All-season veranda


With the arrangement of the loggia, as a rule, the translucent designs are first mounted, and then proceed to insulation and finishing. The problem of choosing and installing windows was covered in the "IID" No. 4 / 2015. This time we will talk about how to improve the thermal insulating properties of walls, gender and ceiling and "referring" the appearance of the room.

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The owners of small apartments often strive to turn the loggia into the room - office, a greenhouse or a mini-gym. At first glance, warm and warm the small room is completely simple, however, in practice it is not always possible to ensure year-round "habitability". The reason for this is the wrong choice and the negligent installation of heat insulating structures. To succeed, it is necessary to master the "strategy and tactics" of the fight against cold.

All-season veranda

Photo: Bonzodog /

Barrier for wind

In the houses of old episodes (for example, II-49, II-57, I209A, etc.), parapet and side walls of the loggia are made of asbestos-cement or steel galvanized sheets attached to a metal rolling frame. Such a fence is unreliable, while the joints of the elements are notometric; But it makes no sense to dismantle it - it is better to increase from inside the reinforced masonry from partitioned foam blocks with a thickness of 70-100 mm. From the same material you can build side walls where they are only outlined (say, in the houses of the II-68 series and P44). Despite the relatively low material density (500-700 kg / m3), the design creates an additional load on the overlap, and in old houses the carrying capacity of the plates is small and besides due to wear, so the work requires coordination.

All-season veranda


Modern materials from mineral wool preserve the volume, and therefore, and heat-insulating properties for decades

Concrete parapet (provided in almost all new buildings) does not need to be strengthened, but it is necessary to carefully close the gaps for the flow of melt and rainwater. If their value does not exceed 40 mm, repair mixtures are suitable, such as MapeGrout Fast-SET or Consolit-Bars. Wide slots can be embedded by fragments of foam blocks. But neither concrete nor foam wall with a thickness of 100 mm is not enough to protect against cold, so it is necessary to mount thermal insulation.

Comparative characteristics of insulation 50 mm thick

Material Heat transfer resistance, m2 • ° C / W Additional insulation of air noise, dB Price, rub. / M²
Stone Vata. 1,3. 6-8 From 110.
Glass Vata. 1,2 Also From 90.
Soft wood-fiber stove 0,3. 9-11 From 250.
Polystyrene foam 1,3. 4-6 From 2500.
Epps 1.5 Also From 220.
Polyurene Foolder 1,8. Also From 750.

The easiest way to heat the loggia is the installation of a ceramic convector with a capacity of 1-2 kW. It takes a little space and persistently reacts to changes in room temperature (almost all modern models are equipped with an external thermal sensor)

Installation of plasterboard ceiling with insulation

All-season veranda

Photo: Saint-Gobain Gyproc

Guides are fixed to the walls (their position is corrected using a laser level), and then collect the frame from galvanized ceiling profiles (a). Located with a plate plate from stone wool (b), after which the plasterboard sheets are laid, using a screwdriver with a twisting depth limiter (B)

Winter lining

Internal insulation is not the best option from the point of view of construction heat engineering (the concrete wall remains in the cold zone, and condensate will fall on it) and also is associated with loss of area. But there is no other way out most often no; In principle, on the parapet, it would be possible to mount the similarity of the hinged facade, but in most major cities such a decision will require complex coordination with architectural supervisory authorities.

As a rule, the walls are fastened to the walls of wooden bars (steel profiles will become cold bridges). The space between the bars is filled with stained or glass wool plates or sheets of polystyrene foam. The advantage of mineral wool is a higher air noise insulation index (this parameter is especially important for those who live on the lower floors and next to the highways). In addition, the non-flamm material, unlike expanded polystyrene, which is required to ensure fire safety.

All-season veranda

Photo: Saint-Gobain Gyproc

Suspended ceiling design: 1 - 3D connector; 2 - suspension adjustable; 3 - mineral wool; 4 - Ceiling profile; 5 - Sheets of G Clac

Good service will serve foil insulation. The foil layer, oriented towards the room, will protect it from the penetration of wet air (but only with a thorough sickness of the joints with special scotch) and reduce heat loss due to the reflection of infrared radiation. Another option is to tighten the insulation with a vapor barrier film or close with foam. The frame is sewn with moisture-resistant plasterboard sheets or finishing material - clapboard, panels, etc.

A similar design is collected on the ceiling, but it is usually referred to from overlap (fastening to the top plate using suspensions or only to walls) to level the disproportions in the room volume.

Before insulationing the loggia, it is necessary to ensure reliable protection for future thermal insulation from adverse atmospheric influences. For this purpose, it is necessary to close all the slots and holes with polyurethane sealant, after which you can safely begin to thermal insulation. For insulation of walls and gears, non-combustible plates from the stone wool "Light Batts Scandik", which are mounted by the versius between the elements of the frame. The material has a special spring edge, which simplifies the installation of the insulation and is ensured by a more dense fitting. To protect the plates from the penetration of water vapor, it is necessary to close them with a warm side with a vapor barrier film. The thickness of the thermal insulation layer depends on the climatic conditions and the structural material of the loggia. To calculate this parameter, the Specialists of the Rockwool Design Center developed an online calculator, which is available on the company's website.

Natalia Pakhomov

Rockwool Design Engineer Design

Gender: Normal and electric

There is a lot of "recipes" of the heat insulating cake of the floor. Let us dwell on the basic ways. It's easier and faster to arrange the floor of the lags. At the same time, the brucks with a cross section of 50 × 70 mm or more (depending on the required thickness of the insulation) laid in a step of 500-600 mm, aligned and be sure to attach to the slab overlap. There is a heater between the lags, for example, "Flor Batts" (Rockwool), the polyethylene film strips with a thickness of 100 microns with a rehearse of at least 20 cm - and you can nurthed genital boards. For laminate, parquet or parquet board, it is necessary to arrange a base of plywood with a thickness of 12 mm (sticking sheets is allowed only on lags).

All-season veranda

Photo: Unis

Primer for grounds

All-season veranda

Photo: Saint-Gobain Weber, Unis

High-quality finish is impossible without careful preparation of basic surfaces. So, you should be stockpur with alignment mixtures (a) and primers for the bases of different types (b)

All-season veranda

Photo: Rockwool.

Fibrous insulation needs to be protected from moisture: from the side of the room - a vapor barrier film, and from the side of the street - a steaming membrane

Another option is to fill the screed. On the slab overlapping and the lower part of the walls (at a height of about 10 cm) are caused by coating waterproofing, and then placing mats from mineral fiber with a density of at least 130 kg / m³ or plates from extruded polystyrene foam (EPPS). The reinforced tie of the polymer concrete is poured over (its optimal thickness is 40 mm).

But even with a layer of insulation, a thickness of 100 mm, the floor of the loggia is likely to be warm, because the unheated room is located below. Solve the problem will help the built-in electrical heating systems based on the resistive cable or special film.

The segment of the heating cable (the so-called section) is placed on top of a fully hardened concrete screed (under it - a layer of insulation) and fix a special tape. The system is tested, after which the cable is sealed with a layer of sandbetone with a thickness of 10-20 mm.

Heating film is usually placed directly under the flooring. Compared to the cable, it has a smaller specific capacity and emits a milder radiation, but it is often out of order due to mechanical damage. And if you shed water to the floor, you can be powder, so the film warm floor is connected to the network only through the protective shutdown device.

Wooden lining makes sense to coat with colorless or tinting composition for outdoor and internal works. Dried up, it forms a film with a UV filter, which will prevent the timing change

Option of the warrior insulation

All-season veranda

Photo: "Alpha Installation"

To begin with, the joints and cracks in the fence (a) were rejected. Then they mounted a doomlet from metal profiles and wooden bars (B, B); In this case, foam block was dragged with foam. The ceiling was insulated with polystyrene foam (g), and the walls were a stone wool, after which they were cut by the frame of plasterboard sheets (e). On the floor, the heating film was laid (E), and on top of her - dry-fiber sheets. Premises ready for finishing (g)

Finishing Arsenal

For the finishing finish of surfaces, coated with plasterboard, washable interior paints are optimally suitable. It is not necessary to use paper and fliesline wallpapers (especially saturated colors), as they will quickly burn out in the sun; The same applies to wall laminated panels from MDF.

All-season veranda

Photo: Unis

When choosing a tile glue, pay attention to the characteristics such as frost resistance, clutch strength with the base and the holder

All-season veranda

Photo: Saint-Gobain Weber

Ready finish putty makes time to save time, but cost much more precious mixtures

Ceiling can be used with clapboard, GVLV or Rakes. Order stretching structures for a small room are unprofitable.

Flooring should be non-slip. The remaining recommendations concern only the installation of the electrical heating system. Cable warm floor involves laying ceramic tiles: if you use low thermal conductivity coatings, the equipment efficiency will decrease, and the cable may overdo it. Warving film is well combined with a laminate, a parquet board (thickness up to 15 mm), carpet (no more than 6 mm) and linoleum.

Installation of the cable section

All-season veranda

Photo: "CST"

A foil heat insulating substrate, for example, a thickness of 3-4 mm (a) is spread on the leveling screed of the floor, for example. Then, the mounting tape (b) is fixed to the base, the cable (B) is folded and the temperature sensor is set (g). After the system is tested and poured with a layer of solution (D). When it dries, the test is spent again and stacked the tile (E)

All-season veranda

Visualization: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

Insulated Paul Design: Loggia1 - Refractory Waterproofing; 2 - polystyrene foam plates; 3 - rolled waterproofing; 4 - sand-cement screed; 5 - Tile glue; 6 - Tile

All-season veranda

Visualization: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

The design of the warmed floor of the loggia: 1 - rolled waterproofing; 2 - lag from larch; 3 - mineral wool mat; 4 - waterproofing film; 5 - plywood (20 mm); 6 - Tile glue; 7 - Tile

All-season veranda

Visualization: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

The design of the warmed floor of the loggia: 1 - rolled waterproofing; 2 - polystyrene foam plates; 3 - sand-cement screed; 4 - substrate (polyethylene); 5 - Castle parquet board

The cost of loggia arrangement *

Type of work Rate
Foam block masonry (side walls + parapet) From 2500 rubles / set
Warming with mineral wool or foam 350-400 rub. / M2
Wood decoration and ceiling with wooden or plastic clapboard From 550 rubles / m2
Wall decoration tiles From 850 rubles / m2
Device "Warm" tie From 900 rubles / m2
Laying of rolled floor coverings From 250 rubles / m2
Makeup device From 700 rubles / m2
Electrical installation ** 1-3 thousand rubles / set.

* There were averaged rates for construction companies in Moscow.

** without taking into account the warm flooring device.

All-season veranda

Photo: "Alpha Installation"

Before entering the arrangement of the loggia, it is advisable to consistently consult with the interior designer. The specialist will prompt the optimal color solution, recommends the materials and will help make the room functional.

All-season veranda

Photo: "Alpha Installation"

All-season veranda

Photo: "Constant"

Electrical heating floor is discharged by ceramic or porcelain tile or other thin coatings conductive heat

All-season veranda

Photo: "Constant"

Most often, the walls and ceiling of the loggia are finished with a pine or fir clap 12-18 mm thick. It is nailed to the shell of nails with a small hat or fasten with invisible beats

All-season veranda

Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

Material aesthetic, durable and easy to work. It allows you to mount the built-in lamps and is suitable

For trim


All-season veranda

Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

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