9 ways to visually increase the small room


A small room can be done or even less, or, on the contrary, more. We collected several ways to visually increase the space and avoid mistakes when placing the interior of a small apartment.

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9 ways to visually increase the small room

Architects Andrey Stube, Nadezhda Keeplook Photo: Sergey Ananyev

Little apartment - reason to turn to the original techniques. As practice shows, it is in small-time apartments that apartments can create an interior with recognizable face. Each "trifle" is crucial, starting with the placement of the premises' boundaries and ending with the dimensions of the objects and decor. It is only necessary to use the "reserves" and choose the best solutions.

Method 1. Think up zoning thoroughly

9 ways to visually increase the small room

Designer Artemy Saranin. Photo: Artemy Saranin

No need to turn a small apartment into the studio, devoid of internal partitions: There will be problems with the placement of the necessary furniture, the modest size of the room will be noticeable, the feeling of protection and comfort will disappear.

If possible, it is better to arrange a separate bedroom or arrange it in Alcove; The hallway is partially separated from the reception area to make it easier to maintain cleanliness and provide psychological comfort. Mobile systems (sliding doors or curtains, screens, screen) are also suitable for this purpose: they allow you to make a variety, change the proportions and atmosphere indoors.

9 ways to visually increase the small room

Architect Olga Simagin. Photo: Vitaly Ivanov

The function of the separator of adjacent zones can perform furniture: a bar stand that replaces the normal table, the high back of the sofa, the dresser - this technique helps to create a feeling of light and space. A successful version of the studio layout is a separate compact partition (to the ceiling or not very high), which separates the kitchen-dining room and living room, adjacent to one wall or with a circular bypass.

Method 2. Prefer white and light shades

9 ways to visually increase the small room

Architect Evgeny Verekina. Photo: Olga Rickley

White walls visually expand the interior, and in combination with a white ceiling lifted up the top plane. The effect of depths create black and dark gray, but these colors require impeccable arrangements of the rest of the parts. Refuse a large drawing and bright contrasts, choose small ingredion patterns; Remember that the horizontal lines "expand" the interior, vertical - "pull" it in height.

9 ways to visually increase the small room

Designer Natalya Lebedeva. Photo: Zinon Ranudynov

Gloss in the scale also contributes glossy stretch ceilings. Wall murals on one wall or in commonplace with the image of a departing ingoing a street or landscape turn into a similar window and "move" the premises border.

Method 3. Use mirrors and glare surfaces

9 ways to visually increase the small room

Architect Julia Chernyaeva. Photo: Alexander Kamachekkin

The larger the air and light in the apartment, the more spacious it looks. A similar impression helps to create glare and reflective surfaces: glossy light (less often dark) facades of cabinets, glass mosaic, made of glass of flincoine doors, transparent or matte glossy partitions, countertops and windows cabinets.

9 ways to visually increase the small room

Designer Svetlana Yurkova. Photo: Sergey Kuznetsov

The mirror is able to "double" the size of the room, the main thing is to choose a suitable place for it (better opposite the window or passage to the next room). The one-piece cloth can be replaced with a mirror panel made up of fragments, with facet performed on them.

Method 4. Do not buy finished furniture

9 ways to visually increase the small room

Architect Julia Levin. Photo: Sergey Kuznetsov

In small apartments, even a pair of centimeters may have a fundamental importance, so when it is not possible to find the object of the setting of the necessary dimensions, it is worth making it to order. So, slightly shorting the length of the sofa, chest or bar counter, the width of the bed, the depth of the cabinet, you can reach the balance between beauty and functionality. In this case, it appears the opportunity to perfectly fit the furniture under the overall stylist.

9 ways to visually increase the small room

Architects Andrei Stube, Nadezhda Keeplukov. Photo: Sergey Ananyev

Create a whole, comfortable space helps furniture, built-in flush into existing or specially built niches. It is very important that cabinets or other elements of the composition make surely in depth - even slightly protruding the walls of the facades look slightly and interfere with movement. In pursuit of storage reserves, it is important not to rearrange: you should not hold all the walls with shelves or cabinets, in racks closed sections should be alternating with open. The bedroom and the hallway do not need to overload furniture, and the work area and the kitchen, on the contrary, can be "compressed" - the main thing is that it is convenient to move in the premises.

Method 5. Do not close the windows "powerful" curtains

9 ways to visually increase the small room

Designer Jeanne Studentsova. Photo: Svetlana Ignatenko

The curtains optically reduce the depth of the interior, and the more textile "jewelry" on the window, the less the room seems. If a beautiful view opens out of the window, you can do without a curtain or provide a rolled out of the sizes in size to visually increase the space.

If the landscape does not please or sunlight too much, use light translucent frames, Roman curtains with a stingy pattern, horizontal blinds in the size of the window opening. The classic interior looks good asymmetric porter (one side of the window pass).

On a wide windowsill, you can equip the workplace, under it - storage spaces (handling holes for the circulation of warm air from the heating radiator).

Method 6. Use the space of the maximum

9 ways to visually increase the small room

Architects Mark Safronov, Natalia Syzbu. Photo: Ilya Ivanov, Yuri Afanasyev

In each apartment, as a rule, there are hidden reserves of free space, allowing to solve storage problems with success - primarily under the ceiling and on the floor line. So, instead of cabinets and bedside tables, it is better to choose outdoor models, get folding sofas with bed linen boxes.

Andresol is useful - built-in or combined with a separately worthwhile cabinet. Hinged kitchen modules are "duplicated" by the second round of cabinets to the ceiling and send there rarely used things (and optionally intended for use in the kitchen).

9 ways to visually increase the small room

Architects Andrei Stube, Nadezhda Keeplukov. Photo: Sergey Ananyev

Little hallway visually unloads a sports equipment attached to the top of the walls (skateboard, bike). Open shelves under the most ceiling are suitable for books, you can also place cardboard or plastic boxes with different trifles. And so that the room does not seem close, pick up such furniture that will look like a continuation of the walls, without contrasting with them in color and finishing.

Method 7. Do not block the corridor and windows

9 ways to visually increase the small room

Designer Artemy Saranin. Photo: Artemy Saranin

Treat the trajectories of the apartment in advance: nothing annoying in a small apartment and does not create a feeling of cramming, like protruding angles and too narrow passages (the minimum width of the corridor or hallway is 80 cm). The opening between the hallway and the zone of receptions (living room and separate cuisine) should not occupy the door blade: a long open perspective with alternating different plans deepens the space.

Do not overlap the zones of windows with massive furniture, free the place between the window and the door: even small rooms will seem spacious, since the view from the window or even the light open, covered with a transparent curtain, is perceived as a continuation of the interior. Good insolation also contributes to a visual increase in rooms.

Method 8. First, determine the bottlenecks, then buy doors

9 ways to visually increase the small room

Architect Alexander Ostankova. Photo: Andrey Kocheshkov

Before choosing the type and design of interroom doors and furniture facades, it is necessary to determine the bottlenecks - it is best not swing, and sliding models. The last is optimal and in cases where several doors are adjacent to a small patch. In order not to emphasize the modest scale of the premises, select the doors and their framed by the color of the walls. Doors can be supplemented with discreet decor.

9 ways to visually increase the small room

Architects Mark Safronov, Natalia Syzbu. Photo: Ilya Ivanov, Yuri Afanasyev

A more expensive option - embedded flush designs (with a hidden frame), which are literally merged with the wall and turn into invisible. They can be covered with the same wallpaper or decorative panels as the neighboring vertical planes. Optically expand the space of solid glass panels, besides, they provide additional insolation of dark zones.

For the interior in the classic style, models with mirror or glass inserts are suitable. Pay attention to the proportions: non-standard planestands as if lifting the ceilings and thereby visually increase the modest size of the premises.

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Method 9. Forget about large lamps

9 ways to visually increase the small room

Designer Asya Mushroom. Photo: Danil Leonov

Instead of large and frightened chandeliers, it is better to choose minimalist, simple geometric shapes, with white or transparent plaphones. If the interior is decorated in classical traditions, chandeliers are suitable with openwork silhouette, small crystal pendants, light lamps.

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At low ceilings, built-in backlight is preferred, as well as overhead ceiling plaffers. Visually adjust the height of the walls helps the reinforcement of the room built around the perimeter. In a small room, local lighting (table lamps, sconce, lamps) acquires special importance. It is only important that all lamps are made in one color scheme.

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