Finnish Standard


Today, the sucho-hearted sauna competes successfully with a traditional bath. The ability to warm up and risk the fragrant ferry is highly appreciated by the inhabitants of Northern, and it is possible to equip a compact cockpit right in the house. However, to provide the recommended by experts the temperature and humidity regime is not so easy ...

Finnish Standard 11816_1

The air of the air is heated to 45-60 ° C, it is plentiful to stones water, climbing a broom, wash the "wedding" way. Relative humidity reaches 90%, a lot of water falls on the floor. Therefore, a separate building is most often diverted under the bath.

Finnish Standard

Photo: Legion-Media

As for the sucho-hearted sauna, the temperature of the air is considered to be the norm here 90-110 ° C and relative humidity 5-15%. It is necessary to provide an intense influx of fresh air. How to fulfill these conditions?

Finnish Standard

Photo: Harvia.

Many modern chambers are equipped with an electron control, which is precise exactly the temperature in the sauna, and in the presence of the evaporator - and the intensity of the vaporization

Finnish Standard

Photo: jacuzzi.

Finnish Standard

Photo: Helo.

Very comfortable termehs, capable of keeping warm in standby mode

Heat. Quickly heat the sauna and maintain a high temperature in it will not be possible if you do not insulate the walls. Insulation - mineral wool slabs with a thickness of 50-100 mm - with the inside of the walls of the room or between the racks of frame fencing and hermetically (with the schitting and attachment sites and places) are closed by aluminum foil playing the role of vapor barrier and reflector, which reflects radiant heat inside the steam. With this design, the sauna can be warm up for 1-2 hours.

It is very important to correctly pick up the power of the furnace - wood or electric. For each 1 m3 of the pair volume, 0.7-1 kW of the thermal power of the unit is required. (Note: According to the standards for the apartment, the volume of the steam rooms should be at least 8 m3, and the maximum permissible power of the electrocamenika is 15 kW.)

Comfort in the sauna largely depends on the furnace design. Say, wood models with a small stone laying are heated by the room only in time and create powerful infrared radiation, poorly perceived by man and is not good for health. In part, the convection casing helps to correct the situation, but the most "correct" heat gives ovens with a massive (at least 6 kg per 1 kW of power) by a stone laying.

Electric furnaces can be installed in the house without chimney. In addition, they allow you to program the inclusion time (there is an opportunity to fall in, for example, immediately on returning from the ski walk) and accurately set the desired temperature.

According to construction standards, the ceiling above the furnace must be protected by a non-heat insulating shield.

Control the atmosphere in the sauna will help measuring instruments - a thermometer and a hygrometer. They are located on the wall of about 120 cm from the floor, no closer than 1.5 m from the furnace

Control over humidity. It should not be purchased for a sauna oven with a tank: when boiling water, the humidity will quickly increase, and the air will start literally to burn the skin. It is not worthwhile to abundantly water stones with water - the effect of a sharp evaporation of moisture in a close room may be extremely unpleasant. A small amount of aromatic couple is not difficult to obtain from special salts, coniferous branches or a rig with a solution of natural essential oil. And you can buy a furnace with a special device that guides water up to the hottest stones. However, the main "manufacturer" of wet evaporation in the sauna is the person himself, because during the procedure the intensity of the sweating reaches 30 g / min. Divide the saturated air and ensure the influx of oxygen is designed to the ventilation system.

Ventilation. There are no clear standards for ventilation parches, but, let's say, Harvia's specialists recommend providing a six-time air exchange within an hour. In many teams of Finnish saunas, a wide (50-100 mm) gap under the door is provided, and the exhaust valve with a diameter of 100 mm is embedded in the ceiling.

There are other options for organizing air exchange. For example, this: at the bottom of the wall next to the furnace, a trim valve is mounted, and in the opposite corner of the room in the floor, an electrical exhaust device is embedded, which removes cold wet air from the steam room at the bottom.

The diameter of the supply and exhaust channels in the sauna of less than 12 m3 should be 100 mm (with natural ventilation). With the volume of steam room 12-24 m3, the venticanal cross-section is increased by 1.5 or even 2 times.

In the city, according to the standards, the exhaust channel must be equipped with quite bulky and expensive (from 8 thousand rubles.) Fire valve. As for intake and exhaust ventilation valves, they are worth 500 rubles. Preference should be given to adjustable devices with wooden linings: the metal in the sauna is very heated, and it cannot be touched.

Finnish Standard 11816_6
Finnish Standard 11816_7
Finnish Standard 11816_8
Finnish Standard 11816_9
Finnish Standard 11816_10
Finnish Standard 11816_11
Finnish Standard 11816_12
Finnish Standard 11816_13

Finnish Standard 11816_14

Finnish Standard 11816_15

Stones do not watered in general or give water with small portions

Finnish Standard 11816_16

Finnish Standard 11816_17

It is necessary to monitor the testimony of the thermometer and the hygrometer

Finnish Standard 11816_18


Finnish Standard 11816_19

Materials that are separated by a sauna should not be separated by resins and harmful substances and heat themselves. One of the best options - Canadian Cedar

Finnish Standard 11816_20

Finnish Standard 11816_21

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