Vertical landscaping with their own hands


Decorative curly and climbing plants are easy to storm the height, adopt intricate forms and give the architectural structures and garden compositions "Tropical" appearance. At the same time, they develop very quickly and are able to completely transform your plot in just a couple of seasons or even in one summer

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Vertical landscaping with their own hands

Photo: "Ecoartproekt"

Thanks to the special "climbing", liana fixtures can climb up the walls, pillars and other supports. They go into the course of special grows with suckers and air roots (as, for example, virgin grapes and ivy) are attached to the toes and letters of leaves (Clematis). Curly plants cover a thin support with their stems; Depending on the species, they are tightened clockwise (hops) or against (actinidium).

Liana is an excellent masking means. They will hide a non-primary saraticle or garden shower, give the picturesque appearance of a sad fence from the chain grid, will help to sharpen a gazebo or a recreation corner.

Vertical landscaping with their own hands

Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

But this does not mean that curly plants are forced to be content with the roles of the second plan. Nothing prevents them in the design of the parade zone. Using special designs, you can create independent solitary compositions from blooming lien, divide the Garden Functional Zones, build fabulous vaulted corridors. Finally, with the help of fast-growing Lian it is not difficult to "dress" an ordinary country house with a darkened finish so that it will resemble ancient English mansion. Among the climbing and curly plants there are many species with beautiful flowers (Clematis, IPOMEYA), with the foliage of the original shape or unusual coloring (pedestal from the actinide kolomykt, the flame-red in the fall of the virgin grapes). Note that some lianas (Chinese lemongrass, Kolomykt Aktinhydia, grape cultural varieties) have delicious and useful fruits.

Choosing Liana, you need not only to take into account the method of fastening to the support, the requirements for soil moisture and illumination, but also pick up the varieties and types of color or flowering timing so that one wave of paints replaced the other. And of course, the created vertical should fit into the landscape decision of the site and to harmonize with the architecture of the house.

Vertical landscaping with their own hands

Photo: Legion-Media

Doors and windows, partially hidden by green curtains from Lian, look mysterious and cozy

5 Soviets of Gardener

  1. Make sure that the lianas do not capture trees, shrubs and lawns. In time, pinch or construct shoots, redirecting young vines.
  2. The first shoots of many years of liana should be directed horizontally, along the support. Otherwise, as Lian grows, the lower part of the pergola or the arch will become "transparent", and fill the emptiness will be difficult.
  3. Do not thicken the landing of annual Lian, observe the recommended distances indicated on the seed packaging, otherwise the plants will stretch and will bloom badly.
  4. When planting the roots of plants, a slope should be given about 45 ° in the direction of the cholera. When the Liana gets away, their stems will develop in the right direction.
  5. Young shoots of actinidia necessarily cover the metal grid to protect them from cats that love this plant very much. By the way, Aktinidia does not tolerate the neighborhood of apple trees.

Stems Lian Wooden Trelliers, Fences and Plents will become an excellent background for perennial flowers and low ornamental shrubs

Supervisers Verkhin

For vertical landscaping, mainly annual and perennial lianas are used, while the latter are grassy and rustic. From what species and varieties you choose, the main decorative properties of a green curtain (for example, density), the speed of its growth and the peculiarities of care are dependent.

Herbal perennials liano annually losing the stalks. During the wintering, their ground part is dying, but with the onset of spring the roots again give shoots. At the same time, the growth rate of Lian is such that over the summer they easily deteriorate supports up to 2-4 m. Perhaps the record holder among herbaceous Lian is hops - it is able to stretch 15-20 cm per day. Its leaves are very decorative, and in the fall on the stems appear graceful gentle-green bustle. True, at this time, in the lower part of the foliage, it may be imparted and fall, so it is necessary to progress and plant tall flowers in the foreground. The plant is unpretentious - shadowfully, does not require shelter for the winter, special care during the growing season, however, and completely "forget" about it will not work.

Beautiful lamp

The plenty rose does not apply to Lianam, but is widely used to decorate pergol or arches. Most roses blooms once over the summer, but in garden centers you can find removable varieties that will give ever new and new buds for several months.

Alas, the roses "do not know how to wake up the supports and badly cling to them, so the screens need to be manually sent to the lattice cells, and even better - to tie to the bars. Caring for them is similar to care for ordinary roses, so the winter should be insulated for the winter - and therefore, it is possible to remove from the support. This is a necessary procedure, time-consuming and traumatic: painful scratches remain from thorns. By the way, landing the plenty rose is better away from the tracks and the playground.

If you want to revive the landscape with a bright accent, be sure to plant Clematis (zakman's varieties). True, they will have to be stolen for the winter, and in the summer to protect the lower part of the stalks from the scorching sun, planting a nearby shrubs or flowers. These plants are often sulfur with gray rotting, malicious dew, rust, and therefore need regular prophylactic treatment with therapeutic compositions, for example, a single-surrender solution of the Bordeaux liquid. They are light sounds and do not tolerate soil mois.

Especially decorative Cali Salegia Flowers, which make gaze to the first frosts. This liana over the summer grows up to 4 m, frost-resistant, but so that its rhizomes do not die in a harsh minor winter, the soil around the escape (the circle with a diameter of about 1 m) is better to hide. Calistegia multiplies with root offspring, so that Liana does not capture the nearest territory, it is better to limit its expansion, in the depth of 25 cm slate or sheet plastic.

It is necessary to control the growth of Lian, make sure that they do not drown out other landings. Note that some plants, such as hops, are almost impossible to withdraw

Rustic perennial lianas retain the stalks in winter. Like trees, they resume growth each season, while annually pull up at 1.5-7 m. Among Lian, which are suitable for vertical landscaping in the middle lane of Russia, not so much winter-hardy species. For example, an ordinary ivy, very common in Western Europe, frosts in our conditions to the height of the snow cover. Therefore, enthusiasts and fans of the plant or grow it as a soil (in this case, it comes out from under snow with bright green foliage), or be content with annual increase (1-2 m).

Vertical landscaping with their own hands

Photo: Legion-Media

The honeysuckle is also characterized by elegant colors (blooming from May to July)

But the grapes of the virgin fivethist (or virgin) frost is practically not terrible. In addition, the plant is shadowfully, it is important to the composition of the soil, sustainably for diseases. The frost-resistant varieties of grapes of cultural (Alpha, Guna, Zilga) can also be grown in the middle lane of Russia. Liana will decorate the southern wall of the house located in the sunny and protected from the northern winds the place of pergola. For winter, grapes are removed from the supports, laid on the ground and insulate the sweetheart or foliage.

Landing and care

Agrotechnology Perennial Lian is almost the same - the plant is placed in a fairly large pit (60 × 60 × 60 cm), pre-arranged drainage (especially suffering from stagnation of water honeysuckle honeriflation), between seedlings are withstanding a distance of 1-1.5 m (hopri - 20-30 cm, hops - up to 2 m). The shoots are formed throughout the summer: straighten in the right direction, pinch ends, if you need to limit growth, and in the fall, old and damaged leaves are removed. The biological peculiarity of Lian (rapid growth) defines sufficiently high demands for soil fertility (although among these plants there are very unpretentious, for example, maiden grapes, fluffy castellage). To obtain fruits from actinide kolomykt, Chinese lemongrass need to plant male and female plants.

Guests from the Far East are perfect in our climate. Guests from the Far East - Aktinidia Kolomikt, grapes Amur, honeysuckle honeycomb, Vinogradnik (Ampelopsis Shorto-flowered-skinned), Hardwrites round, chinese lemongrass. Most of them boast a good growth rate, and the record belongs to Aktinidia - up to 5-7 m per season. In the fall of her foliage, it becomes bright orange or red, if the actinidia is planted in the sun, then the leaves will be pink and raspberry with white edging. The hooding from May to July will decorate the garden with fragrant whitish-yellow flowers. But the main thing is the fruit of the Limonnik Chinese, Amur and Aktindia grapes are edible!

Annual lianas have two undeniable advantages - they grow rapidly (up to 4 m) and can show themselves in all its glory after 1.5 months after landing in the ground. Such qualities are especially important on the plot, the development of which only began. Many lianas (fragrant peas, Ipomea) are distinguished by lush flowering. Note that the Ipomea and the Fire-red beans are very light-loving, and the kobe is climbing and echinocystis spikes can grow in a half.

An forged arch or beautiful wooden pergola is not worth hiding entirely, it is better to land near the plenty roses or non-volatile lianas

Points of support

For thin stems of annuals, light and elegant reference structures from wire, plastic tubes, rods, thin reinforcement are suitable. They do not need the foundation (sufficiently supporting columns, blown in the ground by 30-50 cm); For the winter they can be removed into the room, and in the new season it is installed in another place to "refresh" the landscape. Fire-red beans or fragrant peas will organically look at the decorative tot of flexible IV or nuts.

Vertical landscaping with their own hands

Photo: Legion-Media

Mauritanian binds quickly grow up, can form a semblance of living hedges and at the same time blooming beautifully and for a long time - at least 1.5 months

Toppers for perennial Lian are installed before planting plants, then not to damage the roots. The sizes of the cells are selected depending on the type of plant (for example, Clematis are needed a cell 15 × 15 cm, and the grapes are 30 × 50 cm). For curly Lian it is important to take into account the thickness of the support (for example, it should be no more than 7 cm for actinidia). The foundation of the chopler and pergol can serve the segments of steel corners or pipes, drove (covered) to the ground to the depth of about 1 m; There is enough such a reason that the design does not overturn the wind.

To support grapes, you can attach wire loops, they will hold the vine at a distance of about 5 cm from the wall, providing good ventilation and protecting it from the damage to mushroom diseases.

The wire frame of a special form, braided with lianami, turns into a garden sculpture. In addition, the composition of the composition can be dried wood, high stump or alpine slide.

Create without destroying

Many owners of country houses, giving tribute to the decorative properties of climbing plants, at the same time fear that they damage the buildings. After all, a thick green curtain prevents the walls to dry after the rain.

According to the testimony of summer houses, green cover is able to cause partial destruction of plaster, especially the old lime: the mustache lian and water (during freezing) are expanding the cracks in the decoration. Wooden walls, covered by foliage, suffer more from fungus (especially on the northern facades). However, harm can be minimized if it is possible to remove the dead stalks accumulating moisture on time. It is worth noting that many modern facade materials (PVC and metallic siding, facing brick, impregnated and heat-treated wood) have a high moisture resistance, and the decor from Lian almost does not harm them.

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Reliable Lyanam with long and heavy stems requires reliable support, for example, a decisive made from a cross section from 25 × 50 mm, attached to a solid column

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On the Chinese lemongrass ripen edible and more useful fruits

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A luxurious cloud of white or purple clematis, which has enveloped the porch, arch or pergola, will give the facade of the house and the entire front zone of a festive appearance.

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Girl grapes in the first years after landing develops slowly, then the growth rate increases. Lose can reach 20 m in length. The plant is frost resistant and shadowfully, but the soil depletes and in the summer requires an intensive irrigation

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In the garden design for the device of living shady corridors from Lian, the lattice walls (choplars, trolls), pergolas and arches

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Virgin grapes gives a thick shadow in the summer and unusually beautiful in the fall, when his large-lane-disseated leaves are painted into orange-red gamut

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