Waterproof outfit


How to paint the walls and ceilings of bathrooms, kitchens, winter gardens and other rooms with high humidity? What coverage will be not only beautiful, but also resistant to condensate, exposure to water jets or cleaning with detergent? We will try to answer all these questions in our article.

Waterproof outfit 12461_1

How to paint the walls and ceilings of bathrooms, kitchens, winter gardens and other rooms with high humidity? What coverage will be not only beautiful, but also resistant to condensate, exposure to water jets or cleaning with detergent? We will try to answer all these questions in our article.

Waterproof outfit
Architect I. Teshev

Photo by D. Hrsikov in the department of paints and varnishes (LKM) of one shopping center did not happen so long ago to hear the conversation of two people:

- Look, how many colors! What should we choose for drywall in the bathroom?

- They are all water based, that is ... Plumby? So, the walls and ceiling of drywall will dance and brew.

- Well, no, it does not fit us ...

Similar judgments, alas, not uncommon. Amezhdu, buyers missed the opportunity to acquire modern, economical and environmentally friendly water-dispersive paints. Their binding base and coloring particles are distributed in water and form a dispersion. After evaporation of water, the particles of the polymer binder will grow together with each other (polymerized), creating a solid polymer film on the surface. It is completely impenetrable for the sweeping for moisture and water, and on the basis of the foundation passes the pair. This means that the colorful layer has the ability to produce residual moisture from the structural elements of the building, that is, simply speaking, "breathe". Insome-dispersion paints a lot and other advantages. They are easily conserved, and the choice of color palette is almost unlimited. The degree of gloss varies and pronounced to the half-one. It's a pleasure to work with them. The composition does not have a sharp unpleasant odor (in contrast, for example, from paints on organic solvents), it easily falls on the surface and dries quickly. Judge for yourself: before applying the next layer, you usually need to wait 2h, and the time of complete drying is no more than 24 hours. The tools without problems can be laundered under the jet of warm water.

Armissors about paints often consume a variety of terms: water-emulsion, acrylic, acrylate, latex, polyvinyl acetate, styrene-butadiene ... However, it should be aware that in all cases we are talking about water-dispersion compositions. Away a variety of names, as a rule, reflects the use of those or other common film consumers. Among them, acrylate copolymers, polyvinyl acetate or vinyl acetate copolymers with a small amount of acrylate, styrene copolymers with IT butadiene.

Of course, all the listed compositions differ slightly in their properties. For example, the binding element of silicone paints are emulsified silicone resins. Such materials are highly elastic and able to close the hair cracks with a width up to 2mm. They are suitable for all types of mineral surfaces, but it is especially important that they can be applied to fresh plaster in just 48h. The lack of silicone paints is a high cost. By the way, silicone resins are sometimes added to acrylic paints to improve their consumer properties. Acrylate paints form coatings with good qualities, polyvinila acetate less waterproof, styrene-butadiene prone to contamination and darkening under the action of direct sunlight.

Waterproof outfit

Akzo Nobel

Waterproof outfit


Waterproof outfit


but. REALIFE KITCHEN MATT WATER PAINT (DULUX, AKZO NOBEL) for walls and ceilings in rooms with high humidity. Price 1l- 650 rub.

b. Resistant half-one and peolihimmea luja puolihimmea (Tikkurila) paint (Tikkurila) on an acrylate binder, resistant to washing. Base price 0.9l- 500 rubles.

in. Paint for ceilings with protection against contamination S.in.06 ("Tinger") is intended for use on mineral bases

Waterproof outfit


Waterproof outfit


Waterproof outfit


Paint Paint Moisture-proof Latex Innenlatex Matt (Feidal), withstands 5 thousand passes with a brush. Price 2.5 liters - 450 rubles.

D. Water-dispersive polyacryl super-resistant paint of the professional series "Oleet Garant" ("Empils")

e. Kerapaint Profi Tec (MEFF ERT) - high-tech paint using ceramics technology. Price 5l - 1800 rub.

Waterproof outfit


Waterproof outfit


g. Paint for wet premises VatrumStack (Beckers) is used instead of ceramic tiles. Price 0.94l - 1000 rub.

s. Acrylate primer Luja Yleispohjamaali (Tikkurila) with antiplamp component. Price 0.9l - 420 rub.

Among well-known manufacturers of water-dispersion paints - International Concern Akzo Nobel (Trademarks Dulux, Hammerite, Levis, Marshall, Sadolin), Beckers (Sweden), Caparol, Feidal, MEFF ERT, OSMO (all - Germany), Teknos, Tikkurila (both - Finland), Belinka Belles (Slovenia), Benjamin Moore (USA), "VGT", "Rogneda", "Tinger", "Empils" (all - Russia). So that the buyers did not have any doubts that the specific paint for wet premises is suitable, some manufacturers began to give them the appropriate names: "for kitchen and bathroom" Dulux (Akzo Nobel), "Paint for wet premises" "Oleet" ("Empils "). Sometimes the scope indicates a package next to the title: Innenlatex Matt (Feidal) - latex moisture resistant paint, Dali ("Rogged") - for the kitchen and bathroom. Keep in mind: Manufacturers are necessarily added to such groups of fungicides that prevent the colorful film and mold lesion.

Opinion of a specialist

In the midst of the heating season, the relative humidity of the air indoor can decrease to 20-30%. If you have to perform from dividing work at this time, keep in mind that water-dispersion formulations in such conditions will quickly dry. On the stained surface there may be notable traces during the layering of old and new smears. You can prevent this rather common phenomenon in several ways. Try, for example, to increase the humidity in the room by installing the humidifier, or pre-dilute the paint, adding water into it (no more than 10% of the total).

Dmitry Makarov, Tikkurila expert consultant

Like oil

Waterproof outfit

In the recent past, the most common in everyday life was oil paints based on natural or artificial oil. They refer to the alkyd group and form a film as a result of an oxidative reaction, as the solvent evaporates. However, they are applied less and less often, including in wet premises. The fact is that oil paints create an impenetrable film. Because of the moisture contained in the thickness of the walls and seeking to exit the outside, bubbles can appear on the colorful layer, which are burst with time. The same oil paints will dry for a long time (sometimes up to several days), highlighting harmful substances, and under the influence of UV rays, yellow or burn out. However, their indisputable advantage and today there is a low cost.

Because of the very popularity and good quality of oil paint, from time to time, many questions arise: what to do if it is still firmly held on different surfaces, - remove or repaint? And if you repaint, then what? And how to check the compatibility of the old coating with the new one?

The easiest way to use a simple and win-win rule is to apply like this. On the surface painted with oil paint, without only the same composition, but also alkyd paints and enamels. Avdoor dispersion formulations are poorly compatible with the oil base and will overclause over time. Moreover, nitrocracies may even dissolve the former oil coating. There will be no problems with compatibility, if you solve the issue radically - completely remove the old oil paint. This is done using a construction hairdryer, grinding machine or chemical. There is a less time-consuming method - slightly pollute the surface and apply a special soil for processing old oil or alkyd coatings, such as "Betokontakt" (Feidal), "Luya Universal Primer" (Tikkurila), primer "Oleet Garant "(" Empils ").

Such different brushes

Waterproof outfit

For the manufacture of painting brushes use a bristle of several types. Natural - rough, scaly, absorbs and keeps the paint, and its elastic tips form a homogeneous layer. Bristles with such a bristle can be applied oil compositions, paints on solvents, varnishes, antiseptics. APRI work with water colors pile swells and becomes less elastic. Fibers of synthetic bristles smooth; Their ends are specifically cleaved and sharpened to better hold paint. Synthetic bristle is stronger than natural and less wears. Brushes with it are intended mainly for water-based paints, since solvent compositions can damage the pile. Natural and synthetic fibers are combined into the glued bristle. It is used for all types of LKM, with the exception of nitrobras.

Silicate or alkyd?

Waterproof outfit
Tikkurila has alkyd paints and enamels that the connected element of which are alkyd resins, more advantages than oil. They are more resistant to atmospheric influences, do not turn yellow over time, suitable for applying plastered, wooden and metal surfaces, and ensure their protection against corrosion. But perhaps the main plus of these materials is high moisture resistance. Therefore, alkyd paints are often used when finishing kitchens and bathrooms. The protective film is formed as a result of an oxidative reaction. In this case, a dense and durable polymer film is formed. The proceedings of alkyd paints and varnishes can use a glyphthale or pentaphthalic resin (these substances are labeled with the letters "GF" and "PF", respectively).

Silicate paints are made on the basis of liquid glass. When such a paint is applied to the surface containing silicates, plaster or concrete, "there is not only a mechanical connection with it, but also an irreversible chemical reaction: a silicate film solidifies and deeply penetrates into the base. To make the absorbency of the surface of the surface uniform over the entire area, use silicate primer based on liquid potash glass. As a result, the colorful layer acquires very high strength, but retains the ability to "breathe". It is important that silicate paints do not support the development of microorganisms and therefore do not require special antiseptic additives. Compared to acrylic paints, silicate are less elastic and do not overlap small cracks at the base. They have high strength, vapor permeability and resistance to temperature drops. Thanks to this silicate colors, the facades of buildings are most often covered, especially the old building. The color scheme of such materials is quite limited.

Opinion of a specialist

The finishing coating for wet premises should prevent moisture penetration into the base, for a certain long time to withstand the effects of water, prevent the development of fungi and bacteria, to be durable and resistant to abrasion and exposure to antiseptic detergents. Reliable and durable wall protection can only be given a combination of correctly selected managers, leveling and finishing layers. For seamless (with a continuous protective layer), wall decorations in wet premises We recommend a complex of materials:

1. S.IN.02 primer strengthening. 2. Equaling layer - S.in.03 Primer adhesion, S.Uni.03 Plastering quick-drying crack-resistant and S.Uni.04 Putty fractive-resistant with heat transfer effect. 3. Decor.in.02 Picturesque coating Glacio.

Alexey Charles, Technical Director of Tinger

Be a bow

Waterproof outfit
Architect D.Karpov

Photo V.Nefedova And now will return to the unlucky visitors of the shopping center. Even if they correctly chose a colorful coating, the joy of contemplation of the renovated bath would be short. The fact is that no matter how high-quality paint, it cannot "alone" to endure a heavy burden of wall protection (ceiling) from moisture and water. Plush rooms are extremely important a systematic approach to the choice of materials and preliminary preparation of surfaces.

In the "wet" zones worth using materials based on a cement binder. Accome, for alignment of walls or ceilings, it is advisable to apply cement plasters and putty. Many manufacturers are positioning gypsum products like moisture-resistant (they are also referred to in the conversation of plasterboard buyers). However, it is impossible to change the nature of the gypsum binder, so their durability is difficult to predict, especially in the premises, where in addition to high humidity, the likelihood of leaks and bays is large. Sheet gypsum materials in a wet state, and also under load (this can be a traditional ceramic lining of the bathroom), deform. Abolshit tiled adhesives do not "work" on deformable surfaces. So, finishing sooner or later falls off from such a base.

Waterproof outfit
Ilbosco is often in wet wizard rooms use plasters and putty on a plaster basis, and then cover them with two layers of paint. They argue as follows: "The coating does not miss moisture, therefore it will not happen with the basis." This is true, if the effect of water will be directed only from the outside. If the neighbors flood you from above, the moisture will inevitably fall into the aligned gypsum base. Consequently, the guarantee of durable exploitation in this case is very conditional. By the way, in Europe approach to repair is somewhat different than in Russia. Finishing works are carried out often. The interval between them is about 5 years. After this time, the average European may afford a new repair, so no one is particularly thinking about the durability of the finish. Adlya of our fellow citizens completely naturally desire to make repairs once and forever, as a last resort for a long time.

A good roller - a big area

Waterproof outfit

The malarious roller is a plastic, wooden or aluminum cylinder, dressed in a soft "fur coat", with a handle in the form of a curved metal rod. It is intended for rapid and easy staining of large areas. The tool's fur coat is most often made from synthetic materials: polyester, polyacryl, polyester IT.D. Such rollers are suitable for working with any paints. The exception is tools, "dressed" in sheepskin or furs of the lama either in the mohair that are most effective when applying oil compositions. The scope of the roller depends also on the thickness and length of the pile. Supporting these indicators is growing its absorbency. Vallets with an average pile of 7-10mm can be considered universal. To paint rough wood or embossed stucco, it is desirable to use a long pile roller (from 15mm). It allows you to better fill the paint small irregularities of the base. For smooth and smooth metal surfaces, rollers with a short pile (5mm) are preferred.

Preparing the foundation

Waterproof outfit
Architect A.Apphenayks

Photo M.Stepanova Starting finishing works, first of all prepare the basis. From the walls and the ceiling remove dirt, dust, fat, peeling the old paint. Degreasers are used on old running surfaces, chemicals for paint removal or processed their grinding machine. A new or old (but purified) surface is necessarily ground. On loose, well absorbing bases from aerated concrete or slag blocks, penetrating soils are used. They strengthen the surface, reduce the absorbency and consumption of paint. On smooth inevitable bases of the type of monolithic concrete, contact soils are used, increasing the adhesion of the colorful layer. Before applying a colorful composition on durable fine-sided bases formed by cement plasters or putty, they are necessarily covered with universal soils. The main task of the latter is to dive the surface and make its water absorption more uniform, then spots will not appear on the painted base.

In order not to doubt whether the soil and paint are compatible, specialists advise to acquire all the compositions of one manufacturer. Tikkurila offers Luja materials system for wet rooms. This is a moisture-resistant Presto LV putty, Luja moisture insulation, moisture-resistant Assatex glue, fiberglass wallpaper and acrylate Luja paint. The term of its service with the right work is at least 10 years. Complete materials for finishing premises with high humidity, manufactured by Beckers, includes Breplasta LW and VatrumsSpacke, Primpilation composition VatrumsGrund and VatrumStack's water-level paint. Feidal recommends INNENLATEX MATT for ceilings and walls of bathrooms. Pre-surface is treated with the appropriate soil: TiefGrund LF, TiefGrund MH, PutzGrund LF. In a word, only the complex of materials will withstand the destructive effect of water and will provide the necessary protection against dampness.

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