Roast place: Gas and electric plates


Despite the consistently growing demand for embedded techniques, separate devices are still in demand. For example, slabs win from embedded fellows due to lower prices, ease of installation and convenience of connection

Roast place: Gas and electric plates 12149_1

Despite the consistently growing demand for embedded techniques, separate devices are still in demand. For example, slabs win from embedded fellows due to lower prices, ease of installation and convenience of connection

Roast place: Gas and electric plates
Photo: LEGION-MEDIAECHS Do not distinguish the concepts of the "oven" and "stove", so we immediately explain that the stove is a separate monoblock consisting of a cooking surface and a brass cabinet. Manufacturers see the future for embedded devices, and therefore they introduce new technologies in them. The plates, unfortunately, get only part of the innovations, so that they are less functional.

Home gas pipeline

Roast place: Gas and electric plates
Photo: Legion-media in gas models is important not so much functionality as security. Therefore, almost all gas control is provided: if the flame goes out, the sensor will send a signal to overlap the gas supply channel. It should be taken into account where gas control was installed: on the cooking surface or in the oven; In rare cases, it monitors both elements of the plate.

If you do not want to use matches or lighters, choose a model with an electrojiguction: To appear the flame, it is enough to rotate the gas gas start switch and click on the special button. An even simpler version is an automatic ignition when you can only be limited to the rotation of the switch.

It is preferable to buy a model with hardware with hardware, and if it is supplemented with a wow burner with several contours of the flame, it will be possible to prepare a variety of oriental dishes.

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: GeFest.

11 000 rub.

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: GeFest.

14 000 rubles.

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: Hotpoint-Ariston

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: Bosch.

27 000 rubles.

1. Plate 3200 K19 (GeFest) with mechanical electrojiguch, grill and spit.

2. Used 1500 K19 (GeFest) The surface is made of heat-resistant tempered glass with a marble pattern.

3. Powerful wok corks with multiple flame rows provide fast and intense heating, which is an ideal condition for cooking oriental dishes.

4. Model HGG94W355R (BOSCH) with grill, convection, four-layer glazing and burner with a triple flame.

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: Ardo

35 000 rubles.

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: Ardo

35 000 rubles.

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: Electrolux

22 000 rubles.

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: indesit.

14 000 rubles.

5.6. On the surface of stainless steel of the device PL 1064 (Ardo) there are five burners, including one wok. The model can be performed in cream and black colors.

7. Oven in the EKG61100OX model (electrolux) with a catalytic coating.

8. The I5GG0C (W) / RU (Indesit) plate is equipped with a gas grill.

Duhovka for heating corresponds to the lower torch. However, it is not enough to prepare many dishes, so the grill helps it - gas or electric. The latter will certainly create a crunchy crust on dishes, but it must be connected to the power grid, and therefore, and pay the bills.

And we have a gas in the apartment ...

When choosing a type of device (gas, electric or combined), it is necessary to navigate the energy carrier at home. The fact is that, for example, the installation of electric stoves in an apartment with a gas pipeline is problematic due to weak wiring, which is not designed for such a powerful unit and may not withstand high load. The same cooking will cost quite expensive, because in houses with gas high electricity tariffs. Country dwelling is permissible to equip with almost any device. However, it is worth considering some nuances. So, the plate with four burners is allowed to install in the ventilated room with a ceiling height of at least 2.2m and an area from 15m2. The aerial model requires a rather powerful power grid. Electric stoves are more functional, capable of clearly adjust the temperature, which is important for the preparation of various dishes. Gas appreciate the imitation of live fire, and cooking on it costs cheaper.

The Inspiration EKG61100OX (Electrolux) model range is all necessary for cooking. The autojig is equipped with both a cooking surface and an oven. Electric grill are provided, as well as a hill with a triple flame.

Model 1500 K19 (GeFest) is characterized by non-standard "appearance" - the facade is made of heat-resistant glass with a marble pattern.

If you want a modest model, then look at KT6G4G00FGWH (Ardo). This enameled plate is completely gas, including grill. Complex includes spit, gas control is only in the oven, the electrojig is mechanical.

Safe cooking

In many models, the cooking process is reliably protected from the pranksters of small peasants: the blocking from children does not allow to change the slab settings during operation. Also taking care of the safety of kids and pets, manufacturers have worked on a decrease in the heating temperature of the plate housing. The top is difficult to burn, because the glass can be not only two-, but even three or four-layer: the more layers, the lower the surface temperature.


Roast place: Gas and electric plates
Photo: Legion-media. The choice of electric helpers first pay attention to the type of burners: "pancakes", Hi-Light, halogen, induction. The first are cheapest, but they are heated and cool down, they are inconvenient to care for them, and with time cast iron discs can cover rust. On the same, only they are located on an enamelled surface. All the rest are hidden under the glass ceramics, so more aesthetic.

The delivering of modern plates is installed Hi-Light-hardware, which is explained by reliability, rapid heating and cooler of the latter. Halogen - rare guests on the surface, they are put only as a supplement to Hi-Light. Induction plates are the most expensive, and their range is small. But thanks to the unusual principle of the action of the device (the bottom of the dishes heat the vortex currents) the glass-ceramic surface remains almost cold, minimizing the probability of burn. True, cooking will have to purchase dishes from ferromagnetic material. It is necessary to take into account the shape of the burners. So, the round is suitable for conventional saucepan and a frying pan, and oval, for example, for the gooseman. Especially comfortable burners with several contours for dishes of different diameters.

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: Bosch.

24 000 rubles.

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: Bosch.

35 000 rubles.

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: "Darina"

7000 rub.

9. HCE 744260 R (BOSCH) plate with blend switches and burners: two-circuit and oval expansion zone.

10. The HCE745853R (BOSCH) model is equipped with a retractable trolley door.

11. Device S EM341 404 B ("Darina") with burners "pancas".

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: Legion-Media

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: Legion-Media

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: Zanussi.

18 000 rub.

14. The oven in the model ZCV955301X (Zanussi) is covered with easy cleaning enamel.

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: Electrolux

15 000 rubles.

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: Zvi.

14 000 rubles.

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: indesit.

16 000 rub.

15. Model EKC 951100 W (ELECTROLUX) with residual heat indicators on the surface.

16, 17. Electric stove 510 (ZVI) is complemented with a grill and a fan (16). The i5VMH6A (X) (X) (indesit) of the silver color is the residual heat, grill, display and timer (17).

The number of heating elements of the oven, the various combinations of which (operating modes) create optimal conditions for the preparation of a dish. The upper and lower heaters are working forward, as well as a shadow or quartz grill. Advanced devices are complemented by a fan (convection mode), as well as an annular heater around it. The fan evenly distributes air through the chamber, which is important for the preparation of many dishes, so such devices can be rightfully called multifunctional. If you like to cook and experiment, then without a fan can not do. Just remember: the more items are involved, the higher the power of the device, which is inevitably reflected on your budget. We will have a stove power connection of about 10 kW.

Oven with automatic programs can be fully entrusted with cooking. The user only needs to choose the name of the product (pizza, chicken, fish IT.) and specify its weight - the automation itself will set the necessary temperatures, time and operating parameters.

Among the new products, we note the series of plates Avanti (Zanussi). The update touched the capacity of the oven: the internal volume rose by 20% at the same dimensions of the models. Duhovka, in addition to standard heating elements, there is a grill and a fan. Timer Set Go allows you to set the cooking time and at the right hour will notify you about its readiness, and then turns off. As for the cooking surface, the apparatus has four burners under the glass-ceramic surface.

The CSM 67300 GS unit (BEKO) is complemented by a display and timer with disconnection. For safety, the door lock is provided. Under the glass-ceramic working surface, four burners are hidden, one of them is a two-integer, and the other with an oval heating zone.

Among the induction slabs it is worth mentioning the model 47036iu-Mn (AEG) with four burners. Dukhovka has a grill and a fan, however, the instrument management is mechanical.

Gentlemansky Set of Modern Plate


- gas control on the cooking panel and in the oven

- Automatic electrojiggig

- Differences of different power, including wok

- Electric grill

- Fan (Convection mode)

- Spit

- Telescopic guides


- burners with expansion zones

- Residual heat indicators

- Grill

- Fan (Convection mode)

- Ring heating element

- Spit

- Telescopic guides

- Automatic programs

- Display

Comfortable tandem

Combined models combine two methods of heating: for example, a gas stove is equipped with one or two electrical burners. In this case, the consumer has the ability to choose the optimal method of heating for each dish. More specified models with a gas surface and an electric oven. Thus, you do not spend expensive electricity, say, when cooking soup, and if necessary, you can prepare the most sophisticated dishes in the electric oven. Similar models are the perfect country option. If there are problems with one of the power sources, that, alas, not uncommon in Russian conditions, you will not be left without dinner.

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: Nord.

6300 rubles.

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: Zanussi.

18 000 rub.

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: Legion-Media

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: Legion-Media

18. Used PGE-510.02 (NORD) One of the four burners is an electric cast iron.

19. ZCK955301X (Zanussi) has a gas cooking surface and an electric oven.

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: Ardo

13 000 rub.

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: Hotpoint-Ariston

18 000 rub.

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: GeFest.

10 000 rubles.

Roast place: Gas and electric plates

Photo: Bosch.

28 000 rub.

22. Aggregate KT6C4G00FMWH (Ardo) with a gas surface and an electric oven with a grill and a fan.

23. H6TMH4AF (X) complications (hotpoint-ariston) is one of the burners with a triple next flame. The electric oven is equipped with a grill and convection.

24. FINIST 3102 (GeFest) three gas burners and one electric cast iron. Oven - gas with a grill.

25. Used HGV74W756R (BOSCH) Gas surface with wok burner and electric oven with eight heating modes.

The KT6C3G1EFSWH model (Ardo) is made in white. It is a power of the gas oven and grill, but at the same time one of the four burners on the cooking surface is electric cast iron. Gas control of the burners, control and electrical tract - mechanical.

The enamelled surface of the FCMW53050 plate (HANSA) is divided by two gas burners and two electric cast iron. The device is equipped with an automatic electrojiguch, electric grill and spit, but the functions of the "convection" in it, unfortunately, no.

Model K 55320 AX (Gorenje) - an example of another combination: a gas surface and an electric oven. Fold not only grill, but also a fan. Four gas burners are located on stainless steel surface. For convenient and visual controls on the device case there is a display.

Brand price

The range of plates is small, main manufacturers - Bosch, Electrolux, Hotpoint-Ariston, Hansa, Gorenje, Gefest, "Darina". Simple gas appliances with an enameled surface can be purchased for 5 thousand rubles. Models with electric traits cost from 7 thousand rubles. Azen plates with electric grill and wok can reach 30 thousand rubles. The cost of electrical appliances with "pancas" also starts with a mark of 5 thousand rubles. Plates with a glass-ceramic surface will cost a minimum of 10 thousand rubles, and multifunctional with a complete set of modern functions - from 20 to 40 thousand rubles. The price range for induction models is from 18 to 50 thousand rubles.

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