Door in the wall


In a small apartment, open sash interior doors are visually limited to the space and brave the corridors, interfering with moving. Retractable canvas with penalties allow not only to improve the ergonomics of the dwelling, but also to implement modern design solutions

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In a small apartment, open sash interior doors are visually limited to the space and brave the corridors, interfering with moving. Retractable canvas with penalties allow not only to improve the ergonomics of the dwelling, but also to implement modern design solutions

Retractable door with a penalty is a rather complicated design, at least in terms of editing. Even experienced builders sometimes have only a vague idea of ​​how to install it. Investment, the discussions relating to doors of this type have repeatedly flared up on the Internet forum "IVD", and many of the questions asked in the air. This article we will reply on them.

What is a penalty?

This is a special frame design with which the wall pocket (niche) is created for the door canvase. Pencil made from P-shaped steel galvanized profiles for drywall or acquire a ready-made combined product, they are supplied to our Eclisse and Koblenz market. Cases are trimmed with plasterboard or gypsum fiber sheets with a thickness of 12.5 mm in one layer, and if you need to increase the strength of the design of chipboard or plywood. In addition, there are foals designed for placing with cement mortar. They are already trimmed with steel galvanized sheets with a plaster grid reinforced on them. The thickness of the trimmed or plastered polar stake for a one-board door is 165-185mm, for a double (with telescopic canvases) 225-245mm. Ready-made foals thinner self-made approximately 40mm, as they are made from the profiles of a special section with the walls with a thickness of 0.6mm (dry-coaltonal racks it is a maximum of 0.55mm).

Door in the wall


Door in the wall

Deni Design.

Door in the wall


Door in the wall

Deni Design.

1. For ease of use of the door, the shape of the handles is very important. The optimal version of the protruding Nobies. Some smaller comfort provide mortise "boats". The most difficult thing to manipulate the canvas with the help of retractable rings.

2-4. In all retractable structures, there is an upper aluminum guide (2, 3), but the doors with a penalty access to its attachments after the installation is completed, and therefore the reliability of these nodes should be very high. The lower guide in such systems is not (4), its function performs the groove on the lower end of the web and a special check box.

Door in the wall


Door in the wall


Door in the wall


Door in the wall

Deni Design.

5-8. The "classic" sliding door can be smooth panel with a horizontal veneer pattern (5) or glazed: color (6), with a pattern (7) and matte (8). Therapy models also apply, but much less often.

At what stage of repair is installed a penalty?

Usually after casting a tie of the floor and its finishing alignment, simultaneously with the construction of partitions. In principle, it is possible before, but in any case, it is necessary in advance very accurately (with a tolerance no more than 2mm) to determine the level of the finishing gender. The total thickness of all leveling layers, flooring and substrate, if necessary. How to be if an error was made when determining the level of the first floor? The adjusting screws of the roller mechanism allow you to change the position of the vertical cloth, as a rule, within 20mm. If the floor level turned out to be much higher than expected, and the error fails to be eliminated by adjustment, you can focus or cut the cloth. However, it is not more than 15mmm on top and bottom to be removed, so as not to weaken the wooden strapping. If, on the contrary, there is too much clearance under the door, the bottom end of the canvas is glued and screwed the bar, which is toned in the desired color using a simulator or a special repair pencil. Glass canvases can not be cut, neither increase, so you have to reinstall the pencil.

How to install penalties without demolishing and not building partitions?

Lack on an existing wall. In this case, its thickness will increase by an average of 105-120mm. Moreover, if the pencil is located on one side of the opening (one-board or double telescopic door), then you will have to grow up to the thickness of the wall with extra centimeters. This makes the skeleton in the frame or lead masonry from light blocks. Thus, the installation of the furnace is associated with some loss of an apartment area, but it provides better noise insulation, because a full-scale partition is preserved, which isolating the sound is much more efficient than the hollow frame.

Why in the wall?

Most often, the canvas of retractable doors move along the wall. Such a scheme is simple and reliable, but it is necessary to provide it with a parking space, free from switches, sockets, sheds, furniture and paintings next to the opening space. In addition, with this method, the installation is usually the need for the frame of the opening, a stubborn timber and a cornily hiding rail. These additional massive details sometimes interfere with the implementation of the designer's ideas. If the opening is wide enough, you can install two or more crafts that will move to one of the jambs. But also has a lack of a similar scheme: the path will remain partially overgrown. Tonight door with penalty does not create any interference to arrange an apartment and movement on it.

What is the advantage of foam factory production?

In addition, it is thinner, in its design there is a powerful pendant with holes for the rail rail. With independent design, this node has to be thought out to be emphasized, strengthening the glued bars or steel pipe of the square section otherwise there is a risk that the guide will resist under the severity of cavities. Finally, finally the finished pencils of the last models are equipped with a special roller mechanism, which provides for the possibility of adjusting the drivers of carriats (web stroke limits) after the finishes are completed, and this simplifies the process of pads.

Typical errors when installing sliding doors with a penalty

one. Assembling foam from cheap profiles with walls with a thickness of 0.5 mm and less without amplification by bars . The partition is obtained by a flipper and vibrate when the canvas moves. In addition, the probability of sending a guide is not excluded.

2. Installation and finishing of foam without temporary fixation of the opening using a strut screed And, as a result, the deviation of the shoals from the vertical, the deflection of prolics. The screed strut is included in all the finished pencils, and during the independent manufacture of the design of it from the bar or steel profile.

3. Incorrect definition of pocket width . The sliding door when moving is always slightly swinging, and if the pocket is too narrow, then the canvas may touch the framework of the frame. Well, too wide clearances in the mouth of the pocket worsen the insulating quality of the design and spoil its appearance.

four. Incorrect definition of the extreme open door position . The canvas should not be cleared into the wall completely differently it will not be possible to take the handle. Sometimes they forget about it and put the stroke limiter so that the end of the canvas turns out to be closed with a jamb of the opening. Of course, you can pull the door from the niche with a special folding ring, but this method of opening is quite uncomfortable.

five. Covering (plastering) of homemade foam before buying a canvase . Often, after their installation, you need to adjust the position of the rail and stoppers, and it is no longer possible.

What are the maximum number of cloths and the limiting width of sliding structures with a penalty?

For today in the range of manufacturers there are models with four canvases width of 700mm, in pairwise departing in opposite sides (with a two-section penalty). By order can put a pencil case for four cloth 900mm width for opening 3400-3600mm. However, to open and close the door, you will have to apply a tangible effort, especially if it is equipped with a synchronizer - a block device, leading in motion all the web when exposed to one of them.

Door in the wall


Door in the wall


Door in the wall


Door in the wall


9. Pencil phenomenon is collected simultaneously with the frame of the partition or embedded in a wide wall opening.

10. When installing the sliding door, the opening is often left without frame. It is important to know that not all ready-made pencils allow it to do.

11, 12. Glass canvases are hosted so that the cage attachments are hidden (11). For sliding doors produce special handles (12).

Door in the wall


Door in the wall


Door in the wall


13. Even the best rollback door isolates the sound much worse than swinging. After all, if you completely overlap the gaps on the perimeter of the canvas, the latter will move with difficulty.

14. The door with two canvases can be equipped with a synchronizer, which will combine a pair of roller mechanisms into a single system.

15. Another useful closer device, he himself returns the door to the "closed" position.

Is it possible to make a penalty on your own?

Yes, and the penalty in construction will cost 2-3 times cheaper than finished. The technology differs little from the one that is used to build plasterboard partitions, but even a qualified wizard is unlikely to be able to make their first pencils without errors. If the design is applied to the existing wall, the frame is collected from one row of 50x40mm rack profiles attached to the floor, ceiling, and outside the zone of the canvas niche and the wall. If the penalty itself is a partition or a fragment, then the framework is made of two rows of rack profiles (that is, there are actually two independent frames). The width of the niche should exceed the thickness of the cloth by 18-22mm, and at a depth to make a minimum of 1/2 of the width of the web (but more often the reserve is 40-80mm). Since in the pocket zone, the frame cannot be reinforced with jumpers, it makes sense to put inside the steel racks glued bars, otherwise when the wall canvas can be vibrated with a characteristic hum. To reduce the noise level, it is also desirable to mount the pencils to the floor and the ceiling through rubber pads or technical cork. Finally, it is necessary to have a door cloth and a mechanism in the presence to test the design in action before it is covered.

Calculate radius

Door in the wall
Union Answering the requests of architects and designers, manufacturers offer radius retractable doors and pencils for them. All such designs deliver to order (waiting time is 2-3 months), with only a fixed radius of 3-9m with 1M increments. It is difficult to assemble a radius penalty in yourself, as you have to look for a company that has a flexible equipment for aluminum profiles to bend the strapping parts, as well as guide rail (carriages are suitable). The rounded penalty is the easiest to see the GLC with a thickness of 9.5 mm, which in a dry state easily bends along the radius from 2m, and after heating and moisturizing - from 0.5 m.

What mechanism to purchase for homemade foam?

Doors shifting in the wall equipped only with mechanisms with roller suspension. Their main details: upper guide rail, roller carriages, stoppers, lower guide check box or flags (they come into the groove on the end of the web). Systems of this type, in contrast to the mechanisms with the lower rail, are not afraid of contaminants and are able to work regularly without any service for many years. Their rollers have a rather large diameter and, as a rule, are equipped with polymer tires and steel rolling bearings, and this ensures the ease of even massive canvases and a low noise level when driving. To choose the right mechanism, you need to know the mass of the web (cloths), since different modifications have different lifting capacity. If a heavy glass can be equipped with carriages intended for light board door, the mechanism will last long.

Door in the wall


Door in the wall


Door in the wall


16-18. The easiest way to install doors with one canvas (16). Telescopic systems (17, 18) need two rails and additional devices that reduce the backlash.

How to increase the soundproofing ability of a sliding door with a penalty?

First you need to achieve that the width of the slit under the door was minimal 5-6mm. In addition, brush seals should be purchased and install them in the mouth of the wall pocket, and on the opposite side of the opening to attach a stubborn timber with two tubular rubber gaskets. Sometimes brush seals also close the gap in the zone of the rail rail, but the course of the canvas becomes significantly harder. The protruding headquarters and the decorative layout on the canvas are forced to increase the width of the niche, which adversely affects the insulation of noise. We also note that to achieve satisfactory sound insulation of the two-gas door (sliding or telescopic) is much more complicated than one-bed.












19-24. Details of the foam and roller mechanism: aluminum rail (it is fixed with screws to the upper jumper of the frame with a step of 300 mm) (19); steel P-shaped racks (20); horizontal framework elements (21); lower bracket with guide flag (22); roller carriage and a response bracket that screwed to the upper end of the web (23); Stroke limiter (this part depending on the position may be a lock or retainer) (24).

Is it possible to charge the installation of the factory Penal Brigade of construction workers?

Installation of Penal and Rail is only the first stage of the door mounting. Next, it will be necessary to prepare the canvas (promoting the groove under the checkbox, scout the attachments of the carriage), hang it out and adjust. Best of all, if the whole complex of work will be carried out by a company specialist in which you purchased penal and door canvases. In the opposite case is a risk of distortion and annoying errors in the calculations. However, you will not receive warranty on installation work. Masters-finishing can only be entrusted with foaming and foaming.

The editors thanks Barausse, Union for help in preparing the material.

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