Do not let dust in the eyes


In not an easy to combat dust, one of the main devices is a vacuum cleaner. In this article, we present to your attention all that manufacturers of these household appliances can offer: new and tested models, various dust collection technologies and the latest innovative developments

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In not an easy to combat dust, one of the main devices is a vacuum cleaner. Present article We present to your attention all that manufacturers of these household appliances can offer: new and tested models, various dust collection technologies and the latest innovative developments

The best wrestler with mud in the house - vacuum cleaner. Without his help, it is difficult to remove urban apartment and country house, so choosing the device should be especially carefully. At the same time, many questions arise: which of the available types, it is better to clean, is it really so important with HEPA filters? And I also want it to be light, quiet and outwardly attractive. So the manufacturers such as Bosch, Karcher, Miele, Rowenta, Siemens (all - Germany), Hotpoint-Ariston (Italy), Electrolux (Sweden), LG Electronics, Samsung (Both - Korea), Hoover (USA) IDR .?

Do not let dust in the eyes
Do not let dust in the eyes
Do not let dust in the eyes
Do not let dust in the eyes

1. The dust collection container is easily emptied: you just need to shake dust, for example, in the package and throw it away.

2. Models with dust collection bags are still popular. Now more often apply disposable bags.

3. The Vacuum cleaner ZUS3990 (Electrolux) is equipped with a washing HEPA 13 filter, which holds up to 99.95% of dust.

4. Vmodel V-710 (Bork) Air passes through three filters: Ultra Bag dust collector, MICRO-HYGIENE-FILTER motor filter and Hospital-Grade output. The filtration degree is 99.99991% of particles of more than 0.3 μm.

Cat in a bag.

First, we will define the type of vacuum cleaner, or rather, with the type of dust collector. Finding into the vacuum cleaner, dust meets on its path the first obstacle is the main filter. It can be a bag, a container (cyclone) or aqua filter. What do they differ, what kind of dust will keep and how it is more convenient to work with?

Bag or container?

The consumer is unlikely to detect significant differences in the final result of the operation of bagasters and non-free vacuum cleaners. However, on average, the first is a bit above the power of suction, and therefore they are able to clean the cleaner and the process will pass faster. The main advantage of container models is that when cleaning, they retain the constant absorption power until the container is completely filling, since the dust settling in the container does not interfere with the main flow of air. However, manufacturers of modern models with dust collecting bags are trying to keep up: disposable synthetic dust collectors provide sufficiently high suction power to almost fully filling the bag for collecting dust.

By purchasing a model with a dust collection bag, remember that you will have to regularly buy additional dust collectors. They are practically in any household appliances store, and the range is wide, they are delivered not only manufacturers of vacuum cleaners, but also independent manufacturers of dust collectors. We also note that bag vacuum cleaners are usually more compact, and the bag change is hygienic than emptying the container, since there is no direct contact with dust.

Bag. The most familiar vacuum cleaner is the bag: the main dust in it is delayed by a bag-dust collector. For many years, the bag has proven its reliability and efficiency. Bags have a multi-layer structure: say, a Hyclean dust collector (Miele) - nine layers. This allows you to effectively delay all the large dust and does not give it to come back. The odors of such models say that, for example, such an authoritative company as Miele, produces vacuum cleaners with bags only.

Bags are divided into two types: constant and replaceable. The first will serve for several years, but when filled out of them, dust will have to shake, that is, directly contact with contaminants. Therefore, the vacuum cleaners are equipped with them come from the arena. A replaceable bag must be thrown out every time it is filled. He has its drawbacks: these are constant costs of buying new dust collectors, besides in a couple of years, it may not be easy to find a suitable bag for your model. Buying replaceable bags on the market is not recommended, because there are many counterfeit products: such products are allowed most of the dust. This can lead to pollution of the motor filter and, as a result, to overheating and breakage of the electric motor. In addition, fine cleaning filters will be quickly clogged and have them more often change or washed.

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Do not let dust in the eyes
Do not let dust in the eyes
Do not let dust in the eyes

5. Ultrasilencer vacuum cleaner (Electrolux) is one of the quietest on the market. The level of its noise is only 68DB.

6. The BSGL 52242 (Bosch) model reaches a high degree of purification thanks to the Airsafe technology: the motor compartment of the vacuum cleaner is completely sealed, which does not allow to escape even the smallest dust.

7. The JetMaxx (Electrolux) model bag is placed in a special basket, the ribs of which do not allow it to stick to the walls of the vacuum cleaner and the motor filter. Thus, the entire container of the bag is filled to the end. An INa dust collector will have to buy less frequently.

8. Dust collector of the device S 6730 (Miele) has nine layers of dust detention.

Container. The filter container confidently takes place in vacuum cleaners - almost all manufacturers of these devices produce models of a cyclone type. Cyclone works: dust falls into the container and in the whirl created there spirals spiral. At the same time, the centrifugal force discards the dust particles and dirt to the walls of the container, they lose speed and fall down. It is possible to break through the thin cleaning filters with only slightly small dust. Manufacturers promise the high efficiency of the dust collection of such a system and constantly develop new cyclone designs that can delay as many dust particles as possible. After all, the more he will capture them, the longer the fine cleaning filters will serve.

One of the main arguments in favor of cyclones is the lack of need to use interchangeable accessories (as opposed to bag models). It is enough to shaken the dust from the container (for example, in the package) and remove into the garbage chute.

Water treatments

Washing vacuum cleaners are a special variety of instruments: they are capable of performing not only dry, but also wet cleaning. In the vault unit, in contrast to the vacuum cleaner for dry cleaning, there are two containers for liquids (clean and dirty), and a transparent tube passes in parallel with a hose, according to which the washing solution under pressure is supplied. It is evenly distributed on the area of ​​a special nozzle, and it is applied to the treated surface. Water captures dust, after which the liquid is absorbed into the side channels of the nozzle and already on another tube is sent to the tank for dirty water. You can not only carry out wet cleaning, but also collect the spilled fluid. Detergent models are more common, moreover, they are heavy and require careful care: every time you have to pour and merge water, rinse and dry various parts. But wet cleaning creates a feeling of freshness in the room, helps effectively cope with strong pollution.

The detergent vacuum cleaner is better used for carpets with a low pile and for ceramic and stone surfaces. It is not necessary to carry out wet carpet cleaning with a long or thick pile: they may not dry, and the wet environment is favorable for breeding bacteria. In addition, cleaning is better to carry out clean water, chemical detergents should be used only during general cleaning, since they are not completely suused in the vacuum cleaner, and when drying, they turn into dust.

Aqua Filter. You should not confuse vacuum cleaners with aquilter and detergent models - these are different devices. The first is not soaked, but they perform dry cleaning, just water acts as a dust collector (actually, this is aquilfilter): large dust sinks in it, and small, hiding in the air bubbles, passes through the waterstroce, but then the particles are delayed by fine cleaning filters . Aquailter is considered a fairly effective means of fighting dust. In addition, if necessary, you can remove the spilled fluid. However, such vacuum cleaners have its drawbacks: each time after cleaning it will have to not only drain the dirty water, but also wash the filter and dry it, since moisture is a wonderful medium for breeding bacteria. Not everyone is ready to constantly make similar manipulations.

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Do not let dust in the eyes
Do not let dust in the eyes
Do not let dust in the eyes

9. Low noise (69DB) of the Silence Force device (Rowenta) is achieved due to the dual insulation of the motor and its location on noise insulation supports, as well as the use of noise-absorbing sealing materials.

10. The volume of the bag in the vertical model S 7580 (Miele) - 6l.

11. Washing vacuum cleaner SE 3001 (Karcher) is intended for cleaning carpets and solid coatings. The tank for clean water is removable, so the model can be used for both damp and dry cleaning.

12. Vacuum cleaner with a dust collecting VK80101MHFR (LG) is equipped with a mechanized dust pressing system in a briquette, which increases the capacity of the container 4 times and prevents the penetration of dust back to the room during the emptying of the container.

Osiam main thing

Deciding with the type of primary filter, you can go to the store and consider models. Forward line of descriptions, you will most likely see the large letters of the HEPA. This abbreviation is decrypted as High Effi Ciency Particulate Absorption (translated from English - "Highly Effective Particle Holding"). This is a fine cleaning filter. Manufacturers in vain praise their HEPA filters, proud of the increased class - it indicates numbers, for example H11, H12, H13, H14. So, H11 retains 95% dust, and H14 - 99.995%. Therefore, the presence in the HepA filter vacuum cleaner does not yet indicate the effectiveness of filtration - it is necessary to know its class, although often in stores to find out this information is problematic.

Most often, HEPA filters as clogged need to be replaced with new ones. However, recently, many manufacturers offer comfortable washable filters, which, when pollution, is enough to rinse under a stream of warm water, install in the vacuum cleaner - and it will be ready to work again. When choosing, look at the filter size: the more its area, the longer it will last.

One of the most important characteristics of the vacuum cleaner is suction power. It is it that affects how effectively the device captures dust, which is largely reflected on the quality (there will be no sailter on the carpet) and the time of cleaning (one place is not necessary to vacuum several times). Suction power is measured in aeriality; Its average is 300-400 Aerov. However, compare the capacity of vacuum cleaners of different manufacturers is sometimes not easy, since some indicate the average effective, and others are maximum. IT IS IMPLEMENTAL FIRST FIRST FIRLS WARNING BUILDING BY MODES WITH WHAT CAN COMPARE MODELS.

Sellers prefer to draw consumer attention to a less important indicator - power consumed, it is denoted in the first lines of the description of the models. However, even values ​​such as 1.9; 2; 2.1 kW, do not speak about cleaning efficiency, since there is no direct proportional dependence between the power consumed and the power of suction. Therefore, when choosing, focus not on the colorful advertising posters of the seller, but on a truly significant technical characteristics.

Noise level is also important for most owners. Using various methods (features of the design of air ducts, housing, additional IT seals.), manufacturers try to reduce it. While the noise level of the "quiet" models is 68-72DB. The values ​​that manufacturers indicate are established by laboratory studies. The area of ​​noise is somewhat different from them, since it is influenced by many parameters: the type of nozzle, the size of the room, the type of floor covering the IDR.

For some users, the weight of the vacuum cleaner matters. Of course, I want it to be light, but the aggregates still weigh 5-8kg. Alenektility of some models manufacturers provide, reducing the quality of plastic.

The radius of the device (the distance from the rosette to the brush) is important for many consumers. You can remove a spacious room or even two small, without switching the device from one socket to another. For example, one of the largest radii of action from the free'E vacuum cleaner (Bosch) is over 15m.

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Do not let dust in the eyes
Do not let dust in the eyes
Do not let dust in the eyes

13. The Vacuum Cleaner TC 1210 011 (Hoover) is supplemented by a nozzle for a parquet made of a soft horse-haired.

14. The transparent C-2221THF vacuum cleaner container (ROLSEN) with a volume of 2,2l is made of durable polycarbonate. The maximum power of the device is 2 kW.

15. BGS618M1 (BOSCH) vacuum cleaner is equipped with a Gore Cleanstream filter with a membrane cleaning technology: when it passes through itself the air, dust settles on its walls. It is automatically cleaned: its corrugated surface begins to vibrate, so the dust is removed from the walls.

16. To increase the absorption capacity in the Vacuum Cleaner BGS62232 (Bosch), the width of all air-transmitting elements is increased - from floor brushes to the separator of dirt particles. Thus, nothing prevents the suction of even large particles of dirt (straw, sawdust, pet wool IDR.).

Pleasant trifles

Each manufacturer constantly improves its products. For example, the Free'E'e vacuum cleaner hose has a circular hinge rotating on 360. Thanks to this, the hose is more moving - it easily changes the direction after your movements, and the risk of damage is excluded. AU of the BGS6PRO1 (Bosch) model 360 rotate four wheels, which makes the device more maneuverable.

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Do not let dust in the eyes
Do not let dust in the eyes
Do not let dust in the eyes

17. Compact model RO3449 (Rowenta) is distinguished by a bright, elegant design. Include the device go a few nozzles: combined (floor / carpet), slit and upholstered furniture.

18. Air falling into the SC-1086 vacuum cleaner (Scarlett) passes seven-step filtering. The vacuum cleaner is convenient to use: the air flow controller is located on the housing, the cord is also provided.

19. Intensive and efficient work of the Robee Emotion vacuum cleaner (Robzone) is provided by vacuum suction in combination with two rotating brushes and the use of two separate garbage containers. "Communication" with the device occurs by means of a remote control with a wide display. In addition, you can choose the design stickers on the body.

20. Model VR5901LVM (LG) thanks to two cameras and 40 sensors quickly and effectively removes every corner of your home. The editor is programmed manual cleaning mode and two automatic.

The freejet vertical vacuum cleaner (HOOVER) is able to become a universal assistant, since its body is integrated disconnected by the manual vacuum cleaner. In addition, he is wireless, so you can freely move around the apartment, forgetting about sockets and wires. True, after work, the vacuum cleaner all the same needs to put on the base so that it charges. Without recharging, batteries allow an aggregate to function 30 minutes.

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Do not let dust in the eyes
Do not let dust in the eyes
Do not let dust in the eyes

21. Vacuum cleaner SD9420 (Samsung) with Aqua Cyclone technology: water and air in the working chamber move along the helix, as in the whirlpool. The air flow assumes the function of the separator, and the whirlproof acts as a collector and delays dust particles. All together allows you to achieve maximum vacuum cleaner performance.

22. Model WFF 1800PET (DE'Longhi) with water filtration technology.

23. The T-2560TSW (ROLSEN) is equipped with an aqua filter.

24. Wireless vacuum cleaner DC35 (DYSON). For complete charging, the device requires 3.5 h, after which it is able to work from 6 to 15 min, depending on the selected mode.

The DC26 City device (Dyson, United Kingdom) is interesting for its low weight (3.2kg) and compact sizes (32x25x21cm). Little dimensions did not interfere with the vacuum cleaner 13 of internal cyclones, which provide efficient cleaning and constant suction power.

As you know, dust settles not only under our feet, but also on the tables, shelves, household appliances. The optimal opportunity to get rid of it does not provide a vacuum cleaner, but an electrostatic pan. It is in many modern houses, and now in the JetMax vacuum cleaner (Electrolux). Being inside the working device, it is cleaned from dust, and when stored is charged with static electricity to attract dust.

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Do not let dust in the eyes
Do not let dust in the eyes
Do not let dust in the eyes

25. Antistatic DC35 vacuum cleaner (DYSON) with a combined pile allows you to more effectively remove the smallest dust.

26. FREEJET 3 IN 1 (HOOVER) is a turbulent for cleaning solid coatings, turbo sheet for carpet cleaning and disconnected manual vacuum cleaner.

27. Manual model Rapido (Electrolux).

28. Portable DYSON device.

The Kompressor Elite Steam (LG Electronics) was provided with a steam nozzle, which allows you to simultaneously make dry cleaning and cleaning the ferry. This reduces cleaning time by 2 times. The dignity of the steam is that, in contrast to the water, it does not moisturize objects and coatings, but at the same time it effectively copes with pollution. It cleans all types of surfaces well and also sterilizes them. It is possible to carry out high-quality hygienic cleaning without the use of chemical detergents.

Cleaning on automatic

The robot vacuum cleaner is able to remove the apartment without your participation. Modern models are independently moving around the house, circling obstacles due to special sensors. Infrared sensors installed in the bumper or bottom of the instruments allow you to navigate the room.

Dry aggregates exist their algorithms in the apartment, but in any case they will process every corner of the room. Some models can be programmed a few days ahead, and they will start cleaning at a specified time. When the cleaning program or battery charge ends, smart devices return to the station (charging base), automatically parked and start charging and renewed if necessary.

Manufacturers every year produce increasingly technological models. For example, Roomy Gold (Robzone, Austria) in addition to everything is equipped with a UV-C-radiation lamp for disinfection (ultraviolet rays destroy dust bacteria and microbes) and an antistatic cleaning cloth. The latter allows you to remove the smallest dust and microorganisms from the floors.

Valuable information

The easiest baggy vacuum cleaner of the economy-class can be purchased for 1 thousand rubles. There will be no additional options nor the HEPA filter. Bindless cars worth from 2 thousand rubles. HEPA filter appears (class H11). For 6-9 thousand rubles. There is an opportunity to buy a device with high suction power (420 Aerov), detergent non-filter (H12 or H13), an increased radius of action (about 10m), a telescopic tube, various nozzles, automatic cord wedge. Vacuum cleaners can be more expensive - 15-20 thousand rubles. This is a premium model with a complete set of a variety of functions. Prices for vacuum cleaners with containers start with 1500 rub. Further, their cost is growing in accordance with the number of implemented technologies and new developments, for example, manufacturers improve the design of cyclones, dust pressing technology, add additional iDR filters. The average price of a vacuum cleaner is about 3 thousand rubles., Manual model - about 2-3 thousand rubles.

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