Parking and stop allowed


One of the problems of possessing a car in the city - a permanent search for parking space, because the number of four-wheeled friends of a person is growing steadily, but the playgrounds in order to leave the car, for example, for the night or time of the hike to the store, for some reason it does not become more. Where and how should the townspeople "tie" their "iron horses"?

Parking and stop allowed 12118_1

Parking and stop allowed

One of the problems of possessing a car in the city - a permanent search for parking space, because the number of four-wheeled friends of a person is growing steadily, but the playgrounds in order to leave the car, for example, for the night or time of the hike to the store, for some reason it does not become more. Where and how should the townspeople "tie" their "iron horses"?

In big cities, increasingly the authorities are going along the way of replenishing the budget at the expense of motorists. For those who live within the boundaries of paid city parking, provides for the right to buy a preferential subscription to parking within their area daily for one year.

Residents Parkovok

Decisions in order to leave the car in the city, not so much: you can buy a place in the garage complex (a good garage with a cellar, observation pit and a place to store all sorts of very necessary, but do not hurt anyone in the apartment), get a place to get a place on Parking (open or underground is how lucky) or in the "folk" garage.

Even if there is a place in the garage, it is necessary to leave the car near the store on the next street to make purchases, and then - to be parked near the entrance and unload purchased. For such short-term parking, too, will have to pay?

It is for such cases from the life of any car owner and invented preferential (but not free!) Parking subscription, he is a resident permission to parking.

Resident permission to parking (no more than two cars for each residential room with a separate personal account) can get:

- owners of residential premises or share in the apartment in the territory of the district of paid city parking;

- tenants of the residential premises or its part under a social hiring agreement;

- Handicaps of apartments under the contract of hiring a service residential premises.

The car should belong to the ownership of the resident, that is, a person constantly registered in the dwelling.

The action of resident permission can be suspended if you have three or more debts on payment of fines in the field of road traffic and payment of parking lots (that is, the penalty has not been paid within 60 days after entering into force of the decision on the case of administrative violation )


To make permission, you must contact the multifunctional center. Resident (or his representative) with personal handling represents:

- written statement;

- a document certifying a resident license;

- Certificate of registration of the vehicle.

Please note: if you own a share in the ownership of the residential premises, you will also need the consent of all the co-owners (or employers, if you use the apartment under the social hiring agreement). Consent should be certified by a notary or an employee of the IFC in the presence of all owners or employers under a social hiring agreement upon presentation of documents confirming the identity.

If the resident belonging to the preferential category of citizens owns the property in real estate, he does not need to receive the consent of other owners. At the same time, the remaining co-owners of the share of ownership of the residential premises remain the right to receive a resident permit on general conditions, that is, no more than two per apartment.

Those who take off (rent) accommodation at the owner on the basis of an officially concluded and registered agreement of commercial hiring, also allowed to receive a parking subscription. In addition to the already mentioned documents in this case, MFC must be represented:

- contract of hiring / delivery of residential premises of the resident;

- Extract from the house book.

If the resolution is issued by the representative of the resident, the document confirming the powers, as well as a certificate of the resident representative, is additionally submitted.

After the six working days from the moment when all documents are checked by the staff of the IFC, the copies are certified, and the originals (except for the application) are returned to the owner, the resident will notify about the decision taken (highlighting the parking subscription).

The cost of the subscription today - 3 thousand rubles, the validity period is 1 year. The resident can apply for the design of a new parking permit in advance, but not earlier than 2 months before the expiration of the previous subscription.

Owners of electric vehicles or motorcycles have the right to leave their vehicles throughout paid parking lots for free without permission.

Any locking or impellent travel of the device (barriers, "lying police") can be installed in the courtyard of an apartment building only with the permission of the administration, so the permissions of the tracks to the entrance with the help of concrete blocks, chains with locks or colors with flowers is illegal

Right to barrier

Unfortunately, receiving a subscription to the conditionally free parking within its area does not mean that the car is fixed by the car. Particularly understand this, when you try to park a car near the house during the day, when all paid parking places are busy those who came to study or work in neighboring organizations.

The solution is to organize your own seaming parking with your guard and barrier (the eldest of the entrance is suitable for the role of the guard, and the janitor - modern barriers are automatic, it does not have to physically).

However, just put the barrier so much, hang the castle on him and distribute copies of the key to all residents. All the actions on the permitting passage of passages in the courtyards are strictly regulated, since they are associated with the safety (including the fire station) of residents of the house.

It is necessary to begin with finding out what territory refers to your home, what is its status (it is privatized or not) and whether there is a technical (it will be more correct to say - territorial) the ability to install a barrier or another locking device. If the land plot is not formed (the emergence procedure has not passed) and the state cadastral record is not held against it, the land under an apartment building is owned by the city, and therefore should be privatized, otherwise put the barrier will not work. The procedure for transfer to the general property of sites in municipal property is enshrined in Art. 34 and 36 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation.

If the apartment is not owned, but is used on the basis of a contract of municipal (official) hiring, parking permission can be obtained under the observance of two conditions: the term of the contract of hiring and the period of registration at the place of stay in the residential premises should be more than a year.

Common decision

For the installation of fences at the receiving area (vehicle entry regulators, it is necessary at the general meeting of the owners to accept the appropriate decision. In addition, it is advisable to explore the plan of the territory in order to understand whether it is possible to increase the space for parking, without damaging the rights of pedestrians. It is very important to find a reasonable balance, because to get behind the wheel of your car, the owner has to at least be a pedestrian, not to mention that pedestrians can completely inflate damage to four-wheeled friends - for example, pass with a carriage by a car parked on a narrow track And do not hurt the lacquer side of the car is very difficult.

Initiate a general meeting is entitled to any owner of the apartment. It must be borne in mind that the general meeting of the owners of premises in an apartment building is competent only when owners of apartments or their representatives who have more than 50% of the votes from the total number of votes took part.

It is advisable and reasonable to hold a meeting in absentia, bypassing an apartment with a blank protocol and subscription sheets.

Following the results of the General Assembly, it is necessary to prepare the following documents:

- a statement by the general meeting of the owners of the premises in an apartment building of a person on the installation of a barrier (and expanding parking space);

- copies of notifications about the general meeting;

- a list of registration of the owners of the premises (their representatives), who took part in the General Meeting (for correspondence, such a sheet is not needed, all signatures are collected in the process of bypassing apartments);

- power of attorney of representatives of the owners of premises, decorated in accordance with the procedure established by law;

- written decisions of the owners of the apartments (voting - for each question separately);

- Protocol of the General Assembly of the Owners of the premises, enshrining the decision.

Decisions of the General Assembly are accepted by a majority vote from the total number of homework.

For preferential categories of car owners (Moscow participants, Moscow defense participants, minor prisoners of concentration camps, as well as large families, drivers with disabilities, parents, or children with disabilities, are provided by the right of free daily parking within the entire zone of paid parking lots.

Permission to install

Examine the market of enclosing devices and learn their cost is better before the general meeting. Then the owners will decide with the knowledge of the case, as the purchase of the barrier and its service is carried out at the expense of residents. In addition, it would be nice to decide with the type of barrier, and with those who and how to open it for the passage of special transport. If the question with the "ambulance" is becoming the easiest way - the one who caused doctors will provide them and travel to the territory of the house, then on duty will be required to enter emergency services. The burden of observation can be assigned to concierge or janitors. The problem is solved by another way - the barrier can be opened by calling a mobile phone made to the database of the control unit of the barrier. There are practically any options for any budget.

It makes sense to also hold a blitz poll among car owners - whether they are ready to fork on the installation of the barrier or everything and so suits them. It is impossible to force owners to participate in the purchase of the enclosing device, so it remains only to convince. As practice shows, the plan of the territory of the territory is very impressive, where it is clearly seen how much space remains for parking. The same argument is also suitable for "slammless" - it is necessary to simply explain that it will be impossible to squeeze in the afternoon between the machines parked by the staff of the nearest offices or left buyers of the neighboring shopping center.

If the survey shows that the owners are ready for spending to ensure their own convenience, you can immediately contact the design organizations to compile the plan for installing the barrier, where the plan of the local area is reflected, on which the installation location and the appearance of the barrier, travel parameters, quantity and size of parking places. This project will be needed to appeal to the administration. The complexity is that in Moscow such projects are preparing two organizations.

After holding a general meeting of residents, the decision made by them together with the project placement of the enclosing device is sent by authorized by the owners of the person to agree on the Council of Municipal District deputies, in which it is planned to place the corresponding enclosing device (by the way, go to the reception to deputies in the board is also better in advance in order to speed up decision-making).

The decision to coordinate the installation of the enclosing device or the refusal in coordination is made by the Council of Deputies on the period not later than 30 days from the date of receipt of documents.

Own barrier

Parking and stop allowed

Step 1. Study of the interview protocols of the local area, the definition of parking space for parking spaces (search for parking space expansion), marketing research of the barrier market.

Step 2. Conducting voting among the owners of housing on the installation of the barrier (the price of the question is an application to the protocol of the General Assembly).

Step 3. Registration of the application application for the installation of the barrier and transferring it to the municipality, receiving a list of requirements for the project of the installation of the barrier.

Step 4 (not mandatory, but extremely recommended). Consultation with lawyers.

Step 5. Transferring a finished installation project to the municipality.

Step 6. Obtaining a solution in writing (for consideration - 30 days), introduction to the protocol responsible for admission to the territory of the House of Special Transport.

Step 7. Collection of funds, appeal to the Contractor.

Step 8. Monitoring the installation of the barrier, distribution of key-cards, work control.


As soon as the decision is made, it is necessary to start collecting money. After the required amount is collected, the authorized person appeals to the Contractor. Installation is made within two - five working days.

When choosing a type of enclosing device and place of its placement, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that after their installation, ensuring a round-the-clock and unimpeded travel to the local system of fire equipment, vehicles of law enforcement agencies, emergency medical care, ministries of the Russian Federation for civil defense, emergency situations and eliminating the effects of natural disasters, organizations of gas economy and utilities - the obligation of owners of the premises of an apartment building. Requirements for the travel of fire trucks are established in the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements", in accordance with which the device must be provided with fire trading and access roads to buildings and facilities for fire equipment, special or combined with functional travel and entrances. Violation of these rules entails responsibility in the form of an administrative penalty (Part 8 of Art. 20.4 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

The installation and operation of protective devices that impede or limit pedestrian passages and the passage of vehicles on the territory of general use are prohibited.

Listening to unauthorized restrictions on access to public land plots in Art. 6.5 The Code of the city of Moscow on administrative offenses is provided for responsibility in the form of an administrative imposition. Similar norms exist in the administrative legislation of each of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Listening to the violation of the order of installation, the enclosing devices are subject to dismantling and moving on specially organized for their storage area.

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