Prevention of plastic windows: preparation for winter


Modern windows are perfectly protected from cold and very durable, but they, like any other construction design with movable parts, requires maintenance. It is best to spend it in the fall, simultaneously with the washing of stalk.

Prevention of plastic windows: preparation for winter 11851_1

Maintenance of the window includes removal of dirt and dust, cleaning drainage holes, testing and (if necessary) adjustment of accessories, sealer lubrication. These procedures do not require special skills and occupy no more than 20 minutes on one window. It is advisable to purchase a set of tools for integrated care - they are offered by leading manufacturers of window profiles and structures, such as Rehau, DeceUninck, Kaleva.

Autumn prophylaxis

Photo: Réhau.

How and what to wash

Street dust, which accumulates on the details of the accessories and seals, works as an abrasive material, increasing wear of all driving window elements. Therefore, it is necessary to wash not only the outer surfaces of the frames, but also the fold zone, invisible with the closed sash. It will also suit the usual dishes, but it is better to purchase a special PVC cleaner, which includes not only surfactants, but also an antistatic, as well as synthetic oil that gives the profile of a matte shine. It is impossible to use products containing acids, lumps, chlorine, abrasives, as they can remove long-term paraffin lubrication from the accessories and damage the zinc coating.

The cost of replacement of seals is from 270 rubles. For 1 p. m, accessories (on one sash) - from 5 thousand rubles, two-chamber windows - from 4500 rubles. For 1 m2

Pay attention to the drainage holes in the lower and upper profiles of the window box - when they are clogged, it is not possible to avoid puddle on the windowsill and engine freezing. The holes should be accurately cleaned with a thin rod, such as a wooden barbecue wand.

Autumn prophylaxis

Photo: "Windows factory"

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Do I need to regulate accessories

Some believe that the window fittings should be adjusted 2 times a year, that is, to translate to the "summer" and "winter" modes. In fact, in the course of preventive service, it is only necessary to check the tightness of the action - for this purpose, it is enough to carry out the perimeter of the sash with a damp palm or a flame of a lighter. If the window blows, you will have to adjust the eccentric pin or (in old models) response strips. In both cases, you will need a hex key 4 or 6 mm. Note that too tight fit reduces the service life and seals and fittings.

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What to lubricate fittings

Drinking metal parts are protected from corrosion by factory paraffin lubricant, providing good operations of the loop and locking mechanism over a minimum of 15 years. To extend the service life of the accessories to 40-50 years, it is lubricated with the composition based on liquid synthetic oils; It is most convenient to use a cylinder-spray with a thin tubular nozzle.

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How to care for seals

If the seals are made of a modified rubber (like most budgetary products), they need to be washed, dried, and then apply a special glycerol-wax composition (alas, it is not for sale in the markets and in stores - you have to go to the window company or place an order on the Internet ). Seals made of elastomers and silicone (installed on modern windows from premium-class profiles DeceunInck, Trocal, Veka, etc.) do not need lubricant.

The service life of rubber seals with proper and timely care - cleaning against contamination and processing with special lubricant - is 12-15 years. Without maintenance, traces of wear appear after 2-3 years of operation. If the seal is partially deformed and microcracks are visible on it, replacement is necessary. Cases breakdown fittings are rare. Although during the wrong use sometimes there is a double opening, in other words, the loss of the sash. Solve the problem will help the Master of Service Department of the Window Firm. But when breakdown, the main drive lever requires replacement of fittings. Double-glazed windows also replace service staff. The whole procedure takes no more than 30 minutes, but requires skill. I note that with multiple multi-way defects it is more profitable to order a new window, rather than fix breakage.

Vitaly Shakirzanov

Master of service of the company "Factory of Windows"

Autumn prophylaxis

Photo: "Windows Factory", Roto

The mechanism of parallel-sliding structures consisting of scissor brackets and guides (a) does not tolerate contamination and sharp manipulations with the sash. The window ventilating valve (b) is desired once every 2-3 years to disassemble and clean from dust and dirt. Details of the locking mechanism (B, D, D) need periodic lubricant. As for the adjustment, it is necessary only in cases where the window has lost hermetic and is felt by the backlash

Autumn prophylaxis

Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

The old seal is easy to remove from the groove using an ordinary pumping, but you need a skill to install the new

Autumn prophylaxis

Photo: DeceunInck.

If the handle turns with the effort and is not recorded in the control positions, the mechanism requires serious repair or replacement

Autumn prophylaxis

Photo: Kaleva, Wintech

Accessories (a), as well as seals on the sash (b) need to be kept clean, but in no case wash the means, the composition of which there are acids and abrasives

Autumn prophylaxis

Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

On the old windows with accessories of Roto Centro, response planks are regulated (A). With a mechanism lubrication (b) you need to turn the handle several times so that the oil penetrates the drive nodes

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