How to bring a fat stain from clothes: proven ways


We tell how to bring fresh and old fat traces with fabrics with the help of folk agents and special chemistry.

How to bring a fat stain from clothes: proven ways 1219_1

How to bring a fat stain from clothes: proven ways

One of the careless movement is enough so that fat blouses or shirt breaks down the blouse or shirt. Even worse, if it appeared for a long time, and discovered just before clothes gathered to wear. Fortunately, if you try, the thing can be saved. Especially if the oily spot is completely fresher. We will understand how to remove fat stains from clothes so that there are no trace left.

All about removing traces of fat on clothes

Rules for working with contaminated fabric

Homemade recipes

- How to remove fresh spots

- How to deal with the dirty mud

Special means

Rules of removal of stains

Fat, falling on the fabric, quickly penetrates the fibrous structure. Here he freezes and firmly fastens with the base threads. Over time, dust, other contaminants fall on the oily mark. All this sticks and fixes on the material. Processing must be carried out correctly. We list the important points of the procedure.

  • It is impossible to erase a thing with an untreated speck. It will only fix it stronger, but will not disappear. Increase the temperature and increase in the dose of washing powder will not help. Only pre-treatment will help get rid of fat.
  • Before the procedure, it is desirable to get rid of dust on the fabric. The product shake several times, if there is dry dirt, believes it with a brush.
  • The fabric is folded on an even base. Several layers of white knitwear are placed under it. If the material is rough and thick, you can put a clothes brush under it.
  • Before starting cleaning, a small amount of selected tool is applied to a low-rise area on the outstanding of clothes. The fabric should not react to cleaning solution, otherwise it is easy to spoil during the cleaning process.
  • Processing starts with a clean region around a drop of fat. Apply a means towards the center of marked. So it will be possible to collect solvent fat and prevent its spreading.

The purified material is well flashed, completely removing the remnants of the detergent mixture. Only after that it can be wrapped in normal mode.

How to bring a fat stain from clothes: proven ways 1219_3

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Homemade recipes

How to Remove Fresh Fat Spot from Clothes

It is easiest to drop fat or oil that spent on the material no more than three hours. During this time, they do not have time to open, so it's easy to get rid of them and quickly. We list the most effective techniques.

Gel for dishes

The dishwashing detergent contains a set of components that felt well. It is advisable to take a colorless drug so that the dye does not paint the light base. A few drops of gel are applied to pollution, gently rub. If the material allows, it is slightly littered. Leave for 15-20 minutes. After that, they are well rolled. Dirt may not disappear from the first time, then the procedure is repeated.


Any composition for fatty hair is suitable. It breaks the fat particles better than others. The tool is applied to a predetermined polluted fabric. Slightly rubbing and leave for half an hour. Then a little clutch and rinsed. In this way, you can handle even delicate things.

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Blotting paper

You can use any product similar to the properties. It is placed on top of the spots and under it. Then take the iron, warm it up and spend on paper. Make it several times, then the wet is replaced with clean. Under the influence of high temperature, fat becomes liquid and absorbed by paper. The operation is repeated several times until the obstacles are completely disappeared. It is important to know that the technique is suitable only for things that are allowed to iron.

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Fresh oily trail can be abundantly sprinkled with salt. It is preferably even lightly launched into the fabric. Powder is hygroscopic, it "pulls" fat from the base. The thing is falling apart, the thing is left for 20-30 minutes. Powder believes brushed, look at the result. If notna did not disappear, the manipulation is repeated. Sometimes four or five such procedures are required. Instead of salt, you can use chalk, dental powder, starch or talc.

How to bring a fat stain from clothes: proven ways 1219_7

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Fighting solar pollution

It is not always possible to immediately notice the dirt. Eye away the old spots are harder, but still you can. We list the effective techniques how to bring an old fat stain from clothes.

Summer and Skipidar

The ammonia alcohol is mixed with turpentine in a 1: 1 ratio. The resulting mixture is treated with a dirt that is leaving for three hours, rinsed. Ingredients have a strong unpleasant odor, so cleaning is better to spend in a well-ventilated room or on the street.

Laundry soap

It can be used to clean color and white materials. It is better to take a household soap with the maximum concentration of fatty acids. The contaminated fragment is wetted with water, is abundantly naked. It should form a dense white film. In this form, the product is left for several hours, you can at night. Then the washed plot again actively erased and rinsed. For a larger effect, some mistresses additionally sprinkle with sugar sand and slightly rubbing it.

How to bring a fat stain from clothes: proven ways 1219_9

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Heated starch

The hot powder softens and at the same time absorbs fatty dirt. It is recommended to use for cleaning things, erased which is prohibited. Starch is poured into a small container and warm on fire, constantly stirring. The thing is placed on a clean napkin, straighten. Hot powder is poured, distributed over the surface. As starch cooling is replaced with a new portion.


A good cleaning method for dark and dense materials. Normal gasoline - with additives, so it is better to take purified. Under the dirty area put a napkin. Tampon moistened in gasoline and carefully from the edges to the center wipes oily pollution. As it dissolves, the tampon becomes dirty, it is changed to a new one. If the product can not be washed, act differently. Mix gasoline with starch until the casher is obtained. Apply it to a polluted fragment, leave until complete drying. Clean the brush, if necessary, repeat.

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A good solvent that does not destroy fabric fibers. With it, it is allowed to clean delicate and thin canvas. The tool is abundantly applied to the dirty plot, leave half an hour. Then screames the cleaned place with a napkin. You can use a more active mixture: mix in equal proportions of glycerin, water and ammonia alcohol. After stirring, lubricate it so much pollution. After 10 minutes, washed away.

How to bring a fat stain from clothes: proven ways 1219_12

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What you need to know about special means

Special means are used to remove fat traces at home. They are released in different formats. The consumer can choose which it is more convenient to use. Spotders-liquids are good for delicate products. They are added to the machine and pour into a contaminated fragment before to wash the thing. These are Vanish type fluids, Bagi and others.

Powder preparations are similar. They are falling asleep when washing together with the detergent, among those: "BOS", "Typhoon", Dr.Beckmann.

Soap-stains work effectively. They in warm water are littered with grinding fragments, leave for half an hour, then rinsed. These are specialized soaps like "Antipyatin", Sarma and others.

For emergency assistance, sprays and rollers are used. They are very convenient and effective.

How to bring a fat stain from clothes: proven ways 1219_14

Ways, how to remove a fat stain from clothes, a lot, we disassemble the most efficient. In any case, it is easier to remove fresh specks. Therefore, before sending clothes to the wardrobe, it is worth considering it carefully. If unpleasant notes are found, they can be deleted quickly and efficiently. It will be more difficult to do this when fat particles in the mixture with dust are securely fastened on the tissue fibers.

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