Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden


If you turn to the dictionary, then "exotic" means "which is outside the usual, distant, alien". Exotic plants are aliens from other latitudes and countries, biologists call such types of introductors. True, guests over time are so cooked in the new "house" that we sometimes forget about their origin ...

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden 12095_1

If you contact the dictionary, then "exotic" means "which is outside the usual, distant, alien". Exotic plants are aliens from other latitudes and countries, biologists call such types of introductors. True, guests over time are so cooked in the new "house" that we sometimes forget about their origin ...

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden
Photo: "Eurosm" acclimatizes trees and shrubs, having an unusual appearance - a kind of crown shape, the original colors of foliage or needles, bright flowers and unusual (optionally edible) fruits. In a word, such as capable of becoming the main element of the manor landscape.

The demand from the owners of suburban real estate led to a sharp increase in plant introduction. However, over the past 30 years, the average annual pace of air in the middle band has increased by 1.2-1.6 C, and the duration of the smokery period increased by 8-12 days, the number of days with extremely low negative temperatures decreased. These changes partly facilitate the acclimatization of southern flora in our latitudes.

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

Photo: Legion-Media

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

Photo: Legion-Media

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

Photo: resinosa.

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

Photo: Legion-Media

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

Photo: "FlowerbaShop"

2. Aktinidia Kolomykt brings juicy sour-sweet fruits.

3. Lemongrass Chinese fruits from September to the first frost.

4. Japanese Quince is distinguished by beautiful and long blossoms.

1, 5. Mounting hydrangea (1) blooms from mid-summer to September, and lilac (5), introduced at the end of the XVIV, pleases with lush flowering and fabulous aroma in May; Both plants love solar open areas, since their inflorescences become small.

In the spotlight

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden
Photo: "FlowerbaShop" having decided to settle in myself on the site introduced plants, remember that many of them got into our latitudes from countries with a softer climate. Therefore, it is especially important to find a suitable place to land. The heat-loving guests will fit the corner, protected from winds by the wall of the building or trees, well heated, sunny or half-hearted - depending on the needs of the plant.

The soil must be carefully cultivated and drained (without moisture stagnation). When landing, be sure to make specialized fertilizer complexes designed for specific species. Many required irrigative graphics or drip irrigation.

Opinion of a specialist

Many species and varieties of plants in Western Europe are not winter-hardy in our conditions. The best way out is to find a replacement among more frost-resistant close-friendly species. So, the maple is red-bed (Acer Rufinerve) with an unusual drawing of a cortex on a powerful trunk in the middle lane of Russia frozen and therefore grows a bush. Instead, it is better to plant no less decorative, but it is a much more winter-hard-resistant Far Eastern Maple Zelenocular (A. Tegmentosum). Similarly, Juniper horizontal (J. horizontalis), not suitable for our latitudes, should be replaced by juniper lying, or inclined (J. Procumbens).

Anastasia Kalmykova, Landscape Designer

A significant part of the exotic is growing in our climate only under the condition of the construction of winter shelters over them, and if you are not ready to collect and disassemble protective structures every year, it is better to purchase less capricious instances.

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

Photo: Green Magic

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

Photo: "Probionika"

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

Photo: resinosa.

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

Photo: M. Schuppich / Fotolia.com

6-8. Rutsavatic designs are widely used with sharpening coniferous plants. Among the most popular - Juniper Cossack (6). No less attractive conifers with a spherical crown, for example, spruce Blue Barbed Glauca Globosa (7) and spherical forms of juniper. Pine Yellow and Spruce Engelman (8) have a thick pyramidal crown.

9. Sumy fluffy decorative throughout the growing season.

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

Photo: Legion-Media

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

Photo: Legion-Media

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

Photo: Legion-Media

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

Photo: Legion-Media

10. Sugit in moderate latitudes must be stolen for the winter.

11. Metasexient, "live fossil", is distinguished by yellowish-green cheese.

12. Unusually attractive Tsuga Canadian, especially its cribs.

13. Tis berry - drought-resistant plant, well carrying haircut.

All countries to visit us

There are already quite a lot of those who moved to our permanent residence of extends to us, moreover, breeders constantly offer new frost-resistant varieties. We will try to tell about the most popular and interesting species that are promising for cultivation in our latitudes.

Roughheads. Today, coniferous trees have become an attribute of almost any country ownership. Iesli 20-30 years ago The few admirers of evergreen beauties were content with fir or pine from the nearest forest, now the services of gardeners are dozens of species and hundreds of varieties, most of them - aliens from other regions and climatic zones.

Choose persistent

Buying a plant in the nursery, be sure to pay attention to the information about its winter hardiness. Today, most seedlings from Western Europe are marked in accordance with the zoning system developed by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA zoning). The planting material manufacturers indicate the frost resistance zone (the average value of the annual minimum temperature at which the plant is capable of falling) - the smaller the number, the higher the frost resistance. So, for example, the fifth zone assumes that the seedling can withstand a decrease in temperature to -29 C.

Many "immigrants" are perceived by us as old familiar. One of the bright examples - spiny spruce (blue). Today, this guest from North America is decorated not only by the foot of the Kremlin walls, but also urban streets, country sites, and because the method of cultivation of blue spruce in our country was developed only in the middle of the last century.

Not less (but rather even more) popular Tuya Western. This plant is used in gardening and for single landings, and for the formation of live elevations, because it moves well and haircut.

Very similar to the same cypressian Lavson, the most winter-hard-resistant cypressian North America. Today, it is very actively sold in many network stores, but the latitude of Moscow needs shelter for the winter, because it is quite freezing, besides, it suffers from the Spring Sun. Some experts offer ways to adapt to our climate (for example, to abandon the colon-shaped crown and form a grimaceous), probably, it is still not worth spending strength and time on this species - it is better to pay attention to a more winter-hard-resistant analogue, for example, a fry-hardening cypress.

Some nurseries are implemented by metaquoque seedlings. This is a relict plant, the needle of which is colored in the fall in a yellowish-red shade, can grow even in the suburbs (only young trees are hidden). Avot Another "Contemporary Dinosaur", Ginkgo Two-Blow, also actively implemented by many firms, winters only under protection from the underfloor material.

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

Photo: Irina Burakova / Fotolia.com

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

Photo: Legion-Media

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

Photo: Legion-Media

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

Photo: julietphotography / fotolia.com

14. Hydrangea Mounting moisture and requires frequency soil fertilizer.

15. The Katalpa is beautiful in the middle lane grows into a small tree or bush.

16. PION tree - frost-resistant shrub height 1.5-2m.

17, 18. In addition, the rhododendrons: yellow, Canadian, Kamchatka, Japanese, as well as evergreen - Caucasian, Pontic, Kathevbinsky, and others are caucasian, Pontic, Kathevbinsky, and others. Fiberglass (May - June). These shrubs are soloic

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden
Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

Photo: Ruxinosa.

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

Photo: "Probionika"

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

Photo: resinosa.

19-21. The decoration of the site will be trees and shrubs with the leaves of an unusual shape or bright autumn color. For example, Maple curled in September becomes bright yellow, and a lyryodendron, or a tulip tree, - bright red (19). Uduba red (21) and plane (20) leaves of the original form. True, the last in the middle lane of Russia will not withstand winter cold.

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

Photo: Legion-Media

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

Photo: Legion-Media

22. Gamamemis Virginsky blooms in autumn, dropping the foliage.

23. Magnolia Cobus is blown in April, before the appearance of leaves.

Beautiful and decorative and deciduous trees and shrubs. It is difficult to overcome the desire to settle on your site with beautiful-circuit plants, invariably associated with us with warm countries. Perhaps the most exotic guests in our latitudes are magnolias, ancient flowering plants, inhabitants of the subtropical belt. Of course, most species can be grown only in the south of Russia, but there are a few exceptions - Magnolia long-being (a resident of North America, which has large greenish or pale yellow flowers), Far Eastern magnolia Cobus and magnolia inversely (with white or cream flowers with a diameter of about 15 cm) . Even the most winter-hardy types of magnolia are frozen in moderate latitudes and require shelter for the winter, but with proper care of amazing flowers you can admire not only in southern latitudes, but even in the vicinity of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The following decades have become popular for a European. It is valued for early flowering - in April, when trees and shrubs have not yet moved away from the winter hibernation, its noble branches are covered with numerous yellow inflorescences.

Pay attention to the Catalpo, with large leaves and risels of large white colors blooming in June. Many species of this plant feel perfectly in the south of Russia, but the Katalpa is beautiful can become a decoration of the garden even in the middle strip.

Moving to winter apartment

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden
Photo: Green Magic-grown exotic plants from subtropical and tropical belts in the summer can become an excellent terrace or patio. However, in the threat of first frosts (aliens from the tropics begin to moderate when the night temperature drops to 8 seconds) the exotoms must be transferred to the greenhouse or winter garden. Before transporting, they should be subjected to "medical examination": remove dried and damaged parts, carry out the forming trimming, remove near the soil centimeter in the tub (mushroom disputes may be stored). So that the annual movement does not turn into a difficult task, large plants are better to fall into containers on wheels.

But not only blooming plants give the garden charm and individuality. Beautiful solites are the Maple is a yaseline (including with golden and silver leaves), Gladichia ordinary, whose pasty leaves and long, almost half-meter beans look very exotic in moderate latitudes (in the harsh winters in the suburbs it is freezing, but quickly restored), and from Low shrubs in the fall, especially decorative Gamamelis, Sumy (requires shelter for the winter) and Silver Loch.

7 Useful Soviets

1. In order for not enough frost-resistant plants to be easier to stream for the winter, prior to them convenient access (no other seedlings, construction of IT.D.).

2. To cover, you can use mats from straw or bamboo. They are installed around the treet or bush, and from above are covered with a circle of the same durable, air-powered natural material.

3. Sheltered plants have a not very attractive appearance. If you plan to live outside the city year-round, remember this when designing the landscape.

4. Among exotic cultures there are many poisonous species. Think about the feasibility of the landing if there are children or animals in the house.

5. The base of the garden should be local species and most endless introducts.

6. Do not plant spiny plants along the tracks or near the benches.

7. The exotes should not be eatened out of the total colors and the style of the landscape: say, the bamboo is hardly appropriate in the French regular garden.

An integral element of Western regular gardens - the compositions of the Samsite (from the living hedges to the bizarre figures). Hospital, many of his kinds are not enough winter hardy, but the Sugit Evergreen can be tried to grow in Central Russia, but it suffers much not only from frosts, but also from thaws and spring burns. Therefore, despite the large number of seedlings presented on sale, strong and healthy adult copies are infrequent.

With young nails

New species introduced seedlings, cuttings or seeds. The last method is most effective, as it allows you to increase the frost resistance of seedlings by hardening and processing by various chemicals. Often cultures are moved into other latitudes in stages: waiting for fruiting, try to germinate seeds in more northern regions. Plant hybridization Sometimes the only way to get enough frost-resistant or drought-resistant look.

Fruit trees and shrubs. For a long time, those times have long when the garden sites were used exclusively as gardens. Now even on the smallest dacha, there is a place for lawn, alpine slide and several conifers. Freezing includes green cabinets and labyrinths, dry streams and reservoirs. But even the squeezes of decorative gardening fans are not ready to refuse to be able to enjoy their own berries and fruits, besides, it is often possible to combine a pleasant with useful. Today, even in the suburbs you can grow grapes (for example, agate varieties, delight, countess, codier, lounge), Apricot (Iceberg, Varyag, Aquarius), Cherry (Fate, Jeep, Tyutchevka).

The editors thanks the company "FlowerbaShop", Green Magic and Resinosa

For help in preparing the material.

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