Build a wooden house without errors


One of the main reasons for the blowing of walls in log and brusade houses is a careless or improper sealing of seams between the crowns. How to fulfill these work to avoid similar problems?

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Build a wooden house without errors

Photo: Legion-Media

Getting Started with the construction of a wooden house, it is necessary to imagine the difficulties associated with both the shrinkage of the walls and the need to seal the seams between the logs (bars). Capital works are quite laborious and worth notice - from 70 rubles. For 1 p. M (on the one hand), that is, for the log cabin 6 × 8 m will have to pay more than 50 thousand rubles. Despite the high rates, a conscientious approach to the case is rare. In order to seek after 2-3 years, it is necessary to search for masters, it is necessary to choose the key to choose the material and the method of sealing, learn how to determine the quality of the sealing of the joints. And if you know some building subtleties, you can save.

What is the method of seaming sealing to choose?

The sealing method is largely depends on the selected wall material. Let's say, a layer of the seal between the crowns must be paved in the house of the non-stroke timber, and finishing the roof, climb into the slit dry surplus, that is, perform the so-called draft caustation. With force, the seal is not necessary, because the birds will not be able to get to it, besides the walls will be additionally protected from purging by special films.

During the construction of the house from the profiled glue bar or otlinding with the Finnish groove, the caulking is not required - sufficiently lay a sealing tape between the crowns. And some companies offer a ram with a comb windscreen, allowing us to do without compaction.

Build a wooden house without errors

Length tape thickness 10-12 mm is ideal for sealing seams in a round-ride house. Photo: "Lona Group"

If the usual log house is bought or a set of houses from a planed beam or a rounded log with a conventional lunar groove, the seams will have to be sealed very carefully, in several stages. Putting a log house, the masters must cross it "in the current", and after the end of the main shrinkage (a year later), pierce the seams with the help of special tools (road builders, blades, beater). At the same time, at first they canopate the gap between the first and the second crown (outside and from the inside), then - between the second and third and so on, along the perimeter of the house, including the inner walls and chopped extensions if they are. Such an order is associated with additional labor costs, especially if we are talking about a two-story house, where you often transfer forests. But to break the sequence is unacceptable, otherwise the log house turns: As a result of the punching of each seam, the wall becomes 5-10 mm higher.

Sealing seams moss

In a wooden house-building and today it is appropriate to use vintage techniques, for example, seal the seams with moss. The soft pillows of his intertwined leaf-making well fill the slots, possess antiseptic properties (impede the development of the fungus) and smell pleasantly. However, the moss forests are far from everywhere, the collection of plants is quite laborious; If you buy it in bags (there are green sphagnum on sale, and reddish cucoshin luna), then the seal will cost 40-60 rubles. For 1 p. m, that is, almost an order of magnitude more expensive packs. MHA and other disadvantages. So, it is inconvenient to vote for caulking, and the fiveing, it becomes fragile and painted from the edge part of the seams, because of which the building looks inactively.

Build a wooden house without errors

The jute rope can serve only decor. Photo: "DDM"

For a long time, the most common interventory sealer remained palable - coarse confused fiber, sampled during the primary treatment of spinning crops. The material sold in bales and rolls (ribbon panel) is used both for gasket between the crowns and for caulking. The bales will cost a little cheaper, but the seal will have to spread on the logs manually, forming a uniform layer with a thickness of about 15 mm, for which the skill will be required and additional time costs. The tape, the average value of which is 6-8 rubles. For 1 p. M (with a width of 150 mm and a thickness of 15 mm) when laying, you can spread in seconds and secure the stapler.

Along with the rolled packles, linseed and flax ribbons are presented in the Russian market. They are made by a needle-free method of thinner and long fibers, have a thickness of 8-12 mm and are ideal for walls of a rounded log and profiled timber. The playing tape from the playful flanity is 30-40% more expensive than the tape pane. Narrow (40-60 mm) Durable material strips It is convenient to use for punching seams, and they are much better held between logs than the package harness.

It is worth mentioning felt seals from sheep wool, presented, for example, the products of Klimalan. They are durable, comfortable in work and almost do not tear, that is, we guarantee long-term sealing of seams. Woolen tape 150 mm wide and a thickness of 12 mm costs from 60 rubles. For 1 p. m.

As for seals from synthetic fibers (viscose, polyester, etc.), just as durable, but no less expensive than woolen felt, they are still rarely used - mainly during the construction of a premium-segment houses from a gluing profiled timber.

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There are tapes between rounded brings. Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

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Without a seal, it is possible to do only with a black grazing assembly. Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

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Longitudinal junctions of glue bars are usually compacted. Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

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The exclusion is the walls of the material with a comb lock. Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

Build a wooden house without errors

Polymeric sealants for log cabins are not afraid of atmospheric influences and compared with packles less needed to professional masters. Alas, the cost of these materials in our country is unreasonably high, which prevents their widespread use. Photo: "VGT"

Finishing strokes

With a professional punching of the seams, the master with a shovel and a roadmaker forms a seal in a uniform, slightly protruding roller, which gives the cut a completed and neat look. The seam made in this way is sufficiently resistant to the rain and the wind, but still collapses with time, and the birds willingly use soft fibers for their nests. Therefore, when painting a log, the protruding seal must be carefully soaked in oil for wood or other decorative protective composition. The consumption of the last substantially (almost one and a half times) will increase, besides, some firms take extra charge for the service (10-20 rubles per month. M), however, the costs of the stories will pay off, since the service life of the seal will increase several times. Protect the fibrous seal from birds and winds, and also decorate the house is capable of a jute rope with a diameter of 10-16 mm, which is fixed to broth staples or galvanized nails for lining. This method of seams is worth 30 rubles. For 1 p. m. It does not replace the cauldises, but allows you to perform it less gently, that is, faster, and therefore work should cost cheaper.

Build a wooden house without errors

Sealant. Photo: neomid.

5 practical councils

  1. The material for the cauldium is better to acquire independently, and not through the contracting company, then it will cost 1.5-2 times cheaper.
  2. Collect brica or bars is necessary before caulking. Without grinding it is difficult to do when covering the walls by lesing compositions, as well as the color of the house in bright tones.
  3. If the house is trimmed with a shade, refuse the pure cauldiction and save on sealing seams up to 50%.
  4. Do not forget to impregnate the protector protector, otherwise the house will soon lose a neat look. Repeated processing will be required after 7 years.
  5. Wide gaps in the old Sirube compressed vapor-permeable, pre-compressed ribbon, and then close their weather-resistant sealant. Thus, you will achieve high sealing and durability of seams and while saving up to 20% on the material.


Taking the work, first of all, make sure that the seams are uniform and the seal holds everywhere firmly. Next, pay attention to the loops and shrinkage compensators - the wizards are required to add a seal over jumpers of casing and adjust the screw supports. Make sure that the density of the seams in the inner and outer walls is the same. Inspect the angular connections where the joints should be filled in particularly carefully, without skipping in hard-to-reach places. Ideally, a thermal impetition of the building should be conducted before and after the end of work to identify the sealing defects. The cost of one-time survey starts from 10 thousand rubles.

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Sometimes, the crowns of dry bars or brica are tightened with muffuhar or long studs. It is believed that so you can increase the strength and tightness of the wall. Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

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When conducting hobble work, special attention should be paid to the corners (regardless of the method of their cutting), where the probability of purging and the occurrence of cold bridges is especially large. Photo: "Siberian Terem"

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To protect against blowing the seams, patchy harness or narrow ribbon is caught. Photo: "DDM"

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A loose cavalry seam is quickly destroyed under the influence of wind and moisture. You have to start working re-or insulate and sow a logboard. Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

Builder on note

Recently, synthetic seals (mainly on an acrylic basis with the addition of reinforcing fibers) are becoming increasingly used to protect the interventical seams. They are produced under the brands "Sazi", Neomid, Oliva, VGT, etc. Sealants are durable (service life of at least 20 years) and vaporosham - they help reliably "seal" seams and do not allow excessive moistening of the main seal. We emphasize that the sealing of mastic replaces the caulking, but not the package of the packle (ribbons) between the crowns. Sealants are white and color (mostly different shades of brown), they are sold in vendors or tubes under the gun. But Material Nedozhev (from 320 rubles per 1 l), and the process of its application is quite laborious: it is necessary to clean the seams, apply the composition of the uniform layer, to dissolve it with a spatula, and later remove the excess grinders. Hence the high final price - up to 160 rubles. For 1 p. m.

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