Apartment for bachelor: Lofktovka aesthetics and bright accents


To create in St. Petersburg "Oder" convenient, but at the same time an unbearding environment architect has developed a non-standard "scenario" of space and introduced a playing start to the interior. And to whom, as not to the future director of the cinema, to become a creative ally of a professional in finding optimal design solutions

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A young man, with enthusiasm to master the profession of film director, became the owner of a one-room apartment in a new house, which is erected in the depths of historical buildings in the Petrograd side. The area of ​​the dwelling is a little more fifty meters. The owner hoped to equip the apartment in the style of the show studio Jamie Oliver: Loftics, brick walls, bright accents (red retro refrigerator and radiator of the same color) in combination with an open layout of the interior intended for bachelor life, communication, studies and shooting. Other bacheloy interiors can be found here and here.

Apartment for bachelor: Lofktovka aesthetics and bright accents

Photo: ideas of your home

The profession of the owner of the apartment is eloquently testify the huge "spotlights" for the shooting and the portrait of one of the heroes of Cinema Dzigi Verchov, directorist directorist and film theorist, the author of the famous "man with a film tea" (1929)


Rectangular in terms of the apartment on the second floor of a monolithic concrete house does not have inland bearing walls, an exception is one rectangular column. The entrance door is located in the end, from the opposite side to the main volume, the semicircular glazed Erker is adjacent, on the side - the balcony and one more window. The apartment was divided by partitions-scenes (only the bathroom is a separate volume).

Next to the kitchen is a partition separating the elongated bathroom pencil. Living room, she is the same bedroom, adjacent to the open dining-kitchen. Small intersections of new borders of the bathroom and kitchen with the projection of wet areas on adjacent floors, the developer agreed, demanding additional waterproofing of overlaps.

Compact and spacious

One of the features of small apartments is every zone of multifunctional. So, for example, in this "odd shop" did not make a separate bedroom so as not to create cramped. But the folding sofa with a comfortable mattress and a good mechanism allowed to turn the living room to a place to relax, receive guests, watching the aquate materials and sleep. A high bar table is used for everyday food intake, which is quite convenient for a young man, and as a bundle rack during reception of guests, and also performs zoning functions. The desktop is located in a semi-autonomous "bay" between the built-in cabinet of the hallway and the column, and from the living room it separates the partition with a height of 1.2 m - the cabinet area is not visually inspired and can serve during the receptions of guests an additional place of recreation and communication.


The screed was changed, the floors were tested with a wear-resistant Finnish tile from PVC. The ceilings were trimmed with plasterboard. On the balcony made high-quality glazing. The radiator near the access to the balcony was replaced by the designer, tubular. In the hallway, there is a collector node next to the entrance door, and above it, under the ceiling, - bypass pipes. All these communications were hidden behind a plasterboard box and a reduced ceiling.


The huge windows from the floor to the ceiling in combination with the brick and white wall decoration, as well as the minimum number of furniture set the lofov mood and visually expand the volume. An unusual bar table of a broken form, made according to the architect of an artificial stone, emphasizes the communication zone. The composition complements the plasterboard design on the ceiling, which then goes to the side of the column, bringing the dynamics to the interior.

The design is effectively combined by elements of the loft, pop art, contemporary, techno, ar deco, ecosil.

Although the windows of the apartment are large, but not very much light penetrates into the interiors: in the neighborhood there are high residential buildings. Therefore, rooms are equipped with a variety of lamps that will help implement various light scenarios. For shooting with artificial lighting and viewing video from the projector in the erker there are dense curtains. The owner often watches TV, so the LCD panels are attached to the walls and in the studio, and in the bathroom. The apartment is equipped with a very high quality acoustic system with a connection to the computer server. All furniture, including both cabinet, working and bar table, was designed specifically for this interior: it was necessary to fit exactly in the size of the premises.

Larisa Losev

Architect, project author

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Apartment for bachelor: Lofktovka aesthetics and bright accents 11874_5
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Apartment for bachelor: Lofktovka aesthetics and bright accents 11874_8
Apartment for bachelor: Lofktovka aesthetics and bright accents 11874_9
Apartment for bachelor: Lofktovka aesthetics and bright accents 11874_10

Apartment for bachelor: Lofktovka aesthetics and bright accents 11874_11

The hidden vents of the hidden hidden hidden hidden hidden hidden hidden design. Wall next to the working countertop will be closed with a transparent glass apron

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Walls in the apartment are partially painted, partially lined with clinker tiles, imitating brick

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The lower sections of the cabinet in the living room are open, they have placed acoustic speakers - the sound does not overlap even when the projector screen is deployed

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Opposite the entrance door - the built-in wardrobe, behind it - the cabinet corner, near - the passage to the studio

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The plinths in the apartment are painted in different colors: near the dark doors Plintos black, and in the rest of the interiors - white

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The working area is separated from the living room with a low partition - sitting at the table, you can watch TV, communicate with friends

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Two walls of the bathroom were littered with a regular tile of an ordinary format, one - fine-format (3 m long) from the Arch-Skin collection.

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A comfortable table-stand with a built-in washbasin, storage box and washing machine designed by architect

The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

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Architect: Larisa Losev

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