Artificial stone in the design of the bathroom


Artificial stone, innovative material, recently is actively used in the design of the bathroom. From the stone you can make products of any colors and shapes: sinks, baths, pallets, hydromassage panels and furniture.

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Photo: Kolpa-San. Asymmetric shell with a towel holder (Kerrok)

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Photo: Kolpa-San. Original solution - Symbiosis separately standing bath and shells

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Photo: Kolpa-San. TRISTAN Bath from POLIROCK composite material 12 mm thick does not require amplification

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Photo: Kolpa-San. Acrylic stone allows you to combine instruments in one design

Within the framework of the largest specialized exhibitions of recent years, including ISH Frankfurt and Batimat (Moscow), on the stands of almost all leading companies - manufacturers of bathroom products exhibited products from artificial stone: Kerrok, Polirock (Kolpa-San), Krion ( Porcelanosa), Quaril, Luminist (Toto), Durasolid (Duravit), etc.

The interest of manufacturers and designers is obvious: this material is ideal for the equipment of the bathroom, including non-standard, custom-made. However, oddly enough, it is the variability in many ways prevents actively using artificial stone to equip the bathrooms. The fact is that the buyer and the seller are accustomed to ready-made solutions: opened a catalog or site, chose a model, size, shape, color - next to the price. In the same catalog did not find the desired - open another. This approach certainly simplifies our searches, but thanks to the artificial stone, the task can be solved more interestingly, rationally and functionally.

Artificial stone in the design of the bathroom

Photo: Jacob Delafon. Beautiful and practical worktop Flightneus

What makes an artificial stone?

Among the most common representatives of artificial materials, an acrylic stone is distinguished, which includes synthetic resins (methyl methacrylate - MMA and polymethyl methacrylate - PMMA), aluminum hydroxide, natural mineral fillers and pigment additives. Polymethyl methacrylate is one of the most expensive components of the acrylic stone - ensures the durability and aesthetics of the latter. The higher the polymer content, the more expensive the material is better. Acrylic stone acquires plasticity under the influence of high temperatures (150-200 ° C), it is possible to use thermo-forming technology to form it.

Artificial acrylic stone for the bathroom

Artificial stone in the design of the bathroom

Photo: Kolpa-San. Zonda Shower Panel (Kerrok)

Artificial acrylic stone as it can not be suitable for the bathroom. Its products are durable, durable, moreover, the resulting surface damage can be soldered. Another plus: acrylic resin, which is part of an artificial stone, is a very dense non-porous material that does not absorb dirt. Some users with caution belong to the acrylic bath as a "plastic basin", which is unreasonable, because the products from artificial stone have the necessary consumer properties - thoroughness and stability.

Artificial stone in the design of the bathroom

Photo: Noken. Comprehensive Mood Solution from Artificial Acrylic Krion Stone

Advantages of artificial acrylic stone

■ Extensive color gamut.

■ Strength, durability, resistance to mechanical loads.

■ The ability to hold heat.

■ Plasticity, the ability to acquire any form.

■ A variety of textures: glossy, matte, velvety, imitating natural stone texture.

■ Antibacterial properties.

■ Pleasant to the touch surface.

■ Complete care.

■ maintainability.

  • How to choose an acrylic bath: 10 answers to the most frequent questions

Features of artificial stone

One of the features of an artificial stone is a rich choice of color, which allows you to create unusual combinations. Designers designed by the appearance of modern Santechniborov, especially attracts the plasticity of this material, the ability to experiment with the form of products and interior parts, develop any monolithic structures.

The countertop that smoothly turns into the sink, the substole, which "flows" into the windowsill, shelf or table top over the washing machine - the variants of the set.

Artificial stone in the design of the bathroom

Photo: Kolpa-San

Products made of acrylic stone are beautiful, environmentally friendly, durable and easy in care. You can, for example, to equip the washbasin zone without seams and joints, which is already in itself reliable prevention against the appearance of mold and fungus. The material is indispensable when it is necessary to implement a non-standard solution, say the symbiosis of the shell and a separate bath. I will give another example. Not every apartment has the opportunity to equip a separate children's bathroom or equip your sink for the baby. And then parents are forced to put chairs, stools. Kolpa, a manufacturer of artificial acrylic stone Kerrock, offers an elegant solution of the problem: Furniture that grows together with a child. And this is not the only option.

Bostyan Yurkhar.

Kolpa-San representative office in Russia

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