Seat treatment plants for a private house


Most citizens agree with the statement that comfortable life is impossible without normal sewage.

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Seat treatment plants for a private house

Photo: shutterstock /

To "convenience" were not in the courtyard, but in the house, and everything was automated if possible. How to build such a system in a single country house?

The main task of the sewer network of a country house is to collect and purify the used household water water. Passing through several stages of cleaning, the drains should be cleaned to such a state so that the water can ultimately be without prejudice to the environment to reset to the drainage system or roadside ditch (or, even better, use the resulting technical water in the economy).

It is believed that the drains become safe when cleaning by 99%. Why is it so desirable to clean? The fact is that the discharge of the effluent cannot be performed in the ditch or somewhere outside the site. And if the contaminated water is simply collecting in a cesspool, that can very quickly fill. Let's say, if one person produces 200 liters of stocks per day, then the family of three people have more than 4 m³ in a week. It will be necessary to call an arbitrary car almost weekly, and the sewage will be truly "Golden".

4 Rules for the effective work of wastewater treatment facilities

  1. Do not dump poisonous substances in the sewer (for example, chlorine-containing), overwhelming bacteria. Use special detergents safe for LOS microflora.
  2. Do not drain waste from the filters of the water treatment system.
  3. Do not merge rainwater from the storm sewage and the contents of the pools. This is an excess load on the system.
  4. Use the appropriate biological seeds and do not keep microorganisms "on the hungry soldering", regularly using the toilet.

Choose septic

No matter how the cleaning system has been arranged, it necessarily includes a septic tank - the tank where the "black" strokes from the toilet (do not confuse septic - the septic structure - with a cesspool, which is also called septic in everyday life). In the septic, some of the insoluble components falls precipitated, wastewater clarification occurs. There are also the processes of biological processing of pollution (or simply rotting). Anaerobic bacteria are made for the case, in normal conditions living, for example, in the soil without access of oxygen. Such, for example, microbes-methaneogens, which ferment some types of organic compounds, transforming them into methane and carbon dioxide.

Seat treatment plants for a private house

Photo: shutterstock /

Septic tanks can be the most different shape: spherical, straight-coal, cylindrical. In most cases, the case material is durable plastic, which can serve without cracks and leaks of several decades

Modern septic applications are in most cases of containers made of durable plastic. They may have two or more (usually up to four) overflow chambers connected by pipes so that the drains consistently pass through the chambers, and insoluble substances fell into the sediment. At the same time, flowing from one chamber to another, the drains pass biological cleaning. This is not sufficient procedure, it is believed that the process takes at least 3 days.

Accordingly, the septic capacity should be at least not less than a three-day volume of wastewater. If we assume that one person in a day consumes 150-200 liters of water on washing, washing, cooking, it is easy to calculate that a septic tank for one person should be a volume of at least 450-600 l, and for a family of three people - about 2 m³.

Seat treatment plants for a private house

Photo: Leroy Merlin (3)

Failures: Bioactivator Biosept ("Live bacteria") for septic and cesspools (a). Septic Biographic (KHIMOLA) for anaerobic and mixed type systems (b). Flooding "Septic" (BioElements) for cleaning of sewage drain (B)

Constructively septics are fairly simple devices, when selecting which in addition to the capacity, you can pay attention except for geometry. There are tanks for vertical blowout (they repeat the shape of the wells from concrete rings), and there is for horizontal installation. The latter require a device less deep pit, which is especially important at a high groundwater level. But the "horizontal" septic tanks take more space on the site.

  • How to choose Septic for a private house: Types and rating of the best manufacturers

Correct installation of septica

It is placed on the septic plot in such a way as to maintain the minimum distance between it and other economic objects necessary for the provisions of the SES. Septic, for example, should be located at a distance of at least 5 meters from the house and at least 20 m from the water intake. The soil drainage systems in which the water passes the screw after septic, in thin soils, it is necessary to remove 30 meters from the well, in sandy and samp soils - by 50 m.

It is desirable at the same time so that the septicch is not too far away from the house, then it will not be necessary to strongly plunge the supply pipeline and septic tank itself. Judge for yourself: the pipeline from the house is derived 30-50 cm above the depth of the freezing level (in the Moscow region can be at 70 cm). The slope tube slope is set to about 2-3 cm (it is determined by SNIP depending on the diameter and material material).

It is easy to calculate that when removing 10 m from the house, the pipe will delve into about 100 cm (70 + 30), and when removing 20 m is already 130 cm. If the height of the septica is 3 m, then the pit will have a depth of 4.5 m. . The output tube will also be strongly bundled (usually the outlet in the septic is 10-15 cm below the input). Therefore, septicifs are trying not to post on the standards of 5 meters from the house.

Seat treatment plants for a private house

Photo: shutterstock /

Septic (in the figure is two-chamber) placed at a distance of at least 5 m from the building, the pipes to it go with a bias of 2-3 cm for each phenomenon meter of the pipe. If the pipes are located above the level of labeling of the Earth, then during year-round operation, they need to be insulated (for example, a heating cable)

When choosing a place, take into account the wind rose. Septic typical is preferably placed with a leeward side of the house, verandas, arbors to avoid unpleasant odor. For the same purpose, ventilation risks are necessarily organized in the domestic sewage, which is removed to the roof level. Septic tick also equipped with an exhaust ventilation pipe, which is displayed at a minimum of 50 cm from the ground level (it can be done above - say, a height of 2-2.5 m, so the smell will not be felt at all).

Septic tanks have a large volume due to which light models from plastic can "pop up" if the installation technology is broken; severe, concrete septicum is such a fate, most likely, does not threaten

When choosing a place, do not forget that the septicch is periodically (usually once a year and a half) must be emptied. Therefore, it should be located so that the assessing machine can drive it to him. The length of the car hose is usually 6-15 m, therefore, taking into account the depth of the capacity, it is desirable that the machine can increase to it at least 10-12 m. Then the cost of pumping capacity of 3-4 m³ is 2-3 thousand rubles.

But if the distance from the road is too large (40-50 m), you will need the services of a more powerful and expensive association machine, such a technique may not be everywhere, and the cost of its services will probably be 2-3 times higher.

The septic tank can be made in the traditional way, made of concrete rings installed vertically on each other. The bottom of this design is concreted, and the slots between the rings are sealed with concrete mastic. With a neat execution, such a home-made septicch will work not worse than plastic.

Stages of mounting

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Preparation of the foundation. Photo: shutterstock /

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For concrete septic, the plate is not needed, but the lifting crane will be required. Photo: shutterstock /

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The depth of the pit depends on the removal from the house, while the hatch should be displayed on the ground level. Photo: shutterstock /

Types of soil filtration systems

Type of constructions Calculated consumption, m³ / day Soils plot Depth of groundwater, m
Underground filtration fields Is not limited Sands, Sandes Not less than 1.5 m from the water mirror to the lower border of the drainage
Filtering well Up to 1 m³ / day Sands, Sandes 1 m below the base of the well
Sand-gravel filter (vertical or horizontal) Is not limited Suglinka, clay Not less than 1.5 m from the water mirror to the lower border of the drainage
Filtering trench Is not limited Suglinka, clay Not less than 1.5 m from the water mirror to the lower border of the drainage
Filtering mound Is not limited Sands, Sands, Suglinki Less than 1.5 m from the earth's surface

What is the primer filtering system?

From the Septic, purified drains fall into the next phase of cleaning. It can be carried out both in the tanks like the septica and directly on the soil filtration systems. The latter are a ground pillow made of several layers of falling soils with certain filtering characteristics (sand, soup). Inside this pillow, the perforated tube is placed on which the clarified drains come. Stocks are gradually seeping and filtered in the soil filtering system.

There are several types of soil filtering systems. This or another type is applied depending on the planned volume of wastewater, the level of groundwater, as well as the filtering abilities of the soils of the site.

Some types of soil filtration systems arrange easier, for example, a filter well consisting in the simplest case of a pair of concrete rings filled inside by filtering backfill. There is no bottom of this well, water comes from the septica in its upper part and under the action of gravity goes into the ground. The filter well is a compact device, in contrast to other systems that can occupy several dozen square meters of the area of ​​the plot. Their disadvantages include:

  • the need to periodically change the backbone - once every 10-15 years to rebuild the entire ground pillow;
  • Bad work in winter.

Nevertheless, the main minus of the soil filtration systems is the need for large areas under them. This limits their use, especially in small garden sites. Today, the tendency to use local sewage treatment plants (LOS) is clearly trained.

How to achieve water purification by 99%

The septic tank constructed by all rules provides a cleaning by 60-70%. This, however, is absolutely not enough so that the purified water can be reset, say, in the river. According to sanitary standards, the degree of cleaning should be 99%. Therefore, the effluent after the septic is mandatory should be fed in the soil drainage system either on local sewage treatment facilities (LOS). However, even the most advanced Los does not give wastewater purification by 99% (they can already be discharged into reservoirs), at best, 98%. The remaining percentages get the disinfecting of water in a special well by chlorination (in the well placed cartridge with chlorine lime) or by ozonation (ozonizer is installed accordingly).

What is the advantage of local sewage treatment plants?

Local treatment facilities externally differ little from the septic, but it is more complicated inside. In addition to the input chamber (septic), there are usually two or more cameras in which various cleaning systems are located. Almost probably you will find a bio filter in them - a capacitance with a frosting material (shingizite, ceramzit), on the surface of which the colonies of bacteria live. The filtration and purification mechanism in the biofilter is about the same as that of the filtering well, but more efficient due to the use of artificially entered microbes (the backfill can be bought in a large shopping store).

Soil filtering systems are well coped with wastewater treatment, but, as a rule, occupy a large area and therefore are not very suitable for country sites.

Also in the sewage treatment may be aerotenk - a container with a compressor, saturated with water bubbles. Oxygen saturation contributes to the acceleration of useful chemical processes. It is Los with aerotanes that provide the highest degree (98%) of the wastewater (in other Los, the degree of cleaning is achieved about 95%). To reset such water requires its additional disinfection. The disadvantage of aerotanes is their dependence on the power grid.

Seat treatment plants for a private house

Photo: "Triton plastic"

With a high level of groundwater or waterproof soils, surface primer filtration systems are used, in this case, the pump will be required for water lifting

Today there are many models of septic and los on the market, which differ in two indicators - the estimated flow rate (how many liters or cubic meters of operations per day can be adopted) and the degree of purification of wastewater. The most advanced models are equipped with capacitance filling sensors and microprocessor tracking operation modes. And in case of troubleshooting, such treatment facilities will send an SMS message to their owner. Of course, the cost of automated Los is noticeably higher.

If a multi-chamber septic from plastic can be purchased for 20-30 thousand rubles, then automated cleaning stations will cost 150-200 thousand rubles. and more. In the past 2-3 years, some manufacturers, based on marketing tasks, have become their full los (with four-five-five cleaning methods) to position as septic tanks. Therefore, specify the degree of purification of wastewater. If it is 97-98%, the drains will be clean, and they can be removed without sanctions to relief (in the ditch). Otherwise, they need to be fed, since without this, the sanctusers prohibit the operation of the device.

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With a proper approach to the design of Septic, quite peacefully fit into the garden landscape. Photo: shutterstock /

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Do not forget, however, that periodically it will be necessary to empty, so the entrance for freight transport must be saved. Photo: shutterstock /

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The plastic septic tank is installed in the dummy pillow with a thickness of 20-30 cm. At a high level of groundwater, it is first put on the concrete slab to which the container is fixed. Side gaps fall asleep with sand, which is layered (30-50 cm) trambet. Photo: shutterstock /

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The running and outlet in the concrete septic, the gaps between the pipe and the housing are sealed. Photo: shutterstock /

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From above the ventilation pipe is output, usually with a height of 50-100 cm; For comfort, it can be done and greater height, then unpleasant odors will not disturb you. Photo: shutterstock /

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