From fashion Up to step: garden design trends


Planning a plot update in the coming season, pay attention to the trendy landscape trends, each of which is able to transform your garden

From fashion Up to step: garden design trends 12135_1

Planning a plot update in the coming season, pay attention to the trendy landscape trends, each of which is able to transform your garden

Garden Fashion is closely related to world trends, and landscape design is as susceptible to current trends as the consumer goods industry. The garden involves life in nature, but to make it fashionable, global changes will be required. It is enough to embody two or three non-standard ideas, and it will look like a new way. And you can plan changes now.

So, what trends is preparing us the coming garden season?

Green Rooms Meaning the absence of borders between the territory of the estate and the interior of the country house. The modern garden is the "outdoor house", which should not give way to the comfort of comfort. Therefore, separate corners for recreation should be made in the same way as the rooms in the cottage, or turn the entire garden into a large studio apartment, choosing the corresponding "finishing materials" and accessories. "Sub-filling", the decor mainly serve live plants, and "finish", as a rule, has a natural origin, so it must be protected from atmospheric influences.

From fashion Up to step: garden design trends
From fashion Up to step: garden design trends
From fashion Up to step: garden design trends
From fashion Up to step: garden design trends
From fashion Up to step: garden design trends
From fashion Up to step: garden design trends

1, 2. The vertical garden involves multi-levelness.

3-5. Wild cultures - the attribute of the "natural" garden.

6. "Green Rooms" - part of the garden "interior", so they need to be issued on the same principle as separate rooms in a country house.

Wild and decorative herbs . At the peak of fashion - the so-called natural garden, where non-pending exotes are growing and not bright decorative cultures, but flowers, shrubs and herbs characteristic of this region. The household territory as if reproduces the corner of natural nature. Of course, wild-growing cultures are planted not arbitrarily, but according to the plan. Of these, it is possible to make extremely interesting compositions, so that even inconspicuous plants will be able to attract universal attention. Why is the focus on wild colors and herbs? First, the refusal of excess decorativeness implies new opportunities for writing a "scenario" of the garden and, accordingly, the implementation of many original ideas. And secondly, modern rhythm of life determines the minimization of the temporary and financial costs for maintaining a garden in shape.

Of all the "natural" plants in a special position are grass. Decorative herbs, of course, are not wild, but successfully they "imitate." Thanks to the universal "appearance", it is permissible to use anywhere, in any stylization. So, the gardens of cereals today fisted even popular Alpine slides! It can be said that the garden of cereals is an original flower garden, that's just it is not made of colors. For him, a large number of cereals differing in height, the form of kurtin, outlines and shades of foliage, as well as having different inflorescences are required. It is necessary to plant cereals in the same way as the flowers on the flowerbed, following the basic laws of the landscape composition. For such a garden, it is necessary to choose an open, well-viewed, preferably solar place. Plants are planted with curtains close to each other, while they are not complemented by neither stones nor any decorative elements.

Opinion of a specialist

Garden Fashion occurs not on "scratch", but reflects the realities and time requirements. Customers are tired of typical "frontal" sites, where there are "everything" - very individual gardens are in demand, and those that would be easy to care for. New trends are already reflected in demand for specific cultures: sales hits are not beautiful plants, not rarity and "exotic", but decorative, coniferous and cereals. Some owners have already begun to design gardens as an open-air interioler - it must be said that they are most beautiful. We have a lot of new trends in this season, and you can always choose those that "go" a specific garden.

Nina Drobysheva, Dendrologist

Vertical sad - the original principle of arrangement of the site and its individual corners. It is worth noting that it is not identical to vertical landscaping and trellis, which are just one of the components of the vertical garden. The main thing in it is a multi-levelness: all kinds of podiums, including multi-tiered, steps, retaining walls, balcony sites, artificial terraces ... while the country area can be completely even, and the vertical is created artificially: if there is no relief, then it is You need to come up. Well, when the target territory is located on the slope, then the vertical garden will appear "by itself", after a minor improvement.

From fashion Up to step: garden design trends
From fashion Up to step: garden design trends
From fashion Up to step: garden design trends
From fashion Up to step: garden design trends
From fashion Up to step: garden design trends
From fashion Up to step: garden design trends
From fashion Up to step: garden design trends

7-9. Handmade accessories give the garden individuality.

10. Decorative herbs are one of the most fashionable plants.

11. In the "Green Garden" culture prevail with decorative foliage.

12. Garden puffs pillows.

13. Water elements do not come out of fashion for several seasons.

Contrast forms and materials. In fashion - contrast in all manifestations. So, plants can be combined with high-tech steel and glass products - for example, wild-growing flowers and herbs are harmonized with a glass garden pavilion of a geometric shape, and a typical Victorian garden perfectly gets around with a modern steel sculpture. Another option is a platform for recreation with a fence from perforated steel, you can decorate roses and topium cultures. The contrasting garden will be able to create, using only one material, but with different textures, say natural stones, pebbles, gravel sinking, boulders. In addition, it is possible to choose plants for the garden, significantly differing in height, form, decorativeness, color IT.D. But you should think about their combinations in the landings in advance so that cultures supplemented each other, and not scored.

Hand Made in your garden

Any handmade accessory should be accurately "entered into the garden. That is, for each element, you need to choose a winning place, and then add decorative illets, planting flowers, shrubs or coniferous plants, picturesque stones, and if necessary, garden figures so that the composition appears "the topic" corresponding to the main subject. It will turn out the real garden installation. Heads of ideas for the garden decoration The main thing is not to adhere to stereotypes. So, not only a large basket, an old boat or a car trailer, but also a suitcase, baby carriage or a regular wooden chair will be able to become a container for a flower bed.

Details and handmade items Very important, because they make the garden truly exclusive. Many owners will be able to act as a designer, decorating a country area with the elements performed by the elements. It is no coincidence that the leading style becomes Art and Kraft, which implies attitude towards the garden as art. Therefore, on the plot must be a variety of figures, sculpture, landscape miniatures and art objects. Among the most fashionable accessories of the season - sundial, stone obeliski, as well as used things in which they managed to breathe new life by decorating and non-standard use. Resource saving is relevant including in the garden. So old car tires, garden equipment, dishes and other items can serve as materials to create an original decor.

Practical garden I assume a breakdown of at least a small garden. Vegetables and fruits grown with their own hands - this is what is considered today is a real value. Of course, the garden should be beautiful, non-standard decorated. Its replacement (or addition) can be a neat greenhouse.

"Green Garden". In end - not bright colors, but decorative foliage. This is not only about wild, but also about decorative garden crops. Designers offer to play with the shades of foliage, its shape and outlines of the crown of plants in a separate composition. Gardens from decorative perennials are relevant, where within one flower garden are planted, for example, hosts of various colors. Blinds use not only herbaceous plants, but also shrubs, as well as small boys. Another hit season has become the so-called green sculpture - geometrically trimmed trees and shrubs.

The main favorites in the decoration of the garden this season are Lupins, irises, pelargonium, plum, apple tree and honeysuckle. Actual Landscape Design Styles - Mediterranean, Chinese, Art and Kraft, as well as the style of the noble estate

Water in the garden It does not come out of fashion for several years, only the form of its representation is changing. It is customary to design areas for resting reservoirs and even have them on the water. At the same time, the pond necessarily should be large and deep. Also owners of country sites are in demand garden fountains.

Soft garden furniture. Today, the furniture is popular for the garden - soft. First of all, frameless: puffs and huge pillows, which are convenient to lie. Of course, they are made of special materials suitable for use in the open air. A successful option is a wicker furniture with soft linings and pillows. In shape, it resembles furnishings of country houses.

Special care

It is simply to grow coniferous plants, but even such unpretentious crops have their own secrets. So, coniferous plants do not like to change the orientation on the sides of the world. Therefore, it is necessary to plant them strictly according to the compass, in the same direction in which they were in the nursery. That is why when buying a plant should be tied to a ribbon, say, to its northern side. And when landing in the North, the "North" tree or shrub must coincide with the north on the plot. Roughs are not afraid of frosts. But some of them, especially the spruce of the conic, juniper and young teu, do not tolerate the winter bright sun and the drying wind. At the same time, the plants do not get out, and dry out, as if "burned". Therefore, in the winter they need shelters in the form of covers from Loutrasil with cuts from the bottom.

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