How to choose the right glue for repair


One of the important components of the beauty and durability of many finishing coatings is glue, the wrong choice of which is fraught with additional costs for the purchase of new materials and alteration. To understand the variety of adhesives, their application helped experts of the seminar in TVE "Expostroy on Nakhimovsky", organized by the "Salon Press" and XSMedia

How to choose the right glue for repair 12234_1

One of the important components of the beauty and durability of many finishing coatings is glue, the wrong choice of which is fraught with additional costs for the purchase of new materials and alteration. To understand the variety of adhesives, their application helped experts of the seminar in TVE "Expostroy on Nakhimovsky", organized by the "Salon Press" and XSMedia

How to choose the right glue for repair
Arkady Lukoyanov, Head of the Training and Research Department of the company "Knauf- Marketing Krasnogorsk"
How to choose the right glue for repair
Evgenia Ivlya, Product Manager Saint-Goben Construction Products Rus »
How to choose the right glue for repair
Yuri Rybkin, Senior Development Manager SELENA Product Group

How to choose the right glue for repair
Shutterstock What are the classification of adhesives?

Yuri Rybkin. Classification signs of adhesives Set: in terms of application (domestic, professional and industrial), for chemical composition (organic and inorganic). Assue, organic curing mechanism is divided into thermoplastic (physical curing) and thermosetting (chemical curing). By type of binder adhesives, it can be classified into polyurethane, acrylate, PVA, epoxy IT.D. In addition, all adhesive compositions differ in the form of release: solutions, emulsions, melting adhesives, sticky tapes.

What are the mounting adhesives and how to use them?

Yuri Rybkin. Mounting adhesives This is usually pasty high-filled adhesives on the basis of rubber and solvents, aqueous dispersions or reactive prepolymers. They are designed for the interior decoration of the premises, namely, for the installation of construction and finishing materials and decor elements. For the latter, this is the best alternative to mechanical fasteners.

Rubber glue on solvents is used by the contact circuit. It is applied to the glued surface with points or stripes, along large areas are distributed by a spatula. Then the product is applied to the place of fixation and cuddle tightly. After that, disconnect the glued surfaces and withstand 3-5 minutes. During this time, the solvent will disappear, and the glue will become sticky. With secondary fixing, a durable adhesive compound is formed. If you do not comply with this technology, due to the presence of the solvent, the product will crawl and you can spoil the wall surface. When working with water or jet adhesives, the composition is applied for points or snake, connect the glued products and press with force to each other. Curing the jet adhesives depends on humidity and temperature.

How to choose the right glue for repair


How to choose the right glue for repair


How to choose the right glue for repair


How to choose the right glue for repair


1. Prepare solution, it is important to accurately withstand the proportions: the lack of water will reduce the viability of the solution and make it difficult to apply it, and its excess will lead to insufficient fixation of the tile.

2. TYTAN PROFESSIONAL (Selena) line includes many products such as universal and special: heavy-duty adhesives, for polystyrene foam, adhesives IT.D.

3, 4. The mirror canvas is glued with Tytan Classic Fix (Selena) mounting glue.

Did the difference between the mounting adhesives on organic solvents and water based?

Yuri Rybkin. Adhesives on organic solvents are distinguished by high adhesive characteristics and rapid initial grasp. They allow you to easily and quickly (for 3-5, a maximum of 10 minutes) fixes weighing 3-5kg on a vertical surface. These adhesives are universal in use (wood, wood plastics, ceramics, brick, metal products or PVC) with a mandatory mounting condition for an absorbent base. The glue is cured by the care of the solvent, and if both surfaces are inevitable, the high-quality connection will not work. The composition of some adhesives of this category (especially under the names "high-strength", "for bathrooms") contains aromatic solvents (toluene), poor in terms of ecology and limiting the scope of use (for foams such adhesives are not suitable). The use of solvent-based adhesives limits their color. Usually they are beige, although there are transparent (Tytan Classic Fix, Selena). Rubber adhesives are resistant to temperature and humidity drops, apply them inside and outside the premises. They are well withstanding dynamic loads (blows, vibrations, shaking).

The main advantages of adhesives based on water dispersions. Environmental friendliness, non-combustibility, wide color gamut (beige, white or transparent). However, the aqueous adhesives have a fairly long setting (up to 20-30 minutes), and with their help it is impossible to glue heavy products vertically without using additional fasteners. But there are exceptions, for example, "Express Glue Tytan Stone Ceramics Wood" (Selena). It allows for 1-2 minutes to glue a heavy product (up to 3-4kg) vertically. The scope of the use of aqueous adhesives is already than adhesives on organic solvents (foams, ceramics, wood, PVC). Metals glue them are not recommended because there is a risk of corrosion. It is worth noting the low elasticity of these products for dynamic loads, they are in most cases unsuitable. Moisture resistance of adhesives is also limited, it is better not to apply them outside. Installation adhesives on solvents and water-based the most common on the market (up to 99%).

There is a third group of jet type adhesives. Despite the unique characteristics, they are not popular because of the price. These compositions, such as hybrid glue, can be connected to any absorbent and inevitable materials in any sequence. Hybrid adhesives are neutral to any metals, their alloys and plastics. All indicators of jet adhesives: shift strength and separation, elasticity, water resistance, chemical stability is much higher than that of glues on solvents or water based (in the SELENA assortment it is Tytan Multi Fix, Fix Seal and Tytan Power Fix.

Our certificate

Adhesion (from Lat. Adhasio "sticking") whipping surfaces of heterogeneous solid or liquid tel. Quantitatively adhesion is characterized by specific work spent on separation of tel. If it turns out to be more than a cohesion (from Lat. Cohaesus "related", "Captured"), which characterizes the force of the adhesion of the particles inside this body, then in this case the gap occurs within the least durable of contacting bodies.

How to prepare surfaces before gluing?

Yuri Rybkin. With widespread mineral bases, all peeling fragments are removed. Large areas are treated with abrasives using power tools, on small areas, work with a metal brush, or by hand with a grinding skin. This follows the mandatory process of ensuring. Metal and plastic surfaces (solid polyvinyl chloride, plexiglass, polycarbonate IT.P. It is necessary to degrease the gasoline.

Is it possible to classize household adhesives on the application (for example, for ceramic tiles) and how to make a choice within such a group?

Arkady Lukoyanov. Before buying glue, it is important to decide where it will be used inside or outside the room, should it be a frost-resistant product or not. Then it is worth paying attention to the tile absorption. For absorbent, weakly spare or non-absorbent ceramics, different adhesives are intended. It is equally important to choose the appropriate product if the operating conditions of the tiled cladding are associated with a change in temperature (warm floors, fireplace portals IT.P.).

Evgenia Ivlya. A huge variety of tiled adhesives is defined by a wide area of ​​application of this material, as well as base types and types of tiles. For the outer facing, frost, moisture resistant and elastic compositions are chosen. In addition, take into account the types of base (absorbing and inspitable) and tiles. For example, all adhesives for absorbent bases, a porcelainist (almost inevitable lining) with a large number of polymers, are applicable to cladding the usual (absorbent) ceramics. It is notable to take into account the size of ceramic elements. For seamless facing from large-format plates, elastic adhesives are designed, which compensate for possible deformations of the base on a large area.

What are the criteria for the quality of glue, what to pay attention to when buying?

Evgenia Ivlya. Quality is rather a philosophical concept than some indicators in numbers. Glue, high quality for one material, can be completely unacceptable for another. Very often, when a person asks a quality product, he is offered the most expensive, which has the widest range of applications. Therefore, it is important that the consumer clearly formulate the task: indicated the type of base, finishing, conditions and features of operation.

How to find out the consumption of tiled glue?

Arkady Lukoyanov. It depends on the size of the tile and the height of the spatula of the spatula, taking into account these indicators most of the manufacturers indicate the packages with the adhesive mixture of its flow to 1m2. Thus, the optimal samples of the spatula teeth will be 6mm and 10mm for tiles on the side length up to 20 and 30cm, respectively. Based on this, calculate the consumption of glue. For example, for tiles on a side length up to 20cm, when using a gear spatula of 6mm, the flow of glue (KNAUF) will be no more than 2kg / m2. Then this figure is multiplied by the total area of ​​the cladding and obtain the necessary weight of glue.

Evgenia Ivlya. This year, consumers will see the updated packaging with Weber.vetonit products. We go to inform the consumer, indicating the consumption of material in kg / m for its layer with a thickness of 1 mm so that the consumer can predict consumption. If you take a spatula with the size of the teeth of 6mm, then after pressed to the base of the tile with glue, these furrows will sound and the thickness of the adhesive layer will be 3mm. It remains only to multiply these 3mm on the material consumption specified on the package at a layer of 1mm.

Of great importance in determining the required amount of glue has the fatty ground. The drywall sheet is quite smooth, concrete surfaces are rough, with many micronealities that are often not visible to the eye, but felt by hand. Tile stacking can add 1mm taking into account these irregularities. We advise neurophresses to proceed at the rate of 5kg / m, and then the glue is definitely enough.

How to choose the right glue for repair


How to choose the right glue for repair


How to choose the right glue for repair

"Saint-Goben Construction Products Rus"

How to choose the right glue for repair

"Saint-Goben Construction Products Rus"

5, 6. For wood not affected by moisture, PVA glue WB-29 D2 Tytan Professional, for garden furniture Waterproof PVA-glue WB-33 D3 TYTAN PROFESSIONAL (Both Selena).

7. Glass tile is fixed with white glue Weber.vetonit mramor.

How to choose the right glue for repair

"Saint-Goben Construction Products Rus"

How to choose the right glue for repair


How to choose the right glue for repair


8, 9. Most Weber.vetonit glue tolstone and do not require prior shocking.

10, 11. Fliesen Plus adhesive (KNAUF) is used inside and outside buildings for gluing ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware, natural and artificial stone on even bases of walls and gender.

What is reinforced tile glue and when it is used?

Evgenia Ivlya. Reinforced tile adhesives (according to EN classification is C2 glue with improved adhesion) manufacturers have created to glue the inevitable cladding to the inevitable bases. Alpox countries sales of this category in the total adhesive compositions are more than 80%. Finding Europe to find glue category not higher than C1 (with simple adhesion) is difficult, and in the Russian market there are about 75%, while half of them are glues of category C0 (with adhesion less than 0.5 MPa), which are generally absent in the European classification and Do not have the right to be called glue.

Arkady Lukoyanov. Reinforced adhesives are usually used where there are critical surfaces subject to deformations (for example, cement-chipboard), sharp fluctuations in temperatures with external use (on walls or floors), as well as in Warm floor systems. Waich cases we recommend using reinforced glue, which is better than the standard, running on bending.

For heated surfaces need special glue?

Arkady Lukoyanov. Yes, they are not increasing heat-resistant glue based on cement with adhesion at least 1 MPa.

Evgenia Ivlya. For facing the fireplace portals with heating temperature below 80 s, you can use "conventional" adhesives with high elasticity. Their surfaces are susceptible to temperature deformations, and glue must leve them. However, in the assortment of our company there are compounds that are used on surfaces heated from 80 to 120 s. We call them heat-resistant. They contain special polymers that do not burn out.

How to properly prepare different surfaces before gluing

1. From mineral bases remove all peeling fragments. Large planes are treated with power tools by abrasives, small areas by hand with a metal brush or grinding skin. This follows the mandatory process of dedusting: for example, before gluing a parquet or PVC coating, a primer is applied to the base to completely connect the smallest dust particles.

2. Smetalic elements are necessarily removed rust, and then degreased, using, as a rule, solvents, for example, white spirit (after which it will necessarily wait so that the White spirit evaporates).

3. Splastic surfaces (solid polyvinyl chloride, plexiglas, polycarbonate IT.) come in a similar way degreasing non-aggressive solvents. This is necessary, since in the manufacture of products on them, lubricant remains after the excavation from the form.

What causes the application of a too thick or thin layer of glue?

Arkady Lukoyanov. An excessively thick layer of adhesive leads to its shrinkage and possible deformation, and in the worst case - to the detachment of the finishing material. With too thin layer, the risk of loss of cladding occurs. These are very common violations of technology. Some wizards align the walls or screed with a non-checked glue composition, while others are trying to unnecessarily save.

Evgenia Ivlyeva . All adhesives Weber.vetonit, with the exception of the simplest (Optima), thick-layer. Many manufacturers limit the glue layer with a thickness of 5-8mm, and we have local alignment to 15 mm. Using such glue, you can do without plain. It likes the worker, because any surface preparation takes time. But we always warn: for aligning surface glue, you need to have a huge professional skill, otherwise you risk getting "waves" on the floor or walls.

What should I do if voids were formed under the tile facing?

Evgenia Ivlya. A characteristic miley sound when attacking usually suggests that cheap glue has been applied with a thick layer. Then he gave the shrinkage, as a result of which emptiness was formed under the tile.

Arkady Lukoyanov. If the tile is not yet falling off, it can not be removed, but the likelihood of detachment of cladding in these places is large. Separate elements under which voids were formed, better remove, clean the old glue, and then apply a new quality and glued them.

What to glue a thin porcelain stoneware?

Evgenia Ivlya. Our company produces a special Weber.vetonit Granit FIX glue for almost any porcelain stoneware, especially since the share of this cladding in the market grows most quickly.

Arkady Lukoyanov. Indeed, porcelain stoneware is an inevitable material, its water absorption is only 0.05-0.5%. Cement glue compositions with increased adhesion and large amounts of polymers are used to work with it.

Yuri Rybkin. You can use epoxy-polyurethane, that is, polymer adhesives, but they are much more expensive: their price begins with 150 rubles. For 1 kg.

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