Walls - no interference: how to bypass supporting structures


Refusal of the usual designs and original decoration techniques helped the architects to turn a typical cottage with a rigid corridor layout in a dwelling with a single representative zone and separate private premises.

Walls - no interference: how to bypass supporting structures 11722_1

Walls - no interference: how to bypass supporting structures

Photo: ideas of your home

If the living room will need to create a more chamber atmosphere, the ceiling light plaffers are easy to lower down - it is enough to remove the cords of the suspensions with the position of the ceiling hooks

Residential structure - a two-story house located near Novosibirsk, was acquired by our heroes (a married couple, which has an adult daughter, regularly visiting guests) a few years later after its construction. Circumstances favored to buyers: the building was implemented as the roof "box" from aerated concrete blocks, which also managed to settle - dry and duck. In addition, the house was built as part of the cottage village, therefore had "outputs" on centralized water supply and drainage systems, it was also not difficult to connect it to the local "electricity". In other words, the arrangement of the cottage could be started immediately, citing space on his own understanding. Customer requirements - "new clothes" was considered as a place for permanent residence - were very defined. So, the owner dreamed of creating a single representative space on the first floor. As for the design, customers decided to adhere to minimalism, acting with a light-up to the price availability, functionality and practicality of the selected materials and objects of the situation.

A rigorous natural color gamut compensates for a variety of textures having a more or less pronounced texture of wooden, plastered, ceramic and smooth painted surfaces

If you have direct acquaintance with the object, architects revealed several unpleasant moments, because of which they had to abandon some ideas, and the implementation of other ideas was difficult and delayed. For example, it was not possible to realize the wish of the owner about the unity of the premises of general purpose (kitchen, dining room, living room, and even the hall) - all the inner walls on the first floor were supporting, and their dismantling would have led to a violation of the building structure. Nevertheless, the designers found a way to create the illusion of the flowing space. For this purpose, the doorways between the volumes that were allocated to the mentioned zones were maximally expanded, they refused their framing. Another reception was used with the organization of the second floor, where they designed the bedrooms of the owners and daughters. Increase the size of interior discovers did not become, but for their filling, instead of the deaf doors, a canvas were used from providing high insolation of satin glass. Here, on the second floor, the owner's office placed. Since the room is not so privatically as the rooms for recreation, the wall between him and the hall was dismantled, and its place was in the future, the sliding partition was also taken from satin glass.

Walls - no interference: how to bypass supporting structures

When building a staircase, the planning lack of a cottage (the capital of the internal bearing walls), on the contrary, played on his hand, because it allowed to resort to the air construction on the parodes

Objects of furniture

The need to use a particular item in each room was determined depending on its functionality and compliance with the selected design style. That is why there is no "unnecessary" furniture in the house. But some deviations from the miser to expressive means of minimalism still have, for example, a dining table with an oak countertop and deliberately coarse support from welded structures. The main auto author of the project is the architect Ksenia Eliseeva - I wanted to revive the concise medium a little, and she "settled" a brutal product in the house, which, however, does not contradict the general concept.

The community of registration also contributed to the visual association of premises. The color composition of the interior of the first floor was made of white, natural shades of soil, minerals and wood; At the same time used different finishing materials. For example, interior paint applied for the design of walls in the living room and the kitchen-dining room, and in addition, decorative plaster, mosaic and porcelain stoneware, whose texture reproduces natural stone. The floor in all rooms was lined with porcelain stoneware. In addition to it, the wood was used, which "filled" niches in the ceilings. Similar color gamut and the same materials used on the second floor. True, in the parent bedroom, the natural palette revived an accent green-yellow tone, in the daughter's room - bright yellow.

Make a speaker to balanced, stable interior helped repeating horizontal and vertical elements - photos, rods, railing, light niches and "rules" of embedded lamps

Walls - no interference: how to bypass supporting structures

An alternative finish (masturbation, plaster) was used carefully, only on one of the walls in each room.

Another element that demanded special attention - beams from glue timber, which were used as overlaps. Despite the time who has passed since the construction of the cottage, the tree still maintained mobility under the influence of temperature and humidity drops, which is why in the process of working on the interior it was necessary to find an alternative to the initially proposed solution to the staircase. Constructively, the last remained unchanged (the idea of ​​architects to build a visually light ladder at the parodes, found a living response in the hearts of the owners). But instead of the glass wall from the floor to the ceiling, the perile fence from metal rods and timber had to be mounted. The presence of beams affected the organization of the coverage of the cottage. Since most of the main premises have a rather impressive area (over 30 m2), then the heights of the ceilings (in 3 m) and it was not enough to use suspended luminaires. The beams began to hide behind the stitched ceiling from GLC, "rejected" at least 20 cm. From the situation came out as follows. Both floors were illuminated by means of embedded models whose location was considered very carefully, - light sources needed to be placed in a niche between the beams. The only exception was made for the living room - the sofa group accented with suspensions on flexible adjustable guides.

The owners of the house are practical people, and therefore they did not want to engage in global reorganization of space. On the first floor, we expanded interroom overwhelms, renewed a small storage room in the laundry and combined it with a bathroom. The last manipulation made it possible to free up in the hallway enough area for the equipment of an embedded cabinet. On the second floor, we broke the wall between the Hall and the Cabinet to bring more light into the interior. In the master bedroom staged a dressing room. Implemented almost everything that planned, however, wooden floors and aerated concrete blocks for exterior walls delivered a lot of trouble during the repair process. I had to spend a lot of time on the preparation of walls and ceilings to prevent the appearance of small cracks. Between the floors made additional noise insulation. The implementation of the project took about one and a half years - the customers lived in another city, and all decisions were approved remotely.

Ksenia Eliseeva and Olga Simagin

Architects, project authors

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The illusion of a single representative space was able to create due to the competent distribution of finishing materials. For example, "superimposed" one on the other walls of the living room and kitchen were covered with the same white paint

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Before printing, black and white photos depicting European dlya-notes was treated with the sepia filter

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Dominant living room - modular sofa. Its elements are not bonded between themselves, and therefore it is permissible to regroup as needed

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There are no doors between representative premises and the hall of the first floor, thanks to which it was possible to provide good insolation.

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There was free space between the kitchen head and the ceiling, which contributed to the visual increase in the volume of the room

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Kitchen-dining area

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Peninsula allowed to increase the length of the cooking zone, and besides, separating it from the entrance to the room and from the dining group

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On the first floor there are only four doors. Interrooms have glazed, entrance (one of them leads to the garage) metal

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The bedroom of the daughter was conventionally divided into two halves - a seating area and a boudoir. The border between them is a few dense curtains (from floor to ceiling), fully blocking daylight

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In the room allotted under the host bedroom, the partition was erected with sliding doors. About a third of the area of ​​the room occupied the dressing room

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Wet areas were equipped in the same style as the rest of the premises, applying concisely decorated, but practical equipment and furniture

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Plumbing equipment distributed depending on the floor. On the first, representative, level placed shower corner, on the second, private, - bath

Plans for the first and second floors

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Floor Explanation: 1. Hallway 14 m² 2. Garage 37.2 m² 3. Hall 17 m² 4. Living room 31.5 m² 5. Kitchen-dining room 31.1 m² 6. Bathroom 7 m² 7. Laundry 3.1 m² 8 . Economic room 10.2 m²

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Explition of the second floor: 1. Hall 16.5 m² 2. Bedroom hosts 23.3 m² 3. Wardrobe 13.6 m² 4. Daughter bedroom 31.7 m² 5. Cabinet 17.8 m² 6. Bathroom 9 m²

Technical data

Total house area 263 m²


Building type: Small block

Foundation: reinforced concrete stove, horizontal waterproofing - waterproofing membrane, insulation - polystyrene foam (thickness 200 mm)

Outdoor Walls: Sibit Affectionate Blocks (Sizes 250 × 400 × 600 mm), Outdoor Decision - Facing Brick

Inner walls and partitions: Sibit Foottonal Blocks (Sizes 250 × 150 × 625 mm), Glk

Overlap: glue bar

Roof: flat, solid flooring from OSB-plates, vapor barrier film, insulation - mineral wool (thickness 350 mm), roof - membrane coating

Windows: plastic, with double-chamber windows

Life support systems

Water supply: centralized

Sewerage: centralized

Power supply: centralized

Heating: Electric Copper, Heating Radiators, Water Warm Paul

Additional equipment: wood fireplace

Interior decoration

Walls: paint, decorative plaster, porcelain stoneware, laminate

Floors: porcelain stoneware, laminate

Furniture: Boconcept, Record Cucine, Bellini, SWAN, Ikea, to order according to the drawings of architects

The enlarged calculation of the cost of living the house with a total area of ​​263 m², similar to the *

Name of works Number of Cost, rub.
Preparatory and Foundation Works
Marking axes in accordance with the project, layout, development, recess and backflow of the soil set 185 250.
Sand base device under the foundation set 19 250.
Device of reinforced concrete slab foundation with viscous reinforcement grids, frameworks and devices

Formworks (including concrete preparation)

set 173 350.
Thermal insulation of the foundation of the set. set 37 800.
Waterproofing foundation PVC membrane set 50 100.
Other works set 46 600.
TOTAL 512 350.
Applied materials on the section
Sand for construction work set 24 300.
Concrete gravity, fittings, formwork set 363 800.
Polystyrene foam set 92 950.
Waterproofing PVC membrane set 54 300.
Other materials set 53 550.
TOTAL 588 900.
Walls, partitions, overlap, roofing
Laying of walls and partitions from aerated concrete blocks with facing of outer walls by brick set 1 115 200.
Flat membrane roofing device set 217 400.
Installation of window blocks complete with windowsills and lowers, doors set 22 600.
Other works set 155 500.
TOTAL 1 710 700.
Applied materials on the section
Sybituctible blocks "Sibit", facing brick, beams of overlapping from glue timber set 1 402 600.
OSB-plates, vapor insulation fillet, mineral wool, roofing membrane set 601 150.
Plastic windows with two-chamber complinary double-glazed windows. set 563 500.
Other materials set 256 750.
TOTAL 2 824,000
Engineering systems
Electric installation work set 62 600.
Installation of the heating system set 270 400.
Installation of water supply and sewage system set 95 600.
TOTAL 428 600.
Applied materials on the section
Equipment and materials for electrical work and installation of the lighting system set 282 350.
Equipment and materials for water supply and sewage systems set 598 450.
Equipment and materials for heating system (electric boiler, heating radiators, water warm floor) set 404 800.
TOTAL 1 285 600.
The device of flooring of porcelain stoneware and laminate; The device of tension ceilings and ceilings from GLC; Plastering, painted and other work set 1 900 400.
TOTAL 1 900 400.
Applied materials on the section
Paint, decorative plaster, porcelain stoneware, laminate, Glk, stretch ceilings, etc. set 1 682 100.
TOTAL 1 682 100.


10 932 650.

* Calculation is carried out without accounting of overhead, transport and other expenses, as well as profit of the company.

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