So that the current does not cause shock


Voltage drops are a nuisance from which no one is insured, even if the equipment of the power grid is ideally. Incorrect actions of installers, errors when connected, accidents - can happen anything. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to protect home appliances in advance.

So that the current does not cause shock 12151_1

Voltage drops are a nuisance from which no one is insured, even if the equipment of the power grid is ideally. Incorrect actions of installers, errors when connected, accidents - can happen anything. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to protect home appliances in advance.

So that the current does not cause shock

In Russia, cases of poor-quality power supply are not uncommon. It is difficult to say how much technology "burns" for this reason annually, but suspect that the account is on billions rubles. Forward the turn suffers sensitive to the sharp drops of the load of electronics - computers, electronic systems of refrigerators, washing machines, modern audio and video equipment. If even the equipment does not break immediately, then its service life is significantly reduced. Speaking of electricity quality indicators (according to GOST P54149-2010), we note the most important, which are assessed by changing the amplitude of the voltage and its temporary interval. Without going into the nuances, we will simplify them to call them stress jumps.
So that the current does not cause shock

Photo: SVEN.

So that the current does not cause shock

Photo: Schneider Electric

So that the current does not cause shock

Photo: OBI.

1, 2. SPOOL 3G network filters (SVEN), 4 outlets (1); PH6VT3-RS (Schneider Electric), 6 sockets + 3 telephone (2).

So that the current does not cause shock

Photo: SVEN.

So that the current does not cause shock

Photo: Schneider Electric

So that the current does not cause shock

Photo: Schneider Electric

3, 4. Stabilizers: Powerman AVS 1000M (PW.140-260V, out. 220V 8%, 1000 VA) (3); Model SVEN AVR-500 (IS 100-280V, out. 220V 8%, 500 VA), switching time 10 ms, shockproof housing (4).

5, 6. Schneider Electric models: Line-R 1200 network filter (5); UPS Back-UPS 500 BA (single-phase, out. 500 wa or 350W) (6).

To protect home appliances and equipment from voltage jumps, special devices are applied - network filters, voltage control relays in the network, voltage stabilizers, as well as uninterrupted power supplies (designated UPS abbreviation). Each of them is intended to solve a certain circle of tasks.

Network filters to eliminate high-frequency (using the LC filter) and pulse interference (using a varistor) is the easiest and cheapest (from 150-200rub.) Device type. Thanks to them, the devices are "cut off" from the access of the high voltage current. Often, network filters are embedded in extension cords.

The voltage control relay or relays are used to turn off the instruments with an increase in / reducing the voltage over / below the maximum allowable value, phase breakdown, zero break. Usually they are made in the form of a modular device installed on a DIN rail in the apartment shield, but some are connected to the outlet.

Disconnecting the electrical appliance from the network (using the relay) is not the best output. Especially if the technique performs a complicated program extended time. In this case, the devices are better to connect to the voltage stabilizer of the AC. This device is able to quickly compensate for voltage jumps without stopping electricity supply, which is much more convenient for the user and more useful for technology. Models differ (in addition to the principle of operation and design) at the output power, the accuracy of the retention of the output voltage, the input voltage range, as well as the voltage adjustment speeds.

The output power is selected depending on the estimated total load. The models are presented in the output power from several hundred watts to a tent of kilowatt. True, the price is growing with its increase. Thus, the devices designed for 500W can be purchased in 1.5-3 thousand rubles, by 10 kW - for 15-20 thousand rubles. and more. Increases more often used stabilizers with a capacity of 500-1000Ws, connecting one or two instruments to them - it turns out cheaper.

The input voltage range is on average from 130-140 to 250-260. For "particularly severe cases", devices with an extended input voltage range are suitable, for example resant SPN-600 63/6/23 (90-260V), Voltron RSN 1500 (95-280V), SVEN AVR-500 (100-280V).

Almost all models provide the accuracy of retention of the output voltage in the range of 220V 10%. This is enough for most household appliances, with the exception of the most capricious (let's say imported heating boilers). For them, it may take better equipment with an accuracy of stabilization of 5%.

The response time depending on the design ranges from a few milliseconds to a fraction of a second. If you are going to purchase computer techniques, check with the seller, which temporary pause in the supply of electricity is able to withstand the power supply without emergency stopping work (this parameter is called "Minimum Hold Time", or Hold-Up Time, it must exceed the response time of the stabilizer; in computer Power blocks is usually 15-20 ms).

Uninterruptible power sources (UPS) - a special class of devices for connecting equipment, which is important to continuous operation, such as a computer. Of course, the UPS will not save with a major accident, but you will have time to save documents. The choice of devices is very wide, various models are designed for specific types of equipment. On, we will talk in a separate article.

Opinion of a specialist

Large household appliances are best equipped with a compact network filter with one outlet, as it is a powerful energy consumer. For small household appliances, it is more convenient to use multo-oxide network filters. Avot to TV, expensive audio and video equipment It is advisable to install a voltage stabilizer or a special filter with additional protection of a television cable. It is worth mentioning about electrical heaters, because they are a real test for a home power grid. The fact is that the heater or any device with a large active resistance when turned on creates a significant load on the network and lowers the voltage in it. Therefore, if you often use electrical heaters, I recommend getting a voltage stabilizer to protect the TV, a gaming console, a gas boiler or valuable electronics. This device controls the voltage level and leads it to normal, safe values. Stabilizers are especially useful at dachas and in country houses, as regional networks are very worn and work is much worse than urban.

Peter Petrov, Regional Manager for single-phase products APC by Schneider Electric

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