Secrets of masking


Pipes, shut-off fittings and other engineering equipment at all adorns the bathroom interior. Technical "stuffing" It is advisable to remove from the eye from the eye, saving convenient access for inspection and repair to it. Special hatches come to the rescue

Secrets of masking 12042_1

Pipes, shut-off fittings and other engineering equipment at all adorns the bathroom interior. The technical "filling" is desirable to remove from the eye from the eye, retaining convenient access for inspection and repair. Special hatches come to the rescue

The modern approach to the reconstruction of the bathroom involves hiding communications for falseland, screens, inside the ball screed. At the same time, it is necessary to provide access to the valves, water consumption counters, compounds of metal or metal-plastic pipes with a flexible eyeliner (although the last is better not to use it at all), siphons, filters, pressure regulators. Combine the convenience of operation, safety and aesthetics is not so difficult: the construction market offers many ready-made solutions.

Secrets of masking

Photo: "Practice"

Secrets of masking

Photo: "Colosseum Technologies"

Secrets of masking

Photo: "Practice"

3-6. The hatches of the hidden installation are two types - with frontal opening (3, 5) and folding (4, 6). The first is much more convenient to use, but also stand 1.5-2 times more expensive, since equipped with a more complex loop mechanism.

Secrets of masking

Photo: "Colosseum Technologies"

Secrets of masking

Photo: "Colosseum Technologies"

Secrets of masking

Photo: "Hammer"

Secrets of masking

Photo: Geberit.

Secrets of masking

Photo: Geberit.

Secrets of masking

Photo: "Practice"

7, 8. The design of the mounting unit installation module is provided by a small removable panel (the drain buttons are located) to access hidden nodes that can fail.

9. The opening direction is determined by installation: the design on the hinge and lever loop is absolutely symmetric. The loops are adjustable, thanks to which it is possible to achieve an ideally even clearance around the perimeter of the door.

Secret door

Ready-made plastic and tinted painted hatches for open installation are sold on any construction market. They are inexpensive (within 1200 rubles), but look like aliens from the past, and the dimensions of them are small (maximum 300x600mm). Small viewing openings can also be closed with removable ventilation grids.

However, the architectural "mainstream" dictates its laws - in the fashion strict design of the bathrooms, a stingy decor and a minimum of elements. Today, the demand is mostly hidden hatches that are assembled to finishing adjacent walls, and then lined with ceramic tiles or mosaic.

Convenient access

Secrets of masking
Photo: "Colosseum of Technologies" Audit openings in fixed screens for the bath, in the podiums and falsely, should have such a size so that it can not only be inspected, but also to repair the equipment. The minimum size of the hole in which repair is possible using wrench is 200x200mm, optimal - 400x400 or 400x600mm. 100x100mm hatches usually do not allow to replace the part - they are used only as viewing.

The simplest design of this type is a folding removable door fixed in the opening of magnetic or mechanical latches. Such products produce, for example, the company "Hammer" (model "Hippocrat-P") and "Practice" ("Contour"). Frameworks are made from an aluminum profile, and filling from GCCV. Open the hatch by pressing his upper edge, and then folding on himself - the hook hooks left below, and on top - an insurance cable or chain. If necessary, the door can be completely removed.

Spare options

1. For a long time, due to the lack of high-quality finished products, revision hatches had to be made on the spot from the subwoofers, and the results of "self-esteem" quite often turned out to be very successful.

2. The lining door is not difficult to make a FSF grade 4mm plywood and hang it on a frame from bars with two-four furniture frogs. The design decorate with mirrors and panels, for example, from stained glass, or tiled.

3. You can purchase or order the doors for furniture facades with pine lamellas or rathanes (or imitation). Modified products wide size row, but they do not tolerate high humidity too well, therefore it is better to cover them with an additional layer of yacht varnish or waterproof enamel.

4. It is permissible to use horizontal plastic or metal window blinds. True, if you do not fix the lower edge of the canvas, the latter can swing from the air movement. In addition, any ventilated curtain practically does not isolate the sound, and indeed all at home are equipped with silent sewer pipes.

5. Elegant replacement of the swing sash - lifting rolling shutters. They can have any dimensions and color, and aluminum lamellas are not subject to corrosion. But the design will cost anything, besides, it is not always possible to be hidden to install a box in which the raised rolled rolling canvas is hiding.

Dimensions of deposit products reach 700x700mm, but even with a small format, say 200x400mm, they are not too convenient to use, besides, the likelihood of damage damage is large, with frequent opening and closing. Therefore, such structures are not suitable for providing access to water consumption counters.

For walls from GLCs on the frame, special hatches are produced on axial loops, designed for coloring or bolding with rolled materials with a thickness of no more than 2mm. The loop function is performed by two pins, and the fixation mechanism consists of one or two pressure latches. Of course, the clearance remains around the perimeter, but its width does not exceed 1.5 mm, and it is not too striking.

Secrets of masking

Photo: "Practice"

Secrets of masking

Photo: "Practice"

Secrets of masking

Photo: "Sanuxe"

10, 11. Most of the modern models of wall hatches are equipped with pressure magnetic or mechanical latch locks. In case the last fails, it is desirable to provide stationary handles (they can be dried into the surface, perform in the form of hooks for the IT Towel.) Or stocking a powerful vacuum suction cup for glass.

Secrets of masking

Photo: "Hammer"

Secrets of masking

Photo: "Sanuxe"

12-14. The frame of the outdoor hatch is inserted into the screed, and the lid representing the "brother" with a depth of 40-50 mm, filled with concrete. Later, the hatch is lined with tiles at the same time with the floor so that the gap width around the perimeter of the cover does not exceed 1mm.

Origins and hines

Reliable hidden installation hatches are present in the domestic market "Practice", "Sunumux", "Colosseum Technologies" and "Hammer". The key to the success of these products has become a successful design of the opening mechanism. The special hinge and lever loop allows the door of the hatch first to stop the opening from the opening, and then swinging more than 90 or move aside. For parallel-sliding hatches, a special multi-wool loop is used; The maximum sash size is 500x500 mm, and its "loading capacity" is 7kg. As for swing models, their dimensional line is much wider - from 200x200 to 600x1200mm, and the maximum load is 40 kg.

Rules for mounting hatches with hinged and leaf loop

Secrets of masking

Photo: "Practice"

Secrets of masking

Photo: "Practice"

Secrets of masking

Photo: "Practice"

15. The hatch is installed before the decoration of the adjacent walls in the pre-stipulated opening.

16. Ahead is made of HCL, the frame is fixed with self-drawers to rack profiles and jumpers at least two points on each side.

17. After adjustment, but in front of the hatch trim should be suspended on the door of a cargo equal to the weight of the facing. Thus, it will be possible to accurately withstand the clearance around the perimeter of the hatch.

Secrets of masking

Photo: "Practice"

Secrets of masking

Photo: "Practice"

Secrets of masking

Photo: "Practice"

18. The wall begins to be lined with the door, and the finishing material should not be for its edges by more than 50 mm, and the optimal release of the tile is 25-30 mm on each side.

19. The gap between the luke cladding and the walls in the width is equal to the usual interlocking seam.

20. To fill it use sanitary sealant under the color of the grout. After two days, the seam cut the knife for wallpaper - and you can use the hatch.

For now, each manufacturer offers several series of lining hatches with tiles. Almost all modern models are equipped with pressure magnetic locks, but can also be opened with a suction cup. The hatches differ not only by the kinematics of the sash (swinging, shift), but also depending on the material of the framework details (painted steel or aluminum), "carrying capacity", as well as from using the seal contour around the perimeter. The dimensional row is extremely wide and allows you to find the appropriate option for almost any opening and tile format.

Standard products with a hinge and lever opening mechanism are quite available at a price. Let's say, the size of 400x600mm will cost 4500 rubles. In the manufacture of customer size, the cost increases by 1.5-2 times.

Under the floor and on the "attic"

With the arrangement of the bathroom with a shower without a pallet and in some other cases you need to leave access to cranes and pipes passing under the floor. You won't call this task, especially if the floor should be absolutely waterproof. Kschastina, on sale there are hermetic outdoor hatches, the frame of which is equipped with rubber seals. They are made of aluminum sheets and profiles and are installed at the stage of the creation of the flooring of the floor. Such a design is withstanding the load up to 15 tons, and raise the hatch using a special hook or a whipping handle. Many models are equipped with gas shock absorbers that facilitate opening.

Aluminum waterproof hatches of various dimensions (from 200x200 to 800x800mm; a step in a change in size is 100mm) produces, for example, the company "Colosseum Technologies" (ARMADA and SuperLock models, with one and two contours of silicone seals, respectively). Their price is 1400-4000 rubles.

If you are planning to conduct a communication audit for a falsepotor, the latter should be rack or modular. Two these schemes allow you to easily remove and put in place any finishing element. The ceilings of this type for wet premises are presented in the Assortment of Companies of Acura, Ecophon, AMF, Illbruck, Owa, Albes IDR. Details of sets are made of aluminum with polymer coating, stainless steel, extruded polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam.

You can also arrange an audit drywood on axial loops (under painting), but it is much easier to install a removable ventilation grille, and it will look careful.

The editors thanks the company "Practice", "Sanumux", "Colosseum Technologies"

For help in preparing the material.

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