Light by schedule


Overview of lighting devices for indoor plants, types of lamps and their characteristics, timers of the light mode

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The light is the most important factor required for the vital activity of plants. Indoor green pets for various reasons do not always have enough solar energy. FitoLampa helps to fill its lack - they will be discussed in the article.

Light by schedule

In natural conditions, the plant requires the amount of light naturally. The sharpnesses that we grow at home are almost always more or less rendered to them. The lack of light is instantly reflected on well-being: they are pale and fade leaves, stems are excession, flowering stops. In the current mode of plants can winter, as if partially falling into the hibernation, and in the spring again awaken. However, the caring owners are trying to fill the lack of sunlight, acquiring phytolamba. Plants living in premises without windows (corridors, semi-oiled), such devices are needed not only in winter, but also in the summer.
Light by schedule
Photo 1.
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Photo 2.
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Photo 3.
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Photo 4.
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Photo 5.
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Photo 6.

1-3. Compact Energy Saving Lamp with a capacity of 50W (1), OSRAM incandescent lamp, 100W (2) Gas discharge sodium high pressure lamp Philips, 600W (3). 4-6. Light mode timers: mechanical (4, 6) and electronic (5)

"Kilograms" of the Sun

The choice of lamps depends on the tasks you are trying to decide by installing artificial lighting. The agencies where the sunlight is absent, it is necessary to provide a complete daytime light rate - 3-6 thousand. LC (in these units- suites - the illumination is measured) within 6-12. Another option - winter lighting is assumed that the plant is maintained in good shape without stimulating intensive growth. Based on the requirements for illumination, indoor crops are divided into three groups: the first people need direct sunlight (Hippeastrum, Azalea, Kalanchoe, Pelargonium Idr.), The second needed enough bright scattered lighting (Clerodendrum, Hamedoriya, Pin), and to live in a third comfortable Havings (Agava, Pakhistakhis, Satpolia). Plants of each group in winter, experts advise specialists to add a certain amount of light: the first 4-6 thousand LCs, the second - 3-4 thousand LCs, the third is 1-3 thousand. LC. Even more light (up to 12 thousand LCs) need if you decide not to maintain a resting period of the plant in winter, and to provide your green pet "Eternal Summer" and stimulate its intensive growth in some cultures is shown.

Light by schedule
Photo 7.
Light by schedule
Photo 8.
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Photo 9.

7. The collection of asparagus settled in the corridor, completely devoid of windows. Instead of sunlight, the plants are "feed on" with a light lamp with a capacity of 250W (REFLUX). The lamp is very heated (up to 300 seconds), so you need to monitor that it is located at a distance of at least 30 cm of plants. 8.9. Lamps are placed in plaffones: for incandescent lamps (8) and energy-saving (9), caps are suitable, and for tubular-

Opinion of a specialist

Colonels-collectors are probably the first in the list of those who acquire phytoocheries. Wimeny apartment lives from tropical countries: Clerodendrums (Thompson, Wallich, Ugandan, "Champagne Splashing"), Tabernemontan, Carissa, Drants (Electra, Gold, Compact), Pedilantus, Lantana Kamara. Plants are placed on glass supports along two opposite walls by tiers. Artificial illumination provides a set of three Reflux devices: two dase lamps and one dryer with a capacity of 250W. The lamps turn on 2 times a day: in the morning, at 7-10h, and in the afternoon, 15-23h. Thanks to the backlight, even in winter, all cultures continue to grow intensively, and many of them also bloom, for example, Lantana Caamara. She makes it "waves": 2.5-3 weeks fraud, then 1 week rests. White caps of Tabern1 reflected.

Tatiana Uzubova, Flower

Types of lamps

From the entire spectrum of solar radiation for plants, its visible part has the most visible part, which is in the wave range with a length of 390-710 nm. It is these light waves that are needed to form chlorophyll, as well as for gas exchange, protein biosynthesis and nucleic acids, that is, in total than "lives" a plant. Moreover, for each of the named processes, some kind of its own, narrower range is important. Thus, waves with a length of 510-700 nm (the yellow-red part of the spectrum) is the zone of the maximum photosynthetic effect, which contributes to the production of chlorophyll. Waves with a length of 400-510 nm (blue spectrum) affect the growth and formation of plants. Avolna more than 700 nm long cause stretching stalks. Thus, the most significant for plants are blue and yellow-red sections of the spectrum. There are five types of devices that can be used as "domestic suns". They are with varying degrees of success trying to reproduce blue and yellow-red waves. These are incandescent bulbs, energy-saving (twisted), tubular luminescent, gas-discharge (sodium and mercury) and LED panels. Singing the group there are its strengths and weaknesses. Incandescent lamps are the cheapest and most non-energy efficiency. For plants, a model with a capacity of 100-150Ws with a spectrum shifted towards its red part is suitable. They are necessarily equipped with a reflector. Since such devices are heated, the lamps are placed at a distance of 20-30 cm from the upper leaves of plants. Produces them, for example, OSRAM (Germany). In practice, they most often use them when playing flowers in stores. Energy-saving lamps, such as FERON (China) IDR, do not heat up, so they can be placed close enough to plants. Their color temperature is shifted toward the yellow or blue section of the spectrum (depending on the model). Combining "warm" and "cold" devices into pairs, get the required light range. Like energy-saving, tubular fluorescent lamps, Osram, Philips (Netherlands) - do not heat. They give not too powerful light stream, so they are usually used when growing greenery, to distill seedlings and rooting cuttings. Their radiation in which blue and red color dominate is one of the most precisely selected and better than others contributes to photochemical processes. Fluora device power range (OSRAM) - 15-50W, light flow - 400-2250lm. Gas discharge lamps (sodium and mercury) are offered by Sylvania (Germany), Reflux (Russia), Osram, Philips. They are strongly heated to 300 c, so they need to be placed not closer than 30cm so as not to set fire to the leaves. The lamps of this type are used not only to illuminate plants, but also in greenhouses from polycarbonate, in order to plant seedlings already in March, and in June, harvest.

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Photo 10.
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Photo 11.
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Photo 12.

10-12. Types of lamps under the lamps dases and drizza: the "Sun" set (Mastergrow) (10), a ventilated ceiling (Mastergrow) for closed rooms, where the exhaust is necessary (11), the lamp "orbit" (12)

Opinion of a specialist

Light by schedule

Light by schedule

LED plants illuminators, such as "CIDOR" (manufacturer "Oponics", Russia) today quite widely used in winter gardens, greenhouses, greenhouses and greenhouses. The main advantage of this type of lamps is a precisely selected radiation spectrum, the most comfortable for the full growth and development of plants. In addition, the LED panels allow you to control the spectral composition of radiation and thereby manage photochemical processes of plant development at various stages of growth. The devices are distinguished by a long service life (100 thousand h, or 11 years of continuous operation), low power consumption, a safe level of voltage of the power supply power supply (12 and 24V). "Sidor" "is not afraid of" children and pets: due to the use of semiconductor solid-state light sources, the possibility of an explosion of a cylinder completely eliminated. Does not contain mercury. The heating temperature of the housing does not exceed 45 C, making the devices to be located in the immediate vicinity of plants, without causing drying of foliage and colors. A number of lamps are serially available: the searchlight and the desktop lamp of 18W, the panel with a capacity of 40, 60 and 100W. It is possible to perform an individual set under the order according to the technical task (any types of housing, dimensions and power consumption).

Marina Markova, Deputy General Director of NTC "Opontic"

Luminaires with heavy duty optical LEDs differ as precisely as possible spectrum selection, but they are expensive and give a narrow beam of light.

The devices are largely favorable for human eye. The most comfortable energy-saving and tubular lamps. From gas-discharge more pleasant heat-white lamp DRIZ, while the yellowish dase light, resembling the rays of the sunset (in summer, about 6 hours in the evening), not everyone. It is hard to perceive the light of the LED panel, it is frankly "poisonous" for the eyes (both red and blue).

Light by schedule
Photo 13.
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Photo 14.
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Photo 15.

13.14. It is important that the artificial light falls on the plants is similar to the natural, top. Then the stems will not be curved, but leaves are to reach the sidel. Luminaires are fixed so that they can be moved to the most convenient position for plants (13), or stationary (14)

Observe the mode

So that the plant is harmoniously developed, bloomed and fruited, the light day for an adult individual must be no more than 12 hours per day. With a specific case, specialists calculate how long hours per day should be removed for artificial illumination. For plants, model the day and night. Moreover, the required amount of light can be given by one portion or doses, it is only important to follow the selected mode. Turn on and off the devices at a certain time helps the timer. There are a large number of mechanical and electronic models on the market: Feron, Legrand (France), Orbis (Spain).

Opinion of a specialist

The selection of the lamp depends on the conditions in which there are plants, and on the goals of you. If you grow on the windowsill greens (onions, salad), take a tubular luminescent lamp with a power of 18-50W and secure it at an altitude of 5-10 cm above the containers. After 30 days, the harvest will be ready. Duration of work - 12-16h per day. The collection of cacti on the windowsill is shoved by the same lamps, but in another mode - 6-8 hours per day. If the cacti stand on the table, you will need more powerful devices. At the size of the table 1 * 0.6m, use the dase (Reflux) lamp with a power of 70W, attaching it at an altitude of 50-100 cm above the plants. Blind time - 6-8h. Roses placed on the shelves on a warmed balcony, it is recommended to highlight the lamps of the same type, but greater power - dance (150W). Their energies in aggregate with scattered light, which comes from the windows, will be enough for constant flowering roses even in winter.

Nikolay Vavakin, Mastergrow

Light by schedule

Light by schedule

Light by schedule

Light by schedule

Light by schedule

Light by schedule

Features of phytolamps presented in the market

Type of lamp Light output, LM / W Service life, h Power, W Cost, rub.
Incandescent lamps 18-22. 1000. 100-500 40-250
Energy Saving 50-60 8-12 thousand 25-80 200-800
Tubular luminescents 60-80 10-15 thousand 15-65 250-600
Gas discharge (sodium, mercury) 90-130 16-24 thousand 70-600 1200-3000.
LEDs 100-120 20-30 thousand 1-300 6-30 thousand

The editors thanks Mastergrow and NTC "Oponics" for help in the preparation of the material.

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