Warm floor. Sixteen montage errors


Even the most reliable technique in inept hand can fail. Alas, this simple truth is sometimes forgotten by the owners of electrical warm floors. What are the most common mistakes they commit?

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Warm floor. Sixteen montage errors

Photo: Caleo.

Electric warm floor is a modern, very comfortable way of heating rooms. With the right operation, it is able to serve you for many years. But, unfortunately, the service life of a warm floor is sometimes reduced, not wanting whether users themselves.

Sometimes trouble begins in the installation process. Read the instructions, and act according to its instructions - here is our first advice. Fortunately, self-respecting manufacturers try to make instructions as smart as possible and detailed. Such an instruction enters, for example, in all sets with a warm floor, offered Company CALEO. . If you follow the installation technologies and the rules for the operation of warm floors recommended by manufacturers, you can avoid the lion's share of errors and associated troubles.

However, some installers are not a decree. For example, they can enable the cable warm floor system without a floor covering or screed - check whether everything is properly connected. In such a situation, overheating cable is possible, and it will be overheating. Similarly, it can overcome when using the finishing coating with low thermal conductivity (for example, cork flooring or under low-cost furniture). And if you turn on the cable warm floor, without waiting for the final drying of the concrete screed, then this screed will most likely go cracked.

Warm floor. Sixteen montage errors

Photo: Caleo.

Nine serious mistakes when installing cable warm floor

  1. The inclusion of a warm floor system without laid outdoor coating / screed;
  2. Turning on the system to complete drying of the screed / tile glue;
  3. Not removing air bubbles from the screed when it is arranged;
  4. Lengthening / shortening a set of warm sex;
  5. Overlooking the cable;
  6. Excess recommended screed thickness;
  7. Close (less than 10 cm.) Location to heating systems;
  8. Use as a finish coating of materials from wood, as well as cork coating;
  9. Use the thermostat that is not suitable for power.

When operating a cable warm floor, the most common mistake is to install furniture on it without legs and other similar objects that impede heat sink. In this case, there will be again overheating cable and the system output.

Warm floor. Sixteen montage errors

Photo: Caleo.

With film warm floors, it is better about installing. After all, the design of these systems is made as simple as possible and convenient for installers. However, the incidents occur here. Special attention to the beginners should be paid to the connection of the current-carrying tire to the climax: with poor-quality, careless installation is possible bad contact of the clamp and the current-handing tire. This is fraught with melting compound and its failure.

Warm floor. Sixteen montage errors

Each set of Caleo warm floor is accompanied by detailed instructions with installation tips.

Seven serious mistakes when installing film warm floor

  1. The contact of the clamp and the circling tire is poorly performed;
  2. Poor performed the contact of the wire and clamp;
  3. Connection into one system of fields of different power;
  4. Not the use of a heat transfer substrate (the substrate "Cellon" levels the surface and reduces heat loss, due to it decreases the flow of electricity);
  5. Damage to the thermal film during the installation process;
  6. Use as a finish coating of materials from wood, as well as cork coating;
  7. Use the thermostat that is not suitable for power.
When operating the film floors, the same errors are made as when operating cable systems. Furniture is installed on them, wealing the floor with heat insulating materials, placed film mats near other heating systems. Self-regulatory Warm floor Caleo Platinum In this respect is not afraid of locking. The peculiarity of any self-regulating heap (film or rod) is that such a system is not afraid of locking and you can put furniture on it

As for self-regulating rod Warm floor Unimat. The errors when installing it are made approximately the same as during the installation of a film forcoated floor. The main ones are installers should pay the correct and accurate execution of all contact compounds.

All, without exception, electric warm floors are afraid of mechanical damage. Usually such damage is applied during repair or construction work. So, there is quite often damage to the warm floor system when installing door stops.

Observe the installation technologies and the rules of operation of warm floors recommended by manufacturers - and you will be insured against errors and associated troubles.

Editorial Thanks Caleo For help in the preparation of the article

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