Decorative facing brick for interior decoration


What finishing material to choose for walls and partitions, including those made of plasterboard so that they are practical in operation and looked thoroughly and stylish?

Decorative facing brick for interior decoration 11746_1

Decorative facing brick features


Brick finish never comes out of fashion. Dark-red elements create a special atmosphere of reliability and comfort, and our attachment to this uncomplicated building material has almost the same ancient roots as love for fire. Today it is not necessary to use a real brick at all - it will replace the decorative facing. Among the manufacturers of this company EUROKAM, Foreland, Kamrock, Leonardo Stone, White Hills, the "perfect stone", "workshop of facade materials".

Decorative facing brick features


Decorative facing brick is noticeable thinner than its construction fellow. Therefore, the material is in demand for the interior decoration of premises, including small, where space saving is particularly important. Installation of elements of the thickness of only 1.5-2.5 cm is simple and does not require additional fastening systems to harden the walls. Price 1 m² of decorative brick - from 750 rubles.

Again the "erected brick" walls are more resistant to pollution and mechanical effects than painted or marked by wallpaper, which means that you can forget about repair for many years and even decades.

Installation of decorative brick WHITE HILLS

The base should be smooth, durable, clean, not susceptible to shrinkage and deformation. When installing in hot weather or on a very dry base, the surface is moisturized (a). Bottom fasten the wooden rail of the same height as the plinth (b). Elements begin to lay from its upper edge. If necessary, it is removed with a rigid metal brush the cement milk from the back of the brick (B), then moisturize the surface and are waiting for 2-3 minutes so that the moisture is absorbed (d). Glue (D) is applied to the wall with a smooth spatula on the wall. They also cover the back side of the brick (the thickness of the layer 1-6 mm) (e), press it to the wall, slightly moving from the side to the side for better clutch, and ripen with rubber` The horizontal line is controlled by the level. The seam size is observed using 12 mm thick choppers (g). After drying the adhesive solution (after 3-5 days), the stamping seams placed in a special package (s). After 30 minutes, when the grout starts to push, it is smoothed and removed over a trowel. For the final alignment, the surface of the seam is driving a brush of medium rigidity (s).

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Before mounting bricks from different packages lay on the floor and pick up color and texture

For cladding, elements of two types are used: plane and angular. The number of first is measured in square meters, the second - in the route. With their help, it is easy to reproduce a new brickwork of bright colors or ancient, consisting of "darkened time" elements with uneven edges. The same rough, with dents and chips "Live" decoration of bright shades will bring a romantic note to the interior.

Decorative facing brick features

Photo: White Hills

Thanks to modern pigments, the "brick" finish does not fade. Its damage is easy to eliminate, replacing spoiled elements with new ones, while the traces of repair will not be noticeable

The decorative brick is a cement tile, sand, various fillers and pigments, flat on the back side (for mounting on the wall) and textured - with facial. It is often used to finish facades and interiors. Such facing has a number of advantages: high strength, frost resistance, resistant to the effect of the aggressive medium and the effects of UV rays. In addition, the decorative brick is easier and cheaper than usual: the mass of 1 m² of facing rarely exceeds 20 kg. When internal finishing, the material can be mounted on the bearing walls and partitions from materials that are not intended for large loads, such as the trimmed GCL or DSP. It is worth considering that such walls are pre-prepared for installation, in particular, plastering and covered with soil. Decorative brick is safe from the point of view of ecology and does not harm human health. On all types of products of our company, hygienic certificates were obtained, as well as certificates of compliance of Russian and international quality standards.

Evgenia Yuzhaninova

Commercial Director WHITE HILLS

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