Garden border guards


The design of the construction is ideally planned in parallel with the creation of the project of the house and the rest of the buildings on the site. Only in this case, in the future you can create a stylistically united, "friendly" architectural ensemble, which will be combined with the landscape

Garden border guards 12448_1

The design of the construction is ideally planned in parallel with the creation of the project of the house and the rest of the buildings on the site. Only in this case, in the future you can create a stylistically united, "friendly" architectural ensemble, which will be combined with the landscape

Earring the fence around the site, the owner is protected from the uninvited guests, ensures its safety. The front part of the fence is a peculiar business card of the site, the same "clothes" on which they meet. After all, this is the first thing that people coming to visit, and the owners themselves are facing. The functions of the fence of land possessions and their protection, of course, priority - a modern trend is really such that the dackets prefer high deaf fences. However, more and more people remember more about matters of decorative - that the fence, except that protects, also gives an idea of ​​the taste and character of the owner of the site.

Garden border guards
Garden border guards
Garden border guards
Garden border guards

2, 3. Wicker hedge from rods and branches in a rustic coat. A low woven can be used to design flower or beds, a woven higher (1-1,5m) - for the fence of the roasting area in the garden.

Garden border guards
Garden border guards
Garden border guards
Garden border guards

4, 5, 6. Tree - material that makes rich decorative capabilities. Wooden filling is made of boards or thin dies, which are stacked vertically, horizontally, crosswise either create more complex patterns from them. For durability, wood is treated with protective impregnations. An interesting option is a "live" fence formed by a dense landing of shrubs or trees (to create it, for example, IVI).

7. The wicket is usually performed from the same materials and in the same style as the fence. An decoration here is a light wooden arch, seized by Lianami.

Durable base

The guarantor of the strength and durability of the fence design is the foundation. It can be two types - ribbon or pile (on the support pillars). What exactly to choose? It depends on the stability of the soils on the site, the temperature regime of a particular region, the height of the fence and severity of the filling material. Ribbon foundations are built by erecting heavy fences - stone, brick, using metal. First, for this, a trench is a depth of 30-80cm and a width of about 20-30 cm. At the bottom of the trench, it is satisfied with a sandy or sandy-gravel pillow, it is abundantly watered with water. The walls of the trench are lined with rubberoid, and after that concrete poured into it. Experts recommend applying concrete brand not lower than M200 (and better than M400). Often the foundation is additionally reinforced with iron rods (2 or 4 reinforcement belts). On the surface of the site, you can build a low "base" from the same concrete, and then bore it with a stone (artificial or natural) or tiled.

Opinion of a specialist

If the site is located near the automotive or railway tracks, it is worth building such a fence that will perform not only the enclosing, but also noise protection function. According to the type of design, they are divided into three groups: noise reflecting, noise absorbing and combined. Noise reflecting can be both transparent (from polycarbonate or its analogues) and opaque (profiled sheet, sandwich panels). Service life - up to 20 years, depending on the material. The cost is different: about 500 rubles. For 1 p. m for design from the professional leaf (noise protection level - 17-20 dBA), approximately 1500-3500 rubles. For 1m2 for sandwich panels filled with polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam or mineral wool (noise protection level - 22-30 dBA). For comparison, we note that the noise level at the railway, when the composition passes, can reach 100 dBA. According to the current SNIP 23-03-2003 "Noise Protection". The noise level in residential premises should not exceed 55 dBA, at night - 45 dBA (although sometimes annoying even the sound of a working computer is about 25-30 dba). Noise absorbing structures are made of special acoustic panels perforated from the outside. Sound waves, falling through perforations inside the panels, quenching with noise absorbing materials (analogs of mineral wool), although some of them are reflected back. Perforated design allows you to provide a high level of noise protection - 35-45 dBA. The complexity of the design implies a higher cost - (about 7.5-12 thousand rubles. For 1 m). The presence of perforation reduces the durability of the structure, since moisture and dust fall into the holes, so that the service life of such fences does not exceed 10 years.

Nikolai Pechenov, Doorhan Marketing Director

If the fence is not too heavy (let's say, wooden), for the strength of the structure, it is enough to install the support poles, which then placed the filling canvas. The racks are immersed at different depths: from 70-90 to 150-160 cm (immersion, equal to the depth of the soil freezing, is necessary on bubbly - clay and linous - soils that are able to squeeze supports). The distance between the supports is usually 2-3m. They make them either from concrete reinforced with iron rods, or made of metal pipes round, square or rectangular cross section. An overhead part can be "dressed" in a brick or stone. However, now many firms produce decorative pillars from concrete, which are beautifully beautiful and do not require additional decorations. For example, in the range of B-MODUL (Russia), there are three types of columns: "Direct", "Cube" (it is as if composed of cubes standing on each other) and "Classic" (similar to a column).

Findly cases, these two types of foundation "cross" - the ribbon additionally equip the pile. Such a combination is called woodwork.

Garden border guards
Garden border guards
Garden border guards
Garden border guards

9. The surface of the fence-woodnitation revitalizes the plug-in "window", which visually facilitates a sufficiently massive design.

10, 11. Metal (smooth or corrugated) sheet is heavy, and it is infrequently used to construct the fence. However, individual elements can be expressive - say, Arch-pass. Metal can be combined with other materials - for example, concrete, making a screen that zones the garden space.

12. An unexpected combination is a live fence in combination with a smooth metal sheet, which is part of a decorative ensemble.

Garden border guards
Garden border guards
Garden border guards
Garden border guards

13. Visually ease the metal surface and simultaneously at the same time, it seems to push the garden boundaries if the mirror "in the growth" of the entire design on the fence is mirroble.

14, 15. From Europe to us a passion for the original fences - "cells": this is a metal grille filled with textured material - a stone, brick or even glass bottles.

16. Avant-garde structure from a grid and stone, drowning among colors, more resembles an art object than the usual fence.

Protective march

There is a fairly rich choice of materials, from which you can make filling the enclosing structure: wood, metal (professional flooring, forged metal and even the usual chain grid), concrete, sandwich panels. Which one is better? Universal response does not exist. For each site fits its material. The tree is the warmest and "alive" of them. C60-70s. XX century, when horticultural partnerships began to appear everywhere, wooden fences reigned. Fashion on a classic wooden stakenik did not leave, although the high deaf structures slightly sweat it. However, the choice of solutions today is much wider: for example, you can build a mighty fencing from logs or make an interesting "weaving" from the boards, the benefit of the drawings of the combination of dies in the cloth of the fence set. Metal is an amazing material: it is openwork and visually almost weightless (thin forging) or massive, dominant in the landscape (professional flooring or metal sheet).

Create a deaf fence or transparent - each site owner solves himself. Is it ready to be an open world or wants to hide from strangers? Is it possible to put the surrounding area to put a transparent fence or around so much dust and noise, what is better to hide behind a deaf wall? And how high it is to do - 2 or 3m? The design of a specific fence, specialists are developing individually, taking into account the requirements of SNiP 30-02-97 *. The task of the owner is to choose materials and decide on the overall stylist. Further calculations experts will hold "on the ground". The cost largely depends on the filling material: from 300 rubles. For 1 p. m (filling in a grid-rating) to 15-20 thousand rubles. For 1 p. m and even more expensive (some forged structures) for other materials.

Garden border guards
Garden border guards
Garden border guards
Garden border guards

17. If the hedge shares the inner space of the garden, instead of the gate and gate put arches - they serve as a kind of framing landscape paintings.

18, 19. The decoration of a stone fence can be a cascade of flowering clematis or stone sculptures that are placed in special niches or upstairs.

Garden border guards
Garden border guards
Garden border guards

20, 21, 22. Concrete surfaces themselves are boring, so if you decide to put a concrete fence, be sure to think about how you decorate it. You can paint and apply an ornament, you can make it similar to the chessboard, the squares of which not only differ in color, but also "play" in space (some protrude, other drowning), you can add glass stained glass inserts and metal decor.

23. Heavy brick fences will require the structures of a very durable foundation. Such a fence is one of the most durable, with competent erection and care will last dozens of years. Brick do not need to paint like concrete or tree. Mergile windows help to revive the surface - they reflect the landscape fragments adjacent to the fence. The brick wall gives a comfortable sense of security in the garden.

How to measure beauty

The fences are built in our days mainly relate to the so-called combined structures collected from several materials - two-three, occasionally - more. A little less often put, for example, monotonous walls from a professional flooring with a height of 3m, followed by iron pipes-pillars. They are reliable, but they can hardly be called very beautiful. Aesthetics of Bruttop fences: the fence is a massive structure, and "play" with decorativeness is not always possible. However, you can do a beautiful fence, but ideally you need. Moreover, its "rhyme" with the decorativeness of the landscape and the architectural ensemble, located on the plot, is good when he harmonizes with them: proportional to the erected home (not too massive and not too light), echoes the materials used in the construction of housing. For example, close to the plastered and painted house of foam blocks, crowned with a metal tile, can be put such a fence: concrete poles, filling from wooden planks, and on top of it - a visor from the professional leaf. Metal parts of the structures will provide the necessary "consonance" of two structures. Next to the log house is not bad to build a stakeholdat on the semicircle, this semicircular shape and will connect them together. It is also important that the fence is made qualitatively. Even from distance, 5m should not be visible flaws: it is necessary to hide the elements of the wiring (if the gate or gate is equipped with the sensors or the illumination is connected), and the "door" knobs must be accurately. After all, such a large-scale design, as a fence, requires attention to trifles.

Opinion of a specialist

If the surface of the fence seems monotonous and boring, decorated it. Variants of decoration set - the choice depends primarily on the material from which the fence is made. So, the tree is well combined with plants: heavy lianas (maiden grapes, aristologies) are served by strong structures, and lighter (hops, prince, Clematis) decorate elegant translucent fences. Wooden surfaces are also complemented by decorative panels: for example, instead of a section of the boards stuffed in the traditional rhythm, you can insert a diagonal ornament from different breeds of the tree - a kind of "parquet", the dice of which, if desired, is painted in different colors and shades. Spreads are harmonized by knitting herbs, clay crinks, wheels from carts and other agricultural "antiques". Against the background of the old, the spent brickwork with Shcherbins will perfectly look a plethous rose - the neighborhood of the brutal stone will emphasize its grace. It is appropriate here and aged garden sculpture, reinforcing the feeling of the "depth of centuries". Sometimes an aggressive color of the red brick fence is better to completely close the green scene - landings of the Tui Western "Brabant", lilacs or ate ordinary. For high fence, a multi-level hedge is suitable: the upper tier - Lipa, the middle-karagan, the Niza, the Nizhny - Kiznicker is brilliant or Spiriya Japanese "Litt Lit Princesses". Relevant are drinkers for birds and fountains. Spripical fence will be combined with metal, steel, chromed, glass decor elements characteristic of High-tech style. Ametallic fence I want to add the decor of abstract forms, "industrial".

Yana Korobova, landscape designer

The editors thanks Doorhan and B-Modul, as well as

Landscaping designer Jan Korobov for help in preparing the material.

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