Wooden windows for home and apartments: selection criteria


What is a modern window block made of wood? How to evaluate the quality of its manufacture? What accessory can you equip it? We will answer these and other questions in the article.

Wooden windows for home and apartments: selection criteria 11669_1

Wooden windows for home and apartments: selection criteria

Photo: "Windows factory"

If we take averaged indicators, then on the resistance of the air and moisture permeation, wooden double-glazed windows are slightly inferior to plastic, but they do not lose in the point of view of heat and sound insulation. At the same time, wood frames are significantly better confronted by bending loads and are not subject to thermal expansion, which makes it possible to produce large-sized structures and provides them. In extreme conditions, for example, when shrinking the building. Another plus is in high resistance to hacking by pressing the sash.

Finally, the use of wood provides great opportunities for choosing the design and shape of the window block. Unfortunately, even the cheapest woods made of pine wood and ate will cost an average twice as more than plastic. However, such a difference occurs only in the case of budget models. When ordering windows with improved characteristics (for example, anti-vandal or energy saving) it is leveled.

Wooden windows for home and apartments: selection criteria

The paintwork is well opposed to moisture formed indoors (a). But from the outside, the window requires additional protection in the form of aluminum linings on the box and the strapping of the sash. Photo: "Windows factory"

The basis of the design of wooden windows

In the leading enterprises, wooden windows are made mainly of glue wood using modern automated equipment, and wood humidity, adhesive strength and other major parameters are carefully monitored. And yet, when buying does not hurt, check the quality of milling and grinding profiles (the surface of the frames should be perfectly smooth), the absence of cracks, paint detacies and other visible defects.

And now let's turn to the main criteria for choosing wooden windows for home and apartments.

Breed of wood

Pine and spruce products are distinguished by the available price (from 9500 rubles per 1 m2), a small mass and good heat insulating qualities (with insufficient sizes of the framework, the frameworks from the more dense wood can darken in winter). If, according to the designer or architect, the windows must be dark, they can be toned or painted with enamel. True, when using lesing (translucent) compositions, the result is not always successful, since the difference in the density of the fibers interferes with uniform toning.

Another minus is the comparative softness of the material: with non-accurant operation, dents and scratches appear on it, and the fungus more willingly affects the pine frames than, say, oak. The cost of windows with binding from the glue wood of firm rocks (oak, ash, beech) starts from 16 thousand rubles. They are distinguished by decorativeness, high strength and durability. Products from larch are no less practical and at the same time will cost 40-60% cheaper, but it is better to preserve their natural color (toning in dark tones is undesirable). Some firms produce structures from the "thermalvisin" with a noble dark color and practically non-relevant. But for the manufacture of frames, only heat-treated solid rocks (spruce and pine are becoming too fragile), and the price of products is very high - from 32 thousand rubles. for 1 m2.

Bruce gluing method for profiles

Most manufacturers use profiles from three-layer glue timber. Under the condition of proper pre-drying, this method of gluing allows you to achieve a fairly stable geometry of parts. From the point of view of reliability of the structure, it is desirable to combine a set of gluing with a longitudinal splicing of lamellamas to a microspheres (while the length of the segments should not exceed 50 cm). Such bars are practically not blocked, but the connection remains visible and several spoils the look of the window. It is extremely important that the exterior lamellae is made from the boards (rails) of the radial cut (they are easily distinguished by the "calm" texture with the longitudinal location of the fibers), less prone to the charge. Internal lamellas can be a tangential cut. Some firms make five- and six-layer timber - such solutions increase the ability of profiles to resist bending loads and provide better protection of glue seams, but more than one and a half times the price of windows increases.

Type of angular connections

Their two are classic carpentry on a straight spike and a barn with the use of butterflies (Hoffman knap). Which one is better from the point of view of consumer properties, to answer not easy. The well-minded opinion is such: direct thorns provides a slightly strength, and the connection "on the mustache" is a little more aesthetic.

Due to the characteristics of the operation and the fiction of the material for wooden windows, not all paint coatings are suitable, but only water-based compositions. They allow the tree to breathe and provide a normal regulation of the level of humidity of the framework, depending on weather conditions and season, reducing the risks of damage to the coating and warming of wood. Polyurethane varnishes and paints are unsuitable for coloring windows: they are unstable to UV radiation, and their service life under the influence of the external environment is sharply reduced. When choosing a color palette often the question arises: how not to make changes to the architectural appearance of the building? If the windows facade should be white, and in your apartment you want to see natural wood texture, you will need a versatile painting. As a rule, it increases the cost of the finished window by 10-30%.

Aleksandr Kuznetsov

Technical specialist in the direction of "Wooden designs" of the company "Factory of Windows"

5 tips on choosing and installing wooden windows

  1. Ask the terms and conditions of warranty. It should be provided at least for 3 years. If the condition is the annual paid maintenance - look for another firm.
  2. Do not sign an agreement if there is an item on possible adjustment of the price after the manufacturer (exception - non-standard designs).
  3. Do not save on the installation: refusing the services of masters from the manufacturer, you lose the guarantee.
  4. Do not install wooden windows until the end of wet internal works. By absorption moisture from room air, the frames may be sworn.
  5. Every year, process the surfaces of the frames with protective polyrolla - it will extend the service life of the coating 2 times.

Fittings and glass accessories

Wooden windows are equipped with practically the same accessories systems as plastic (differences are small and concluded mainly in the method of fastening parts). It is customary to distinguish between classic swivel windows and swivel-folding. The mansion is shill models, as well as opening out. (We will not touch the sliding systems.) The most popular option is swiveling. Such a window can be widely swollen in summer and for washing the glass, and the flap function is provided by comfortable ventilation. Rotary-folding windows is insignificant (about 500 rubles. For the sash) more expensive, so it is hardly about to save.

But a shallow floor, in which two sash can open open, fully opening the way (the standard design assumes the presence of a vertical impost), will increase the cost of the window by 1.5-2 times, moreover, such a window is more difficult to make it harder. Folds that open out, are convenient because the space inside the room is not "eaten. To be for them to wash them, manufacturers provide for simple dismantling or (more often) full turn (180 °) on a special lever bracket. Such accessories comes on request, it is several times more expensive than usual, and it is not possible to equip the frame forces by each manufacturer.

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Wooden windows for home and apartments: selection criteria 11669_5
Wooden windows for home and apartments: selection criteria 11669_6
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Wooden windows for home and apartments: selection criteria 11669_8

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When using wood, a mass of designer possibilities, decorative decoration of the frames. Photo: "Windows factory"

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Details of fittings. Photo: Linea Kali

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Arched structures refer to the discharge of non-standard. Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

Wooden windows for home and apartments: selection criteria 11669_12

Special evacuation windows and hatches are also considered non-standard. Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

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Arched windows. Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

Finnish structures

A special type of design windows is traditionally present in the market of Finnish companies Tiivi, Lammin et al. These windows have double separate sash, independently hung on the box: a glass inserted in the inner inserted, in the outer - single glass. The locking clamping mechanism is mounted only on the inner sash, which is joined by external through a special sliding bracket. The system makes it easy to open the window, but eliminates the folding of the conducting flap. The advantage of windows with double-glazed windows and glass is a wide (up to 160 mm) box that ensures high strength of the mounting seam and protection against the freezing of slopes. In addition, the Finnish windows have increased sound insulating properties: a large distance between the lamp lamines reduces the resonant effect.

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Wooden windows for home and apartments: selection criteria 11669_15
Wooden windows for home and apartments: selection criteria 11669_16
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Wooden windows for home and apartments: selection criteria 11669_22
Wooden windows for home and apartments: selection criteria 11669_23
Wooden windows for home and apartments: selection criteria 11669_24
Wooden windows for home and apartments: selection criteria 11669_25

Wooden windows for home and apartments: selection criteria 11669_26

The city is a rather modest window decor

Wooden windows for home and apartments: selection criteria 11669_27

Leading manufacturers are able to offer dozens of color options and tinting frames. Photo: shutterstock / fotodom.ru

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The city is appropriate bright tones, unusual forms, wide platbands. Photo: shutterstock / fotodom.ru

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Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

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Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

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Photo: "Windows factory"

Wooden windows for home and apartments: selection criteria 11669_32

For an apartment in a high-rise building, windows made of softwood wood, painted in white color. Photo: "Windows factory"

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Finnish windows have an outdoor sash can be attached to the inner bars. Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

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At the Finnish windows, the outer flap can be attached to bind to the inner still and sliding bracket. This variant is preferable from the point of view of heat and sound isolation. Photo: Lammin.

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By ordering panoramic windows, you should take care of the safety of children, and also think about and discuss with a specialist the location of opening flaps. Photo: "Windows of the world"

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Note that even when buying windows for an apartment in a typical house, you must call the measurer. Photo: "Windows factory"

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The tree is perfect for the design of the type "book", the extreme sash of which is hung on the box, and the second movably joins the first and is equipped with a special guide mechanism. Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

How to protect windows from moisture

From moisture, the lower brus of the frames are especially affected, and without additional protection, the tree here begins to rot intensively. That is why the overwhelming majority of modern windows "regular" is equipped with aluminum overlays on the lower profile of the box. For the same lining on the sash, it is necessary to pay additionally up to 20% of the window value. The most expensive models protect profiles that fully cover the strapping of the sash and the box; A similar option will increase the price of the window by 2 times.

Aluminum lining is anodized and stained in tens of tones, and facades do not arise problems. Another, relatively new way to protect the sash of moisture - the posting unit mounting the glass. Such structures look emphasically elegantly and perfectly combined with buildings of modern architecture. However, while the windows of this type are made only a few companies.

Window with single sash ("Eurowlock") Window with double sash (Finnish or Scandinavian type)

Ease of opening and closing.

Simple care.

Rarely fogged

Higher than equally sash, heat and sound insulation indicators.

Ability to install between lamella shutters


The indicators of heat and sound insulation are usually lower than when separate sash

There is no waveform function for venting.

Caring for a more laborious window (you need to wash not two, but four surfaces).

Outdoor fading risk

  • What windows choose for a country house: define 5 important parameters

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