Between rooms


To successfully select and correct the internal doors, it is necessary to imagine the structure of the web, know the package of the door block, the features of the fittings and much more. Participants in the seminar in the "Expostroita on Nakhimovsky", conducted by the End "Salon-Press" and the Mediagement of XSMedia, tried to give our readers the most complete information about interior doors

Between rooms 12282_1

To successfully select and correct the internal doors, it is necessary to imagine the structure of the web, know the package of the door block, the features of the fittings and much more. Participants in the seminar in TVK "Expostroy on Nakhimovsky", conducted by the ID "Salon Press" and the Mediagement of XSMedia, tried to give our readers the most complete information about interior doors

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Mario Rioli.

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Porta Prima.

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Master Lock.

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"RFM Loks"

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What is the structure of the canvas of a modern interior door?

Dmitry Titarev. I can tell about the design of the doors "Sophia". The cutting of the canvas is made of glued calibrated timber, filling - an engineering array of pine (bars, crossed at an angle of 45), the casing is made of MDF, cladding - natural veneer or artificial decorative materials. The fluctuations in temperature and humidity, usually causing deformations of products from solid wood, do not affect such canvas.

Pavel Borovkov. One of the most modern types of canvases is collapsible. Details of the design do not glue with each other, but are connected by self-drawing or special threaded screed. And toned and covered with varnish them to the assembly. Such doors exceed the differences in humidity and temperature. In addition, if necessary, any element of the door canvase can be replaced.

Ruslan Nigmatulline. Currently, the variety of doors designs is very large, as well as the spectrum of materials used in their manufacture. If we are talking about the products of famous factories, then the constructive in them plays a secondary role, in the first place - appearance. However, it should be borne in mind that the door from the wood array (even engineering) poorly tolerates the differences of humidity and temperature. The accommodation of frame and collapsible structures is determined by the technical culture of the manufacturer.

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Master Lock.

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Porta Prima.

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Mario Rioli.

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Mario Rioli.

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Mario Rioli.

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Mario Rioli.

3-7. Interior doors are always combined with other elements of the interior, such as sex or furniture. Therefore, doors are trying to keep up with the development of the finishing materials and joinery market. To do this, they constantly expand the spectrum of textures and colors of their models.

What elements are the complete set of interior door?

Pavel Borovkov. The minimum required set of swing doors is a canvas, a box and fittings (lock, loops and handles). If the wall thickness is larger than the mounting depth of the door frame, you will need a good planketer - special elements made from MDF and beamed veneer. In addition, platbands are usually required, which allow you to close the mounting seam between the box and the wall. However, not so long ago there were door blocks with a special type of a box - it is installed flush with the wall without using platbands.

What material should make a glass door box?

Vadim Rubezhchansky. Use three types of boxes: wooden (from the engineering array, as well as from chipboard; the latter are veneered with veneer or film), aluminum or steel (bent steel, painted in the desired customer color). Aluminum products are most reliable and durable. The appropriate as a result of mechanical effects is sometimes damaged by the enamel coating. Well, the greatest demand is used wooden boxes. Obviously, this is due to the fashionable tendency of the "through" design, the essence of which is that a certain element, such as framework designs of windows and doors, should be the same in the entire apartment.

Is the sound insulation from the door design?

Dmitry Titarev. Of course. Little cinema, music studio, bedroom or office is better to put the door block with a web, filled with an engineering array or chipboard. Products with internal voids are much worse isolate sound.

Ruslan Nigmatulline. It is known that the resistance of sound transmission in a cellular filling cannut with a thickness of 38-45mm is 22-26 dBA. That is, the conversation due to such a door is heard, but the words cannot be disassembled. Weatshide from the disheveled array sound insulation of 32-34 dBA. It does not even hear the conversation. In the manufacture of special noise insulating doors, special sound-absorbing fillers are used, such as lightweight chipboard with tubular cavities or fibrous materials. Outside the door looks just like the usual, but its sound insulation reaches 42 dBA.

How worsens the sound insulation of the gap between the floor and the web?

Ruslan Nigmatulline. As practice shows, the presence of a 2-3mm wide width practically does not affect sound insulation (though it is a minimum width that is managed to achieve installers, because the floors in our apartments are far from always even).

Are glass doors capable of isolate sound?

Vadim Rubezhchansky. The canvas of such models are not made from ordinary glass, but from tempered and multilayer. Wasil the impressive thickness (from 10mm) and the masses similar products reflect a significant part of the sound waves. Good sound insulation contributes to the presence of a seal contour on the box. So the glass doors are not inferior in this parameter with modern fillets and frame structures.

What should be the thickness of the door canvase?

Pavel Borovkov. Russian manufacturers, as a rule, are manufactured with a thickness of 35-42mm thick, European - 45-48mm. This is due to the fact that there are more often applied doors with a festival (fold), which increases the thickness of the door canvase. Thicker cloths look solid, but their production is associated with additional costs.

Why most doors have the lower and top ends are not decorated?

Pavel Borovkov. As practice shows, the lack of finishes on these surfaces does not reduce the resistance of the door to moisture drops, so domestic factories usually do not decorate them (why do the excess production operation?). The canvas with the finished end are required only for the first floors of two-storey houses, because from the stairs or gallery you can see these surfaces.

What finish is considered the most resistant to the operational loads?

Dmitry Titarev. One of the best finish coatings is a coherent cortex. This is a sheet material with a pronounced texture, externally resembling wood. The coating is considered to be anti-vandal, protects against mechanical damage, it does not form spots. Its care is very simple: it is enough to wipe the door with a damp cloth.

Ruslan Nigmatulline. To date, the most resistant and durable coating on the Russian-European market is CPL (from the English. Continuous Pressure Laminate - "Laminate Continuous Pressing"). It is practically not affected by ultraviolet, chemicals, high and low temperatures, it is difficult to damage mechanically. Alas, the use of CPL sharply limits the manufacturer in design, since this material (due to high rigidity) is difficult to be flexing under low radius. Relatively recently appeared brashing CPL. It is comparable by attractiveness with Cortex, but much stronger and significantly more expensive.

What is the "cold" way of sticking finishing plastic from "hot"?

Pavel Borovkov. With the "cold" method, any glue is applied, most often water-based - based on PVA-emulsion. After gluing the plastic, the moisture penetrates into the wooden parts, and evaporates quite slowly, which can entail the blocking of the canvas. With hot pressing plastic, polyurethane adhesives that do not contain water are used. That is, after sticking the finishing layer, to withstand the door cloth to stabilize it is not required.

Are there any criteria for which the buyer can appreciate the quality of the finish?

Ruslan Nigmatullin. The door in the store behaves the same way as in the apartment, with the only difference that in the store more air, and therefore less differences in humidity and temperature. Thus, if the store sample finally selected from the foundation, it is a reason to think about whether you need such a product. Carefully inspect the edges at the corners of the canvas - there in the poor-quality doors the coating begins to dug first.

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Mario Rioli.

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Mario Rioli.

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Porta Prima.

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Porta Prima.

8-12. Pilenki is an indispensable attribute of a classic style. It is believed that the panel doors are worse than smooth panels, isolate the sound. However, the difference is only 1-2 dBA. But if the sealer of the tree or MDF is replaced with thin glass, sound insulation will decrease by 3-4 dBA, and this is already substantially.

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Mario Rioli.

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Porta Prima.

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Mario Rioli.

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"RFM Loks"

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"RFM Loks"

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"RFM Loks"

13-18. Choosing accessories is a difficult task. Herdy, saturated tones (walnut, cherry) combined "gold"; "Bronze" will suit the color of Wenge; Nickel and "Chrome" are universal, but it is better to harmonize with a bright oak, maple or ash.

Is it possible to create an effect of patination and brash with finishing plastics and films?

Pavel Borovkov. Our partner Firma Alpi supplies coatings with a brash surface based on Fine-Line veneer. Such a material is called Alpicord. It is much more expensive than the usual reconstructed veneer. Alpicord has all the properties of the CPL, so it is practically unable to bend it with a small radius.

Is there today on the sale of doors to paint? Is it possible to qualitatively paint this door at home?

Ruslan Nigmatulline. Budget version - Products of the DO IT Yourself segment. Some firms offer pine products worth 600-800 rub. (1100 rub. With a box). It makes no sense to paint a high quality such door, because its service life will be comparable since the service life of cheap paints. The door under painting is one of the most powerful design tools, but that the paint lay well, the design of the door block should be quite complicated. It is almost impossible to paint the cloth at home high quality.

What are fashion trends and modern solutions used for internal doors?

Ruslan Nigmatulline. Sale of doors in light gray colors grow. Forming a model with a pronounced structural tree, brachified. Decorative attachments and overhead elements are popular: Capitals, IDR columns. Following the Italians, we began to install doors to ceiling, invisible doors, as well as models opening in both directions.

What qualities should fit the fittings?

Julia Matvienko. First of all, the resistance of the coating of door handles, the reliability of the mechanism of locks, the ability of the loops to withstand the weight of the canvas. The experience of our company suggests that in this field is out of competition Italian manufacturers. Famous factories like Martinelli, Rossetti, Sicma, Zermat, make door handles that serve 10-15 years old, and often much longer. A good example is the MEDIANA EVOLUTION Castle model (AGB). He passed the test for 500 thousand openings, and no changes in the work of the mechanism were found. Usually in their apartments we open-close one door five, a maximum of ten times per day. It is easy to calculate that 500 thousand openings are equal to 136 years of service!

What is the feature of the accessories for glass doors?

Vadim Rubezhchansky. Specific requirements places the material of the canvas. Transparent glass cannot hide the lock mechanism, so it has to close it with decorative linings. In general, the choice of fittings for glass doors is rich enough. So, the locks can be vertical and horizontal, with conventional or magnetic latch, different colors and design.

Julia Matvienko. Another feature of the loops for glass doors is a large loading capacity. For example, one MetalGlas factory loop withstands weight equal to 60kg. The same applies to the mechanisms for sliding glass structures. They must be calculated on the load of 80-120kg (depending on the size of the canvas).

Does the choice of loops and lock depends on the door design?

Julia Matvienko. First of all, the choice of loops depends on the structure of the web. Door canvases can be divided into two types: standard and quarter. On the canvas with a quarter install brand cylindrical loops. The door block is equipped with two or three hinges depending on the weight of the canvas. Italian factory AGB products have proven themselves best. The most popular 3D model that allows you to adjust the canvas in three planes. For doors without a quarter, conventional card loops are suitable - detachable or universal. Preference should be given to the last as more reliable. The choice of lock from the door design does not depend. However, if you plan to embed to the canvas with the Europrishtran Castle, close to the English key, then a special cylinder will be required - with a swivel tongue shifted from the middle and a hole under the mounting screw.

When should I install interroom doors?

Dmitry Titarev. The installation of doors should be made at the latest stage of finishing, after performing the finishing of the walls, the ceiling, floor, but before the installation of the plinths, because the latter should be close to the platbands.

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