Underground trends


In the catalogs and booklets of manufacturers of sanitary equipment, as well as on the pages of interior logs, we often see showers and even shower zones with transparent frameless partitions that are mounted directly on the floor. Is it always possible to implement such a solution?

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Underground trends

Photo: Viega.

The zone for taking a shower without a pallet, in a half, which existed long before the appearance of ready-made shower cabins (just remember the bathrooms in the hotel's Soviet period), today again "on the crest of the wave." Modern technologies, materials, sanitary fittings made their contribution to its new appearance. Such showers fit perfectly into minimalist interiors and loft style interiors. Thanks to the concise design, the transparent design (which, actually, and the cabin will no longer call) almost imperceptible in the interior, and the room becomes more spacious, light, not overloaded parts. Another advantage is the absence of portors, steps and thresholds. However, during the construction of such a cabin, there will have to solve many tasks, including waterproofing walls and gender, the absolute tightness of the combination of glass partitions with floor, the choice and placement of sanitary fittings, the need to raise the floor level. One of the main tasks, without the execution of which it is impossible to build a shower without pallet, is a competent water lead.

Underground trends

Photo: Hansgrohe. Drainage canals and lads allow you to split the bathroom in a minimalist style into two zones (dry and wet)

The host

The problem of water leads is solved using compact discharge systems: shower and drainage trays (channels). In the Russian market, Geberit, Tece, Viega, Hutterer & Lechner, Kessel, Sanit, SAS, etc. are represented in the Russian market.

Underground trends

Photo: Vitra. The V-Flow channel and the arrangement of shower zones provide convenience when using and high throughput

Ladder. The most common shower ladder, which is simple and is inexpensive. Compact system, taking stocks and guides them

In the sewer, consists of a grille in the form of a square, a circle or triangle (on a hollow-holder), the water treatment part in the form of a funnel, as well as a siphon box and a nozzle. Trap bandwidth - about 30-48 l / min. Installation height - approximately 85-120 mm. In order for water to be delayed on the surface and quickly flowed into the drain hole, the floor should have a slope of 1-2 ° to the plum (while the lattice is provided for a bias with four or two sides, if we are talking about the angular placement). The pipe from the siphon to the sewer rink should also be laid with a bias of 2-3 °.

Underground trends

Photo: Viega. Canal ViGN.

Drainage canal. In fact, it is the same ladder, only consisting of a more spacious rectangular tray for collecting water, siphon and grilles. Bandwidth 50-72 l / min. To direct water into such a system, it is necessary to make a slope (enough 1 °) only in one plane.

In this case, there will be no complications when laying the tile (regardless of its size). The channel can be straight or with a bias to the center, so that the water flows into the siphon even faster.

Underground trends

Elegant pallet Squaro Infinity brown with drainage square trapphoto: Villeroy & Boch.

Most of the water collecting trays have a fixed length of 700-1500 mm (step 100 mm). Some manufacturers, let's say GEBERIT, VIEGA, allow length adjustment, and right at the installation site. For this purpose, when installing a tray, it is necessary to determine the required length and sprinkle part of the product across a special guide, and then close the ends with special plugs. There are channels for a used installation, for installation in the center of the shower area, on the floor border and walls, such as the Geberit mounting element for the shower ladder with the release of the wall. An interesting decision offers Viega (Advantix Vario) - a tray for embedding in the wall.

Underground trends

Photo: Villeroy & Boch. The ultra-global pallet from the Squaro Infinity series - with the central water tap - the flush is embedded with a bathroom flooring (a large selection of colors and sizes)

Take note

Because of the four-sided linker, there may be difficulties when laying tiles. The larger the format of the latter, the harder to withstand the layout. Middle and large tiles will have to cut diagonally, which can disrupt the rhythmic pattern. But when finishing a mosaic, the surface geometry is not so important.

Underground trends

Photo: Hansgrohe.

Shower without pallet

Benefits disadvantages

The ability to build a design of any size and configuration.

The idea can be realized only at the stage of overhaul, in the apartment without decoration or at the stage of designing a country house.

The room seems more spacious.

It is expensive, requires the involvement of highly qualified specialists.

Additional (emergency) drain in the form of a ladder or channel in case of breakdowns of plumbing, washing machine, etc.

It is necessary to perform waterproofing walls and floor.

Ease of room cleaning.

There will have to increase the level of the floor.

Shower is optimal for people with disabilities and old age.

The bathroom is divided into a dry and wet zone without the use of side or shower pallets.

Underground trends

Photo: Roca. The texture surface of the TERRAN pallet (Stonex innovation material) has anti-slip properties. The lifeline (90 mm) is included in the kit.

On the invisible front

The performance of the drainage channel or the ladder is due to the design of the siphon and the diameter of the sewer. Siphons differ depending on the dimensions, construction, the direction of the sewage pipe (there are ladders with the lower and lateral tap of water, the choice of which is determined by the type of sewage system) and a number of other parts. The bandwidth is indicated in the technical specifications of the product. So that the water is quickly and evenly flow into the sewage system, and not delayed on the floor surface, it is necessary to take into account not only the bandwidth of the ladder (channel), but also the ratio of the latter and consumption of water plumbing reinforcement, which will be equipped with a cab: showers, especially large top (ravery ), massage nozzles. There is also a dependence between the height of the siphon and its bandwidth. As a rule, "flat" systems that accommodate even in a thin screed, less effective than models with higher siphons - their hydraulic characteristics are better. Superfluous siphons (67-70 mm) have a bandwidth of about 24-30 l / min. Standard models (100 mm) are more productive - 41-72 l / s, therefore, capable of 1,5-3 times more water. Sometimes the number of channels double. The bandwidth determines the diameter of the sewer nozzle (removal). In addition, the performance of the system affects the bandwidth of decorative grids.

Underground trends

Photo: Geberit. A built-in shower ladder works great as an element hidden behind the wall of the sewage system. Moving a shower ladder with a floor behind the wall, you will free an extra bed in the bathroom and give the room an elegant appearance

The upper watering can with a diameter of 300 mm on average consumes 5-15 l / min, a chapel watering can - up to 25-30 l / min, etc. Therefore, a ladder with a bandwidth reserve

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Photo: Tece. The decorative grid, made of tempered glass, can be chosen under the color of the floor

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Photo: Villeroy & Boch. The pallet from Quaryl is straight and very smooth edges are ideal for embedding flush. Anti-slip surface warm to the touch

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Photo: Viega. When choosing sizes, shapes and materials, lattice tabs of lattices and drainage channels no restrictions

Element decor

Most often, the lattice tabs are performed from matte or glossy stainless steel. In recent years, decorative tabs for channels are popular, where you can lay a fragment of the same tile or stone as for the floor finish. Then the floor covering will be performed in a single style, and the shower channel will become almost impaired. Channels and ladders decorated with plastic, matte or glossy glass tabs. Such solutions are provided for Geberit, Viega, Tece, Kessel, Sanit. However, such channels are harder to mount.

Underground trends

Photo: Geberit.

Information for thinking

When choosing a channel model, you need to think in advance where it will be installed - at the wall or in the center. Models for mounting to the wall are usually supplied with a vertical flange - the tile is glued directly to it. The channel, which will be located in the middle of the floor, are equipped with horizontal flanges - nothing acts and does not interfere with putting outdoor tiles. Some manufacturers (for example, Tece) produce universal channels with perforation on the flanges - they can be bend depending on the installation conditions.

Very often, the customer spent considerable funds for an expensive shower tray, facing such a problem as an insufficient bandwidth, and the user has to wash literally by the ankle in the water. Wine everything insufficient slope (or its absence) of the discharge pipeline. Unfortunately, such a situation is quite common. Often the masters do not want to make a slope. According to construction standards, the slope of the sewer pipeline with a diameter of 50 mm is 3 cm for 1 p. m pipeline. Many manufacturers of fiscal products do not think about the convenience of mounting, so the release of sewage from shower trays is located at the bottom point of the siphon, which does not allow you to correctly connect to the sewage. Viega in its products always provides for even such, it would seem small things like the presence of a sewage release from the tray at a minimum of 2.5 cm from the floor level. It is such a solution that allows you to connect the shower tray to the sewage system without the need to raise it, while observing the normative slope.

Sergey Vitreshko

Chief Technical Specialist Viega Group in Russia

Mounting drainage channel (ladder)

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Photo: Tece. Preparation of the foundation, sealing, installation of ladder and drain

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Waterproofing rolled material

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Filling and screed, appliance device, finishing waterproofing of plum, joints and walls

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Application of glue under the tile

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The last stage of installation is facing with tiles (other options are possible, for example mosaic, porcelain stoneware, etc.), installation of decorative grid

Smells - decisive no

Siphon (part of the pipe with a hydrotherapy) not only passes water, but also serves as a barrier that protects the room from unpleasant odors from the sewage. Each ladder is equipped with a single or double waterproof, which creates a water plug that does not allow the smell of the sewage to penetrate the room. The hydraulic was always in the pipe always. But if the cabin "idle" 2 months, then water should be pouring into the shower tray, and the hydraulication will be filled with water again. In addition, there is a special "dry" shutter - a device with two valve flaps. "Dry" shutter cannot provide increased bandwidth, so, for example, Viega and Geberit companies have no shower trays with a "dry" shutter. Dry waterproofing is less sealed. The hydraulic was more reliable than dry. To maintain a greater bandwidth and provide high consumer characteristics, Viega shower trays are equipped with Advantix Top, which is used as a siphon. Inside this ladder, a very large amount of water - it does not evaporate for a long period, besides, the design of the ladder protects the tray from the so-called effect of the hydraulic wet (when the sewage system pulls all the water from the latter, and the unpleasant smell begins to penetrate the room).

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Photo: Geberit.

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Photo: Tece.

Like any mechanical device, the "dry" shutter can clog over time, so the insertion into the siphon must be periodically removed from the drainage system and clean it is completely simple

Another way

Today in trend, ultraple pallets from different materials, mounted in a healer with floors. There are structures with a circular or central water tap. Systems equipped with built-in gutters are also available, which are made of the same material as the pallet.

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Photo: Geberit. For waterproofing of the floor shower in the channel or ladder enters the sealing apron

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Photo: Viega. Channel length - 0.9 or 1.3 m, and some of them can be trimmed during installation

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Photo: Tece. For mounting and connecting a shower channel, you need a screed with a height of 65 mm or a podium


The drainage canal, like the ladder, is installed before the pouring of the screed. In this case, the floor must be raised at least 65 mm. It is not allowed to delve into the reinforced concrete slab. In order not to raise the floor of the floor of the bathroom, you can solve the problem with the help of the podium. But the podium is unlikely to decorate a small room. Best of all, if the decision to build a shower cabin with a floor is taken back at the design stage of a private house, so that the architect can take into account the thickness of the screed. Such sowers will not deliver special troubles in new buildings without decoration, nor in apartments with free layout. Shower without pallet can be equipped in typical houses during the reconstruction and modernization of the bathroom. But this option is very laborious. It is not always possible to make the floor of the bathroom room lower than in adjacent rooms, as the rules require. Then the rags are needed (at least 15-20 mm) and emergency plums connected to the sewage (though, in this case, the ladder or drainage channel will be such an emergency drain). If, as a result of styling, the flooring level of the bathroom will be higher than the floor level of adjacent rooms, the threshold will be quite high. Such development of events is possible when redeveloping the bathrooms in panel houses, for example, Series II-49, II-57, P3, P44, P44T, etc.

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