Montage of attic in the country house: pros and cons


Those who are going to build a country house are increasingly preferred by the attic. And it is not surprising, because it does not want to sacrifice the area of ​​almost the finished floor under the scope roof. But it's not so easy to create a living attitude, as it seems ...

Montage of attic in the country house: pros and cons 12258_1

Those who are going to build a country house are increasingly preferred by the attic. And it is not surprising, because it does not want to sacrifice the area of ​​almost the finished floor under the scope roof. But it's not so easy to create a living attitude, as it seems ...

Among the architects and builders can be found both zealous supporters and irreconcilable opponents of the ideas of attic.

  • What is attic in the house and what features her design

In architectural sidelines

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Veluxe The adherents of "Cubs" premises under the roof believe that it allows you to save money and place on the site and, moreover, create original interiors and spectacular facades. Indeed, inside the attic you can equip the unusually cozy rooms, and the roofs with steep slopes are more beautiful. Lubana, inclined and frontal windows are able to completely transform the appearance of the building, and even purely technological elements of the attic roof (ventilation pipes and outstands) animated facades and serve as a kind of decor. Opponents of the attic rest on the unjustified complexity of constructive solutions designed to provide comfortable conditions in the room under the roof.

Wind in the attic

The huge advantage of a cold attic is that it creates conditions for the long service of the roof structures - rafters and crates. Thanks to intensive ventilation, the tree does not repente and the fungus does not start. Of course, you need to ensure the flow of air through the frontal inventories and auditory windows and erect the barrier on the pair of below. Heat the attic overlap is easier than the roof, if only because its area is much smaller. At the same insulation, you can not close the waterproofing on top and not worry about the vent. It is difficult to use the use of the attic space to be rationally, but sometimes it is possible to place engineering systems here (locally insulation).

As for the financial aspect, today most builders converge on the fact that the difference in the cost of a full-fledged floor (with a attic above it) and a competently made attic is insignificant. Hospitalizing, accurate data here can not be here, as much depends on the shape of the roof, the cost of selected coatings and insulation, a particular constructive solution of the roofing "pie", such as the used translucent structures and many other factors. But in any case, a modern insulated ventilated roof, without which it is impossible to provide a comfortable microclimate in the attic, - the pleasure is not cheap, and below we will explain why. The Apoca Note that the attic, as a rule, is somewhat losing in the area with a full-fledged floor, because near the place of the adjustment of the inclined walls to the floor is formed dead zones. It is impelled, here you can arrange built-in furniture, such as a storage system. It is also possible to find useful use by these sites, it is not always possible - more often they are simply "cut off by" vertical frame walls with a height of 1-1,5m.

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1. The bottom overlap of the attic floor is obliged to isolate the sound. Therefore, the space between the beams must be filled with noise absorbing mats or plates.

2. The scheme of the device of the warmed roof.

3. Specialists in one voice warned from the too intricate multi-platforms of the attic roof. The fact is that with such a construction of the rafter frame, it is difficult to close the insulation tightly, and even more difficult to ensure efficient ventilation of the underground space (the deaf pockets are formed in the Unders zone).

Recipe roofing "Pie"

Let's tell about the most important components of the insulated roof of the attic.

Rafters. We must not only withstand snow loads, but also create conditions for effective insulation. Thus, in the middle lane of Russia, the width of the rafter beams should be at least 200mm, since the layer of insulation is such a thickness. In addition, it is desirable that the rafters had the right geometry and did not change it as a result of "drying and morning" - otherwise slots can be formed in insulation. Therefore, increasingly during the construction of the attic began to use glued bar, as well as the LVL bar, glued from a plurality of layers of implanted veneer.

Attic attic?

Turn the attic of the already built country house in the residential attic is extremely difficult. Most likely, you have to go through the roof to install the attic windows or build lug-on, because the light from the frontal windows is usually not enough. But the main thing - without dismantling roofing and the crates, it is almost impossible to create a ventilation gap over the insulation. By the way, for the same reason, most specialists are not recommended for new construction to start the installation of a roofing "cake" from above. Avted seems to be the most convenient first of all to lay a roofing coating that protects against precipitation. However, with this method of installation there is a risk of overlapping the ventilation gap, "applying" the insulation from the bottom. The most rational solution is to start with the underpants waterproofing, which will be protected from rain and dew, and then without a rush to lay down the insulation, to attach a vapor barrier film, and at the end to nourish the crate and the roofing coating.

Parosolation. Most often, with new construction, the creation of roofing "pie" begin to bottom. The stringel stroke material is attached toward the surface of the surface. His task is not to give wet room air to penetrate the fencing. In addition, this layer blocks the road to particles of insulation and hot air, which in the summer heat seeks to leak into the room from the underpants. Finally, vaporizolation can perform the function of the supporting layer when laying the insulation.

For vaporizolation, polyethylene and polypropylene films are used, of which reinforced multilayer - the best, as they are more difficult to damage when installing. The strips of the film are perpendicular to the rafters and nailed to the last staples or nails through the clamping rail. Be sure to start from the skate and provide the reheast of the strips of about 10 cm. The joints, as well as the places, punched with brackets, are sampled by a special tape (sometimes the glue or sealant is used instead).

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"Metal Profile"

4, 5. Supply cornese and exhaust skate holes must be closed with a grid or by special panels (4). Aerators (5) are elements of a roof with precipitated "window". Depending on the location, they can serve as an air inlet or output.

Insulation. As a rule, for thermal insulation, plates from basalt or glass fibers are used, from which specialized products, such as "Isover scope" ("Saint-Goben CIS"), "URSA Glasswool Scope Roof" (URSA), "Scope Roofing" (Knauf Insulation ), have such advantages as high vapor permeability (the material does not accumulate water vapors and does not wet when they are condensation) and water-repellent properties. Provide tight fitting plates to the rafters will be easy if cutting rectangular plates diagonally so that they affect each other as a wedge system. But in any case, the material must be laid in two or four layers (with a plate thickness 100 and 50mm, respectively), having the joints of the rotary.

Use ordinary polystyrene foam, despite the fact that it also has a very low thermal conductivity and is not afraid of moisture (and at the same time not at all expensive), specialists do not recommend: it is very difficult to lay this material without gaps, and the filling of the last polyurethane foam improves the cost of the design.

A new building technology appeared relatively recently, in which the insulation (puzzle polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam plates) is labeled not between the rafters, but on a solid base of plywood sheets or osp, nailed from above to the rafter feet. The roof becomes warmer, as the bridges of cold have been eliminated by the rafters, but at the same time the costs of its construction increase by 20-30%.

Other newest methods of insulation of the roof are sprayed between the polyurethane foam rafters or in the "strangling" into this space of cellulose wool (Equata). Judging by the claimed technical data, these materials are very effective, but until they found wide use.

Typical errors with a warmed roof device

1. The insulation is nesting careless, in one layer, with the slits between the plates and in the zone of the adjunatory rafters.

2. The lamp is made in such a way that in the zone of the ventilation gap there are deaf pockets, where the air does not flow.

3. For the insulation waterproofing, low vapor finger film is used. In this case, it does not provide an additional vent.

4. Paro- and (or) waterproofing are laid parallel to the rafyles.

5. The air flow is not organized into the underpants space.

6. Ventilation elements are installed so that in winter they fall asleep in the snow (above snow snowstores, near the endand).

7. Parosolation in many places is damaged when laying communications, breaks through nails when finishing work.

Waterproofing. Do not assume that the roofing coating is absolutely impermeable. A small amount of water can penetrate it through the holes from fasteners and the joints of the elements due to the capillary effect. In addition, through the ventilation gap (it will be discussed below), along with the atmospheric air under the roof, water vapor inevitably falls, which is condensed in the inner surfaces of the crate and roofing coating. Protection against this moisture is the underfloor waterproofing. The best materials for its device are two- and three-layer polypropylene diffusion films. Their ability to skip steam interferes moisture to accumulate in the thickness of the insulation (a certain amount of wet warm air can penetrate the room into the roofing "pie" through carelessly performed joints and warehouse breaks). The strips of the film roll across the rafter, starting with the eaves, and pressed the rails. The latter provide that the most ventilation gap, without which the naked roof is unthinkable. We also note that some films (low vapor permeability) require a second ventilation device between them and insulation.

Cruising ventilation. In the summer, the rods of the roof are literally hots from the sun. At the same time, even the thick layer of the insulation is not able to protect the room from the heat, as it simply has nowhere to go hot. Due to the diffusion, it penetrates into the room, and as a result, the heat exchange heats the walls and the ceiling. Ventzorzor radically changes the situation, allowing this air to freely go to the zone of the skate, and at the same time ensures evaporation of moisture from the insulation and from the surface of the underpants waterproofing.

The optimal height (width) of the ventzazor is 40-50 mm. At a smaller value, the volume of passing air will be insufficient, and with a greater - natural traction can break. The influx of air, as a rule, is organized through the branch of the cornices. Today, ready-made perforated panels are most often used for this purpose, and so that the air can leave the underfloor space, a special design is collected in the upper part of the rods, called ventilation skate. In fact, this is another small roof over the exit from the ventzazor.

Don't get stuck on the finish

An important stage of the arrangement of the attic is the setting of communications. For wires, pipes and the more air ducts require the place. There is a large temptation to maintain a useful area in some places a little "click" the insulation and even make slots in the rafters. But as a result, the integrity of vaporizolation is violated and the insulation bugs are formed, protruding in the ventilation gap. To avoid this, communication needs to be placed in boxes or voids under the finish, and to ensure the necessary space it makes sense to increase the cross section of the inner crate of the inside or fill additional rails.

Sometimes (for example, at a holm roof), the skate outlet holes are not enough, since impassable pockets are formed in the ventzor, overlapped with the details of the crate. Then set aerators or fans with an inertial turbine. Aerators are necessary and where the ventzor is overwhelmed with smoke trumpets or mansard windows, and you need to mount two aerators - under the obstacle and above it.

Table Look in the magazine "Ideas of your home" No. 5 (172) p.154

The editors thanks the company "Saint-Goben CIS", Knauf Insulation and Velux

For help in preparing the material.

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