Like Finnov: 5 principles of philosophy SISU, and how to apply them in our interiors


To strive for a simple, create a working attitude and do in your own way - share the principles of Finnish philosophy of SISU and tell how it can change your home for the better.

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Like Finnov: 5 principles of philosophy SISU, and how to apply them in our interiors

1 create workout

The philosophy of SISU includes many different aspects, but the most important is perseverance in achieving the goals, the preservation of a clear mind. The house and interior should help it. Large role in this context plays the design of the workplace. It should be not only beautiful or cozy, but also convenient, and support you throughout the day.

What you can learn

Analyze your workspace. Find what now bothers you concentrately learn or work at the table and go to your goal, and remove it. It is possible that it is an uncomfortable chair or too low, so the shoulders are set in the seating process. Dusty lamp or a deaf wall in front of the eyes. Make so that your desk wanted to work.

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2 do everything in your own way

Another interesting aspect of SISU is faith in what you are doing. It is impossible to achieve tangible success and achieve the goal if you do not believe in it. It spread to the interior. Finns with enthusiasm create their own space, looking around the trends and fashion magazines. In their interiors, of course, you can find the usual Scandinavian features: minimalism, white color, natural materials. But just because they like it so much.

What you can learn

Focus on your feelings and feel free to defend your own desires. If you like your old piano, then let it stand in the renewed living room after repair, even if no one plays on it, and your friends are surprised why you do not exempt the place. Feel free to use your favorite things and techniques, but look for the opportunity to enter them beautifully and functionally.

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  • Real Scand: 5 interior techniques used by the residents of Finland

3 strive for simple

Finnish philosophy teaches asceticity, do not chase behind the complex decor and changing fashion. Simple and reliable cannot be outraged or not enough. Therefore, the stool with cracked paint is used instead of a bedside table. And the plates are stored in a simple kitchen headset of the local assembly - it performs this feature is not worse than the richly decorated headset from another country.

What you can learn

It can be inspired by the example of the residents of Finland and stop competing (even if in their imagination) with those who bought expensive furniture or furnished an apartment using a designer. The main task is to be happy in your own home, feel comfortable, and for this it often grabs very simple things.

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4 highlight the place to be alone

Another important feature of Finnish philosophy, which distinguishes it, for example, from Swedish Hyugge - the need to sometimes be alone. It is very important to be able to relax at home and be imperfect. And the house should help you, be enough simple and friendly, not binding to an elegant sweater and family sites in front of the fireplace from cocoa.

What you can learn

Highlight the areas of the zone where everyone can be alone with them. It may be a reading corner, a table top at the window, a chair in the living room away from everyone.

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  • 10 ideas for the organization of the kitchen that we spied in Finnish apartments

5 Add Light

In Finnish interiors, you can often find a fireplace. If not a fireplace, then candles and a large number of light sources. This is partly due to a short light day. But good warm lighting is also asked the atmosphere that helps cope with troubles and stay vigorous and ready for accomplishments.

What you can learn

Try adding light to your apartment. Hang a few lamps on a long cord above the table, add scraps to the living room. And, of course, lay the candles - they set the right northern atmosphere.

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