Acoustic Comfort: how to protect yourself from noise


A random combination of sounds of different intensities and frequencies are called noise. It is he - one of the perpetrators of stress, irritability and fatigue. Comfortable acoustic medium will help create modern sound insulation materials.

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Of course, the reaction to external stimuli depends on the individual characteristics and nature of noise, but even the usual conversation (50-60 dB) has a harmful psychological impact on a person engaged in mental work. Ideally, about the acoustic comfort of the residential building and possible problems associated with the penetration of noise, which exceed the permissible values, it is important to think about the design stage. It is necessary to take into account proximity to the playgrounds, roads, industrial facilities and correctly orient the structure in relation to these external sources of noise.

Developers of country houses should be paid attention to the designs of walls, overlaps, selecting the best option: massive single-layer, light multi-layered or combination thereof. In addition, it is necessary to consider the location of engineering equipment and networks, as well as layout of the premises, aligning noisy with noisy, and quiet with quiet. Residents of apartment buildings are unable to influence the characteristics of buildings, but can significantly improve the acoustic environment in apartments.

Acoustic Comfort: how to protect yourself from noise

Photo: Legion-Media

Producers of thermal insulation materials offer special products with enhanced soundproof properties. They serve heat and sound insulation, improving the heat-shift of the house and at the same time performing the function of protection against noise. Among such materials, it is worth noting "Acoustiknauf" (Knauf Insulation), "Acoustik Batts" (Rockwool), "Acoustic" and "sound protection" Brand ISOVER ("Saint-Goben"), "Isolat-l" (ISOROC), SSB 4 (Paroc), "Technoacoustik" ("Technonikol"), Terra 34 PN Noise protection (URSA).

Sounds quiet and loud

All my life accompanies the sound. The range of his perception by human ear is quite wide: from 16 Hz to 20,000 Hz. In order not to use numbers with a lot of zeros, we developed a sound measurement system in decibels. It is much easier to compare small values ​​from 0 to 130-140 dB (pain threshold), commensurate with ear sensitivity. So, the rustling pages - 20 dB, the conversation is 50-60 dB, working on medium power TV - 60 dB, children's crying - 78 dB, railway, tram - 85-95 dB. Many probably noticed that, being in a quiet place, we start to hear the sounds, which were originally not paid attention: ticking hours, heartbeat ...


What if the neighbors in the apartment raise children or lead a stormy lifestyle?

Acoustic Comfort: how to protect yourself from noise

Construction of the suspended ceiling 1 - facing panel; 2 - windband membrane "Rockwool for walls"; 3 - sound-absorbing plates "Acoustic Batts" (Rockwool); 4 - vibration insulating tape; 5 - carrier profile; 6 - suspension with vibration insulating lining; 7 - Air Gap

In this case, the soundproofing can be improved using a suspended ceiling. The space between it and the main ceiling is filled with sound insulation material, and GLC or GVL are used as a cladding, which are installed on the ceiling profiles. However, keep in mind, this method effectively levels only air noise, which does not allow to significantly reduce the level of shock. Although this design has a lot of advantages. Profiles are fixed to the slab overlap on suspensions that easily compensate for even significant irregularities of the main ceiling. Inside, directly under the ceiling, you can conduct various communications. The suspended ceiling with a layer of insulation disguises them and muffle the noise.

The speed of sound propagation in gases, including in the air, is lower than in solid bodies. Therefore, in Westerns, we often see how the hero, applying the ear to Earth, determines whether there is a chase

  • Acoustic ceiling of GLC: 4 design options and installation features


Reliable barrier for noise from neighboring floors should serve intercharishes. If they do not cope with this task, sound and thermal insulation materials are intended to avoid adverse effects. Isolated with their help, the design will create a comfortable acoustic environment for a person, and will also help, following the famous saying, keep legs warm.

Acoustic Comfort: how to protect yourself from noise

The design of the concrete "floating" floor 1 is a decorative flooring; 2 - "floating" concrete screed (thickness 50 mm); 3 - a layer of sound insulation from Paroc SSB 1 / Paroc SSB 4 plates; 4 - carrier slab slab

One of the effective methods of anti-shock and air noise is a "floating" floor on the elastic base from the soundproofing plates. For this purpose, all the designs are dismantled to the slab overlap. The surface is purified, aligned and stacked with tough sound and heat insulating plates with high damping properties, such as "Flor Batts" (Rockwool), "IsOver floating floor" ("Saint-Goben"), SSB 4 (Paroc).

On top of them, the screed is performed (with a thickness of at least 4 cm), pre-covering the waterproof material so that the fresh solution does not flip between the plates. It is extremely important to prevent contact between the forming concrete floors and walls. Therefore, on the perimeter of the room there are sides of an elastic material, such as foamed polyethylene or strips from insulation stoves. Thus, they exclude the possibility of propagation of structural noise by building structures.

Acoustic Comfort: how to protect yourself from noise


So that, when the soundproofing of the floor of the floor, the moisture from the cement solution is not penetrated between the mineral plates and did not become a sound-conducting inclusion, the canvas of a durable polyethylene film with a twist of 10-20 cm are laid on them.

Installation of sound and thermal insulation of the floor under the team screed

Acoustic Comfort: how to protect yourself from noise

The base is aligned (a). In order to eliminate the bridges of sound and cold, along the perimeter of the floor, the bands from the insulating plates "Tehnoflor Standard" ("Technonol") (b) are installed. After that, the plates are tightly placed in one layer, with a breakdown of seams 600 mm (B). It rolls over polyethylene film (d), its edges are at the wall (e). Seams seal with scotch. The slabs of the team screed are also laid out with the disintegration of the seams and fasten with each other with the help of self-tapping screws (E). On top of them fit finish coating

Outer walls

Suppose it is necessary to improve the soundproof properties of external walls in one of the apartments of a high-rise building, which is located near the lively highway, the railway, the airport. It is impossible to perform such work outside, so apply the veneer system from the inside. It is a design of steel profiles and plating from GLC. The space between the wall and plasterboard is filled with sound insulation material. To reduce the level of air noise to the desired values, varies the thickness of the insulation and the number of layers of the trim. In the contact places of the racing and guide profiles of the frame of facing with the designs of the house, experts are recommended to lay insulating polyurethane tape. By the way, in addition to strengthening the sound and thermal insulation properties of external walls, such a system will help to quickly align them and perform the finishing finish without classical wet works.

Acoustic Comfort: how to protect yourself from noise

Photo: "Saint-Goben"

Acoustic Comfort: how to protect yourself from noise

The design of the facing of the inner walls 1 is a brick partition; 2 - steel frame; 3 - stone wool "Technoacoustik"; 4 - covering GLK or GVL in one or two layers; 5 - finishing decoration

The perception of sound by human ear depends on the frequency and intensity of the first. A special device is used to measure the sound level - noiseomer

Acoustic Comfort: how to protect yourself from noise

Photo: Rockwool.

The surface of all sound and thermal insulation mats and plates after installation are necessarily closed with a solid sheet material.

Frame partitions

Brick and concrete partitions have good sound insulation characteristics that depend on the mass of the structure. But such single-layer structures have a number of flaws. Their impressive weight increases the load on the overlap, which, in turn, increases the cost. Therefore, in new homes, where communications have not yet been connected, as well as the redevelopment of old apartments, the framework of the framework of old apartments is becoming preference. They are metallic (less than a wooden) frame with a covering of GKL or GVL and sound insulation material inside.

The soundproofing ability of the frame structure is due to the surface weight of the bent carriers, the rigidity during bending, the coefficient of sound absorption of the filler, the possibility of transmitting noise through the adjacent structures (overlaps, adjacent walls), the thickness and structure of the partition. For example, rigid and dense drywall actively manifests sound insulation properties, and a softer and light insulating material performs sound-absorbing function: passing through it, sound oscillations weaken. By the way, frame structures significantly reduce the construction time, since they are easy to mount and dismantle.

Air and structural noises

The noise according to the distribution method is divided into air and structural. The first arises and extends to the air: human speech, sounds from acoustic systems, televisions, etc. Meeting the barrier, sound waves cause its oscillations, which leads to the movement of the air particles in the next room. The source of structural noise is the vibration of structures. A special case of structural - shock noise, and sound oscillations occur directly in the thickness of the structure as a result of mechanical exposure: slamming doors, perforator work, movement by floor. And the shock noise applies to the bolt distances than the air. Therefore, various constructive solutions are used to effectively sound insulation from noise of different types.

Noise insulating properties of walls and partitions reduce gaps and holes. So, the slot under the interior door of 1.5 cm will reduce the RW partitions by 5-9 dB

Acoustic Comfort: how to protect yourself from noise

The partition design on the metal frame 1 is the sheath of two layers of plasterboard; 2 - Rockwool sealing tape based on foamed polyethylene; 3 - vertical stand; 4 - horizontal guide; 5 - Sound-absorbing plates of stone wool Rockwool "Acoustic Batts"

Installation of sound insulation plates in the interior partition

Acoustic Comfort: how to protect yourself from noise

Photo: Rockwool.

First, the horizontal guides are installed on the floor and the ceiling on the sealing tape. Then mounted vertical guides at a distance of 590 mm from each other (the insulation width is 600 mm) (a). After that, on the one hand, plasterboard sheets are fixed (a thickness of at least 12 mm) (b). Plates "Acoustic Batts" are inserted into the frame (B). If the height of the ceilings does not exceed 3 m, you can do without horizontal guides, without fear of shrinkage. Use a thickness of 50 or 100 mm thick, depending on the necessary sound protection level. Then the design is trimmed with sheetwall shears from the second side (g). Correctly installed in the design sound insulation can reduce the air noise level index from 43 to 62 dB

When erecting frame-in-wing partitions it is worth remembering that their sound insulation characteristics depend on many factors. For example, from the thickness of the layer of stone cotton plates located between the sheets of the plating. So, when installing the "Acoustic Butts" plates with a thickness of 100 mm instead of 50 mm (with an increase in the total thickness of the partition), the RW air noise insulation index of the RW with a single-layer trim from GLC reaches 51 dB, and with a two-layer - 57 dB. The low efficiency of the partition with a wooden frame and a single-layer cover from GCL. Two layers of drywall increase the surface density of the design and improve soundproofing at 8-9 dB. When the wooden frame is replaced with a single metal, this parameter increases by another 3-5 dB at 20% decrease in the mass of the partition. And the two-layer plating on a metal frame will help to increase the index of an air noise isolate for another 6 dB.

Natalia Pakhomov

Rockwool Design Engineer

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Acoustic Comfort: how to protect yourself from noise 11927_19

To cover the suspended ceiling frame, usually use GLC; If you replace it with special sound-absorbing panels (for example, Rockfon, Ecophon), then together with an increase in air noise sound insulation, you can improve the acoustic comfort in the room

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Soundproofing material for the floor should have a sufficiently high rigidity in compression and save this property for a long time.

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The heat and sound insulation of the external walls allows to reduce the thickness of the structure (in comparison with the massive single-layer), reduce the load on the overlap, and also significantly increase the noise insulation index (which is comparable with an increase in the thickness of the massive wall 4 times)

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The main condition for the device for effective noise insulation is to avoid harsh ties between the main and folding surfaces.

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Sealing tape provides a dense conjugation of metal frame profiles with construction constructions in pricing places

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For home theater Preferably partitions of brick or foam concrete blocks that do not miss low and high-frequency sounds

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