Secret and explicit


Hidden work in the construction of the house and repair of apartments, control over their quality, drawing up and signing an act of examination of hidden work

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Secret and explicit

Secret and explicit
Act of inspection of hidden work

In the process of construction, repair or redevelopment, such works are often performed, the results of which are further refused hidden: reinforce the opening in the supporting structure, they are paving electrical wiring in the walls, equip the warm floor. But not everyone knows how important it is to take them from the performer on time and fix it in a competently compiled document.

Hidden work must be examined in two purely practical reasons. This will ensure the safety of those who live in the building. For example, if a construction team in a new opening device in a high-rise building simplified the construction of its strengthening, not only your family can suffer, but the rest of the tenants at home can suffer. Acts of acceptance of hidden work will be a real stick for you in the event that emergencies associated, say, with plumbing communications occur. Imagine that in your apartment broke the pipe, re-laid during redevelopment. But if representatives of utility services at one time examined and accepted these work, it will be extremely difficult to lay guilt on your contractor (and in fact - on you) and make compensate for the cost of repairing the neighbors.

One of the so-called Murphy laws states: "Nothing and is never built within the deadline and within the estimates." If you do not want to check it on your own experience, take care of the project and drafting the estimates and actively participate in repair or construction, regularly controlling the progress of all work.

What is hidden?

Let's deal with what work is considered hidden. All processes can be divided into two groups: produced mainly during construction from scratch and performed during repair or finishing finish. Not all hidden works A person can check himself: for example, entering the apartment in a city high-rise building, you are unlikely to be able to assess the quality of the reinforcement of the foundation. But to the one who builds a country house, such knowledge may well come in handy.

Work on the construction of a country house must be made quickly because they are the basis for a number of follow-up actions, and their results will continue to be hidden from eyes. These include:

  • Now we will list hidden works that are often performed during the repair:

  • Acts of acceptance of hidden work should always be compiled before the subsequent processes "hide" their result. They must be confirmed by signatures of representatives of the construction (sometimes and project) organization, as well as the customer or his representative. If required, any of the parties can invite experts and even employees of special laboratories

    Accepting work

    He gives the contractor's work (a master of a plot or foreman is present), but you can ask to be present and the employee itself who has fulfilled them. The signature of the Contractor Representative will be a kind of insurance in case of an emergency in a renovated or newly built housing. In the role of the parties hosting work, the customer or his representative can speak. If you think that you have a good margin of knowledge in this area, you can independently take works. Feel free to use construction tools (for example, a level or plumb), otherwise you can not check how long the walls are smooth, and the corners are straight.

    But maybe you doubt whether it is seasoned enough to accept, for example, a flooded foundation. In this case, it makes sense to invite an independent expert (representative of architectural, copyright or energy supervision). The presence of a representative of a housing and operational organization or management company will not prevent. You can enter into an agreement with the staff of the measuring special laboratory - let's say if the works are related to the organization of the grounding circuit (this requires a special tolerance).

    An expert representative will help take work and if you cannot personally attend (for example, we went on a business trip). But then he must receive appropriate power of attorney from you.

    You need to control the quality of work as operations are performed - this is the golden rule of any repair. The act of acceptance of hidden work also always make up before the subsequent repair and construction processes will make their result inextentible look. For example, you instructed a contracting organization to pave an electric conduction and then build plasterboard structures that hide them. It is necessary to take the first type of work after all cable fasteners will fix on the walls and overlaps and will be laid in them.

    The customer must be together with the foreman to make a plan of production and acceptance of work, which is an integral part of the contract agreement. In this case, you can invite experts in advance or agree with a representative of the Management Company on the date of inspection of the results of hidden work.

    To ensure full-fledged control, it would be nice every day to visit the object, but it is not always possible. You will help the work log. The brigadier must lead it every day. Require the brigadier to report daily about the progress of the charter (or on the Internet). If there is a retreat from the schedule, the log must indicate why this happened. For example, the delay in the supply of building materials is quite a good reason, and if one of the members of the Brigade has not been to work, it is likely to entail penalties.

    Take work better in the room, where the garbage is already removed - an indispensable satellite of any repair, and the tools and equipment of builders do not interfere with seeing the fruits of their labor. Otherwise, you will not be able to evaluate the quality of the made.


    The act is made up in two copies: one remains at the customer, the second is from the contractor. It must include the following information:

  • If deviations from the project were allowed, it is necessary to note in the act, and the changes themselves must be agreed with all stakeholders: the authors of the project, the customer, the contractor, controlling the authorities. Documents confirming approval are also attached to the act of acceptance. We offer you an approximate form of an act.

    To draw up an act of acceptance of the hidden work is very serious. After all, after completing construction or repair, this document confirming the quality of their implementation and compliance with the SNIFAM, it is necessary to present an acceptance commission. It includes persons responsible for the operation of buildings and structures (especially if you make a large-scale redevelopment). If such an act is not presented to this commission, it has the full right to demand that the contracting organization makes a selective disassembly of structures that closing the results of these works.

    In order for the disadvantages that detected when surrendering work are eliminated, it is necessary to provide in the contract phased payment of the contractor, and part of the remuneration should be paid when the revealed shortcomings will finally eliminate. It will save you from time loss and additional expenses.

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