Design project for the week: 5 simple steps


To avoid unnecessary trouble during repair, it is very important, even before it began to have a clear plan of the upcoming work.

Design project for the week: 5 simple steps 11554_1

Design project for the week: 5 simple steps

Photo: Flatplan.

It is necessary to decide on the design, arrangement of furniture and technology, the choice of lighting, finishing, and also calculate all material costs. When developing an individual design project, all this usually takes a lot of time (on average from 1.5 months). However, there are alternatives. The new Democratic FlatPlan service offers an effective solution that allows you to save at the start of repair not only time, but also money.

Qualitative and functional interior design should not be luxurious, but an affordable service. To implement this idea, we created the FlatPlan service. It is suitable for people who want a beautiful interior, but are not ready to pay rampartially much for an individual design project and spend time on numerous meetings for discussion. Flatplan offers another way - adapt to itself a ready-made project from our portfolio. It contains 50 carefully thought out interiors in different styles and color solutions. With the help of online test, you choose the design that you like, and later it will be adapted for your apartment. In addition, we regularly explore the range of finishing materials and furniture of Moscow stores. All this allows you to optimally adapt the finished project under the wishes of the customer as soon as possible. This approach makes it possible to reduce the cost of the service - in our case there is no overpayment for individual development. Flatplan.Design service provides a design project for a fixed price of 29,900 rubles. It takes no more than 7 days. Enjoy FlatPlan.Design is very easy. It is based on a step-by-step principle, simple and intuitive. Consider the stages of the project order on the service more.

Boris Kuznetsov

Project Manager

  • How to find a suitable interior designer: 7 important steps

Step 1. Mini Test

First of all, the customer is invited to pass a small test, which allows you to determine its preferences in style, color, etc. Testing does not take much time. These are just 11 questions with sets of photos, of which it is proposed to choose the most likely.

Design project for the week: 5 simple steps

Photo: Flatplan.

Step 2. Select the project

According to the test results, several design projects are provided to the client. On average, the choice is offered from 3 to 10 options.

Design project for the week: 5 simple steps

Photo: Flatplan.

Step 3. Measures

At this stage, the customer needs to make an advance for the departure of the designer - 5,000 rubles. But if you are ready to prepare and send all the necessary information yourself, the meeting is optional. When departing, the designer will make the necessary measurements, as well as clarify some details on the project - for example, the placement of sanitarypherborov, kitchen equipment, etc.

Design project for the week: 5 simple steps

Photo: Flatplan.

Step 4. Project Preparation

Next, within 7 days, FlatPlan employees adapt the project to the customer's apartment, taking into account all his wishes.

Design project for the week: 5 simple steps

Photo: Flatplan.

Step 5. Full set

After 7 days, the client provides a set of documents. This is a plan of an apartment with an arrangement of furniture and two estimates with an indication of the articles, shops and prices. The first estimate is designed to the budget to 2.5 million rubles, the second - up to 1 million rubles (apartment 80m2). Service staff advise to use both lists: what can save, choose from economical, and elements designed to bring the effect in the interior - from more expensive. To save the Customer from the difficulties of choosing this issue, designers are attached to the package of documents their recommendations.

The cost of the FlatPlan design project is significantly lower than the average market, as the customer and designer save time at meetings and approvals.

So, the design project is ready and you can start repair. But in this difficult process of customers, a pleasant bonus is waiting - for 3 months, FlatPlan designers will be prepared if necessary to advise in online mode. In addition, the designer can advise your construction team: tell them all the technical nuances of the project and answer the questions that have arisen.

Design project for the week: 5 simple steps

Photo: Flatplan.

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