to arrange a barbecue on the balcony and not disturb the law? 5 important rules 11523_9

Is it possible to arrange a barbecue on the balcony and not disturb the law? 5 important rules 11523_10

Is it possible to arrange a barbecue on the balcony and not disturb the law? 5 important rules 11523_11

5 need to follow safety technician

Most of the manufacturers of powerful electrical appliances recommends connecting them directly to the outlet, and not use the extension. Therefore, if electricity has not been carried out on the loggia, the electrolyril will have to put out the idea there. It is also important to clear the balcony from all extra, install devices for a stable heat-resistant surface.

In the immediate vicinity there should be no curtain or paper wallpapers that would come into contact with the working device. In addition, it is necessary to purchase heat-resistant gloves so that without fears to take on a hot grill or chapped.

Is it possible to arrange a barbecue on the balcony and not disturb the law? 5 important rules 11523_12

Turn a balcony or loggia in a barbecue with a brazier cannot be. Take into account the safety and norms of the law. It depends on the preservation of your and alien property, health and life.

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