Land inventory


For almost 10 years, evaluation work has been carried out in Russia, the result of which the design of cadastral passports should be the design of the existing land plots. Let's try to figure out how to record the land, which is needed to obtain a special passport to the site and who are such cadastral engineers

Land inventory 12414_1

Land inventory

For almost 10 years, evaluation work has been carried out in Russia, the result of which the design of cadastral passports should be the design of the existing land plots. Let's try to figure out how to record the land, which is needed to obtain a special passport to the site and who are such cadastral engineers

Cadastral accounting - part of the state policy in the field of land management, that is, measures to study the state of land, planning and organizing their rational use and protection, location description and (or) establishing the boundaries of land management facilities, the organization of rational use by citizens and legal entities of land for land The implementation of agricultural production, which is enshrined in the federal law of 18.06.2001 N 78. "On land management".

Cadastral passport

As a result of the land management for each land plot and the object of real estate, it is necessary to obtain one of the documents confirming the fact of execution of the site. It may be:
  • Cadastral records are needed not only in order to know exactly where and how many sites are chosen, but also in order to be in the territory allocated for individual housing construction, and plants did not appear, and on the lands of technical purposes, the daccishers were not planted shrubs.

    For the usual owners of land plots, on which summer cottages and country houses are built, the first two types of land sustaining documents are relevant. They can be made no more than five copies, but not less than two. However, some confusion may arise: until March 2008. There was a cadastral plan of the land plot (KPZU), which is equivalent to the modern cadastral passport, but not the cadastral plan of the territory. Thus, the cadastral plans of land gradually should be replaced by cadastral passports. The cadastral passport consists of four sections: B1, containing the main characteristics of the site; B2 - diagram or drawing of the site; B3 (information includes information about parts and burdensions of the site, if any); B4, which is a plan of parts of the land plot if they are.

    Let us dwell on the sections of the cadastral passport in more detail. From this document, you can learn useful information, especially if you are going to purchase a land plot.

    The most complete and informative section is the first, especially when the site has no encumbrances (then there is no need for the B3 section) and it is not divided into components (in this case, there is no section B4).

    What needs to focus, studying the first section? Let's start almost from the end - the columns 15, which information about the owner is listed. Wuchastka may be not one owner, so be vigilant and pay special attention to the content of this graph. If it is a mark "Joint" or "share", for the sale of the site, the consent of all its owners is required. At the same time it is necessary to take into account that the shares are equal or different sizes. Therefore, keep in mind: going to acquire a plot that have several owners, you will have to enter into a contract of sale with everyone (when signing the document, both the owners themselves can be present and their representatives). If the contract signs only one owner, and he is not a representative of the owners of other shares, such a document will be invalid and you lose time, and money. Then check the column 7, which contains a description of the location of the site. Of course, if there is an exact address, everything is quite simple: the name of the settlement, street, house number (possession). If there are no addresses, the description is made relative to the guideline (for example, the nearest settlement).

    Next, it is necessary to study graphs 12 and 13 - information about the cadastral value of the site and its specific indicator. These data are closely related to the purpose of the site (graph 8). The specific indicator of the cadastral value (UEX) is a calculated value depending on the designation of land. Cadastral value is obtained by multiplying the specific indicator on the plot area. It is not bad to check the result of counting, besides, it is quite simple.

    Another point: In column 16, it can be written that the boundaries of the site are not established in accordance with the requirements of land legislation. This means that the survey site was not conducted. In this case, section B2 in the cadastral passport is absent, since the plan of the site is only when the interview is performed.

    The third section of the passport deserves attention, which provides information about the burdens, that is, the rights of third parties to use the site. For example, it may mean that it is through your site that the track is passed to the collective artesian well. In the result you will have to constantly see those who will go to the source behind the water, or the well-serving well technicians. And the employees of the SanEpidemstation, conducting checks, will be your frequent guests ...

    Finally, the last, the fourth section of the passport is filled in if the plot is complex, not solid. For example, the land like you are made up of lands of various purposes (this may complicate their use).

    Submit documents

    If you want to get a cadastral passport of your site, it is necessary to submit to the Rosreestr, who is in charge of land suproof work, a rather impressive list of documents:

  • One of the tasks of cadastral accounting is to determine the value of the land plot in accordance with its location and purpose, it is necessary not only for calculating the land tax, but also in order to sell themselves in the purchase.

    Applicants may submit documents in various ways:

  • Theoretically, registration (or withdrawal from it) should not take more than 20 working days from the day that the state cadastral accounting authority will receive an appropriate statement (information about whether the site is worth accounting must provide within five working days). But in some cases, the deadline for cadastral registration is prolonged. The most frequent occasion for this is the presentation to the registering authority of incorrectly executed documents or an incomplete set of documents for the property.

    The procedure for registration is suspended if there are contradictions between the information about the object of real estate contained in the documents submitted by the applicant and cadastral information about this property. This does not apply to the situation when you just register such changes (for example, bought two hundred and two hundreds of the earth and want to make them in the cadastral document already issued to you). Such cases arise, and when there is a land dispute between neighbors, - first of all the boundaries of the plots must be agreed.

    Accounting will also be suspended if one of the boundaries of the land plot, whose cadastral records submitted a statement, crosses one of the borders of another site, and information about the latter is contained in the state real estate cadastre. That is why it is faster and easier to conclude an agreement with cadastral engineers, but, together with all interested neighbors, for example, a block of sites in the garden partnership. There are also exceptions here: let's say if another land plot is a transformed property of real estate, the cadastral registration is not suspended.

    If there are changes with the object of real estate (for example, the purpose of the Earth, the plot area) is changed, they must be informed about the authority that carries out cadastral records. To do this, give an application to which documents confirming changes are attached. This may be a contract for the sale of a part of the previously belonged site or the contract for the purchase of a neighbor's neighbor's neighbor. An authority performing cadastral records is obliged to make these changes to the entry that exists in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with Him. After that, it is necessary to apply for a new cadastral passport of the real estate object, taking into account changes made to the register.

    Cadastral engineers

    One of the reasons for the deceleration of land registration in late 2010 - early 2011. It was the introduction of a new post of cadastral engineer (from January 1, 2011. He became the only "player" on the field of land accounting). This specialist must have a qualifying certificate (in fact, an indefinite license). It has the right independently (as an individual entrepreneur) or as an employee of a commercial organization to carry out cadastral activities in the territory of the whole country, regardless of where the certificate is issued. However, this does not mean that any person who received a secondary special or higher profile education can call himself a cadastral engineer - his qualification certificate must be registered in the cadastral accounting authority. The created registry of cadastral engineers will allow you to check whether a person does not give itself who offered you the services of the passport to the land plot for someone else. To do this, it is enough to contact the local request from the division of Rosreestra.

    After you conclude a contract with the cadastral engineer, it will hold all the necessary work and gives you one of the three documents below: a land plan (if the object of cadastral works is land plot), technical plan (if the object of cadastral works is the building, construction , room or object of unfinished construction) or an act of examination (in the event that, at the request of the customer, the engineer prepares documents for removing the building, facilities, facilities of unfinished construction from the cadastral accounting). Other documents are not authorized in cadastral engineers.

    Did you refuse? We appeal!

    You may refuse to put on cadastral records, but for this there must be good reasons. Causes of refusal:

  • The reason for the failure must be specified in the written notice. After that it is possible to eliminate it: for example, if there were not enough official paper in the document package, you can get it and submit to registering authorities. Today, it is often refused to put on cadastral records of those sites whose intertaries were not conducted. Such a conclusion may have to be appealed in court, and the decision is more often taken in favor of the site owner.

    The situation occurs if you refused to issue a passport for a previously accounted land plot. If the partition is not conducted, it will be necessary to make a description of its location and borders to the State Cadastre of Real Estate. To do this, it is necessary to submit to the authority that performs cadastral records, the Meeting Plan and a copy of the document confirming the permission of a land dispute on the coordination of the borders of the previously recorded land plot (the act of coordination of the location of the borders). If it fails to reach a consensus with neighbors relative to borders, the question will have to be solved in court.

    Cadastral passports also issue on the building (structure) and on the object of unfinished construction. But the territorial departments of the technical inventory bureau are engaged in such documents.

    By purchasing a land plot, study its cadastral passport. It will help to navigate the area of ​​the plot. In addition, the cadastral passport is a description of the boundaries of the site, and confirmation of the land appointment, and determining the size of the base for calculating the land tax. Obtaining a cadastral passport may be time consuming, but this document is necessary to ensure the landowner calm in legal relationship.

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