How to choose a video intercom


The saying "It is better to see once than hearing a hundred times" appeared a long time ago, but today. So, many homeowners seek to acquire a set of a video intercom.

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How to choose a video intercom

Photo: ABB.

Apartment station M22311-W (ABB), monitor 4.3 inches (24 thousand rubles)

Video intercoms help us to recognize suspicious visitors. Of course, even an experienced guard is not always able to distinguish an attacker, but nevertheless the opportunity to consider the visitor sometimes may literally be able to save your life. For example, when your Visavi declares that he is a lifeguard, a policeman or fireman, but for some reason it does not have the appropriate uniform. Or, let's say, the woman asks for water with a plaintive voice - and you see on the screen of four people, while friends of the ladies behave quietly, trying not to issue their presence. So the choice of equipment for the video intercom file system should be treated with all seriousness, because it is not just about improving the comfort, but also about the safety of your home and, perhaps, even life.

Today, several hundred models of intercoms are presented on the market, significantly differ in price (from several thousand to several hundred thousand rubles). Inexpensive models for 5-20 thousand rubles can be attributed, mainly Chinese or domestic production. In this price segment, Commax, Falkon Eye, Fort, Kocom, Vizit and a number of other firms are presented in this price segment. More expensive video intercoms produce electrical installation manufacturers (for example, ABB, BTICINO, JUNG, LEGRAND, SHNEIDER ELECTRIC). Here the price often depends not only on the complexity of the device, but also from the material of the case, the quality of its finishes.

Camera in video components systems

In video components systems, the infrared illumination can usually use: such a design is preferable when the object is at a fixed distance. The camera is subject to the same requirements as in video surveillance systems - it should give a clear, understandable picture at any time of the day and night and with all weather conditions. Do not save on the resolution, on which the image quality depends: the higher the resolution, the better. Thus, the initial price level models are equipped with chambers with a resolution of 320 or 400 pixels horizontally, as a rule, not allowing to consider small parts that are visible only at a resolution of 480 pixels. It is desirable that the resolution of the chamber corresponds to the resolution of the video shock.

Selecting a video intercom - a very responsible task, because the safety of your loved ones depends on the quality of this device

System of the house video link

The system of the House Video Communication consists of three main components: a video monitor, the call panel (call block) and the lock, preferably with remote control (about the castles we will talk in a separate article). The call panel and the video monitor can be purchased both apart and complete. The first option gives more opportunities to choose, but, as the installers of computer programs say, "recommended for experienced users." And if you are an inexperienced user, then at least try to clearly formulate the task of the seller. Before buying a set, you must answer the following questions.

How to choose a video intercom

Photo: jung

Calling panel JUNG. High quality sound with speech adjustable

Equipment is intended for a country house or for an apartment? Will the feed exterior panel be in the stairwell or have it to be installed in fact on the street? In the latter case, you need to choose a waterproof panel. Most street models are equipped with a housing with the necessary level of dust and moisture-resistant, with the defense index not lower than IP44.

At what distance will the receiving device and the call panel be located apart? For example, you want to establish a challenge block on the entrance gate, located 50-100 meters from the house. You can choose a wireless panel with a powerful radio transmitter, but its performance depends on interference. Such a model should immediately check that if necessary, replace the device or return the money for it. If you select the selection on the wired call panel, make sure that you can pave the cable. Calculate the length of the cable taking into account possible turns (it is hardly possible to pave it strictly in a straight line), sometimes the final value of 1.5-2 times exceeds the starting distance. As for the power of the input panels, then, let's say, it will be enough for wire models with a length of 200 m without additional signal amplifiers, and with amplifiers - up to 600 m. Approximately the same indicators and models of other known brands.

How to choose a video intercom

Photo: Legion-Media

The intercom may not have a negotiable tube, but it can be connected to this device.

How will the call protection be organized? The latter usually disagree the hooligans. To avoid trouble, it is worth choosing a model

In anti-vandal performance. For example, there are mortise call blocks and intended for overhead installation. The first is preferable from the point of view of anti-vandal stability. But the second is usually cheaper and easier to install.

The call panel provides a negotiation unit for a visitor (microphone, speaker), and a video camera can also be mounted, including infrared illumination. Sometimes, however, additional camcorders and backlight are installed separately from the call panel.

Useful functions

  1. The simultaneous inclusion of all video visions is triggered when a common call is received. The option is convenient when you are far from the front door.
  2. Lighting stairs. When you press the appropriate icon in the video telephone menu, the lighting on the stairs is temporarily included. Similarly, the function of opening the entrance gate is connected.
  3. Hands-Free feature. The intercom automatically activates the loud connection during the call.
  4. Answering machine. The device plays a voice message and writes visitor's response.

Digital and Analog Systems

Video communication systems can be based on a digital signal encoding method and analog. If the technique is needed only as a video station with the door opening function, you will not notice a special difference between communication technologies. At cost, the cheaper analog equipment is more profitable for digital. Therefore, in the lower price segment (5-20 thousand rubles per set) analog equipment with limited functionality prevails. Digital sets will cost a minimum of 35-40 thousand rubles.

How to choose a video intercom

Photo: ABB.

Subscriber device M22331-B (ABB) (57 thousand rubles). Touchscreen display with seven-inch screen diagonal

Multifunctional digital devices are screens with a built-in automation system. Such a screen can be an integral part of a more complex intelligent control system, which is usually called a "smart home" (it was discussed in the article "Invisible Hand Hand", No. 12 (191) / 2014). Video surveillance cameras are connected to the video intercom through the house network, and if necessary, protection sensors are connected. In turn, not only the panel built into the input door can be used as a receiver, but also additional elements that are installed in rooms, portable control panels, tablet computers, or, let's say, smartphones.

Usually household models are equipped with color displays; Black and white, as an exception, are sometimes found in the lower price segment. The screen size is from four to ten inches diagonally. The more - the more expensive. Also, the price of the product depends on the quality of the display matrix. Therefore, let's say, a video monitor with a four-way matrix with sensory control can be several times more expensive than an eight-fashioned display. The cost of the brand has a significant impact on the cost, and the quality of the front panel. So, in many series of luxury products for decoration, metal or glass is used instead of plastic.

As for the voice, it can be transmitted both through an audio tube, similar to telephone and using the built-in speaker speakers. Most expensive receiving panels provide speakers, but such a design has no fundamental advantages over standard.

How to choose a video intercom

Photo: Leroy Merlin

Overhead call panels (from 2400 rubles)

We increase system security

Video intercom systems encounters both wired and wireless equipment connections. Professionals usually recommend wired power and data transmission as more reliable. Wired power can be duplicated with autonomous (emergency battery) in order not to depend on the population whims. Similarly, video cameras should be duplicated. As a substitution, it is worth putting an additional camcorder (hidden or inaccessible from the street) to observe the entrance: if the attacker invades the intercom (sometimes expensive equipment simply steal), then you will have a picture that will help identify the vandala. The remaining outdoor and internal observation cameras can be connected to the control panel, if the video intercom is provided, for example, a home video surveillance function. If the security level should be even higher, the security alarm sensors can be connected to the system.

Some call panels can incorrectly work with a strong frost, so choose a frost-resistant model for street installation.

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COMMAX CDV-71AM video interphone color, seven inches diagonal (15 thousand rubles)

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U.Motion visualization and control system includes an IP video intercom (235 200 rubles) and control panels (in the photo - with a diagonal of ten inches) with a video interface of the video intercom (242 600 rubles)

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Set from the intercom and the feed panel Fe78Z (Falson Eye). TFT LCD screen seven inches, two call panels, opening lock, touch buttons (11 990 rubles)

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Video intercom JS-297C (Evology) (6050 rubles)

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Interior video device with Hands-Free Axolute (BTICINO) (from 115 500 rubles)

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Video intercom CDV-43N XL (Commax) (11 200 rubles)

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Video station WHICE (BTICINO) (from 253 thousand rubles)

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Interior video device, LCD screen 2.5 inches

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Video intercom JS-228M (Evology), with tube, screen h / b, four inches (4200 rubles.)

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Model C0406 (Fort), with tube, color, four inches, TFT LCD

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Internal blocks most often intended for wall mounting

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Call block (BTICINO) (from 59 600 rubles)

  • How to choose a video surveillance system for home: useful tips and equipment overview

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