What facades for the kitchen are better: overview 10 popular materials


We are talking about the advantages and disadvantages of the tree, chipboard, glass and 7 more materials from which the facades for the kitchen are manufactured.

What facades for the kitchen are better: overview 10 popular materials 11904_1

What facades for the kitchen are better: overview 10 popular materials

Choose kitchen facades

Varieties from different materials and forms

  • Wood
  • Chipboard
  • MDF.
  • Plastic
  • Acrylic
  • Veneer
  • Glass
  • Ceramics
  • Metal
  • Frame

Tips how to choose

A good kitchen set is a guarantee of the convenience and quality cooking. This process is accompanied by high temperatures and humidity, not all furniture withstands such loads. In addition to the practical side, external appeal is important. Often it is here to receive guests or gather for a family dinner. Let's talk about what facades it is better to choose for the kitchen to combine practicality and beauty.

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What are the facades for the kitchen

The headset housing is most often made from an array of wood, chipboard, MDF or multiplex. But the door material is distinguished by a large variety: wood, plastic, MDF, veneer, metal, glass. Let us dwell on each version.

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What facades for the kitchen are better: overview 10 popular materials 11904_15
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Heat and nobility of wood create a special cozy atmosphere in the house. It is relevant at any time, since it fits easily into many directions: classics, country, Provence, Scandi, Mediterranean, eco-style. In addition to a luxurious appearance, it has other advantages.

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  • Durability - high-quality furniture with careful care will serve several decades;
  • Ecology - Wood is safe for health;
  • The possibility of restoration - small scratches or chips can be treated with a special grout, returning the surface of the original smoothness.


Like all natural, furniture made of wood array is expensive. However, if you compare the service life of a wooden headset and, for example, from plastic, the comparison will not be in favor of the latter.

Not all the trees breed are suitable for the production of doors. What is better to choose the facades of the kitchen? Those that are easily processed are suitable, well tolerate constant humidity, high temperatures and have increased strength. It is oak, alder, ash, pine, beech, birch. In addition to technical specifications, there are beautiful fibers. The surface is covered with varnish, emphasizing the shade of wood, or color in the desired color.

Acquire wooden headsets better at solid companies responsible for the quality of their products. Incorrectly treated wood in the process of use can be deformed and cracking.

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The chipboard is a reasonable way out for those who do not fit the furniture from the massif for some reason. Sheets in pure form are not used for cladding lockers. They are covered with a decorative layer of plastic, veneer, acrylic.


The advantage of this material is its low cost, availability and versatility - from it make any kinds of furniture.


The appearance of the chipboard is not distinguished by beauty and attractiveness. In addition, he swells from moisture and quickly comes into disrepair. Therefore, it is necessarily covered by a protective layer.

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Chips, compressed with wood resin under the action of high temperatures turn into a robust wear-resistant material from which any furniture can be made. It is from it that radius flowed facades are obtained. For use in the kitchen, MDF plates are treated in different ways: paint with enamel paints and lacquer, apply PVC film, veneer or acrylic.

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MDF is distinguished by strength, durability, ease of care. It is easily processed, so used to produce facades of various forms.


Requires gentle care - aggressive detergents and abrasive sponges can leave scratches and divorces on the surface.

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There is a delusion that the doors of this type are entirely made of plastic. This is not quite so. The paper chipboard or MDF is applied with a special mixture paper. High pressure and temperature turn it into durable plastic. It does not emit harmful substances, so it can be used in the kitchens. Production technology allows you to do the doors of any texture and color. The practical properties of this material also at the height.

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  • Strength - it is not terrible mechanical damage;
  • moisture resistance - does not swell from water, so it can be used even next to the sink;
  • Resistance to ultraviolet - does not lose color under the sunny rays.


The inconveniences of plastic heads include the need for their constant cleaning - spots and traces of fingers are well noticeable on a shiny surface. Another factor that suits not everyone is due to the technology of manufacturing the door always remain white on the inside.

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Instead of a paper layer on the same sheets of chipboard or MDF, polymethylacrylate is applied, receiving acrylic facades. Their main feature is a glossy surface of a bright rich color, which is not scary straight sun rays. It looks good in modern style interiors, high-tech, minimalism.

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  • durability;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • health safety;
  • moisture resistance.


The mirror surface reflects the surrounding items, visually increasing the size of the room. It is not always convenient - an abundance of glare can tire the eyes of small or elderly family members. For daily care, this coating will require soft napkins, polyrolol.


Inexpensive furniture made of natural material - so you can characterize the veneer. Billets are covered with wood sheets with a thickness of up to 3 mm. As a result, the surface is obtained, which is visually different from wood. At the same time, it has all the properties of furniture from the array. The veneered surface is matte or glossy. It depends on the type of varnish used. It is suitable for both classic style and modern.

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  • durability;
  • resistance to damage;
  • restoration possibility;
  • Ecology.


The surface of the veneer is sensitive to humidity and high temperatures. It can burn out in the sun.

To the question of which facades for the kitchen are the most practical, reviews for furniture forums do not give an accurate answer. Each chooses the material to your liking. However, the most popular MDF and chipboard remained treated in different ways.

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The feeling of air and space creates a headset with tempered glass or triplex doors. They can be curious or decorated with aluminum frames. Glass is transparent, matte or color. Sand blasting pattern or photo printing will help to decorate it.

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What facades for the kitchen are better: overview 10 popular materials 11904_50
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The material is very practical: resistant to moisture, light, high temperatures, well cleared. In addition, it appropriately looks in any style: Provence, Classic, Minimalism, High Tech.


When installing glass doors, special accessories are used, which increases and so quite high the cost of the headset. In addition, they require careful care - abrasive cleaning substances do not apply here.


Ceramic facades look solid and stylish. A thin sheet is base, consisting of a mixture of inorganic substances: clay, kaolin, dyes. Under the action of high temperatures, the mixture acquires good qualities.

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  • Strength and durability - not afraid of shocks, mechanical damage;
  • heat resistance - hot dishes leaves no traces on the table top;
  • Easy care - does not absorb water and fat, so it is easily washed.
The natural origin of raw materials guarantees environmental friendliness. Thanks to the coloring pigments of the surface, you can give the type of genuine texture: marble, textiles, wood, concrete, metal. They are often used in Indstrial style interiors, Loft, High-tech.


The inconveniences of the use of ceramics include its fairly large weight compared to other materials. Therefore, the kitchen housing should be from a solid base.


Facades of stainless steel or aluminum are still related to the innovations of the furniture industry. But their advantages hope to hope that soon they will also be as popular as plastic or wooden coatings.

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  • Wear resistance and long service life;
  • Resistance to any temperature - withstands up to 1200 degrees;
  • Hygienic - does not absorb liquids, allows you to disinfect the surface.
The advantages of steel include a good combination with other textures: glass, stone, wood, plastic. It's pretty easy to care for them. Those who do not like steel glitter will suit frosted varieties. They are not so noticeable traces of fingers or splashes of water.


Metal facades are quite expensive. However, the advantages of its use and the stylish appearance will reach up this inconvenience.


These structures differ from the above that the facades consist of a frame and internal filler (glass, rattan, plastic). Frame can be made of chipboard, MDF, wood, aluminum. The first two types are popular for low cost. Wooden frames with fillets create a homely comfortable atmosphere. Aluminum is a more modern option. Doors decorated with such an edging serve a long time, protect the liner from different influences. Their appearance is also on top, especially in combination with glass inserts.

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  • elegant appearance;
  • simplicity;
  • arbitrary sizes to choose from;
  • affordable price;
  • The ability to make it yourself.


When choosing a frame type, it is better to refer to proven manufacturers. So you will save yourself from surprises in the form of peeling the PVC film, swelling the liner or poor-quality fixing frames. Caring for facades also causes difficulties - soot settles on the convex surface texture, requiring additional cleaning efforts.

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Tips for choosing

To begin with, determine the material of the doors. If you like to update the situation every five years, then plastic or acrylic headsets will be suitable. They are inexpensive, manufacturing technology is constantly being improved, so you will have a bright practical kitchen corresponding to fashion trends. If you need a solid headset, which will flash for a long time, it is better to choose models with wood, veneer, metal or ceramics doors. They differ in durability, durability, and the texture of natural raw materials gives them solidity.

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What facades for the kitchen are better: overview 10 popular materials 11904_79

Deciding with the material, choose the shape of the facade. It can be solid or framework. Solid fit to any interior. Frames look more interesting, but they need to fit into the existing style of the apartment.

The next question is to choose between the matte and glossy surface. Caring for them has its own characteristics. Until recently, the gloss was considered a favorite, the trend of recent years is shifted towards matte coatings. When choosing a color, consider the kitchen area, its illumination. The rest of the apartment is of great importance. To keep the kitchen into a common design, you can use the same color and textures in its design as in other rooms.

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What facades for the kitchen are better: overview 10 popular materials 11904_81

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