All about the schemes of opening wide doors


Wide doors give the ordinary apartment of the studio feature and facilitate movement on the "parade" zone. However, an uncomfortable way to open these advantages.

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All about the schemes of opening wide doors

Photo: Porta Prima

In typical modern houses, the openings for double doors have standard dimensions - 1330x2055 and 1530x2055 mm, permissible deviations - 10-20 mm (usually in the coolest side). In the buildings built until 1959, the dimensions of the openings are different - in particular, there are one-time width of about 1200 mm and a height of up to 2400 mm.

In new free planning apartments, arbitrary deviations from the standard allowed on the manufacture of doors can be individually ordered. The main ways of opening wide doors - swing, sliding and foldable. Each of them has its pros and cons. Let's start with the traditional scheme.

All about the schemes of opening wide doors

Photo: Porta Prima

Swing doors

Swing doors are most common, their sash is easy to manipulate. In addition, they open almost silently, most models are well isolated sounds and smells.

Classical bivalve design It has a high insulating ability, and all components for it are usually included in the manufacturer's warehouse program. You will need to purchase: two equal width of the canvas, a box with a long top jumper, dobor, platbands, loops, a latch with hook-shaped begles and two handles. And in order to overlap the gap between the sash, the latter should be equipped with feigned straps (they are installed on invisible clips or nails with nails without hats).

With large dimensions of the door block, the reliability of the structure of the canvas or canvas becomes particular importance. Today, the so-called team-collapsible products have proven perfectly proven. Their parts do not glue each other, but are connected by screws or threaded ties, and toned and covered with varnish to the assembly. Such doors perfectly carry the differences of moisture and temperature: there is no risk that when the linear dimensions are changed, the joints will be dispelled, which often occurs with the pilient canvases assembled in the traditional way. In addition, if necessary, anyone element can be replaced. As for the opening scheme, in most cases, sliding doors are preferred: they save space and do not brake narrow rooms. At the same time, the installation along the wall is more economical and reliable than the installation in the penalty.

Pavel Borovkov

Main Technologist Porta Prima Door factory

It should be borne in mind that narrow sash (600 and 700 mm), especially violent, can dissony with other doors, since the drawing of their web has other proportions. Another important nuance: not all glazed models are equipped with tempered glass or triplex. Meanwhile, if the transparent surface is 50% or more of the area of ​​the canvas, it is necessary to use a safe glass. Traditional swing doors are convenient and easy to install, but free space is required for their opening.

One-hour models Install in openings width 1200-1400 mm. On a narrow sash (glazed called lateral fraumuga), the spivenets for fixing in the "closed" position are mounted. One-time structures function as ordinary single-standing, but through the opening you can carry furniture and equipment. Narrow flaps and fraamuga make mainly to order.

Swinging double doors Could be opened in both directions and independently return to the "Closed" position. Their box is performed without a quarter, and the flaps are hung with special pendulum loops. The design is suitable for separating two spacious rooms, such as living room and dining room. Because the seals are not provided, the swinging sash does not matter the sounds and smells. In addition, they are sometimes considered attendant, but this statement is incorrectly: modern loops provide smooth closing, and the risk of damage to people or pets is practically absent.

All about the schemes of opening wide doors

In construction hypermarkets and markets, you can purchase accessories for folding doors, but their installation requires a professional approach. You should not try to paint the finished cloth yourself on your own way, because you are unlikely to be able to glue reinforcing bars. Photo: "Furniture array"

Folding doors

To open the folding door, or the door-book, you need to push it (or pull) and simultaneously move the sideways. It is necessary to get used to this mechanism, but in general it is convenient.

The book is a book eats less free space than swing, and moreover does not interfere with putting close to the furniture or hang on the wall of the TV. The "book" canvas consists of two equal or unequal parts connected by loops. Its maximum width is 900 mm, respectively, a double-handed door is capable of overlapping the opening to 1900 mm. Set the direction of movement helps the system from the rail built into the upper beam box and attached to the roller sash. Unfortunately, the backlash is formed when moving. In addition, the mechanism can be installed only in production; Such products are 2-2.5 times more expensive than swing, and their range is small.

Rotary doors

Doors with a shifted axis of rotation (or rotary) - fashionable, but so far a small alternative to one-year models. The loop function is performed by hidden vertical rods located 100-300 mm from the edge of the canvas and ensuring opening in both directions. Compared to conventional swinging such doors, it takes a little less space for opening. However, only models in which the axis of rotation is attached to the levers are fully opening, which allows the canvas to move to a jamb (rotary-sliding).

In any case, the sliding door will cost a bivalve "book", moreover, thanks to the guide flag, it will be less than peeled. However, this design has shortcomings: the sound is "seeping" around the perimeter of the canvas, and the mechanism needs maintenance and adjustment. But the sliding door perfectly "adapts" to the planning of the apartment, because it can be installed in different ways: parallel to the wall, in the opening, in the wall penalty. However, we will talk in detail in another room about the embodiments of sliding and roll-out doors.

All about the schemes of opening wide doors

Rotary door L'INVISIBILE A BILICO VERTICALE is made of 10 cm thick panel and is practically merged with the partition. Photo: Italon

Doors with "Alternative" opening

Among the doors with the "alternative" opening, sliding designs are most in demand, which will be able to assemble on the basis of almost any serial model, and right on the object. One-time opening can be closed by one custom-made wide sash.

The "Snowing" mechanism consists of a track, four roller carriats, which are attached to the upper ends of the canvas, and the guide flags - they are located on both sides of the opening on the floor and hardened in the grooves professioned in the lower ends of the sash. The price of such a kit (including fasteners) - from 6 thousand rubles. For a double door, it makes sense to additionally purchase a synchronizer - a device that allows you to open all the opening, shifting only one sash to the side; Its cost - from 4 thousand rubles.

All about the schemes of opening wide doors

Some firms can make to order a door block up to 1.5 m wide and up to 3.4 m high with enhanced web, box and loop. Photo: Bluinterni.

Delivery conditions

In construction supermarkets, a very limited range of doors is presented, and only samples are most often exhibited in branded shops and specialized stores, so the purchase of the door occurs in two or three stages. After you have chosen a model in the cabin, the seller will issue a purchase and agree with you about the visit of the measurers of openings, which, in turn, will report the estimated date of delivery of goods.

If installation services are not required, you can immediately discuss the deadline for ordering. The standard door of the domestic firm (with 600, 700, 800 and 900 mm wide and 2000 mm wide and 2000 mm height) will be brought in 5-14 days. If you need to make a door block according to individual sizes, the delivery time will increase to a month or one and a half, and in addition, it will be necessary to pay 25-30% of the initial price.

If you have chosen products of a foreign factory included in the so-called supplier's warehouse program, then between the measurement of the openings (this procedure, as a rule, is a mandatory part of the transaction) and the delivery of goods will be held 4-6 weeks. The door of non-standard sizes or staffed side fraamuga will have to wait 3-6 months.

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