

The first benefits of the multicurok rated young mothers, because initially the instruments coped well only with the preparation of porridge. Now the functionality of the devices has expanded. They turned into cooks, ready to pamper you and pastries, and biphstex with french fries. Multi-coach steel with a chopstick for many families and help in everyday life bachelors

Multishef. 12131_1

Photo: Legion-Media

The SR-TMZ550 multicooker (Panasonic) is equipped with a special self-cleaning mode, which will allow you to quickly eliminate contaminants of bowls and covers

Photo: Vitek.

Model VT-4217 (Vitek) with defrosting function and a bowl with a ceramic coating. The case of the device is supplemented with a decor under the tree

Photo: Marta.

The MT-1989 SMART 2 (Marta) device 30 automatic programs and 56 options for manual installations

Photo: Polaris.

PPC 0505AD (Polaris) with the ability to prepare under pressure and function "Multiproduder Plus": up to nine stages of temperature processing per cycle

Photo: Stadler Form
Photo: Stadler Form

The SFC.919 Bowl (Stadler Form) with a capacity of 5l is made of anodized aluminum with a non-stick coating Daikin. Upset 12 automatic programs

Photo: Polaris.
Photo: Stadler Form

Practically all modern multicormaries Control panel touch and has a display that clearly displays automatic cooking programs and the current stage of the device.

Photo: Moulinex

The CE503 model (Moulinex) operates under pressure, it has 33 automatic and 25 manual modes.

Photo: Polaris.

In the Multicooker EVO EPMC 0125 (Polaris) with Wi-Fi, the possibility of remote control through a smartphone or tablet on iOS and Android platforms via the application within the home network is implemented.

Chefone SFC.919.

The first benefits of the multicurok rated young mothers, because initially the instruments coped well only with the preparation of porridge. Now the functionality of the devices has expanded. They turned into cooks, ready to pamper you and pastries, and biphstex with french fries. Multi-coach steel with a chopstick for many families and help in everyday life bachelors

The trains of multicooker's popularity lies in the simplicity of using the device. It is enough to put in it necessary for the preparation of the dish ingredients, including the appropriate program - and you can do your affairs. At the end of the cooking, the beep is triggered. Very convenient feature of a deferred start (up to 24 h): Breakfast will be ready for your awakening, and dinner - to arrival from work. Just do not forget that the products need to lay in advance, and not all of them are able to survive storage outside the refrigerator. Most models are equipped with the "heated" option, which will save the dish warm, for example, if you stayed on a walk.

Modern multicarks are multifunctional devices that can stew, cook, fry, bake, cook on a couple and much more. Thus, users have the opportunity to prepare a wide range of dishes: porridge, soups, cutlets, steaks, kelid, yogurt, pies ... Cases when cooking in a slow cooker is becoming gentle by gentle. In fact, she languishes in its own juice, and as a result, more useful dishes are obtained than with frying or cooking on the stove. However, in many models, if you wish, you can fry. According to their owners, to achieve the same results as when frying on a cooking surface, it will not work: the crust will not be gold and crunchy. However, for roasting vegetables for soup, these devices are quite suitable.


Photo: Legion-Media Ingredients:

Pepper Bulgarian - 2 pcs.

Zucchini - 2 pcs.

Onion - 1 pc.

garlic - 3 teeth

Eggplants - 2 pcs.

Tomatoes - 3 pcs.

Potatoes - 2 pcs.

Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Salt, black pepper - to taste

Cooking method

1. Cut into rings or half rings Bulgarian pepper, zucchini, eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes, onion. Garlic grind.

2. Pour olive oil into a slow cooker, add sliced ​​vegetables and spices. Mix slightly.

3. Turn on the "quenching" mode for 10 minutes with a closed lid.

Despite the undoubted ease of cooking, in a slow cooker, the process takes longer than on the stove. So, if 15-20 minutes are prepared on the cooking surface, then in a slow cooker - about 30 minutes.

Main characteristics

one. Number of programs. Perhaps this is one of the decisive parameters. The more programs, the easier it is to choose the optimal mode even for the most exquisite dish.

2. Bowl. Bachelors have a fairly compact device with a bowl designed for 3-4l. Large families are better to look at 5-6l models. The coating of the bowl is Ceramic and Teflon. The first is environmentally friendly, but it is afraid of sudden temperature drops, that is, a preheated bowl cannot be placed under cold water. Over time, the non-stick properties of the ceramic bowl may worsen, and the products will become adhere to it. Teflon coating is easy to damage with stirring ingredients, so it is recommended to use special (usually silicone) blades. But, in contrast to ceramic, it retains non-stick properties during the entire period of operation.

3. Control Panel. It can be a key or touch, most models use intuitive control. In love, another in the store you can check how convenient to "communicate" with the device.

four. Price. The simplest model with several programs costs about 1 thousand rubles. The price of premium devices reaches 30 thousand rubles. Eastern Multicoer can be purchased in 5-10 thousand rubles.

Smart cook

In the case of the device there are heating elements, control unit and a bowl, as a rule with a non-stick coating. Vbuzhda models The heater is one - in the bottom. More advanced multicookers Additional heaters are installed in the walls and the lid that manufacturers are often called 3D heating.

The microprocessor controls the temperature and duration of the cooking. If the user chooses one of the automatic programs, the device will independently set the necessary parameters. In many models, manual setting is also provided, allowing you to set the time and temperature at your discretion.

Claimed devices are quite a large number of automatic programs (over 20). However, even a modest set does not mean limitations in the assortment of dishes. After all, if there is no mode in a certain model, then one of the available dishes can be chosen. For example, the choke is proposed to prepare in the "quenching" mode, the territory is in the "pizza" mode, and "Baking" is quite suitable for frying.

Child Nuances

1. 3D heating is a marketing trick because it is meant the presence of several heating elements (in the bottom, walls and cover of the machine). Such models have a broader functional compared to those that have a heater only in the bottom. However, for the prevailing majority of modern models, several heaters are already the norm, and not an advantage.

2. If you decide to purchase a multicooker with a small set of programs, but expect to prepare a wide range of dishes, it is necessary to clarify whether it contains several heaters and low-temperature regime (about 40 seconds), which is required for cooking, for example, yogurt.

3. Bowl - an important element of the device. If it is equipped with handles, it is easier to extract it. The ability to wash the bowl in the dishwasher will noticeably facilitate the care of a slow cooker. When buying, it is also worth asking whether the replaceable bowls are sold for the model you have chosen and what is their cost. The fact is that when the bowl is inactive, it is easy to damage, and then it will become unsuitable for cooking.

4. Rich equipment. It is convenient when the multicark kit includes various accessories: spoons, blades, measuring tanks, cookies for cooking yogurt, container-pairring, as well as a book with recipes.

The best

Today, manufacturers offer more and more supplements to their products. For example, Polaris has released the EVO EPMC 0125 multi-cooker with Wi-Fi. While you can manage the device only without leaving the apartment. For "communication" it is enough to install the appropriate application on the smartphone. It allows you to monitor the cooking process, for example, to reduce or increase product processing time.

Almost all models are attached by books of recipes for the preparation of various dishes adapted to the slow cooker.

When creating SR-TMZ550 (Panasonic), the manufacturer focused on healthy diet. The program with the appropriate name was tested by the Test Center for Food Products with the Food Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Studies confirmed that when using a "healthy menu" for processing vegetables in a slow cooker in products, 30% more polyphenols, polyunsaturated fatty acids and ascorbic acid, which are antioxidants that contribute to strengthening immunity are preserved.

From useful additions, it is worth noting the defrost function in the VT-4217 model (Vitek), and the HD3077 / 40 multicooker (Philips) is a heating function, as well as blocking from children.

The "multi-step multipowder 6 steps" of the device VT-4222 BK (Vitek) will allow you to set up to six consecutive stages of preparation, each of which has certain duration and temperature. This technology is optimal for the preparation of complex dishes implying several phases of temperature processing.

The PMC 0529ADS (Polaris) apparatus has hot and cold smoking features. Inside fasten the smokehouse with sawdust. Multicooker-pressure cooker CE503 (Moulinex) operates under pressure, allowing twice (compared to a conventional device) to reduce cooking time. In this mode, more vitamins are saved in products.

Tips for use

1. Before the first use of multicookers, it is recommended to boil water in it for 30 minutes to eliminate foreign smells.

2. For mixing products in a cup, use only a special spoon so as not to damage the non-stick coating.

3. The bowl of the device is recommended to fill out at least half and no more than 2/3 of its volume.

4. During cooking, it is better not to open the appliance cover, unless the need arises to mix the dish.

Model Chefone SFC.919. PPC 0505ad SR-TMZ550 CE503
Manufacturer Stadler Form Polaris. Polaris. Moulinex
Volume, L. five five five five
power, kWt 0.8. one 0.84 one
Number of programs 12 twenty 22. 33.
Features Anodized aluminum bowl with non-stick coating Pressure cooking The program "Healthy Menu" Pressure cooking
price, rub. 6490. 6000. 10,000 7499.

Prices listed in the publication are valid at the end of December 2014. The current value of the goods should be clarified at the place of its sale.

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