Lamps for accent highlighting recreation area


People have long been living in the natural "sunny" clock: We will, as a rule, are actively working, and in the evening, with a reddish sunset light, prefer to relax. It is not surprising that when choosing artificial lighting, it is desirable to adhere to the appropriate color scheme.

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The reddish shades act on most people relaxingly, so it is best to use the corresponding lamps for recreation places -

Not too bright, with the desired color temperature. In the lighting, the color temperature is the most important characteristic of light sources, which determines the chromaticity of the lamps and the color tonality (warm, neutral or cold) space illuminated by them. It is measured in degrees on the Kelvin scale (K) and is indicated on the lamp packaging.

Lamps for accent highlighting recreation area

Photo: Ecola.

Low Color Temperature Lamps are great for recreation sites.

For places of recreation, choose the lamps with the lowest color temperatures. Until recently, the incandescent lamps were considered, luminescent or LED with color temperatures of 2700-2800 K. However, these indicators are quite high, today they cannot be called optimal. Not so long ago were developed and launched into the production of a model with a particularly low color temperature of 2000-2400 K. Such lamps are presented in the assortment of Ecol companies, Verbatim and some others. They give a pleasant golden light.

What is the temperature of the light

If we consider our native sun, then its color temperature varies from 5400 K in a summer afternoon to about 2000 K at sunset. And the usual daily, that is, natural white, the light corresponds to the lighting of the lamps with a color temperature of 4000-4200 K, which that is why traditionally are used for offices and training rooms. Light lamps with color temperatures 6200-6500 K is perceived as cold white. Probably the reason is that this is the color of the summer sky in the north. Color temperature of incandescent lamps with tungsten spiral - about 2800 K. Their glow is perceived as warm white light. It is given and LED, and fluorescent lamps with a close color temperature (from 2700 to 3200 K). For comparison: Flower temperature of the candle flame - 1900 K.

From other indicators of LED lamps used in places of recreation, the ripple coefficient (KP) plays an important role. It characterizes the amplitude of fluctuations in the light flux at a frequency, multiple twice frequency of the network voltage (100 Hz = 2 × 50 Hz). In LED lamps, KP depends on the type and quality of the built-in drive. For residential premises, KP lamps are not rationed, but, according to some medical research, light pulsations have a negative impact on a person, causing at least a sense of discomfort and ultimateness of view. Therefore, leading manufacturers of LED lamps lead work on the modernization of drivers. For example, a series of Ecola Premium was released, the lamps of which have a zero ripple coefficient (less than 1%). Also on the market are "smart" light bulbs.

Lamps for accent highlighting recreation area

Photo: Ecola.

Golden lamps with GU5.3 base (91 rub. - 99 rub.)

Communicating with buyers, we often faced the fact that they are not enough usual warm white light 2700 K. "Is there a little warmer?" Yes, there are golden lamps, which are now presented in all the "Ecol" rules. Their light can be compared with alive fire or with light incandescent lamps, slightly darkened by dimmer. Golden color is not a yellow, but a lapel shade of white light. Such lamps will like them to whom the light from the usual warm (2700 K) light sources seems to be cold. Golden lamps are also recommended to use in rooms with a "warm" interior, where you want to create a cozy, relaxing atmosphere. They are perfect for premises in yellow-bronze-brown tones.

Elena Lebityeva

Head of Ecol Projects Department

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"Transparent ball, sparkling point 320 °", COCOL E14, 4 W (231 rub.)

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Verbatim Natural Vision LED lamp, 2.5 W (182 rub.)

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Ecola lamps: "Candle Candle", E14, 4.2 W (182 rub.)

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"Transparent candle, sparkling point 320 °", 4 W (223 rubles.)

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Ecola model with base G9: G9 300, 3.6 W (101 rub.)

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G9 Corn Mini 300, 4.1 W (186 rub.)

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Lamp with a base of E14 "Transparent ball, sparkling point", 4.2 W (231 rubles)

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"Reflex-Tor R39 LED", 4 W (113 rubles)

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"Reflector R50 LED", 5.4 W (111 rubles) and 7 W (120 rubles.)

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Ecola models. GX53 base and matte glass (186 and 167 rubles)

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F118 spotlight lamp with zero ripple coefficient (294 rubles) and a lamp "Transparent ball, sparkling point" (231 rubles)

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Model Reflector GU10 LED, 7 W, composite (157 rub.)

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