All smooth


Overview of the iron market and steam stations: design and specifications of the device, useful functions, cordless models

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It is very important to choose the iron that we can entrust your clothes. What should be the perfect device, capable of smoothed trousers well and at the same time do not spoil a thin silk blouse?

Cast-iron unmiguous monsters on coals were gradually transformed into elegant, lungs, literally flying irons. The modern high-quality device is equally quickly and just downgrade both dense matter and the most delicate products from silk. At the same time, it is practically no need to apply physical effort: the hand only slightly sets the direction of the iron, and it slides smoothly. All soles and sprouts are allowed to wear an iron to tailoring between buttons, smoothing cuffs, pockets IDR. The aumion to disappear things makes it a versatile assistant.

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2. TDA7680 Iron (Bosch) thanks to the touch system automatically turn on when touched to the handle and turns off when you release it

3, 4. Model VT-1241 (Vitek) (photo 3) is equipped with an "anti-kapl" system and is ready to operate at low temperatures, without damaging fabric. Si6260 (Braun) (photo 4) Steam impact power - 85 g / min, there is a vertical excipation

External data

In the design of irons predominate smooth lines and streamlined bends, providing a slight slip. Manufacturers offer an inconceivable number of color solutions. What to choose: bright yellow, blue, green, and maybe pink or two-color iron? Or do you prefer discreet classic tones, white, silver? And case, transparent or matte? Among this manifold, you will certainly find the device suitable for you. If you are lucky enough to choose a model that enters the situation of the room where it is necessary to iron, the iron does not have to hide, and it will take a worthy place in the interior. Before buying the iron, hold it in your hands and appreciate whether it is convenient for you, is it too heavy, whether it is easy to work with the switches, does not slip in hand (the handle should be ergonomic and unhearing).

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5, 6. Models FV5276 (Tefal) (photo 5) and Brio IM3070E0 (Moulinex) (photo 6) Ready to smooth out clothes with a couple

7, 8. The RN2551 model (ROLSEN) (photo 7) of stainless steel sole, Iron Si-4022 (Binatone) (photo 8) has a ceramic sole, covered with nanolak, which improves sliding

Rich inner world

Beautiful "packaging" is not all. The technical component of the iron should be wondering you no less. It is more complicated here, so you have to carefully examine the model you like.

Temperature regulator. The main component of the iron is the heating element in its sole. It turns on briefly, and when the specified temperature is achieved, disconnected. The thermostat ensures that the sole is constantly had the temperature you have installed. Its selection depends on the type of fabric you are going to iron. For example, silk can be smoothed at a temperature of slightly above 100 C, the wool is about 150 s, and the cotton-approximately with 200 S. The main active component of the thermostat is a bimetallic plate consisting of two layers of metals with a different extension coefficient. When the sole is heated to a user-defined temperature, the plate is bent and opened the contacts, turning off the heating element. As soon as the temperature begins to decline, the plate returns to the original position and thus includes the heating element. The temperature is changed using a thermostat lever on the scale of which the temperature or type of fabric is indicated. The price of one division of the scale is usually about 10 C.

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Polaris. Rules of ironing

1. Woolen and dark things (for example, pants) it is better to iron through a thin cotton fabric, otherwise they can freeze.

2. Before putting on the newly ironed clothes or remove into the closet, let it cool, because warm fabric is fast.

3. Carefully examine the label on the product: it is indicated by the temperature regime of ironing.

4. If you need to smooth out a lot of things, start with those that require low temperatures.

5. Frosted fabrics are appropriate to iron from the inside so that they do not bother.

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9. In Iron IR500 (Bork), the temperature indication of temperature and automatic protection against scale is used. The device issues a pair with a capacity of 50 g / min, steam strike- 130 g / min

10, 11. Device TB11319 (Siemens) (photo 10) with crank fastening. Used EDB8590 (Electrolux) (photo 11) Separate heating element in the steam generator, which allows you to use steam when lowering the temperature of the sole

12. Stylish Black GC4490 Iron (Philips). Steam Tip's steam spout allows you to smooth out the folds with one movement, easily penetrating such complex places such as pockets and buttons zones

Power. As a rule, this is one of the first parameters that you see on the instrument label in the store. What it is higher, the faster the iron heats up to a given temperature, that is, in a shorter time it will be ready to work. Aesley has a steam-models function, steam is formed faster. Power can be 0.8-2.7 kW. Choosing the Iron, remember the wiring in the apartment: it is possible, too "strong" device it will not stand. A small capacity is suitable for road models that can be taken with you on a journey to instantly put things in order.

Weight. The quality of ironing depends largely on the material and the design of the sole, as well as from the steam-models system. So Iron weighing 1kg can smooth out things even better than the grave "fellow". To use the device of a small mass is much easier - you will not have to raise a massive device. Uvyuga Sneakely there is one undoubted dignity: it is more convenient to smooth out a dense tissue, as it will be better pressed her to the ironing board.

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13, 14. Idows Kenwood (photo 13) and Braun (photo 14) are equipped with protective nozzles on the soles

15, 16. Model FV 5276 (Tefal) (photo 15) automatically sets steam force depending on the type of tissue selected. EDB5130 device (Electrolux) (photo 16) with steam blow 110 g / min

Sole. Perhaps this is the main element of the modern iron. From it dependes the ease of sliding and a qualitative result. Iron manufacturers offer products with soles from a variety of materials and are increasingly combining several minutes. But aluminum and stainless steel remain the main.

The first is cheap and well carries out heat, that is, such a sole quickly heats up and cools. However, aluminum is easy to damage, if you have an iron on a button, zipper IT.P. Tempered scratches can be hammered by dirt and tissue fabrics, and then sliding will deteriorate. Some types of fabric appears shine, if it is ironed with an iron with an aluminum sole, so it is better to stroke such materials through cotton fabric. This sole is often subjected to special polishing and even cover with a layer of protective enamel.

Iron with steel sole is harder, it slowly heats up and cools. But stainless steel soles are difficult to scratch. This metal slides is not as easy as aluminum, so on the soles made of it often apply an additional layer to improve the characteristics. Then there will be no problems with sliding, as with scratches. The strongest steel soles with titanium coating. They are not scary scratch, and even if some kind of fabric melts, it is easy to remove the brush without damaging the sole.

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17-19. Cathedral outsole AutoClean Catalys (Tefal) (photo 17). Microsteam 400 Platinium (Rowenta) (photo 18, 19) 400 holes

The glass-ceramic coating of the sole allows the iron well to slide along any fabric and smoothing even the most tender of them. This is a durable material, but still not such as aluminum or steel.

Often, manufacturers give the soles of irons beautiful mysterious names, not always decrypting them. Way, they assure that the soles created by them is the durable and best of all slips. It remains to believe the word, because to check the truthfulness of their words, unfortunately, you can only use the device. For example, Braun (Germany) so writes about the sole of its products: "The unique Sapphire sole of TEXSTYLE CONTROL iridescents is 4 times stronger than stainless steel soles, which ensures a wonderful resistance to scratching and guarantees a smooth gliding for years; it always looks like new." Tefal (France) is proud of its Outoclean Catalys. On the site you can read: "The metal-ceramic sole of Duryilium is covered with an exclusive layer of palladium." Philips (Netherlands) reports: "Sole of the SteamGlide-Best Philips Sole. The perfectly sliding, easy-to-care surface, resistant to the appearance of scratches." Bosch (Germany): "INOX- A unique combination. The shell of durable stainless steel and light aluminum with high thermal conductivity is a combination, whose advantages are obvious."

Consumer properties of the soles are determined not only by the material, but also its shape and design. For example, so that it is convenient to iron the cloth under the buttons, make a special gutter along the edge of the sole. Acute nozzles will not be fine with small details, fabric around buttons IT.P. Slightly convex lines on the sole create an air pad, providing even easier slip.

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21-23. Sole SteamGlide Plus (Philips) with different pair holes provides a slight sliding for all types of fabrics and careful extinguishes Laurers like silk and wool and complex flax and denim

Steam generator. It has long been known that the moist fabric is easier to smooth out. Modern irons allowed the hostess to forget about some touching manipulations (once gained in the mouth of the water and then spray it on the cloth), since most appliances are equipped with steam generators. To get started, you need to pour water into a special container. From there, it goes to a vaporization chamber, which is located on the reverse side of the sole and, accordingly heated by it. With the contact of water with a hot surface of moisture, the moisture is abundantly evaporated and the steam comes out through the holes in the sole of the iron. Their number and location each manufacturer determines itself, seeking to achieve maximum effect. In general, it can be said that the more holes for the ejection of the steam, the better and evenly moistened to the fabric. The record holder, perhaps, can be called the Focus DW 5035 model (Rowenta, Germany), in the sole of which 400 holes. Sometimes steam is thrown out of the nose to effectively smooth out cuffs, collars, sections around the buttons, lightning idr.

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Philips. Still a couple!

If you have to iron or want to speed up this process as much as possible, look at steam stations. Such an instrument will be able to maintain permanent powerful steam and will allow faster to stroke things. The iron is connected by a flexible hose with a steam generator, continuously producing steam. From there, the last under pressure of about 4.5 bar enters the iron. Intense couple makes it possible to disappear even the largest tissue, which reduces the time of ironing.

Irons produce different volumes of steam: the more it is more, the more thick cloth can be smoothed. The intensity of the steam feed is measured in g / min. Emergency devices "produce" 30 g / min. It is convenient when it is possible to adjust the amount of moisture - this allows you to choose the optimal mode for any type of fabric. The steam impact of the varying mode of the intensive ejection of the steam is best cope with the grinding folds (up to 150 g / min) is rejected at a time. Please note that after such a strike, the iron sole becomes less than hot; To restore the specified temperature, you need about 10-20 s. There are two compartments in the vapor formation chamber in the vapor formation chamber: for constant steam supply and for steam impact. Thanks to this, you can maintain high steam point power and quickly move from one mode to another. The function of vertical excipation (steam is fed in the vertical position of the iron at intensity of at least 90 g / min) will help smooth out clothes on the hanger, as well as refresh the curtains, soft furniture IT.P. Couples perfectly removes odors and dust.

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24-26. Steam station VVX1870 Gat (De'longhi) (photo 24) in the turbojym issues a steam blow 180 g / min. The GV7250 station (Tefal) (photo 25) produces permanent couples 120 g / min. From scale protects the collector rod. Silicone stand model SI9710 (Braun) (photo 26) prevents iron slipping

Pay attention to the volume of water tank (50-400ml). Large capacity is good because the fluids are enough for a long time and you can work longer without making breaks to add water. By the way, look at how convenient to do it. It is preferable to a wide neck into which water can be poured directly from under the tap. The water flow rate also affects the power of vaporization and steam impact. What they are more powerful, the faster the liquid will end.

Protection against scale. The operability of the iron largely depends on the quality of the water that you pour for the steam generator. The overwhelming majority of models are equipped with various filters. For example, the anti-plate rod is located on the steam feed switch: water passes through a narrow gap, and calcium salts are settled on the rod. It is required to periodically clean from deposits, after which he is ready to work again. Bosch's warpings The protection against scale is called Anti-Calc: granules placed in a special cassette soften water.

Extract models use self-cleaning. It occurs at maximum temperature and amount of water in the steam generator tank. If you press the "Maximum Couple" button, the pairs along with the deposits of scale will come out.

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27-29. The NI-S550TSATW (Panasonic) model (photo 27) is a spherical sole for a more convenient ironing. Iron RN3240 (ROLSEN) (photo 28) with water splashing function. Device SI-5000 (Binatone) (photo 29) with display in Russian

Vf devices, where there is no protection from a limescale, you need to use purified water. However, distilled is not suitable, because when it is evaporation, steam is not so effectively. Better mix 1 \ 3; tap water and 2 \ 3; distilled.

Cord. Irons are released with a network cord or without it. The first cheaper, and the long cord will provide you with greater maneuverability when using the instrument. Well, if there is a 360 hinge in the cord with an iron connection site, it will not allow the cord to twist and ride when moving. Safety will provide heat-resistant insulation of a cord that will not let him melt and not light up, even in touching with a hot sole. Almost all models have devices for winding the cord so that it is convenient to store it.

Cordless models are arranged on the principle of a cordless kettle: the same separate support with the contact, connected by the cord to the outlet. The lack of such a device is dependent on the stand, because it is quickly cooled without it. So that the iron is heated, it needs to be hoisted on it. Unbend models, such as FV7010 (Tefal), cord can be connected both to the stand and to the yoy itself. In this case, in order to iron small lung things, you can use the device without a cord (the charge of heat is enough), and for large, connect the cord to the yoy itself.

Safety. Vnashi the days of the hostess are already unknown concerns of representatives of the older generation, they were afraid that because of the iron there may be a fire. Daily models are provided for automatic shutdown, which will not allow you to burn your favorite blouse and the more the flames will not bother. If the iron is not moving in a horizontal position for 30 s, the sensors fix it and fed to shut down. If the iron dropped the side, after 30, the automation also disconnects the device from the network. Aesley You forgot to turn off the device standing vertically, it will stop working around 8 minutes.

You no longer have to manually check whether the iron has cooled. To avoid the risk of burns, the devices are equipped with residual heat indicators like those installed on cooking panels. This device will warn that the iron has not yet cooled to a safe temperature.

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30-32. Compact and lightweight road irons with folding handles are easy to place in the luggage, they will always be indispensable satellites in your trips. Irons DA1510 (Rowenta) (photo 30), PIR-1001T (POLARIS) (photo 31) and RN1368 (ROLSEN) (photo 32) are equipped with a steam strike function

As you know, the products made of natural silk with ironing do not suffer moisture if even one droplet of water falls on them, a spot will appear on the fabric. Therefore, the manufacturers of irons took care of creating an antifungal system to make it every time you to iron silk things did not have to merge water. The system prevents water from the reservoir with ironing in low-temperature mode. A special plate at temperatures below 100 s covered the valve through which water goes for steam.


The leading manufacturers of irons are TEFAL and PHILIPS. Their products prevailing household appliances stores. Models of Binatone (United Kingdom), Bosch, Braun, Rowenta, International Concern Vitek Idre are also popular. - Choose anyone.

The price depends on many parameters: manufacturer, sole material, power, presence of the IDR steam generator. The easiest iron, while even equipped with steam-models, 300 rubles can cost. The cost of models with a complete complex of functions, as well as additional amenities (steam blow, vertical sweeping, a large number of holes in the sole of the iron, self-cleaning from the scale of IT.P.) reaches 5 thousand rubles.

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