Flowers, water and stones


The landscape composition, about which we want to tell you, is almost unique not only on beauty, but also on the scale of construction work, because it is not so often the owners of country sites are decided to occupy a significant part of the garden with a system of water bodies ...

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The landscape composition, about which we want to tell you, is almost unique not only on beauty, but also on the scale of construction work, because it is not so often the owners of country sites are decided to occupy a significant part of the garden with a system of water bodies ...

Landscape designers created this garden was proposed quite ordinary "source material". A fairly large summer cottage, located along the edge of the forest, had an elongated shape. There were two houses built in a strict Scandinavian style: one more, with two terraces, the second smaller - guest. A part of the future garden from the guest house was very wetlarious and populated by tritons, which the owners of the site were very fun and wanted to preserve.

The love of owners to Northern Karelian-Finnish landscapes was expressed in a desire to have a system of lakes in the garden, framed by stony shores. Memories of travel and viewing journal articles inspired the idea of ​​creating an exotic Japanese garden and spectacular alpine slides. The task of architects turned out to be interesting and difficult.

Flowers, water and stones
Flowers, water and stones
Flowers, water and stones
Flowers, water and stones

1, 2. Flowers and alpine slides occupy a significant area in the garden. Rocarium are formed from large flat stones, between which the alpine plants are planted on a well-drained, specially prepared soil. Especially beautiful during the flowering of a group of carnations: a period and grass.

3, 4. Ponds are interconnected by ducts similar to wide mountain streams with rifles. The latter do not allow fish that is bred on an average pond, twist into the remaining reservoirs. Single pumps here are arranged small spectacular waterfalls.

Flowers, water and stones
Flowers, water and stones
Flowers, water and stones
Flowers, water and stones

5. The coniferous garden composition is built on a combination of dwarf and tall forms of trees and shrubs.

6, 7. To create a Japanese garden, a secluded island was chosen in the center of the middle pond. His composition is, according to authors, just a styling, they did not adhere to the strict rules and canons, but they sought to create an atmosphere of peace and peace, which had a meditative rest. But the combination of man-made and natural shapes, stone and wood, built seven-story pagoda, the lantern is all the very recognizable features of the East gardens intended for contemplation. Plant design of kindergarten - mosses, chamber, host, lavender.

8. Huge boulders on the shores of water bodies serve as peculiar viewing platforms

Secrets planning

Taking into account all the requirements of the owners, the main concept of the landscape transformation was developed. Along the edge of the forest, it was planned to create a complex of three artificial water bodies communicating with ducts with a single water circulation system.

Between the houses placed a green lawn with a composition of coniferous plants. Song side is a large fruit garden, in the very corner of the site - a vegetable garden with a greenhouse at the request of the parents of the hostess.

In the summer, on sunny days, large water surfaces reflect the sky, stones, coastal plants, creating a mysterious, the ghostly world of the casting card. In winter, you can skate on a strong ice ...

Northern shores of ponds, from the forest, left "wild". Along the southern, they decided to plant cultural plants and arrange a mountaineering. The Japanese kindergarten was conceived to "hide" on the island, so as not to destroy the special atmosphere inherent in the northern landscape.

Three lakes ...

All reservoirs are different both by appointment and design. Top is designed for bathing. Its depth is quite significant - 220cm, and the bottom and the side are lined with a stone. There are no plants in the pond. The terrace of the house here seems to hang over the stuck water. This terrace, similar to the deck of the ship, is moving to the bridge leading to the center of the reservoir, where the "tea" playground is built.

Each corner of the garden offers landscapes designed to create a certain mood. Landscape compositions in various combinations acquire that business, then the main, then a romantic character ...

The average pond is the most "elegant". It was located so that was well visible from the lawn and from the input zone. All beautifully blooming water and coastal plants are focused here. Waters live decorative fish, special walkways are arranged for their feeding. The Japanese Island is here, to which the "trail" from stones were laid in shallow water.

The lower water intake pond created the swamp on the site and landed a lot of plants in it, but not so much for beauty, as for water purification. By the way, in the second year in the pond without the intervention of people settled amphibians (frogs and tritons), various aquatic insects (watermarks, booms, dragonflies), mollusks (pondoviki and coils, bivalves) were settled. Code regularly began to fly seagulls, ducks and even herons. Ondatra repeatedly noticed. This is a sign that the ponds occupied their place in a larger ecosystem.

Flowers, water and stones
Flowers, water and stones
Flowers, water and stones

9. To go to the "Japanese", the island on the bottom of the pond laid flat stones. The depth of the reservoir here is small, as provided in the project. A round bowl with overflow in the pond is made on the island. It performs a decorative function. The same murmur of the current water configures on reflections.

10. "Tea" playground and "deck" - terrace over the top pond - one of the favorite holiday destinations. As soon as it warms, there are garden furniture and a large umbrella.

11. Through the bottom pond, wooden walkways permanently. Conveniently setting on them, as on the bench, you can watch the life of the inhabitants of the pond

Flowers, water and stones
Flowers, water and stones
Flowers, water and stones

12. Middle pond all summer is surrounded by blooming plants.

13. On the shores and shallow water of the lower pond there are also many colors, they are less bright and decorative, but, like all forest plants, possess special gentle charm. They are selected in the same way to ensure good biological water purification.

14. Convenient transitions from stones are laid through all the ducts.

Flowers, water and stones
Flowers, water and stones
Flowers, water and stones

15. Convenient stairs are arranged on the shores of the bathing pond to exit water to flat stones. They can be sunbathe.

16. The "Japanese" island is beautiful on all sides.

17. High rugs of ferns - ore are decorated with a coastal flower bed with a "bouquet" of the carnations of grass and geranium

Large scale

In the decorative design of the plot of the main, "Scandinavian", the theme is traced in compositions consisting of large forms. Idello not only in the area of ​​ponds. There were large curtains of flowering plants, a group of shrubs, trees with a height of 6-8m (so-called large-named).

But the scale of the entire site is set by huge stone blocks - they make up the coastal strip and imitate rocky rocks overlooking the surface of the Earth. (Examples of such landscapes can be seen in Karelia, Finland ...) Sandstone monoliths weighing 10-12 tons, pulling over a water stroy, look in garden compositions very majestically.

Interesting and selection of plants. Coniferous shrubs and trees characteristic of northern landscapes occupy a significant part of the territory. Spherical and colon-shaped teui, juniper, mountain pines of ordinary and dwarf forms make up the "skeleton" of the garden composition of the garden, it is they allowing him not to lose decorativeness at all times of the year. About ten species of obeys are presented on the Alpine Gorki, various types of carnations, edelweissions, several varieties of Cabs.

The lines of landlined plants were used not only by the standard market proposals, but also copies from the collection of the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University, where many exclusive species from the Caucasus and the Far East, which will not meet on sale.

Flowers, water and stones
Flowers, water and stones
Flowers, water and stones
Flowers, water and stones

18. At the bottom of the cat Lovanov, drainage pipes were placed, then the soil was rambling, forming a conceived relief of water bodies.

19. For the terrace, the foundation was made of asbestos-cement pipes filled with concrete - piles. They were laid out of larch.

20. The support of the "tea" site in the center of the upper pond is made of metal profiles, which are processed by the anti-corrosion composition.

21. The structural base of the bridges laid through the lower pond is also made of metal. Vertical racks stand on reference sites

Flowers, water and stones
Flowers, water and stones
Flowers, water and stones
Flowers, water and stones

22. Bowls of water bodies are made of reinforced concrete and covered with hydrophobic composition. So concrete bed prepared to lay waterproofing.

23. The concrete base was laid out of a geotextile bedding for boutiquette protection against possible damage.

24. Forces of the whole brigade of builders, a huge toplist of butyl rubber was delivered to the place of laying.

25. The single canvas from butyl rubber turned and stretched over the surface of the pond bowl on the substrate from geotextile (in the photo - lower pond)

Flowers, water and stones
Flowers, water and stones
Flowers, water and stones
Flowers, water and stones

26. The bed of the upper pond, designed for swimming, was tested by a natural stone, strengthening it with a special cement mortar.

27. Injit and middle ponds were made by "terraces" with sides, on which various aquatic plants later landed.

28. Stone blocks (monoliths, each of which weighs from 5 to 12 tons) were installed on solid foundations - reinforced concrete sites.

29. In the area, as under the bottom of the ponds, communications are laid in the trenches: drainage, water circulation pipes.

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