Territory of Water Comfort


Bath, as a rule, prefer lovers to soak in warm siny foam or connoisseurs of hydromassage. Parents with young children are unlikely to refuse her. Some people the font needed on medical testimony

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Bath, as a rule, prefer lovers to soak in warm siny foam or connoisseurs of hydromassage. Parents with young children are unlikely to refuse her. Some people the font needed on medical testimony

Today, those who choose a bath, pay attention not only to the material and design. For many users, the font is associated with the ability to spend at home the hydromassage sessions - the procedure is pleasant and useful. The same, lying in the water, you can completely relax muscles.

Territory of Water Comfort
Territory of Water Comfort
Territory of Water Comfort

1. Evok model (170x75cm). Bath price - 23 900rub.

2. The Bathtub Model Covers is complemented by a folding lid, which can be turned into a table or seat.

3. Bath shape makes it possible with comfort to carry out hydromassage sessions.

Territory of Water Comfort
Territory of Water Comfort
Territory of Water Comfort

4, 5. Elegant ergonomic "pacifiers" from Hall collections (4) and Circular (5).

6. Design of a separate model from the Element collection (180x80cm) corresponds to the latest fashion trends.

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Territory of Water Comfort
Territory of Water Comfort

7. Rectangular model Floyd Grande (194x90cm, depth - 54cm) with wide sides, on which you can decompose the necessary bath accessories, suitable for a spacious room.

8. Separately standing model Escale (180x90cm) complete with a panel and headrest.

9. A large font from the Spirit collection with a comfortable wing-shelf is distinguished by the original design.

In tandem with acrylic

The main material for the production of hydromassage baths is not without reason, sanitary acrylate is considered, more precisely, polymethyl methacrylate (more familiar name - acrylic). This synthetic polymer material becomes plastic when heated. Acrylic baths are ideal for equipping their hydromassage. Acrylic "pacifiers" are equally popular: they differ in variety of forms and sizes, ergonomic and correspond to the anatomical features of the human body. Among them, you can always find a model that will fit into any, even the most inconvenient room. For example, in the assortment of Ravak (Czech Republic), acrylic baths for small bathrooms are presented. Smooth, less porous than cast iron or steel models, the surface of the acrylic font is pleasant to the touch, hygienic and easy in care: contaminants are not delayed on it, and they are easily removed without the use of aggressive detergents. The bath for many years retains its shine, as the color pigments are distributed in acrylic uniformly. An absurd basis material is transparent, however, when using special additives, not only white, but also other colors can be purchased.

The mass of acrylic "pacifiers" is small - 20-25kg. This is another argument in her favor. The font retains the water temperature well. The flow falling into such a bath does not create noise, while the steel model, for example, "sounds" when it is filled with water.

Practical advice

When choosing a model, pay attention to the quality of acrylic. The surface of the bath must be homogeneous, smooth, with glossy glitter. Overnight, roughness, yellowish shades of a white model, as well as uneven bottoms - signs of low quality. The thickness of the acrylic leaf is also important, from which the font is made. When molding, the sheet is pulled out, and its source thickness decreases. Thus, when using a 4mm thick billet, the working thickness of acrylic in the finished product on curvilinear sites can be up to 2mm. More qualitative are the baths produced from the acrylic sheet with a thickness of 6-8mm. The actual thickness of the acrylic leaf can be found out, carefully having studied the bathing bath.

Acrylic bath is quite strong, but it is not recommended to wash in it. True, a small scratch or other superficial damage, let's say small chip, it is easy to polish with special polishing pastes (they can be purchased in the same stores where the baths themselves are sold). Traces from cigarettes are removed, slightly rubbing these places with abrasive pastes. To eliminate deeper damage, you will need a specialist help.

The acrylic bath is made of a sheet with a thickness of 4-8mm by heating and molding in special vacuum chambers. Modern technologies allow us to give the workpiece for the font practically any form. Distinguished cast and extruded sheets. The cast is made from methyl methacrylate: it is poured into the matrix, where polymerization occurs and polymethyl methacrylate is formed. After the folding, the workpiece is cut into accordance with the standard dimensions of sheets. Bathtubs made of pure cast acrylic are beautiful, do not turn yellow over time and are characterized by good performance. However, since the manufacturing process is complicated, they are quite expensive (baths of leading European companies cost at least 100 thousand rubles). Extruded acrylic sheets are produced, squeezing the polymer in the molten state through a hammered fiber. The extrusion process is more productive. Therefore, if economical material is required, the extruded acrylic is chosen.

Territory of Water Comfort
Territory of Water Comfort
Territory of Water Comfort
Territory of Water Comfort

10. The bath from the Axor Massaud collection resembles a lake in which I want to sprawl.

11. When choosing a font should pay attention not only to the design, but also on the inner "anatomy" of the bowl, which should provide comfort when relaxation. The special shape of the Rosa II bath, a convenient headrest and handwriters help take the correct position during the hydromassage session. Ergonomic front panel facilitates access to the font. The price is about 20 thousand rubles.

12. Rectangular Standard Intro Model (160x75cm). Price - 8500 rub.

13. Asymmetric acrylic MOD bath (170x80cm, depth - 56cm). Price - about 15 thousand rubles.

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Territory of Water Comfort
Territory of Water Comfort

14. The rectangular font can be installed in any part of the room and even installed in the podium.

15. The model from Caarila Beagle is designed to be installed at the wall or installation into the angle.

16. Model design from the Admire collection is flawless. Bath without hydromassage can be equipped with special equipment for heating the spinal part of the font.

Acrylic itself does not have sufficient rigidity and therefore cannot ensure the stability of the bulk form. Another paradoxical feature of this polymer is as follows: the higher its quality, the worse plastic properties. Therefore, for the manufacture of products of a particularly complex form, as a rule, a lower quality material is used, and the rigidity of the finished product is attached through reinforcement. Ancient cases, composite from fiberglass and polyester resins, in other polyurethane, are used as an outer-firming layer. The second method is considered more progressive. The advantages of polyurethane amplification are not only good performance, but also complete safety for the health of the user. A distinctive feature of baths, reinforced by polyurethane composite, is a smooth homogeneous outer surface. A collar bath, a strengthened composite of fiberglass and polyester resins, the outer surface is rough, with visible fiberglass threads.

Clean care

Territory of Water Comfort

Territory of Water Comfort

Caring for acrylic baths does not require much effort. Leading European manufacturers offer their care products. But you can only buy them where the baths are sold. Cillit (Reckitt Benckiser, United Kingdom), Acryl-Net (Eres, Belgium), Acryl-Net (Bagi, Israel), CIF (Unilever, United Kingdom - Netherlands are also suitable for washing For fonts with hydromassage it is better to use CIF in the form of a spray

Acrylic baths are equipped with frame-frame - metal design with a support for each angle of font and additional crossbars and legs under the bottom for uniform load distribution. However, some bath manufacturers made of thick-walled cast acrylic, such as Riho (Netherlands), believe that their products in the frame do not need.

Two words about screens: Solid companies also produce them from acrylic (and not from PVC), and Toya and the same brand equipment as the font. Only on this condition of the bath and the screen will be a single whole.

Today, a lot of fairly cheap models made of plumbing ABS / acrylic plastic are available. It is obtained by coextrusion method and consists of two layers: technological lower (ABS) and the operated upper (acrylic). Such baths are also called acrylic. ABS is a shock-resistant technical thermoplastic resin based on a copolymer acrylonitrile with butadiene and styrene (the name of the plastic is formed from the initial letters of the names of monomers). Styrene, which is part of the connection is a harmful component. In addition, according to consumer properties, a bath of ABS / acrylic plastic cannot be compared with the product from pure (especially cast) acrylic. For example, in the UK, which is one of the leaders in the acrylic production, and many European states are generally prohibited by the use of combined acrylic. Most baths in Asia countries are manufactured from such materials. We advise you not to chase the cheapness and not buy baths on the market.

A number of firms are developing their bathroom materials. Created by Ucosan (Netherlands), Karil, from which produces its models Villeroy Boch (Germany), is distinguished by even higher quality than cast one hundred percent acrylic. Quaril is a composite from acrylic and quartz sand. The latter strengthens the strength of acrylic, so the cocarila baths do not need additional reinforcement and framework. Thanks to the hardness of the models made from it, have clear forms. Ready and DURALIGHT, developed by TEUCO (Italy). This composite material consists of aluminum trihydrate, high-quality acrylic resin and additives. It is characterized by silky texture and highest operational qualities. Kaldewei (Germany) invented Starylan material (Steel-Acryl). The baths made of it combine steel strength and heat acrylic. Calcuted Innovative Analogues Acrylic - Techstone, created by Karlo Designer Terribati for Jacuzzi (Italy), and Krion (Porcelanosa Grupo, Spain). Their composition is characterized by a high content of natural materials and low-acrylic polymers and polyester.

Underwater massage

The hydromassage bath is a whole range of equipment. In addition to the font, it includes hydraulic pump, or pump (1-3 pcs.), Air compressor (if the aeromassage is provided), the system of pipes and hoses, encircling a bath, built into the nozzle housing (hydro and aeromassage), control panel. The standard pump power for the hydromassage system is 0.65-1.1 kW (water supply - 250 l / min). The more nozzles, the power must be the pump. Uvnes with a significant amount of water (for example, 750l) its power reaches 1.5 kW. The hydraulic pump takes water from the bath through the water intake, and it passes under the pressure of the low-diameter hoses in the nozzles, and from them it returns to the font in the form of a strong jet.

Territory of Water Comfort
Territory of Water Comfort
Territory of Water Comfort

17. Model Clavis (150x70cm, depth - 40cm). The price is standardized from 30 thousand rubles.

18. Georgia bath is equipped with hydro and aeromassage systems, as well as injectors: side, bottom, in the collar zone and in the field of legs.

19. YOU bath design provides perfect position "on a chaise lounge" for relaxation. Price - from 23 thousand rubles.

Territory of Water Comfort
Territory of Water Comfort
Territory of Water Comfort

20. A variety of cariba bath nozzles (140x140cm) provide the therapeutic effect of water procedures.

21, 22. Hot tub - a complex system, including the engine, compressor, a set of hoses (21) and a variety of nozzles (22).

The most common type of underwater massage, which is provided by almost all the baths - hydromassage. Onboard baths are hydromassage nozzles. Their quantity, depending on the configuration ("Basic", "Basic Plus", "Comfort", "Comfort Plus") ranges from 4-6 to 18 pcs. When immersing the body in warm water, the muscles relax, and the energy of the aqueous jets affects the deepest layers of the tissue. Water massage improves lymphatic drainage (especially after physical activity), which helps to reduce excess weight and deliverance from cellulite.

Aerome massage is also provided at extractive models. In this case, the compressor is inserted into the system heated to 38 with the air, which goes through the nozzles located on the bottom of the bath, and literally penetrates the water, leading it into motion. The original solution was found by Kaldewei specialists. The nozzle on the Vivo Turbo bath with the water-air system is equipped with a magnetic valve and turbines, so that the air is dragged into the nozzles under water pressure. As the result disappears the need for an air compressor. The ascending flux of warm air bubbles creates the effect of a pleasant general body massage and enriches blood and oxygen skin. With regular use of aeromassage, the metabolism is improved, immunity is strengthened. Such a massage helps to reduce weight, soothes the nerves, stimulates the removal of slags from the organism of IT.D. If the bath is equipped with a powerful aerosompressor, it can work in the "turbo-" mode, allowing you to combine the advantages of hydro and aeromassage. Such an effect provides powerful oncoming (vortex) streams of water and air. Nozzles, located both on the sides of the bath and at its bottom, affect all body zones. Compared to the traditional hydromassage, in which the jets are injected into the water, the turbosassage is more intensive muscles. In addition to the possibilities of the hydromassage system, you can include all nozzles simultaneously or by separate groups. If electronic control is provided, several hydromassage programs are laid in memory. At the same time, the nozzles will work alternately in accordance with the specified mode and perform a gradual massage of the entire body, starting with the legs (head), or affect with different intensity into separate sections.


Usually the nozzles are classified by zones of exposure: this is a collar zone, back, side areas of the junister and equipment and lower back, legs and feet. Special emphasis is done in those parts of the body where the salts are deposited. The layout of the nozzles (like their number) each manufacturer has its own. However, they all adhere to one principle: the direction of massiferous jets and circulating venous blood should coincide. Constructive nozzles are different. Standard differ in size: for the back, hips and lower back - bigger; For neck and feet - smaller (microfruces that are embedded so that they fit tightly to the massagable surface). More advanced in the design of the nozzle for hydromassage make it possible to send the emerging flow of air or water, lifting, dropping or shifting the nozzle on the side. The vortex, microstruzny, with a needle effect, streaming, pulsating, turning therapy nozzles expand the therapeutic capabilities of the massage. The most intense massage provide rotary (vortex) devices in which powerful rotating streams are created. Such nozzles are usually used for massage the pelvis, inner and outer surfaces of the hips. They equip their own models of Hoesch (Germany), Pamos (Austria), Jacuzzi, Kaldewei, Villeroy Boch. The jet of water comes on a spiral and from ordinary nozzles, but in rotational it is additionally spinning with special devices. At the same time, each of the manufacturers have their own technologies that increase the speed of rotation of the jet and exposure area. Injectors of the point exposure are designed specifically for massage of certain zones (neck, shoulders, backs, feet), and they are much smaller in diameter than ordinary. Additionally, you can install nozzles for the feet, as well as for the shoulders and neck. Usually they are placed in pairs in the corresponding zones.

Practical advice

It is better to choose a chrome-plated brass nozzle. There are steel nozzles. However, in economy-class models, these devices are most often made of plastic and chrome decorated. The top layer is quickly erased. According to some users, the more injectors in the bath, the better. But this is not quite the case, since under the laws of hydraulics, an increase in the number of holes leads to a decrease in the pressure of the jet, which means that the efficiency of hydromassage is reduced.

More than standard

Nozzles can serve not only the water mixture in the bath. So, TEUCO has developed and patented a unique Hydrosonic system, which combines hydromassage with the beneficial effects of sound waves. VILLEROY BOCH within its programs offers a special aeromassage with the "champagne effect". The nozzle is covered with porous material, so there are so small air bubbles from it, that they make water similar to sparkling champagne.

Territory of Water Comfort
Territory of Water Comfort
Territory of Water Comfort

23. Single model CERSANIA (150x150 cm) for installation in the angle. The recess in board is used as both the shelves and the seats.

24. The bath from the Inspire collection can work in two modes - Morning (AM) and Evening (PM). The hydromassage function is activated by touching the special icon located on board.

25. Multifunctional Fike ERGO + with sensory control

Punching of additional equipment can also be installed underwater illumination and chromotherapy system. There are also baths with a television panel on the side: you can control it using a remote control that adjusts the operation of the hydromassage system.

Jet Management

Hydromassage bath manufacturers have taken care of the comfort management comfort. There are two ways to control: mechanical and electronic. With mechanical, all parameters can be changed using regulators, cranes and pneumatic buttons. An electronic control bath provides additional settings, such as the alternate operation of the nozzles with different intensity. Particularly advanced models are equipped with sensory control with a panel and remote control. Such baths are most comfortable: they allow you to program not only the hydromassage of a certain species and its duration, but also intensity, as well as the sequence of procedures.

Manufacturers offer such pleasures like a hydromassage, imitating Eastern Massage Shi-Tsu (Jacuzzi technology): From the rows of small holes, strong water "fingers" grow and knead the back. Cascades built into the side of the head of the head of the neck and shoulders for massaging. The use of ozonizing water (ozonizer is embedded in the compressor) provides a special ease of breathing, which we feel after a strong thunderstorm. Increased conditions, such an option as "pearl bath" is also available: the air is additionally saturated with oxygen.

Practical advice

Cleaning or disinfection of the hydromassage system should be carried out at least times instez. It should be disinfected by the enonomulatory bath manually, putting a special tablet into water and turning on the hydromassage for 15-20 minutes. After that, you need to turn off the system and give to the water of about 10 minutes, then drain the water and, re-filling the bath with water, turn on the hydromassage for 5 minutes. This is not very convenient. Dear models are usually equipped with a function of automatic disinfection: it allows you to clean not only the walls and the bottom of the font, but also the pipes by which water circulates. To do this, pour the disinfecting fluid into a special hole and press the desired button.

Health Price

In Russia, baths with hydromassage offer dozens of manufacturers. Here are some of them: am.pm (international brand), Albatros, Glass (both - Italy), Jacob Delafon (France), Kohler (USA), Pool-Spa, Roca, Systempool (all - Spain), Dorff, Duscholux, Ideal Standard (all - Germany), Kolpa (Slovenia), Vitra (Turkey), Apollo (China), "Aquatik", Aessel, Doctor Jet, Radomir (all - Russia), Balteco (Estonia), Hoesch, Jacuzzi, Ravak, TEUCO, Villeroy Boch Idre. A domestic or Chinese bath with hydromassage in the basic configuration according to the most modest counting costs from 35 thousand rubles. Well equipped acrylic bath will cost approximately 100-300 thousand rubles. The amount of nozzles and their design features, all sorts of special effects, as well as the urgency of the execution of the order and the manufacturer's name are affected. Any improvement entails additional costs. For example, automatic disinfection - 10 thousand rubles, backlight - from 6 thousand rubles. The headrest costs approximately 2700 rubles., Handles - 1800rub., Built-in mixer - about 15 thousand rubles. It should also be taken into account that the baths with a length of 230-260cm are much more expensive than standard models. When going to buy a bath, specify whether the functions you need are as standard. If they are additional, the price of the font may increase by 15-30% compared with its baseline value in the basic configuration.

Edition Thanks to Am.PM, Cersanit, Hansgrohe, Jacob Delafon, Ravak, Roca,

VILLEROY BOCH, VITRA for help in the preparation of material.

Territory of water comfort: additional materials. Hydromassage bath selection criteria

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