7 curly plants for warm loggia


If you want to create a real blooming wall on a warmed balcony, choose plants from our selection.

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7 curly plants for warm loggia

1 Clematis

Clematis - a perennial wound plant with a trees stem. Flowers large purple flowers that keep about 2-3 weeks. Does not like drafts, so suitable only for glazed loggias.

Clematis will need at least 8 cm drainage, a fairly deep pot and regular watering. Also, if windows come out on the south, thin curtains will have to be lowered into hot sunny days to protect the young plant from burns.

In general, this plant is well suited for those who have not been engaged in vertical landscaping, since but it is quite unpretentious and growing rapidly.

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2 Chinese lemongrass

Another perennial rising plant that is suitable for a glazed balcony. The lemongrass will bloom once a year over the week and fron with red minor fruits. It will also be necessary to regularly feed and water. And twice a year to carry out trimming so that the plant grow in the right direction.

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3 Azarin

Wenting plant with purple, pink, red and white flowers. You can buy in a flower shop of seeds of different varieties, mix them and germinate together. Then all summer the wall will decorate flowers of different colors.

This is a fairly gentle plant, so the first ten weeks it is better to grown in the room, and to put on the loggia in May.

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4 Bougainvilia

Bougainalia is grown in large outdoor pots. A grid or design of wooden thin crossbars are bought into the ground. Bougainvilia will grow on them, reaching 3-4 meters after a couple of years. The temperature on the balcony should be from 20 to 27 ° C. All summer Bougainvillea will need abundant irrigation and regular spraying from the sprayer. And in April and in October, mineral fertilizers will be added to the ground.

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5 CaliStegia

Cali Salegia is not the most thermo-loving plant, so it will survive the temperature of the temperature in winter on the balcony to 10-13 ° C. In mid-June, CaliShey begins to bloom with pale pink lush flowers. Also, the calisegia will fit a poorly illuminated balcony, this is a brassy plant.

In the autumn and spring period in the soil will need to make mineral fertilizers.

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6 scented peas

The simplest thing is in the care of a climbing plant that grows very quickly. Sprouted seeds plant in any floral ground to a depth of 1-2 cm. The soil must be permanently moistened, but not flooded. It is possible to cover the container with a transparent food film and remove it when the sprouts will turn out of the ground. So that the plant crawled up the wall, stretch the metal fishing line from the container to the ceiling.

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7 Girl grapes

This plant will suit the winners of a well-lit spacious loggia. Grapes loves ground, humus fertilized. It will also need to be fertilized by mineral fertilizers and trim in October.

Since the grapes in a couple of years will grow strong enough, he needs a deep and oblongable container with a soil. Another difficulty is connected with the fact that in summer grapes will be needed every 2 days.

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